HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-04-02, Page 9Roll up your''sleev -? 9 ye a life .... E A BLOOD: DON:O9 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1969 d,t,rIi111.1111111:111:2/ 21111.-,...Wn�• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, PAGE " NINE THE GAMES JY` JOE SULLIVAN - N THROUGH; LIFE INSURANCE CONTACT Wim: J:•Kin. ahan Lucknow Phone WingIlam 357.1987' SUN LLFE..ASSURANCE COMPANY QF CAN'AD. A • THE READERS WRITE . . Six Years'Sinte LeavingAshfield. .'18"Linwood St': , Kitchener , Ont.; ; March15/69• Pear Don: Enclosed is -a• cheque for:.my • subscription. I should have :done • 'this spoiler but as' a letter,. carrier. with the post office for' almost two years , I've been awfully, busy try-' ing.to'get these'weekly:papers del- iveredr the • same weekthey're:' Printed. Under. the latest ,systern; •my, own• .` personal paper comes Friday morn - Mg', !sometimes even Thursday.,: but .I notice' great variations: in your• paper and others on rhy mail'` route.. • ,it's now nearly four:yearsfor '.Our family in •Kitclieuer and six since we left Ashfield. The - time really .goes. 'Millie best .to Lucknow and, 4district, • Keith. Johnston 18520 West Seven Mile Road Detroit 48219. • • It must be•some form of mystery How --a, -certain day, of long ago, clings t� memory. • When was a little Ashfield boy, [Waiting I Waiting for the time when to marl . hood I'd grow, I anticipated , gleefully, a day of great joy, a 1116 day when Dad: and I. to Lucknow ' Garhes:would' go... ;.Once our first stop was at imple- ment shop. • Where Dad traded'heifer fora John ' Deere plow,, It is strange that I, remember such Occurrences, , now'. • We ate good beef, well roasted, well boned , • •A't a :restaurant that Noble .Johnston• later', owned. • • Dad shook' hands w ith,the. Sentinel editor • And,, meeting Mrs.: Henderson, tipped his hat to her. Oh what enjoyment I, got !from.' everything, Watching bare kneed pipers down . Main St,. swing,, 'Hearing non 'professional'Jirrh ie • Walker sing. ". And .pretty bonnie lassies do' Highland •Fling., • WAtching breath taking.fireworks, • rise'. Higher and. higher.: toward the',pastel, skies, Switching from sparklers to multi. colored flames A hi -lite event,of The Caledonian.. Games. . The.garnes, .sometimes ,, :Closed • with "The ace in'the hole''., •Tossing what looked like a telegraph pole', ' Following, Dungannon .Copley, tug'. O' war..', Won,that 'year, by McKenziehardi •„r' ware store. . Dad,al. ,. , ••er feet got sore Arid , • knowing that for walking I. likely was unable He carried me to wagon at The. Cane Hotel Stable.: ' Later years, as older I• grew From glad experience I knew • That every year when. winter follow ed Fall. The. Big Event for Lucknow..was • :•Bobbie's Birthday Ball Editor's Note . •Thaniss Keith 'for • • your efforts iwdelivering the Sent- inel and other weeklies: The aper' leaves' here regularly .Wediiesday at 6 p. m. Apliarentiy yotir. personal ;;paper is corning O.K. Wish theyrill reached the subscribers. that. quickly YOUR SOLES IN 7HE • WE HAVE A COMPLETE . LICE OF . m Cleaners; Polishers Sm+�11 Appliances •DISIIICT• CO. hone 528-2125.• ProY�ci�l ssessment Plan Is. A piise10 HuronlxecutuviCOmmittee_ BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER • Members .of :the executive conim.- ittee; expressed surprise at learning. that the -Province -of Ontario will Make assessment a. provincial' government function in •1970 • Meeting Friday;in•Goderic•h, the••. executive committee told council a communication had. been'receiv- ed from the Department of Munici- pal Affairs indicating the Provinbe; will rent the county'"s administration building and will re- imburse the -county for various,fix= tures, furniture: and equipment pur- chased. during 1969.. Property committee•chairman Roy Westcott said the .County of Huron' has.been advised the Depart- ment of Public Works will use the, entire administrative. building for' the assessment branch working in donjunetion with the Department 'of Municipal Affairs. . The building program continua at the administrative building.,Th' ,parking facilities at the building '. will be extended to accomruoda a two-car"width plus a centre drive. .The architect is securing prices dry connection with partition- Me.rnbers of, the property coin- ittee." regret' that no one was advis- ed of the proposed change'in assess- ment policy prion: ro the actual: con struction of ,this riew building; This information might have changed the plans and the thinking of the propety.committee at that time' The province will also share maintenance costs:•with the county at the'court jhouse., the jail: 'and. ' children' d offices'..At•the court. house, theprovince, will pay 49 percent; 'at.. the jail and CAS offic es,•'86 percent.. Raymond`Scotchnier is the new: CLrator of Ouron.