HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-16, Page 10114,
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Mrs Joseph: .Ficky:
ISC.W.L President`
" The annual meeting of the St
Augustine Catholic Wornen's'Leagu
was held Monday afternoon., .April
7th at 2 P.m:. in the Parish Hall .,
with 14 members'and 1 visitor pres-
ent ..Father Galea, the Spiritual
Director, opened the meeting with
Mrs. •L.: Chisholm.. read thank you,.
letters from • Mr .:and Mrs. A
White, Father.Galea; James,
Gibbons, Mrs.: L; 'Chisholm. and.
League correspondance. The • ~'
• Treasurer. reported $140.42 in,Bank..
The. President thanked Mrs.: ; Wm.
Kinahan for ,getting the. flowers for
Easter.. Mrs,. Jerry Van,.Aaken repor
ted 31 paid .members, the highest
membership yet obtained,. The'
treasurer also reported $365.;74 had
been; given•'to the Parish, 'fund.
during the year. This was raised
from Tickets:,' Bake Sale , Card)
Parties andenn : sale., The -audit;-
ors, Mrs. Cyril'Boyle and Mrs .
Wm. Kinahan, :having examined' .
'the .books.•.igave. their. report:
The, President, Mrs,.; Gus Redmond
thanked the rnembers for their co
operation during her two years lit ,
Office; A vote••of thanks wasextend•
ed by Mrs. Wm.. Redmond'to the
retiring President Mrp . Gus Red
rnond •'for her untiring efforts. `
The Nomination for the new exec-
utive completed earlier by the nom-
' ination committee,. Mrs. Gordon'.
For-an-a-nd:mrs :--Ne-1-Stapelton' w as
•voted .upon. •Election. Chairman was
Father Galea.
'The new. officers are as 'follows: %
/J President, Mrs. • Joseph.. Hicky;• lit
vice. president; •Mrs.•John.Franken
2nd Vice 'president Mrs Cyril
Raymond Boyle; Recording'.
'Secretary,'Mrs.:.Wm. Kinahan,. :
` CorresPo ndin Secretary, Mrs. Wm
Corresponding Y
Redmond; Treasurer,;M.rs:Jerry Van
A vote of thanks .was; extended by.
Mrs L,.:.Chisholm: to the auditors
for examining the books. Mrs. Gus
,Redmond pinned the' President Pin''•
on. the.new, president , Mrs Joe
Hicky • „Mrs Wm Redmond' pinned;
the. Past 'President : in:on Mrs. Gus
i •
The May meeting will -be held •
'Tuesday,, May. 13. 'The cleaners' for
the• month:of.May are Mrs .,Alex
• McGihnes Ar-s-Joe•-Finaeort
'Mrs. Rank Eckenswiller.
The meeting'was adjourned by
Father Galea; A dainty lunch was
served by the. C. W.1.„;ladies
Ladies Aid
A briefbusiness meeting; of Ladies
'Aid was held at the home of Mrs.,
Bob "Breginan w ith the Women's
Missionary Society meeting'. Plans
were finalized for serving, an anniv-
ersary dinner on April 26. The
Ladies Aid will -donate $10 toward.
any family wishing' to, send a child
to Kintail camp. '
Zion V.C.W.
M'rs. Eldon Ritchie held: the April
10th meeting pf the• Zion United
Church Women at;her home with
15 members, 1..visitor and 1 child.
present. Roll calf was answered
with an' Easter .Thought President
Mrs. Charles Wilkins opened the
meeting with •a'hymn pertaining to•
missions•in unison "In -Christ There
is -To •East> -or. West • a prayer and'
the Lord's` Prayer.
Devotional •was taken by •Mrs .
Douglas Raynard with a reading
"And .It;was Easter" and a story '
"Easter is on 'Ivionday" and ,closed•;
with a prayer..
lyirs. Harvey Ritchie led the study
book off China, using the map of '.
