The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-03-12, Page 9T.HEJLUCKNOW SENTINEL,:LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
rim Trt.LING
°paid Huston ,Rink Wins Rple Hi r
,y ; g
Bons gel For •3r -d- Success�v:
...drool .. .. _.. _ .. _. � Yea.r
A record,, •which we are surewill
stand for 'a number of years , was set
ori Saturday at the local. Cltib'when
the Ripley Curling Club 'Trophy 'was
• presented to skip David; Huston. for
• the third successive: time . Eighteen •
'rinks competed in the final event
of:' the R. D H. S ..curling season. •.
D ' "led up a record of three
in lus 12 for the win and, had the
able assistance of Gail, Courtney,
Jim •Scott and Joan Ferguson.. Sec
• and place•was won by Danny Mac -
Donald's rink of Jean MacTavish,.
Glenn Wylds. and Nancy Caling,
also with three wins and; ,a plus. of
7, .Third plac.e•went•to Donald Farr.
ell's rink, curling with Rickey Ell-
• .iott , Annabelle. Ritchie and .'Gert
rude' Walden Fourth and fifth plat-
es went•to Brian' Wylds and Susan,
Farrell; with records, of, two wins
plus 12• and. two wins plus 11, respec
•.. tively. . Consolation award went to
Reid. Liddle's':rink'.` Student Council`
President Charles Liddle,.•' assisted
.by Club President Wallace Pollock
andDon MCLay , made the• present-
ations: Special tribute` was: paid to :
' veteran _curler ,. Shirl, Bowers, for, his
. valued assistance to the student
•curibrs over. the pas; season' We
were ' leased'` to see teachers Miss
P • Machan; Messrs., Brown.and'Dams-
ma'taking part in the curling as
..well as interested spectators, Mrs:'•'
en -present
during the day.
" r
The local; entry;in the' Govei•_
no • •
'General's playdowns•in Clinton on
Saturday was unsuccessful in'
winning the 'rightto advancein the
competition, Skips;d. Hodge'
sand Bert,Elliott drew the. lo41,al
Clinton entry,:with. Howad winning.
his game and Bert rco•ming out on ,
the shortend., enough to lose out'
on the total:
The rink; skipped by Don
Paquette won' the Trophy at the
Goderich bonspiel'on Saturday for
thethird successive year, with •a :
record of three wins and a full plus.
of 18:.; Donald Gatint''s local entry •
won secondplace'on the 11 o'clock.
draw with Gordon Patterson winning,
the consolation. Two more local'' `..
rinks took.'part in the 'event, being
skipped by.Gordon Roulston and
J. S, Robb
This corning Saturday'is thefirst
day ofthe climax of the local curl-
ing •season 'With the commencement
Of the Wind-up Bonspiel. The entry
list for the first day' is slow :in, fill- ,
ing' due to the exodus."to the Hack-
ett .Bonspiel• in Wingham on the
same: day.: Entries •for'.the second
day, Tuesday, March 18th are now
complete.. :The six top rinks- from
eachpreliMinary earn "the right to
compete;'for thelJ. D.. Lowry Trophy
on Saturday,•March 22:
Entries for.'the. '.final' event of'the
-season � tIre J.; -S.; Robb sptei, all
tent- ei
w y • ght mixed" rinks have
beenfilled for weeks: ,This takes
.place Saturday, March29th.
PHONE '524^781,.1
Starring TONY CURTIS and f'
Showing at 7.30 and ,9.20 p:in:•
RE S T R 1 t T E D
SATURDAY (:March :'1'S ).;° M
•r &'Cow
Showing at 2.30 p.
SUN.. MON.,. TUES., WED. --March 16-1
Produced E1 KEVIN McCLORY•
IAMENTH.111 Mr,, and. Mrs. Pete Leeson.,' acid
lt. an
'R. E, McKINL'1 Y., M, P.
• . Huron.
Over'the past week or so, :the bus
iness of Canada's governrrrent has
been carried on: under the shadow
of two ma jor economic trends that
affect. every Canadian closely and:
coiour. every debate in the .House'of
These two trends are, continuing'
inflation .and the steady increase.:in.
government spending and hence, •
the •steady" increase in taxation.
The first 'inflation ' is must
clearly revealed .by rising interest
rates. A week ago Friday, the Bank
of Canada raised its•rate from
61/2°j of
to ?%a: This rate is•the.rate
at which the central bank .lends
money y to Canada's chattered banks
and. is the prime indicator of our
national money market . The sharp
increase 'in this basic rate of inter
est 'indicates that inflationo is still
vety• much• a factor in the Canad -,
ran econorxr.y and: could continue
to grow unless-measures'are taken
to discourage .boirowing
Such an increase in the• Bank of
Canada rate,•is usually followed,'by
a matching increase in the rate at
which the,,chartered bank$. lerld,
money to their customers.; SO, you.,
can expect: ail increase in the. cost
of -any money 'you borrow from''your •
bank, very shortly. .'
