HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-03-12, Page 6R CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH BUILDING THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CONSISTING OF LOWER FLOOR: one large meeting room 41 x, 23, (side ,toms) 13 x 18 and 13 x 13, ,kitchen facilities, men and ladies. washroos,ACE ' ' FU)' ROOM with modern forced:. air oil furnace,, ' UPPER FLOOR consisting of various sized rooms andthree piece ;bath; Building for apartments, suitablesmall business and 'living, quartets, church groups and many.others, EXTRA L•OT` 119' frontage . `x 85 can be ' bought : separate . or with main purchase. Any reasonable offer will receive serious consideration.. CONTACT , HARRY BURGS'M. ,A.:. R.R.' 1 Port Albert Phone 529-7982 KINLOUGH The'Anglican Church Women will meet,on.,Thursday afternoon at the • • home of Mrs . • Bert Nicholson:.: .M iss• M a y Boyle visited at the' • hocte of Mr.. and Mrs. Charlie Hodgins at Wingham and spent Wed nesday with /Mr;; and Mrs., B.-, Thom pson at Kitchener. • We extend sympathy to,Mrs.' 'George Haldenby. and, Mrs: -Joh Robbin the passing of their. brother, the late William;•Bell at Winnipeg with the burial at Swan. River, The;. •late Mr. Bell spent his. earlier years • in this• neighbourhood , .a sonof the ,.late. Ari r : and Mrs : Henry .heli. KINGSBRIDG,E' Congratulations to'Ltband Mrs. •. Jim MacDonald..of Victoria, British • Columbia on .the arrival of a (laugh.. ter on February:.27.':Another grand daughter ° for 'Mr. Ray Dalton Last Wednesday evening.the.Ash- field W. M..S. ladies and the Kings- bridge C W L. ladies enjoyed meeting: onceagain for a few more o a rn - s of volley ball, in the school. gym. Word has been:received here from theeWest•of the passing of •th.e late Clarence Haldenby , a sister- We to 'law 'of IV E. I-Taldenby � Ne extend sympathy to the family and. • relatives. ' • Mr and Mrs. Maurice. Dalton and family of Sarnia visited on the ', weekend. with 'and Mrs: Dennis .Dalton , Mr. and Mrs.. ;Stan Doherty and. family -t ra-Ve•l:led-tot :• Tl omas'to-'- spend the weekend withMr .;, and Mrs.. 'Ray Stanley and family. • Mrs.'Blaise .Martin left Sunday to 'spenda few' weeks in Hamilton. Shirley'Scott is spending a few.:: weeks•with Mr.:arid Mrs:,'Jim Mar- 'We.extend syrtnpathy to the'farnily •of: the:la.te Mrs, John Bushell• -who passed 'away on Sunday at the Pine. crest'llaiior, :Lucknow,,'She ;kas been in failing health:'for some time. ' Mr. and ,Mrs,. Howard T.honipson' visited: on Sunda} wirh'Mr. and Mrs...Bert'Nicholson and Allan. ,.Ir a n d A Air_ . Lyman Sutton and; • .High prizes were won by 'Mrs.. • • s , Mr. and Mrs,; Marvin Scott .are holidaying in Florida. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Recalls REAt Winter Of 1947 Goderich, February 10th, 1969 Hi . Donald' -. Just for those who think' we are /'1 having a terrible winter , •ho w many remember,the winter of 1947:, twen ty''two year ago? It was'a terrible winter all January, February and March. March 25th was one of the worst storms; Train off the track no mail for1 week; no train for 1 week; bad storms all-over the, west top; roads were all blocked for weeks in •the. middle of March; Airplane .dropped' yeast. to: bake. ' shop. March 25th; stores closed at 4 p ..M .'; so stormy you' couldn't see across the street; real cold all day. and it:was a ;terrible: night. • . March 26, Silverwoods closed nearly all day; days without any delivery of milk, bread or groceries;. W.A, tea'cencelled.; prayer meetings etc: cancelled; Mr. Hill stranded in Win gg hain`'from 24th of March until the 28th. • • Mardi 28th,: C. K. N, X:. announe ed the Queen Elizabeth' highway was the only. road open for:.traffic. . w.May 7th, 1947no w:arrn weather, yet; no seedingdone;- no gardens •worked up yet; snowing that day;, • roofs all covered with .snow; stoves -and-furnaces, Atilr:goinreal colcL that day. Now what about:1969 winter? Hattie (Roach)VanArman1�' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th, 1969; .Sitijo-P0000, 1eave; Fo0isit InHolland ST. -HELENS NEWSS; Card Party .' Seven, tables were in play .at the • card party in the Zion L, O. L •"Hall on Monday evening. John, Mr,: and Mrs. Ceci1`Sutton : :Charles: Wilkins and Charles: Fowler, attendedthe`fiineral of their cousin Consolation .prizes went to Mrs the late John 1\Iarr at *Rid`getown on Bert'Alto'nand Allan Gibsoh,'with Sundav Donald Hod,=insreturned.ro. Vict o,i•a.Hospital•, London on Sunda}" �-•-for'�-fu•rtiaer••triedica1:••t-rea-t37ie-rit�.