China.. Mrs. Frank :Ritchie. read
from the; Observer an article on Ray
Wl'ie .who was chosen by ''the.Miss-
ion Education Committee to pre-
pare the China Pac •, Which is used,
in,:the StudY of China.' in the United
Church Questions were ask
ed' on China and answered by,read-
ings from Mrs: •Alan Barger:,, Mrs. •
Kaiser Mrs ' Russel Swan and Mrs
dim Hunter.;
con es , :oo sof-thBibi
conducted by Mrs. Douglas Raynard
and; a reading ;Moods was .given
b `; Mrs . Gordon Kirkland.:
• Thankoffering envelopes, were:
handed in Treasurer s report was
read byMrs. Alan Barger
part of the allocation•to be sent to
headquarters',r Mrs Allan:Ritchie-,
and '':Mrs ' Charles Wilkins visited
and gave; Easter cards to the shut-
ins. Visitors for May are, Mrs . Rob
rs'. 'eteF ' ook.: A
thank you card was received from
Mrs. Wm'. G. •Hunter. Supply work.
was given by Mrs..Gordon Kirkland
reading_thank you letters from • over-
seas relief bale:and,the Children.`s}`
Aid Society in 'Goderich, The
president read a letter from. the
Huron -Perth Presbytery on support-
ing the Children's Aid. Soviet at
Messengers � elf
Successful' Sa1e
Stratford•nand Goderich summer'
...camps..:All are, in favour. of sending
• :a .donation
•�.an' s�de YPS•
. To complete�the'orders:of the
LA1\GSIDE'NEWS plates with the picture icture of Zion
Langside Young, People's Society Church as a souvenir, orders can be
met at the borne of Mr..and Mrs, to en tom Mrs I-ran"`k;" tc, ie a
Peter de Boer on Sunday•.esening: hits': Gordon Kirkland .• Anniversary
Simon de 'Boer presided and for the' service at Zion Church is to be,
de' otions the Scripture was••read by .May 25th.' The:president read a
Cliff Mann with 'prayer .by Ross letter to an invitationrat North St.
Moffat. Carolyn MacGillivray read United Church Goderich on April •
the minutes ,.12 •members answered '15 from 10;.30 a.m. to 3:30 p„m•; i
,the roll call :Next meeting will be.`with'a'box lunch. The ladies will •
at Mr. and Mrs'' 'Bob Mann's. Off=` cater to a bowlingteam in Luck-
ering was .received by Bobby Mac- ,cater
on April l'9th v The menu •was f
Gillivray with prayer. by Marlene ' arranged.. There is to"tie:a plant.•
fiMann , A reading was given by and baking -sale at• the May 'Meet
Carolyn i`MacGillivra ;. .•illg, '
Another record .'"Don Lo.nev Speaks; Mrs Harvey'Ritchie tooioirp the
to Teen-Agers—proved..very interest. collection and ,Mr.s..Kaiser'tnade
The Olivet Messengers 'helda.
very successful rummage sale
in Luc laIow on Friday and. Saturday
•The U.C. W. held a sale of home
baking, and bazaar at the same
place on Saturday. ' .
• .Mrs, Herb Clayton returned home;
from hospital, in Londort on Satur"'
Bert Eaton spent the weekend_
visiting with his,' brother and other
relatives in St: Thomas. •
Mrs. John Nelson and family of'
Grand-Bendvisited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and
Mrs. Henry Howes of Listowel
spent the weekendwith' Mr. and:
Mrs. Walter •Black .andmily.
, fa. ..•
Pine River
Units, one and t.wo,.of Pine River
'United Church• Wornen •met on Tue-
sday evening ,-April 8 for their;
Easter' tea and meeting... There•
was an attendance gfifty
Mrs.. 'Delbert Wilson presided :arid
.the secretary ,', Mrs . Carrick Coiling
read:the 'Correspondence,
Mrs. Eldon Bradreywas convener
:for the, program which opened with.
an Easter • reading by Mrs:: •Mervyn
Hooey, and was • followed with a sing
song, Y b, Mrs:. • Lynn Lowry.and Mrs. •
Jack Campbell with:Mr's. Ernie,' •
:Gibson 'asn accompanist. The •
scripture reading'owas given by Mrs'.
