HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-16, Page 2yli 'r • PAGE Two • THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LU NOW– , - NT1! LUC-1ENOW,: ONTARIO 'T ah poy. '— On the. H uron-`Bruce Boundary `Se�, Tgwn Second Class Mail. ;Registration Number..0847 Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon . Member of the C.W.N.A.. and O,W.N A.. • . Subscription Rate, $-.500, a year in advance --,to the U:S.A,, $7.00 Donald' C Thompaon, Publisher' WEDNESDAY,,APRIL.16th, 1969`,• • HIGHWAY PATROL QUESTION. Effective the first of this month, the Ontario Department of Highways closed the Lucknow depot at the north end of 'the village' and moved the Lucknow patrol to, the Winghambuilding where, in future, it will, work' from. The Sentinel . commented' about this Move in the March 26th issue and judging from the response: fromreaders to the story, it ' is evident that a.large,number of local people are concerned about •' the moving'of the Lucknow patrol;. . gg Tn the, March 26 comment, we suggested that `our member of the Ontario Legislature for Huron -Bruce look into the matte and :obtain' what information he could as"to.the closing and the.reas ns.. Indiscussion- with Murray Gaunt, we have yearned that the De- partment of Highways recently set dow'a policy of reviewing smaller patrols throughout . the district •and that the results of this review left the future of , six patrols in doubt: , From what • Mr. Gaunt was able" to 'learn from the,district engineer at Stratford, five of these patrols were. eliminated .,completely, Elmira, Wroxeter, .Arthur, Sebringville and ' Monkton. The sixth patrol; Lucknow, was moved, to operate out of the Wingham depot, in ' a new buildingsouth of that town. According to the information givenAto. Mr. Gaunt by the Depart- "Ment of . Highways, the Department was taking : a long hard look at some of the smaller patrols with anything under 38-40 miles' of a'run. The overall average for, patrols in the Stratford district had been less than 25 miles in..length.' With the elimination of the five 'mentioned,' the o verall _average mileage for patrols has been increased. to 36... ' /1 The.'De artment told Mr. 'Gaunt that it was .not feasible to o p h-. erate' two buildings within `twelve ,miles' of each other when; the Wingham building would handle the Lucknow patrol, as well as 'the Wingham patrol. The •Sentinel: would like to make thefollowing comments on the :matter which are djrected to the Ontario Department' of ';Highways o -set; up -the -policy- to- :tie -followed:, Firstly, if information given to us is correct, the Lucknow ' patrol is (or was) 42 miles in length: It stretches from Amberley to just past Molesworth. The '`Ontario Department : of : Highways informed. Mr. Gaunt that patrols in the 3841 mile and under bracket had been ex- amined when actually 'Lucknow" was 'above that figure. • It was `stated. by the Ontario Department of Highways that it, is 'an advantage to • have the patrol depot hi. the centre of the area served:. We fail to see the advantage here: All the. road has to be.. ser- viced and ' patrolled.' Does it matter much where the work is started? :By the elimination of five patrol, the average in the Stratford fire -Guide ounce _ ee in Twelve members' of the Lucknow Girl Guides, and their' leader Mrs. James Boyle , attended the regular meeting of Lucknow7'village coup= ci on Tuesday night Of :last week. The girls are studying various•forms of federal,.'provjncial and munici- pai•government: The.day previous,, in a class: at the Lucknow Town Hall, they were•instructed by Murray Gaunt,, M..P.;P. for Huron Bruce • At last week's council meeting, Reeve George W. Joynt of Lucknow addressed the. girls explaining, the function of the local government, and that•of the village clerk. The 'girls asked