As to rising, government•.ex:pendit.-
.ure , ,early .last. Week th govern
merit tabled supple m,. enta y ,•estim
a• es for the fiscal..ear 1968 = 69
t Y
amounting to close to,$152 millrori
Idolla•rs . Thisis in addition to .th
rs. on c os visa e
with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fowler,
recently: " •
.,Mr,' and Mrs:' Bob Forster are,hol-
idaying at Florida: John' stayed
with relatives.
IvlargieCollins spent. Friday even-
ing and °S'aturd'ay. Lin-
da•Kempton's. ,
,;Congratulatipns to Mr.. and Mrs..
Gordon Pattersonon•the arrival of
their chosen son', David Andrew.
Mrs. "Don.Robertson. and Mrs. Don'
McCosh.visited Mrs.. •Wallace l.ibeyl
of North ,Bruce ,.
On Wednesday.afternoon Nirs;
Cecil Sutton entertained the Pur-
ple Grove Womens Institute,
Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh'
visited Friday evening with. Mr.,'
and Mrs. ':Frank"M•aulden.
Mrs.. 'George Harkness, Mrs. How.
and Thompson, Mrs. Victor.
Gawley and' Mrs... Mor ford . Mackay'.
were guests Thursday of the Ripley
Women's: Institute.. •
Bob' Emerson and Clarence ,N'ich-'
olson"attended the. Farm Show in
London •on •Friday
Mr: and Mrs: 'Donald Johnston
and Mark stayed a few days"with
Mr. and Mrs..Walter•Forester and
Mr; ` and Mrs. `Gordon `Patterson
more `than $10' 1/ 2 •billion already
asked for to-. ruri,..the:.countr' u -. .to
April aoth., Y P
In bringing -in the additional bill',
for the Canadian tax'a•;P.Yer,''the Pres-
ident of Treasury Board said .$105
million of the new'amount was to;
meet' "contingencies" •- by which
he 'said.he meant ;wag ate. sa a y
increases::it was•expected would be
required for the Civil Service
The original' cost of�.gover'nment,
for the year plus the additional:,
amounts now "required 'go far towards
expIaininsgthe•:necessity for•the rec-
ent increase in taxes the
Minister 'of Finance.
Parliament has .already. approved `
the new'programme of•taxat'ion •of
estates which will •leave estates
• The Women s .Missionary, Society
of Ashfield•Press terian-Church
met on Friday''afternoon atthe
home bfMrs. .Emile MacLennan.'
,nd With other womehlrbtfla the
World, conducted; the Woy roDay;;
of Prayer 'Service.
,:The Explorers bf Ash#field, Presby- -
serianChurch;.met•.1vI'onday after
school'fortheir regular Monthly ";
meeting. in•thechurch:.
Recent visitors with Mr.. and Mts.:.
I'doh Bradley were John Bradley
yicholson students
at I University of':Gueiph ,
''Phyllis Bradley and David Todd 'of
Toronto. '
Friday and •Saturdays, at',- 7. 15•
and, 9:::15. All • other: days, . 'one•
shOW'... atm 8:00i except .' where
noted ,on tie program.
MAR. 13','14; 15
"The e Devil's
CinemaScope-Colour - - Stirring:
William Holden Cliff Robertson.
This is the' story of a World
War II action ' involving a bri-
gade , of crack Canadian, troops.
;and a mixed lot of U.S: Army
misfits. Second show on Friday
and Saturday nights at :9:30.
* it , * yr s►•. *; 1t 1r * it t * * *
MAR.. 15
Visiting Mr, and Mrs. "Gordan' •
Finlayson::are. Gordon and Jimmie
Rogerson' of Toronto .•
Mr.' and, Mrs. Robt .McIntosh
spent the week end in the Windsor
area,. where they visited friends:,
Recentvisitors in Torbnt4,were
I,r raXa°hip;, h„t Mr' and°Mrs. Harold•Elphick' and
r $.50,000 •
•estates over $50 ,000 will be ,calcul.
ated from the ..$20 , 0d0 'figure. 'Be-
fore it.. still is the proposal'. fora
2% "Social Development";:tax to be
ievied`on incorne. This' measure--
ill shortly come before us :for
Consideration. and •, according to
,forecasts in Ottawa•, May or June
may see additional taxproposals
brought -forward to ii.reet=spiralling.
costs: , .
JAMES, BOND IS BACK! that incredible
ry ' master of intrigue and women"..o:
• ' t<< ',ice }.: .. . .
