HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-02, Page 10�M1
° Architects"from Page and Steele
have beeninstructed by Huron
County Board: of Education, follow .
ing a, meeting in Clinton: to
prepare -plans -for: the renovations at
Central Huron Secondary School, to
make way for boardoffices.. •
Althou: , no."p .' for the renov-
. ~ations w re discusse ' -at 'the meet-
eet-ing, it as learned at Clinton
contractor Cale Dou, ett has moved.
the science lab at . cost of $31.31.
It is now a he new board'.
offices will include.a board room,
,-the subject of some- discussion at
past meetings.
Three public school boards in
McKillop, Usborne and Goderich
'were refused :their, requests to fund -
ion for additional lengths of time
because of unfinished business. The
board of education had previously
agreed to permit certain'' boards to
remain temporarily in business if •
they could show just cause why they
should be retained.
Secondary school boards will, be
had been working on the 'budget
phased, out at the end of April..
was announced.
The board. ;received a request to
establish a remedial teacher in the
Seaforth Public School, Director
of education John D..Cochrane, will
take the need of remedial•teaching
staff for the entire county under '
Mrs, Marilyn, Kunder., ;Seaforth,
urged -.immediate action so • the
matter would not be,left over ''.for
another year”..
'lriier'Bell QC has been, appointed
'the, board's solicitor." Arbitrafbrs •
appointed by the board are Leonard
Winters, realtor, Clinton; Ron Men.
zies; retired , Goderich; Barry
Wenger, editor , •Wingham; W D
Burton.,; SHDHS business administr-
ator, Exeter; and William Dale,
farmer, Seaforth•. •
Board of'. education business'adrni
nistrator Roy Dtrnlop;.now working
full time in,the county, reported
that he and /superintendent of
Education James Coulter'
South KiAIOSS'- '•
Seventeen young, •people, met Sun-
un -day. evening at the home of.Mr.., ''
and 'Mrs.. Jtki ' Ir D c 'e i
a. i m MacKinn-
on was chairman'. Minutes were
'read by, .the secretary, Betty.Col-- • •
well, who also 'led the Bible Study .;
frorn,Lu i2 -and
Easter .readings were given by
• Walter ,Dickie°and Barbara, MacIn
'tyre .and, prayers.by Linda 'Maclntyre
and Sandra Keith:, An' Easter poem,
was read, by David MacKinnon. •
Pat Sparks gave a well-prepared
speech on "Love": and.Li.ndaSparks.
contributed a. piano instrumental.
A motion was passed to buy ten
copies: of 'Chap'Notes .,in a small
book containing programrne Mater-
ial and 'hymns. The, next'•meetin
is planned or April 13th at the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs.' Currie Col-
Langside ;Y.P.S.
Langside'Yoang; Peoples -Society
met on Sunday eveningat the home
of Mr. . 'and Mrs, Stewart MacGilli
vray. with 14 members present.
Simon de Boer presided and 'the
meeting opened with the call `to
worship. Carolyn MacGillivray
Scripture was read.by Douglas
Wall: with prayer by 'Carolyn Mac-
;Gillivray. •The'•minutes' of the last
meeting, were read and approved . a,
The roll call:w'as answered•with a•
verse, of Scripture containing the
word "young" or "youth" The next
meeting will be intwo weeks with
Carolyn and Bobby MacGillivray
in'charge of the. program. It will
be at Mr. and. Mrs`. Peter de 'Boer's
P ans`were .made_ for' the _Young
People to assist' with the :Easter ..
Church Service next Sunday; The
ofering ..was taken by
Russell youn•g with prayer�byBobb'y
lop said it was tpo, ;eariyto sit down
e->udget-c ern rn-it-tee-to-d-is
Board' mem
cuss terms.
liens to the Schools for
the Retarded cornmittee are Norm-
an Shepherd, Wingham;. Mrs : J. W.
Wallace ,-Ggderich;-and•.-Clarence
McDonald., Exeter;
`Nine board members, 'Mr. , Coch
ranee:,- Mr. Dunlop' and Mr. Cou1-
ter will attend a workshop for
county boards inn.,
n London
Ben Strairghan.,,•Cod.er ch°District.
Collegiate institute business admin-
istrator, .has been hired by the,
board at a salary of $10 ,;000 per
annum:. His position and? -joh were
not defined. .
R E rp:RT:
, From 12:01 a.m. , 'March 17, 1969
to 12;00 Midnight, March 30,, 1969
Total accidents to .date,this'year
45-. Total accidents to.date last •
year - 24.'' ` .
On Monday, March 17 , ',Provinci-
al Constable Larry. .Whitelaw invest•
igated a single 'car accident on
#21 Highway, two miles south of
k ncardine. James Johnson of :Tiv-
erton, ;was the'driver involved. No
one was injured:.
'Constable ,Harry :W zaryk inves
tigated .a single ,car accident on
the . North, Shore Road, Kincardine
Township; three miles -north of
Kincardine, on Saturday, March
22. Andrew French of Kincardine
ecaped• injury inthe mishap,which.
caused an estimated $200-.00 dam-
age', to the 'vehicle..
A three car accident, on Sunday.:,
M -r ligated by Prov
incial Constable'Ed McPhail, .on: '
the 7th• Concession of Kincardine.
Township, approximately .three
miles east. of #21 Highway. Gary
RiehI of R.R. 4, Kincardine,,John'.
McLeod of Kitchener, and Kenneth.'.
McLellandof Hanover,' were the
drivers of the 'vehicles Involved. No
one was injured in the accident,
which .caused,. an. estimated $800. 0'b
damage to 'the vehicles. .