several questions:.throu,-' ghout their time at council meet- ing eet ing and the answers were provided. byMr . Joynt and E.H., Agnew . The girls in .attendance. were Sandra Finlay, Coree Passmore Elizabeth ' Ritchie ,, Lorraine Boyle; Mary Ellen Havens.; Nancy Ritchie, Janet Marriott, Margaret M ontgornery , 'Kathy Joynt, . Joanne. •Thompson, Barbara .Stanley,. Mar- ion Johnston, • After about an hoiir in attendance the girls adjourned. after. Joanne • Thompson' had expressed thanks on behalf of the girls: ' Federati�n Make PlanS In Ashfield Ashfield;'TOwnship Federation of ` Agriculture: executive and Direct . ors • meta on Tuesday'evening at: the home of Mr. and Mrs'. Oliver Mc Charles..Plans were made'.to have ... speakers tb explain "the General Farrn Organization now being plan ned : Cheques. were written to Lucknow and flungannon' Agricultural Societies to help with their prize. lists . ew i irectors' a. ded were ;Mrs Bert Alton, Mrs. Duncan, 'Parrish. and'.Mrs;. Ross.. Eedy .• • "It wasenerallyfelt �that:the Or-'. g ganization could promote interest in the Township with,information •nieetngs''on several subjects. These will be advertised on radio and by the Loca1.papers. • With. a 100% attendance, the :Ash- field' Township.' Federation of Agri - district has no*' been increased from .25 miles to : 36 ,miles• but • the' culture, are assured of a strong -woik = ear-big—ring 1 1 1 ' 1 • 11 1 . 1 1 on this if figures which we have been given are correct.. • Greater efficiency and greater;. economy has, been another. reason • advanced by the Department :for the change. 'Our observations,. and .that of a: great many travellers, is, that work. on Highway 86 under w -patrol,: is,--as--ef€ieieri as -a oad-m ontar o: Kam . economy, it is hard ;tcrunderstand. why 'a comparatively new building could be abandoned ' in the name' of economy, 1 1 1 What about the employees of, the :Lucknow Patrol who are now. situated in this ,area? What about :the future' effect on the village• and s»rtoundingarea-wheii_new_nien 4arehir-ed? It --is tar -dl- '�-likely that the Y Y will establish their homes in this conimunity,: It :is. hardly likely that much of the payroll, in .years to come, willbe spent in the: Lucknow: . area. Perhaps to. many, the moving of the ' highway patrol is a small matter: Certainly it is a Matter of no concern for Department:'officials who could care less .for' the village'of Lucknow, -its economy or its people - To -The Sentinel; she=moving-as-a--lnntterLo : g +eat -••concern Cause. ; it ' indicates 'a creeping disease . which' has struck. hard ' at the.'. very. small communities in allparts' of Ontario. :s—die matter c1 ?-The Sentinel Chas said more'than "its 5c worth,"" now. The matter could be ` pursued by village council, ;local. service clubs 'or individuals. , Our colnrrin- are'' open to the public. to' • -express some of the opinions publicly which . they have expressed to us� privately. Or are we..satisfied.to just•say, "It's too bad"? WEDNESDAY', 'APRIL 16th,'1969 Monday, Accom�dalion for 400 head Lucknow Sales Bar ROBERT McINTO5H PHONE RIPLEY 395-523a. OR •LUCKN.OW' 528.9912 AUCTIONEERS Emile MacLennan Allan Macntyre - ' George TayIOrHaS 9Oth Birthda y George Ta for of Lucknow observ- ed•his 90th birthday on Thursday,: April 10th at the home, of hisdad- ghter, Mts. Garnet Henderson:. of the village . George, . Who is active and enjoy- ing. good health, has: been with his: daughter •for• the past year,. A number; of people 'called to . • extend_ best wishes on thg birthday.. including three members°' of the Ladies Auxiliary to'the Royal Can--- adian Legion, Mrs. Cla'reJohnstone Mrs;: Ted McClenaghan. and Mrs.. Jirn:lvICNaughton who presented. George with. a .birthday cake on be- half Of the auxiliary: George 'is the. adopted veteran of: the auxiliary. `: