HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-02, Page 19WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1969 THE. ILU CKN.OW SENTINEL, 1.10C.KNOWA: ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN: • SEE: OUR SELECTION OF. . Mum and Hyacinth Plants Daffodils Lilies FLOWERS V/IRElk:ANYWHERE UM ..11111w.01101..alw SOLOMOWS GREENHOUSE eLiiC10,119V11 —7 PHONE 528-3017 • • .continueTQ:. Support ChiId iThe February meeting of Huron' coprity Jr. ,Farmers was held on. February 26 in the Clinton .. AgricultidatOffice.. Jamieson Ribey was in the chair with about • / • 29 Members answering present Don McKercher next reported that if we were still wanting to carry.: on, supporting the child overseas that $120. had to be paid. This was agreed to be continued for, another 2 or 3 years. .• •• Fred Uhler next reported on the stalicling'of the Clubs' q the points system' with Seaforth in the lead aiableoTelegrain Syndicate . . Ashfield TownShip Federation•of Agriculture reorganized at-ameet--ng held•in the Ashfield Township •Hall on Friday, March 28th with a good representation of Township farmers present • ' Chairing the meetingrwas Eldon Culbert whocalled the meeting after Fingh.McWhinney had resignT ed. as Secretary Treasurer, In the past three or four years , the Federation of Agriculture in'Ash- field Township has appeared to.: have been:all-I-lost 'a thing of the past. But, all thfctime, the finan"- cial position,WasTaining strength Elmer Hunter, President of Huron County Federationof AgricPlture,' was nominated to act as Secretary of the meeting •/ In giving the allditbrs' report and thefinaricial'sf:Atement, 'it was • learned that $1099.65 was, in the treasury. :• • • • . • , • • Mr. ,Hunter was asked about the. feeling of the Huron County Feder- ationof Agriculture and a General •Farm Organization. He explained • G.F.O • and stated that the County :Federation were in agreement and would support it He said he expec- teda vote would be held inJime and urged eveiyone to get out and learn more about such a venture. He said the Federation of Agricult- ure was actually laying their heads. on' the block to promote a General', Farip Organization'. ", • Asked by Lone Luther if it would :be a tOtalintegration of all farm organizations,. marketing boards, .etc.; Mr. Hunter said it would be' 'entirely up to the .farinersthemsel- vei as to how they voted. '.* • Asked by George SrPith how the marketing boards conld be brought. in ,,,M..'Luther. felt that if we support them that the d • o broke and be forded to come in M : Mr . Hunter said that arketing . Boards were something We had al, • ready, established ,and • only a separ- ate piece of legislation would • bring them in Eldon Culbert asked ' • • F.O. didn't develop what wonidn. • hapPeElmer Hunter replied that already a staff was workingfufl tirnefor. a G;F.O. paid by the.`,.... O.F.A. • • • ' r'• s e Tar e ing oar woulc • Still operate, Elmer Hinter :replied yes, they still serve a purpose and .•• • • have: a placea.• • ' • • ohn Austin askedif therewould be any guarantee that the farmer . 'woUld,.be'any.better off: • Mr.. Hunter said not expect • wonders over night but that every effort WOuld be made to help farm BY MRS. OLIVER McCHARLES ers If G.F.O. can't help the farm er , :who can? • • Lorne Luther asked 'where the money would come:froth. • : . Mr. Hunter replied it mint be spelled out in Legislation but with representative it should be better: Actually, he said the Federation of Agriculture set up the marketing boards ' and then they went on by thernseNes from there.. Let us, stop and think what would happen if t,F„.A. would oppose Marketing Boards? Co* they withdraw if we didn't supP041 them? • '• • .Lorne. Lutherasked if the 0.F.A; weren't afraid. of the Marketing Boards withdrawing. • Mr: Hunter 'felt that this couldn"t happen' because they, would fail without support from the farmers ad finances He wondered what in- dvidua1 farmers coulddo on their own marketing. He'd hate to think he would have to go out and sell his own pigs on:the'market. .Lorne,Luth er didn't agree and felt Maybe We, as individuals, could do a better joh in Many caSes. Grant Farrish.didn't feel we could do a •job in marketing our on products or that even the, .' marketing boards were doing he best job . Elmer Hunter replied that before we pan get the job dOne:satisfactbr- iiy,•We rnWt. get the organilation first:and then.ask for the integration and boards,. : f • Russell Irvin asked, how. many 'per- sonnel Wouldrnarketingboards have in G.E..0. Elmer replied 22 ..