;� loin SECRET AGENT•007R"
in his new thriller...
HRIMG'S ' • ._.
11111'f en
NERYAsJAMES60N0 ,t,!!„4.117,
"Thunderball" showing ,at7.06 0.06, 'Only
w I' ' "From Russia With Love" • showing at
9.15 p.m, Only-
Coming Next:' The Beatles YELLOW SUBMARINE"
Rising interest' _rates closely' affect
anot.her subject:now .before the
House - housing You will recall
the •report on housing brought down
by, the.task force headed by she `~ .
Minister of Transport'recently.
Since -his re:ort was tabled`, he'has:'
been making• very' optimistic-
statements'in the House and else-
where about the huge a.rriounts of`,
mortgage money that will be avail-
able: to carry out his report's rec -
•ommendations and reach thetarget;
of construction of 200.,000, new '.
homes this year. appears that the increase
in interest rates alrea'tly in -force,
and the probability of an even
higher rate in the near future, will
r - � - • u rid -tip- th
pool of investment capital necess-
ar . to rovide such a large ruin •-••.0
bet of new hornet..
T,11e blouse of Commons has also
been dealing with other measureg.
that might be classified as "house;
keening" legislation -- bills.
ManY ,frorn the area were in Lon-
don during: the past week where
they atte, ded: the Western Ontario
_Farm sho` . 1Arnong_those_attendirig
re David :enneth,.
El phick , Jim and Neil Mac•Kenzie
and Jake Verhulst..
Florence. MacLennan •left for Cal-
gary,..Alberta .from Malton on on.°•
day:;.Fldrence.will visit with Mr.
and:Mrs: Parigburn•, formerly of
this area
e Glory Guys`
Miss Helen Quinn
Makes Flower
ivlrs .'Cecil Sutton was'hostess.fdr
the March meeting of Purple•.Grovp%,
Women's Institute. Mrs. Francis
Boyle read the ScriQture lessoti•for.
the d-a-Me-rrtt r -s. n
roll call by giving the' names• of
former tenants on their farm;
The delegate to.,the Officers Con,- ;
ference in May will.tbe Nirs Fran
cis Boyle An; appeal•for funds wa.
;made for Bruce Lea haven, and ,an:
invitation to attend a Meetin.gon
March 20th at: 2 The D'isrrict: -,
Directors meeting will be• in Kin
cardine on March 18th. Choices:fon
a Short Course were 1. • Main dish" ••
Makes a meal. 2 Windoaw :'..
treatment ,
Mr and Mrs. George Clark and •
farnily, who have been .residing in
the 'former Barkwell place, have
Moved to. the. Burlington ,area , •
-here "they ,will make_tkre i r .home_
• Mrs..Douglas Martyn has been a
patient in Kincardine General Hos-
pital for the past week:.`'.
providing for:new government dep-
attments and the amalgamation of
others. Through this reform of de-
partments , the government hopes.
to be able to tackle major prob'-
les such at 'regional disparity,
unemployment.'and national
eve oprnent in a more e fective
Whether they will be successful.,
•remains•to'be seen. As these
events unfold -here on Parliament
Hill , l •'look forward to being able
to report Upon them for •you , from'
time to time,
Mrs . Donald. Mackay spoke on
the current 4-H Club and annouhc
edth•e,Achievement•Pay for 1\1a\'
10; Since the;girls are--le-arnm--_
to • make.'casseroles�, •they. h,a\ off
ered'toP rovid'e a buffet:luneb ;for,
Family Night being held in the
Community Centre,on March 17. yone int-ere-ste l: irk
the,Fa11.Fair was announced for'•
Ripley on March 1.0: ,".
-Mrs.- Donald -Mackay wasoconvei
er of •the program.• Miss1-Ielen
Quinn was introduced' by
Norval Stanley. In' her usual cap
able'rnanner, Miss Quinn demon-,
strated''the•making of a corsage
table arrangement , a. cup 'a•nij saner
er arrangement, and several other,
novelty arrangements,. Mrs,
Mackay thanked her for her helpful'
ideas and Mrs. Sutton presented her` Flower's, were: won by,
Mrs Morford: MacAay and' Mts.
Howard 'Thompson'. Winners in a
Contest were ,Miss Quinn and Mrs.. '
Sutton ,Winners: in the Squares Con
test were Mrs, Sutton and `Mrs, Nor.'.
val Stanley, while Mrs. Howard`
Thonipson had the best unbaked
Mfrs. Norval Stanley and Mrs.
'Donald Mackay assistedthe hostess
in serving :re•fr.eshments. Committee
in charge of Family Night
Mrs,Jack Farrell, Mrs. Don Gill=
les and Mrs, `Harvie Thompson.