John Ferguson and,„was, followed: .•
with meditations by Mrs. Margret
Snobe'len .
Mrs. Duncan Thorbi rn, led in .'
prayer . .
A' duet "The Old Rugged• Cross',
sung by Mrs. Bob Courtney and Mrs.
Bill Kempton was 'enjoyed.
•Aftera reading,by Mrs. Sam
Gi •son, rs.' • ' •n :ra' ey dealt
'with the subject "Why:the U.C. W. `.
U.C. W.?" which led, tit): an interest.
ing discussion: After the closing„
hymn and, benediction, members
were invited to the; Sunda :School
Y '
room where a delicious 'tea Was
served by
.Unit 2 :Tables' were .set.
in the: form'of.'a'cross• and centred
with an Easterhl . • A 'social hour,
foliow ed the tea.
unday, ApriL2OthAti
Dr. G. Victor Levan of Brantford
Chairman of Hamilton Conference. • and Member'
Of General council Executive.
Service .followed by lunch and tour
Church Services
APRIL, 20th
10:00 a.m. Sunday. School
11-00u.m.. Morning ce.'
r>�B Seryt.
Guest Speaker
Telford' Penfoldj
ing and instructiv e ' DouWa
conducted; a''Sword Drill,based on
the word 'honour'
n. L'.1. —• LL
'The Mizpait Bertedictiott was rep-
eated. to close the' rrieeting.: Mrs
de Boer and Nancy' served lunch . ,
'Murray Moffat rnoved•a vote &f*-.
. thanks to de B•oersn: •
'['i!1°•`Y•'•'y'T,rr.....i JbX::N...'.(aC4.XYt''•x'Y” �•
, The May'rneeting is to beheld at
Mrs. Harvey Ritchie's, The rneet-
ingg closed 'with ari •Baster• hymn •
"We Have Heard a.1oy ful Sound"
acid Mrs, Kaiser gave• a prayer,.
The hostess and• Mrs. Kaiser and
Mrs, Charles Wilkins. served lynch.
Langside VI/.NI.
Langside Women's Missionary
Society held its first meeting of the.
year on''hursday afternoon atthe
home of .Mrs. Robert 'Bregman ; M
es oung, the president opened
the' meeting with .a: call to
worshipand tyle
W.M.S. 'purpose
was repeatedan'unison. The
Scriptttire was read by Mrs.. George
Young:• The, meditati`on••'' Word of
God_ialtatuce„ w;ias_:gi_ en..b Mr
Lloyd Moffat, followed •with pray-
er by Mrs'. Eldon Welsh. A poem
Apr -was -a -s -read by -Mrs.
51. Josephs-Counci I-
Elect Officers
At Annual Meetung°
Twenty-two members plus four,
;visitors attended •St Joseph's annual
meeting held in the school gym on'
April 13: Father Galea opened 'the:
meeting with League prayer•: The, .
rninutes•of'the last meeting were '.
read,, Bishop Carter',s'°letter was:
read regarding out lcttcr of than -lis'
for- Maltese priests;. Fees are raised
tO.: $1.50 to• include the .:League,
Maga/line. On May 20 and. 21 the. •'
.convention will be held'. in Chatham
.The treasurer s report Was given.
A-nrual-reports were • read by each
`Rev:. C. F. r Johnston
• Rector •
Easter 2.
APRIL 20th:
10:15 Church School
1 -:I5 -Morning -Prayer
convener •present,..when president, •
Mrs :,;John Austin .gave the '
highlights of eachmonthly meeting'
Mrs: Stan, Doherty: presentedga
statue'to Mrs: Carl Ri'e hng in hon,,
oar of their 25th anniversary..::1\;ki..
