HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-16, Page 11WEDNESDAY APRIL '16th, 190. ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUOCNOW, ONTARIO;; .. Community Choir Present Cantata n .:_: .:•o • PAGE ELEVEN The following.were membersof the community1choir which present. . ed the.Good Friday Cantata id •rc ' Luc.kngw Unite d, Ch r u _h } tht Front Row , Tiff rig ., key. v . R. L. Stirling ,: Mrs Mrs. R. L ., Stirling , Houston, Bob Hall, Montgomery, Mrs.. Spot ks ;. •Mrs , , Rayna. Henry Jurjens Mrs.. Harvey: Mrs'. Gordon Lorne' �d Ackert Service Conducted. By 1FovngPeoptes Groups On Sunday` DUNGANNON NEWS;, Luckn..ow. Unit 2 The April meeting'of Lucknow . U.C. W�.' ; Unit 2 w. •as heldin the r ' Church • Parlour .with 19 members and 1 visitot present. Mrs , 'Richards' •opened the 'meeting .with a,;reading' on Easter. • Mrs Eldon Henderson was The' United Church. of Dun annon • convener for an Easter program ,. held-anether-:imi4tte-Ser-v-iee-on-Sun----asci ted4Yy --Mrs , Walter -Dexter and- day, April l3th. When Rev:' Wright found' he was to be .in Michig an , he organized; a service tobe put on`b.y the yYoungpeople's groups of• Dun ,gannon and Nile. It 'was gratifyingg • to see the Church full for this ser .�r vice of. w The cal''to Worship' was led'by four of the Sunday School boys.;' The first prayer was given by Leonard Reed; the Sunday; School superintendent. • • The' Explorergroups of Nile,and ,Dungannon gave an outline ;of what ,they . learn during the:Y ear . Miss Lorna Campbell .The theme.. being. "Gifts. of Easter" Readings ;were on`Gift :of Joy; Gift .of . Peace ; . Gift of Victoryover.Death., Gift .of Immortality and 'Gift of: Missions, -The hhymn "Take: u Pthy Cross" was Y y sung with Mrs. p _'Heiidersou lead •.inPraYer. A lovel 'duet'was'sung by Mrs. J.W. Joynt 'and. Mrs Rap:: nard Ackert Mrs. Harvey Houston. rendered two piano`' instrumentals. :Mrs . • De Iter read ...an poem,.: The scripture was given by Glen c. .�'e' . Ribey was the The -roll. call` was answered by an Easter • verse . Mrs. Steve 'Stothers reported for Citizenship: reading a :paper News from Hong Kong ` Mrs: Dexter reported for ,.Supply . and Welfare ; stressin• the need for • leader throughout the, service • He is the Sunday School superintendent for Nile In place: of a sermon, threelocal men,.. KenScott', Don Lubin and=Brii-Bac 4ed.w th "Gome Let Us Sing” . Prayers.'.' were given by the C. G. I. T. with 'Anne •Errington leading • The Anthem was by the Young People of 'Nile and Dungannon and . the offering was received. by lour members, of the Sunday School., :Four different churches were rep= nylons:,; stamps . and :good ••used clothing for the bale. Arrangements were •made for Minis. g terial Meetin • and. Open House A hymn_: w-as-sung--The-repeating-af_ :the Mizpah Benediction in .unison brought the meeting to a: close . • resented The. Presbyterian, Roman. Catholic , Anglican .ands two different.United'Churches. • Three piece to�oured Bath dor :Price Of I�Ih to !Ofl.ai. ac'innon PLUMBING HEATING — ELECTRIC WIRING LUCKNOW Wm . Gibson•,, Mrs. Ben Malda,'. MissLinda Sparks. Second Row: Mrs:. Murray Wilkin, Mrs Tom'Armstrong, Mrs'. Ernie Lewis ;Mrs :lohir-.Hll ; Mrd: Cliff Crawford , Mrs. Bob Campbell, Mrs,:. Philip MacMillan Mrs', John Pritchard;, Mrs. .Eric Rice. • Third•ilow;..:Clarence Greer,, John • Henderson, Henry-•J=uriens; Denver-- CULROSS CORNERS Sunda•visitors with Mr.: and Mrs. To�Awart were Mr and Mrs.. (it• I-firol "Stewart of:Betvie, Mr.. and •Mrs Gerald Stewart' of . Kjncardine • and Billy and: Bobby Stanley of: Kin. and Janice Wall who received their, Joss v' ci Honours at Achievement. Mr . •and Ivirs...'G;eor e $arreh ands' !Pro m ia1�Ho o s g. Day in `Teeswater' on Satuiday family of: Toronto visited 'with MT and Mrs. James Haldcrtb-y-arid-.