•County,Pion= eer Museum at a• salary of :$5',•200 er-annum . . The county renewed, their memh- ership feein the amount of $5 ;0Q0 with Midwestern Ontario Developm ent:Area Council, :and',approved, the following grants: Belgrave, Blyth and . Brussels Music Festival. $25.00;♦ Belgrave,. Blyth and Eruss- :els School Fair, .$25 Howick and, Turnberry .School. Fair: $25 Mid western OntarioScience Fair $25 Huron County Fire Aid Association $250; scholarships, Ten`Kingsbridge Guides Enrolled . KINGSBRIDGE NEWS of University of •Guelph $300, schol arships to-Ridgetown College:'of Agricultural Technology $100; scholarships' to. University of Western. Qntario $200; scholarships: to University of Waterloo $200;,, 'scholarships to Centralia School of Agriculture and Home Economics, $2Q0Burs. ' t.. aries to UWO $1,000; bursarie j to University of. Waterloo '$1,,000,, bursaries to *Waterloo Lutheran Uni- versity $200; U WO building fund $900;"Wingharn and district school for the retarded. $350; Goderich and district school for the retarded $3 • A 50 fund containing $.700 Was"set aside to be paid to• students in need who are attending other universit- ies not already receiving grants. Other grants to be paid, are $1,50.0 t� `the Salvation Army;; $2;5.00 to CNIB; $400 to the Huron branch of'.. the Canadian Cancer Society; $15 each: td East Huron W.,I;. West Hur, on. W, 1. and,South Huron W..%. and:'$75'to St, 'John Ambulance.. The consulting 'firm of G.V. Kleinfeldt and Associates Ltd: has; been engaged to commence work' • on ;thepreparation of an official 'plan 'for ,the County, of Huron Piaui:. mg Areaingha. • Wrr Reeve Jack,Alexander .concurred with Colborne'Reeve Wil trier Hardy that the fox::bou.nty should •bey increased to $.5; from $2. Both Alexander and Hardy: said the increased incentive would. encouragehunters to go out ,looking for foxes *and destroy them before they.multiplied' or became rabid . 1' ingham PHONE 357.1630_ ***.•********.** SHOW TIMES. Friday .and Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15. All other . days, one show' at 8:00, • except where noted on the program. 101,..' . THUR., FRI., APR. 3, 4, 'The Party' Cinemascope-Color,' Starring;; Peter Sellers • Peter 'Sellers as a disaster - prone East Indian actor, is in vied in error to a chic Holly- wood party, and turns the : oc casion into a ' slapstick night- mare. •* *• * * tt * '* *. * * * *.* *. SAT... MATINEE 'APR. 5 Party" : Bordon:Cook Blyth, :suggested Municipalities :et .together °with • , their farm s whv-forbid hunting, on,their pr. •erty:'..: ' ' • • Neighborin: counties` will ;likely. be, petitioned to increase the' fox bounty; too. • • •• GODERICH 30 THS SQUARE: PHONE 524481=1 AIRCOND:ITIONED THURS.,.FRL. SA' April 3-4 5 JOIN :IN'.T;HE::DI$N,EY `. SIM., MON.. TUES. April •6-7-8' The Guides, met Thursday March 27 in St._ Joseph's School with 30 present. Roll call and Inspection was carried out by 'd`aptain De • ' Bruyn:.The guides went to the gym and played two different games': : They formed a horseshoe for' en- . . rollment of the.following girls:; Cheryl "Hodges Margaret.Frayne.,, Sheila Sinnett, Marianne Frayne, Judy Tigert,, Joanna Heridericks,i Leona Hogan, Lisette' Van Diepen- beel<,. Linda Dougherty and•Ca"thy O'Keefe. The girls then went baclt to their own.rooms and formed' another horseshoe. They had .an interesting discussion on different badges, This was foll- owed, by a variety of songs that,the girls wanted �•, sin' The girls were told that th e ill be, fio meeting. during Hol;' eek. The meeting' closed wit Taps, . wait Duey PRODUCTIONS presents TUF tante O'AY SUITTechnicolor r -J 'WALT DISNEY Winniett ePboh and the blustaeotdccf Technicolnr' : �. 3howing•Thuis.:a:t 8.00 .p.rn:Only,: Showing Friday ,and Saturday at 7.00 ,and. 9.30 p.m.- • MATINEE. Showing .at 2,00 p.m. Metro•Goldwyn-Mayer presents Patricia 'Neal in Frank D Gilroy's ' Pulitzer Prize winning •'... (ADULT` ENTERTAINMENT) Showing Sunday at 8.00' p.m. dhly. • Sh'owtng:Mbad"ay and Tuesday at 7.30oand 9.15 p.m. • WED: THURS., FRL SAT. NATIONALGENEjAL PICTURES Presents - April 9-12 Kr, Shb'w 'Times:, EVA MARIE SAINT PTHE STALKING Mligan OON TECHNICOLOR: PANAVISION ,30' and 9,15.p40t.',-- Saturday Matinee at 2.30 p