Phone calls of'best. wishes .were received from'his, son George at Camp Borden and from his grandson Paul Henderson of Toronto.. , • •Members of George's. -family are a daughter Mrs'. Garnet (Evelyn). Henderson of Lucknow ..and, sons: Ed:' - of Alix', Alberta; Lours of Lucknow "Albert. of Toronto; Norman''gf ,Luck- now George of Camp. Borden.' COWPriCes Hih At �Saturday Sale; Current• high .prices, for western ' ` board . t i c -.WE-RECOMM •. LI►c lvc,rcl . s yoke attic 1►aoe.se►►t FOR price for co� up to about. the` high- 'BRAND ALFALFA' FOR to raise their own replacement cattle. Two shorthorn and charlais , cross cows sold for $350 and $33.5 at.,the.Saturday sale. Several cows: sold just around ':the $300 fig- ure. ig-ure. One cow , which. brought_ $265 had her twin calves go for. •$100•and:$76. Allan Maclntyre of Lucknow was auctioneer at Satur- day's sale. .• Dear Mr;. Detergent Manufactur ere Your' advertisement `said if it wF3afe in water it was• safe in • gous-deter• ent. Now :about my goldfish.. „� 1111•11111111111110111111111111101111411111111111111111111 ran. r . A BLED"-OF-SE-LECT,ED — Ai.FALFAS OF PROVEN PERFORMANCE Thousands of successful Cana- dian farmers •.are.. consistently. producing more and better hay, pasture. and Silage than ever be- fore. They know that Gro -Kat ing' and Einar' Rhizobia aretwo important improvernents exclu- sive to this Alfalfa,: HENDERSON - to Lean and Jean (Errinton Henderson of Weston: ,;on. Thursday, April 3rd:,, a 'son;, a Y . 'brothel" for : Brian'an l -tJre$v._. Darlene. • AREA GIRLS •WIN •, CONTINUED' FROM PAGE 1• resent the completion •o f tw • 4-H cluu courses.. Betty Colwell, daugnter `of fir. ' Diane MacKenSaturzieda}' offor R.thIte . co3,.mpl Lucknow , a member •of the. elveLucknow No. 1 Club and Ruth. Elliott and Linda Schultz of the • Whitechurch club won county ' ...no,lrt and' Mrs , Currie Co/well of Kinloss, and Janice Wall, daughter ofir; and Mrs: Gordon Wall 'of Kinloss were the recipients of the :award Ruth Herrhoeffer of Teeswater also received the honours. Betty and Janice are bath members of the on. etion of six 4-H club courses. .The'presentations were made by lirs. Arthur Teasdale of R.R. 2, Dobbintoti, p'rovinciall board direct,- of of the Federated ?Omen's Instit- utes of Ontario. *Forest fires travel More quickly kairshea club. upfi11 than downhill. • est, point since .1951. Heavy. demand' GENERAL FARM. USE for, stocker cattle• in. the west' and ' ' resultingprices, has, sent some local buyers scurrying far and wide, t secure o s ure replacement•cattle : - , Jud "in from rices' aid•for.cows' g g P.. P at the'auction.sale of Albert L•U;CKNOW, —/ 'PHONE 48=2903 >Brown;near Dungannon -on -Saturday,- ' IEIIIrli1 1I I�II�III�IIIEUI■Illrlll�lll�lll1lt , Finlayso .it.appears that'rnany• farmers plan ltar nds llay Sunday; October 2 prt7, L i 19 at 2:00' a.m. WHEREAS' the Cotiiticil of the Corporationof the Village of Lucknow; • , has by resolution, declared that the hours of time in Ole Village of Lucknow, shall be changed by advancing the clock one hour in advane? of Standard Time. between 2.•00 a. m on Sunday;' April' 27, 1969 and 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, ' October 26,, 1969; inclusive, and shall be known; as Daylight Tither THESE' PRESENTS .are therefore to can upon .all citizens to .open their places.of business/,br ein to and :close them according to lay light Time, and to'have their employees and others under their control com- mence their employment or work and cease to work, 'according to' Daylight Time,•"between 2:00 a.m., on Sunday, April 27,,'1969 and 2:00 a.m., on. Sun- day,. October 26,' 1969. IN' WITNESS THEREOF Y: • have hereunto set nay handand caused'. thiS•proclan ation to be made public. GEORGE W. JOYNT Reeve. .y h 4s �! a 'w '.va►**4+.,. ` .:;:•41.4 •