• • • inernbers'pluS Co-op personnel Let us not forget these are producer :Organizatiorg. • * • John Austin-a5ked hos:4- cheap iinp! ...djae_corp...64ed Elmer Hunter said it' Was -a job to be tackled in a hurry be LOin'e 'Luther asked if this would he a' ComPleie. new :orAanizatiOn:or - . • if it woud1 Coptinue t� be just two old faPe,,..% Elmer Rupter said if we could only se the:benefits, that he's sure a G;F.9. would do its job. He said we want the best men from all • • these organizations and marketing boards to work for G F 0 and they will be paid. We Viant workers, nbt someone who is only going along. Let us forget about whether or not we like marketing boards and., build a strong General Farm Organ- ization. When the hour became late:Mr.' , Culbert asked the gathering what' was their wish about the Ashfield Federation of.Agriculture'S future. .„ Much discussion tool< place and • . • a few tries at motions:, when sudd- , , enly it wai: realized that perhaps they were getting-the:cart. before '; • • . the horse, and that the Ashfield Township Federation of Agriculturen was in real good.standing , • ••`. financially,. . • • ' Until such time as a General' Farm:Organizatikcould.be agreed .., • upon; it was decided that. the Aih field Township,Federation of Agri- . culture should carry on and anew slate Of officers was• elected. as billows: Past President; Eldon Cul- , bert; President .,'Rosi Eedy; lit ViC,I, Ralph Cameron, Sec. Treas.. ,, Mrs . • Oliver McCharles pirectors, ., Russell • Irvin, Giant Fairish, ,Warren „. "Zinn, john,AuStin.,' • '..,. ' . , • , :,•:' "‘ Many names Were '•nominated and 'a vote was held for the, various •,' •offices. The new slate of officers' will hold a Meeting shortly td:-... ship Federation and, all 'interested ., • : - make plans for the AshfieldtoWn.- ••••• groUpstb hear more about ,G.F.O..,.. These information meetings will be advertised when'they:can he' plann- ed . The Ashfield Federation :of ' .... •• ' • -A-gribtilture cariLheLcOnsid4edAp. • . . full operation once again and • .. .would hope that anyone interested - in learning more .about its4progiarri ”. would ask.•any•of the Execntive . • • • • •• ik4,••11 • ?'• • with 1261, Clinton 1215 S'oUth Huron 521, North Huron 496 and Howickswith 462. Don McKercher next reported .. that he had only received 4,applic- tions,--for-rariou-s4So•-and--wat looking for a few more than that: The newsletter editor that was already -appOinted-resigued so, WE I-IAVE A NEiki'PRING, SELECTION OF George Townsend took Over that • . Here is Brian, almost a year old, who needs a mother and father.' While he waits to be adopted he is living In a foster home with six children so he' is accustomed to a lot of attention. He would do well in a family where there would be brothers and sisters to play with hhn. Brian's solemn look is because he didn't know the photographer. With familiar people he is happy and good-natured. Of French and German background, Brian Is a large -boned, sturdy boy with big bine eyes, thick avy-auburn-hak,--fair-skin-and-rosy-eheeks,He-is-alert, and inquisitive, obviously understanding everything said to him. There is mental illness in his mother's family and asthma in his background, but the baby himself is in excellent health. Be' needs parents who will not .be concerned over this medical history or about limited information on his father. To inquire about adopting Brian please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5. • „ ' H • Next carne the appointing�f the various corn'thittees to slOok 'after each occasioncoming up in 1969. Some of the,committees were annual meeting, drama • festi\ial;°1eadership and training, •• Don ...McKercher. next. reported ' that the top bowlers picked had to bowl in Listowel on Friday.. 2 • February 26.. , • • Don Young reported that anyhod9 Or ,any clUb wishing to entera broomball tern in the Blyth . tournament could. After awarding the meeting improvement trophy to Howick.Jr Farmers -the meeting 'NiAt Adjourned., CHESTERFIELDS AND CHAIRS • ".' . . NEW DESIGNS ,--,NEW STOCK ' MANY FABRiCS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE , PRICES TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET: .• A. 41, MacKenzieFurniture Lucic.ow_pHONE 528-3432 • • • 7-, -