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involved in.a single truck accident
resulting in $800.00darnage• to the
vehicle he was driving.
On Wednesday , March 26' on.
Bissett Hill Road -:north of#31.
County Road, : Brian Siddall, 143
Warr -en 'Street, Goderich and.
On Tecdav,_iviarcb_2,5. Pmvinc �.an ire Fred -Riel 1 2;R.. 1, :Coder
ial Constable 'Andy Burgess investig-
ated a single car accident on #9
Highway, east of Bervie. Raymond
Janes of. Kincardine was the driver
L. acG&k
.a vr-ay . involved-= Da rrage--to the.car was
St. Augustine.: C W.L
The March'C ' W L
h W.L. meeting ing w`
held in the St. A' ustine Parish:. WalLconducted-a--swor-d. drill:: •-28.: in the village of Lucknow . 'he
g The-
, The topic was a recording estimated: at $250. 00 . .
df "Don: Loney Talks to :Teenagers" • A ,minor two car -accident was
It w,as quite:interesting and. full of ` investigated .by Provincial Constabr.
was good advice for teenagers. Mrs.. le Ken Culver, on Friday, March •
ich were involved in a car --truck
accident resulting in $500,,00 dam
age to the Riehl vehicle.
"On Saturday, March.29 on- a
;l parking_ lot at C.F.B. Clinton
On Saturday; March 29 on.old
##21'Highway',, south of #21 Highway',
James Barry; R. R. 3 Seaforth was."
involved in a single car accident
resultingin $250.00• :damage to. his
':'Hall. The Spiritual director Father A hyrrin•was sung and the Meeting •drivers involved were .Florence
Galea was present, with the `Presi- closed with the Mizpah Benediction Inglis of Ripley and Ross Irwin, of
:`dent Mrs• Gus -Redmond in charge Mrs, MacGillivray and Carolyn Lucknow'., Anestimated $125.00.
of the meeting:.1A good,number of served a lovely'' lunch.... damage was'done to the vehicles.:
ladies were,present. •SAFETY. TIPS; The Highway Tra-
A numl.er of Committees. were ffic Act states; No person shall opr
foirnned as -follows - Ili caiai a of the ` Inver.
Pine IC [�/e i erase a motor vehicle or trailer •
new slate of officers, Mrs.. Gordon equippped with studded tires on a
Foran, Mrs • Neil. Stapelton;. To .. Bethel Hi -C. highway,, between, the 30th day of
andhrrIie gooks are. rs; Wm . Kin- April and the 1st dayof October in
ahan, Mrs..0 ril ;Boleto et the AMBERLEY NEWS
Y Y • � g . .•• any:year,
flowers for Easter, Mrs. Wm•.`Kina-` Pine .River and Bethel Hi -C met • J.E. POLANn
Provincial Constable;
Public Information Officer::
ham. A cleaning. bee ;will be held in the' Sunday School room of Pine
,March ch on Sunday
Thursday afternoon= to clean the River United'. Chun
Church for Easter es.The. Pr sident ev ttendanae 'of
thanked. all the lad' evening
' the twenty-five. , •
Ygraciously.helped in on the Judy'Thorburn presided for the
'card parties during the wintermon--'rneethig. After a hymn, the rninut
ths, • es were read and items of business,
The .April meeting will be, held were discussed'. Reid Liddle:'ave' From 12:.,01 a.m. ,'March 23,•
Tuesday, April $th in the Parish the scripture reading •whih Was' ' 1969 to March '29,.1060.
Hall,. The meeting closed with. ' followed with ra er•°b Maureen On Sunda ' March 23on##8 Hi
Bradley , way east Of, Goderrch; Telford
The Hi -C will have charge of the i Bissett, R.R. 1 Goderich was: in-
• services at Pine 'River and Bethel ' jvolved in ,a single car accident 're -
on April 13, - l sulting in :$80 00 darn•age to the
y ' • •ving,': ,
1 A 'car wash at At'nberle. corner vehicle he was dri
I will take place on April 5th from ' On Wednesday, March. 26 on ##4
one o'clock to four p:; m.. with •` • i Highway south of ##3 County Road ,
the Hi -C in charge, 1 Brian Smillie, R,:P. 2', 'Hensall w' N
prayer ,
h -
George Arthur Parker, 32 Edmon-;
ton, Road , C; F. B.• Clinton struck ,a
parked vehicle owned by Henry
Belton, P.M, Q.
G. F.13. Clinton,
resulting PP total
in an approximate ..
darna.ge of $155.00 to .:the. vehicles.
On Saturday, March; 29 in•
private driveway 'on John Street,.:
Bayfield , Morris Emerson Scott
John Street Bayfield and Raymond
Scott, John Street, Bayfield were
involved in a two' car accident ,
resulting .in $15.00 damage w_t
vehicle driven by- Morris Emerson
Parents! ,If your child;. rides a
cle , Make sure knows and obeys
the traffic rules Tor safe cycling:
:Here are some tips for safer
cycling; (1) Signal turns'and'stops
with the proper'. signals • - the, left
arm .out and up for .a"right turn
out straight for a..left turn.- out and_'
and; down for .a stop : () After
signalling, return your left. hand `rC;'
the handle bar pand keep
promptly . 1
both hands,. on the handle bars . (3)
Ride in single file, close to the
curb (4) Carry parcels in a carrier,, •
not in your hands and remember,
a r nation-brkei for-nn-e--r-i-der,
no passengers allowed.
Provincial, Constable.
necrest•Manor Nursing Home
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Dining Room and, Tray . Service
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n•-• en'"". n"'ti'�``^'n., n•�. n 7.? ']47