'Eldon :A ustin' won the mystery gift.
Father Galea reminded us to.
prYfor, Pope Paul. Father 'Galea`•
c osed the .meeting with•prayer and
,Mrs; Frank Riegling adjourned the.
Father Galea wiith•helpers Mrs:
Walter, Clare , Mrs y,
. Leo Courtne. .
and Mrs. .Carl'Riegling were in
arge o-f=e-lections-.sheaew .offic-
..I Holers are - President, :Mrs. John
y, Land . :
Austin; .1st Vice' Mrs. .Reis Milten-
burg; 2nd Vice, Mrs.!Bob. Howard;
3rd Vice, •Mrs.: Ormie'`Heffernan;
rs, The Easter Th:arrkofferi,ng meeting Recordint Y Seccetar Mrs : Fp
of the'Lucknow United Church Wo-
menwas held Wednesday evenin d S
W Y $,
Riegling Correspon ing; ecretary,
Mrs: Antone. Van Osch Treasurer•
April' 9• in the Fellowship Room � •
Mrs. Joe Courtney
',The president;; tvlrs. Elwin Ha11,.- `• ' :.
•Ever one then enjo ed a4 pot -luck
welcomed the members and ;visitors Y Y .
aid 'read a. short poem,
"Hello ' . supper .
r s Mrs -w -Tien -C- arr�er:on�arfd-Mr-s--Earl . F
Swan eon. ducted-the.devotions ;' us
ing the theme, , "The Assurance of
Ester`:' F1'lowiug a, ylrrn ; Mr
George• Conlan .. For the roll. call
rune members paid"their fees. Sev
al thank you's were heard- for •
cards received.
The.Su '' i.PP.YY -secretar read the all-
, .•.
'oration :for'this group„ and the
need for - good „used warm clothin
g , g.
. for the bate:.' Instructions ,.are avail
able for knitting'.shirtt for children.
of Viet. Nam and 'Biafra.. The next
meeting will be at Mrs, G:or'don
Wall `s The.:offering .was received
y oanne ;regman ano ering
prayer by Mrs. Stewart•
ray: , ••
, The Easter 'Message was given by
Mrs ; Gordon Wall/ The- meeting
was closed With prayer by Mrs.
Donald Huffman. Luneh•was served
by •firs 'Bregman ...
ltYpCf_'••.•.JEe',NkYibBRX`"•••.w.«..-.rvrPx.y:�t.:kfttW:Wfv'/�.Ifi�YRk •NfiNbfl.:1#i"'�. P•"`:1 .
Cameron read the Poem "Reach out
and take His' hand" , Mrs. Earl Miss McGowan'; in her very pleas
.'Swan read the scripture passage acid in manner; showed pictures ot;l�er.
Meditations on the theme were g '
recent visit to the' Holy Land',
takenby Mrs. Cameron.. Mrs Hall wlich proved most interesting with
led in ra er and the h mn yes and
; .. .. P , Y Y the many Biblical nan
Crown him with man Crowns." . S.he had .ot dis-'''
y variety of scenery, •
was sung . .. • • : • n• souvenirs from •tier trig; • .
play rria .y
The offering was received el Mrs and modeled a complete Hadi: r cos:
Sam Alton and Mrs. Wm He:lm • c,:
tum.. •. . > ..
and dedicated b Mrs.,, Alex And-
Y .
; Mrs'
rs Harold avetl th�ihEc}
ry - : 'r
Trelel eer inaerestipti�tra
Jim Henderson and Bob Hall deli- . '
ghted the group with a lively piano elogue
Mrs.N.J. MacKenzie ntrodtac
duet ed nar
MrsdAc, J.kWert fa .Joynt andwitFirsh .a R y
• voiired cirtat.
. . •
the speaker., Miss Clara The meeting; closed with the
tMencGowasAidnin diGoderichrector of, the Child- Mizpah .Benedictio 'and. a serial
time was enloyed
' over a ' cu of ; tea