-girls- on. 'Sunday •• Barry Haldenby,of London spent the weekend with his parents,;. Mr and . Mrs: N. E.' Haldenby., ': Sunday visitors with Mr.: and Mrs. :N. E.Haldenby. were Mr.. and Mrs rri rtu.flatCli ner. and Mrs. Rbss Irwin and family of 'Lucknow; Mr: and Mrs. Delbert Hedley and, .family' of K plough . Two girls Receive Provincial Honours KINLOSS NEWS Congratulations to Betty Colwell Surprise Gathering ., -n 89th Birthday ATTENDING CONFERENCE. ' Dicki.e, Ra nardA.ckert:, Lrawford Douglas', Glen Lodge, Rick • Pritchard, Don Cameron, Elwin' Fall, Jelle de Jong, Eugene Pritch . Surprise Party On ;30th Anniversary Relatives and friends of •Mr. : and Mrs. Gordon, Struthers, 'West Wawa, nosh, gathered for.a surprise party on. Saturday evening /April.'l2th at the home Of. their son. Mr and' Mrs . Bob Struthers, •Lucknow; to hono'ir .; . Denver Dickie is .this week•'attend-I themon their 3Uthwedding ann- iversary ,' Twenty attended,the social ath-• Yg ering. The evening was' enjoyed playing cards: 'Mi., and lvirs 'Struthers have one dau hter and two sons Lois and Doug at home; Bob of Lucknow„a and one granddaughter Sharon'of ' Lucknow. ing .a• Heavy Construction Equip .Ment Conference' in, Peoria , Min- , ois . The annual meeting . of Kairshea, Women's Institute will be held T ursda 'afternoon A •ril1.7th, at the home•of Mrs. A1lan,Maclntyre: The .41-1 girls •will present their Achievement Day. Skit . Mr: and Mrs.. Hector Cooke of Kitchener were week. =end. guests. with Mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd :Macbou- gall:. • Walter Dickie was a' Patient in, ;Winghain and District Hospital from Monday. until Friday last week. South Kinloss. Young People met • • Llace ceTehrated his R9rh birthday, on Wednesday. April.9. • Friends andAneig.hbOurs surprised • .him with' a`large birthday cake,. giftsa00cards at his home on the 9t i ncession o s . teld .• Sunday evening at the•home of. Mr . and. Mrs . Currie. Colwel1. Bible reading was thetherne of the: meeting.. Directors for programme • were Linda MacIntyre and William' Dickie and for lunch, Murray :MacKinnon.and'Brian Keith', COMPLETES 'THIRD YEAR R � - Douglas Dickie: completed his Y Third'year at.the Universit of. Guelph on. Thursday : ie starte • summer work in the Animal Science Departmentthere n Mo ri... da 4' Born in. 1$80 oti~.the 10th .of Ash, 'field just east of the Bob Scott. .horn`estead in a stone house which has since'been removed,: he was oire offf ve-children of -the late .Jo-- hanna, Knightly and .Patrick Wallace..,. When•"he was'18 years old. Larry went 'to=Goder-ich--where he - was employed .at 'the Mike Parr Hot.. el ,' •now the Royal Hotel •,' has- a 20 dollar a month bartender; He left there 'to"work• at McGarrie's Hotel On the main street of Lucknow', .then .locatedon the site where • Mason's Garage is now . Here he' received'.40 dollars a month wages After 13 years of bartending,. he returned.to Ashfield and purchased a farm ion the Addy Martin sideroad and farmed until his retirement 20 years ago : The wooded -area on this property is still referred to by hunters as "'Larry Wallace's bush Larry never married. He enjoys good health .and spends a great deal of his time at. the farm of Mr. and r›--it-eary Dre-n-nan-a•n f ily. .: . where he helps out with household. chores. He is still able to drive his car and"when at home , can usually be found' watching. T. V. and smoking, his pipe„ POLE LAMPS CHESTERFIELD SUITES DINETTE SETS HOME FURNISHINGS MOPFA T APPL /ANCES*