•�;ev " -�- Tom Helm having the lucky .cup,. Mr".:. andMrs: Simon De Boer plan to fly to Holland On Wednesday. They plan on one -month's vacation. in`:'their native land. Mrs Gordon:: Goutier arid. Jamie, and Mrs James. Barbour of London., were• week -'end visitors with Mr'. and Mrs.: Andrew Gaunt. Dan Rose of Emo Was. a Sunda.y visitor with lvir, and ;;:Mrs , "Harvey Webb ; , ; ' • •Mr.. and' Mrs..' Rosi Errington and. ' famil :attendedthe Ice Cap ades'in, Y .P London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell and family of .Walton were Sunday visitors with- Mr;- and -Mrs : Ross hope•his staj there •will not be too. • • Only in:,aginable difficulties can:.t I Errington and• family long. be. 'Ten •tables'.enjoyed:t he.Shoot .. Party on Thursday evening :.High Iprizes went to Charles Fowler and --Mrs-S-tuar=t-t2-and "the --eon ! solation'prize5 'to John Andrew' and • Mrs Aitchison., Wm.:' Andrew :i had: the lucky _cup with the most l shoots going ;to Mrs . Charnney and Ross Errington: The next party is planned for March 20th.. Lunch was served at, the. conclusion, Mr • and Mrs. Carl 'Johnston of Bluevale were Sunday visitors with 1Mr. and Mrs.. Frank McQuillin . ` =•AN GRANULATEDFREE ' FLOWING AMERICAN, FERTILIZER SPECIAL PR ICES oad:. Lots In Western.- Ontario PAYABLE: IN CANADIAI ZENC 'TRUCKS ARRIVII 'DAIL;Y Contact Cl #ori ePy�.e�°, Gon e .Phone Wrox•eter 326-,1- :Mrs. Violet`Webster ,of Kincardine i'visited' on Thursday, with Mrs Frank. Todd and Mr and I Todd' Mr, 'and Mrs. Gordon Lyons were • I guests at the Benson -, Henry wedd ing at Pine. Filer •last .Sa 'urd:ay .0 The bride -.is a :niece of Mrs'. Lyons: When Ili"s Tinze fora A. • • • • • • Tune -lip See Us:! g ': . A m:oto:r`that's runnlng right sounds if ....Is. easy on .gas, ::..,gets -you where you..wan:t • to •go without trouble: Let our expert ,me-'` chanici.. give your •car a tune-upbe:•pre pared for Tots of carefree summer driving Always Reliable'; Mel Stanley's Sup'erte$t LUCKNOW PHONE. 528.3430 Recipe, Rustlers AMBERLEY NEWS"' • . '-he:_fourth meet .ng oLthe. 'Ten Recipe Rustlers" .was .held: 'at the home,of'Mrs. John;A '.McDonald, ' .February 27th::; The meeting:, opened With the 4-H pledge•and•was.followed with. ,the roll call •"A•,supper dish featuring •cheese or.eggs•... • , The: membersdiscused suitable.', covers for their books, and'' an exhib for AChievement'Day. The• girls demonstrated the mak ing of Tuna Casserole and Egg Scr.anible which were ser'ed for: lunch.:and enjoyed' by the members,. The megetin '• clos .d he. Creed: With the 4=H:: ASK, FOR INVITATIONS • • 40ANNOUNCEMENTS o .ACCESSORIES' 'COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT 'REGISTER; HE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL of • • LETTER TO THE EDITOR Pictures : Meaningful ormer Resident Elmira, Ontario; .hebruary,5 ;. 1969 The Iucknow Sentinel , Luc kno\ , Ontario . . Dear Donald; Many new' names -appear in Sent= in'el columns:from Year to ear;.` Year y.. However there are many in'•which 1 still have kiridiy recollections Your. recent photos have', created'. a good deal..of interest..One 'An.ear lier era in. Those were ,y amongthe yOung lads 'I knew well and 'in most, caseses had 'a'keen :int - erest. Thispicturealso includes several of the yoting,:business Hien': of, my day in Lu kno ; and, :of some of them; memories are'all`•that 'remains;: unfortunate.):, One of them we: now have in Eln i::: • One of them .is a n'amesale of a.. neighbour -of -;mine -here:: Then,the picttires .ofgDr . Little and 'Howard;Agnew, as they • •' approach retirement, m'ake:one` -,'... grateful' that some 'of the:for,nTer; active. busihess and professional men may realize .a'happy'period after they lay 'down the tools of their working days 'Last .week's.,pictur.e-of new coon • cil inaugural includes another,group, `'-011eung--tPe-11`61for r year , three of :whom I knew quite wells, the wife of"another'is still among • her-74—as—foo • . . young for meto recall very clearly. but T knew. his 'mother., as Weil as the 'parents, of all the others. 'Good luck to;this year's Council and ,to Luc know• under its guidance.. Many of this type of picture I shall cut out and treasure, Yours truly,' • .Viola Kerry, ; i