The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-03-12, Page 12"1":1701e. - TWELVE! THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ALL,TYPES IN STOCK ; Phone 524-8386 �C�ect .TO AR ' ANGE FOR DELIVERY OR TO PICK likYOUIC OWN Edward Fuels .ANGLESEA STREET GODERICH,, ONTARIO HAPPENINGS MEET:THIE TEACHER' assembly with O Canada'and sang The teacher we would like you two hymns.The, pupils'recited the • ;to• nieet this week is•Mrs. ,Caesar. scripture reading and the Lord's 'She teaches "grade six•in room sev- Prayer. Two stories, "'The Highway. man" and "The Elephant'and the • She was: raised'`,in'Dungannon. and' Blind Men" were acted out by the ' attended Dungannon Public School boys and, iris. The assemblyY :closed' $ • and : Goderich iligh 'School: She with the singing of "God: Save' the : • -attended Toronto Teacher's` Queen" College and has taught. -In schools in West. Wawanosh and Ashfield ••Townships _ • • Mrs. Caesar, lives in Dungannon and her husband, Jack, .works for C. K. N. X. 'in .Winghtiam,. They.' have a fariil of one son'and one y• daughter. SPORTS On rt Wer nesda. ;