The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-03-12, Page 4t, PAGE FOUR, o., THE. LUCKNOW, SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, O. NTARIO LASSIRE WEDNESDAY, MARCH, lith, 1969' FOR SALE: • EAVESTROUGHING. on house , or barn. Metal flashings. Roof . re- pairs, CHIMNEYS ,built. Free es- timates. Morrison Bros., 528-2906. BRIAN RINTOUL, LICENSED AUCTIONEER WHITECHURCH PHONE ' 357-2349 ' FOR SALE: two high, dry build- ing lots and one house. Apply Ronald Forster, phone 528-2346.,' , COMET . WELDERS (180. and 300 • amp.) compressions, grinders, fer- tilizer ertilizer augers, power bin, .°.eaners, rods and accessories: George Mes- senger area representative, • R.R.'1,• Ripley, Phone 395-2815. `' Smith Roles . Ltd., ' • London, Saskatoon Try Comet before you buy., • FOft, SALE —� Reconditioned 21" Admiral. console„ : television. New . picture tube, -Priced for quick sale. Greer ',V. •, and Electric,; phone 528-3112.. " BERG STABLE:: EQUIPMENT :Contact. Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3. Holyrood,. phone 395=5390. • VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service • for all makes, R. K. ` Peck, Varna Phone 262 FOR SALE. a Polled. Hereford. bull, two •'years old; a W4 Inter- • national tractorin good condition with good tires. Contact Ed Smyth; R:'R.: 5;Wingh*am `phone •35=2899. FOR }SALE "a V8 motor for a 1961 Ford. Contact Ernest ' Ackert • Jr.,; phone 528-2182. FOR• SALE Leti grain grinder . on rubber, powertake-off driven, 'excellent condition, works well ',on fKr7 q. aM" 11 �� /T • h I N. -,nr Ob Iw �!. •. - -;�, . 1 GqQr�__ FOR SALE „, FOR SALE — Pure : bred register- ed cow with bull calf at foot, good. foundation stock; Lane, - Gardner;' R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone '529-7226 Dungannon... . FOR SALE clean straw: G. W. VanDerKlippe, phone 57-1688. ,- FOR SALE — fifteen pigs, weaned three weeks. Contact Ken Girvin,, phone 529-7543. .. PEN SPEVIALS — a B. buy lc 49c pen and get two 19c Bic pens FREE; buy: a Paper Mate $1.95 pen and get a Tempo nylon tip marking pen, ' value : 59c, • FiREE; The Lucknow Sentinel, Phone .528- 3134. PIANO FOR SALE — contact Mrs. Warren Zinn, R.R. ' 1. Dungannon, Phone 529-7350.. FOR SALE Surge milking mach- ine. Wm. ' G. Humphrey, R.R. 2 Lucknow phone 528-6740. FOR SALE —'2. used Surge milker units in Al condition. Lucknow District Co-op. • STOP HAIR OUTFALL Stops Dandruff - Promotes Hair Growth' -. • Stops Itchy 'Scalp With. PAUL'S ';REMEDY Available At Your • I.D.A. DRUG STORE' Lucknow, Ontario A.. REAL -DEAL. I .•,. 4- BIC PENS,— , are fast capturing the ' Canadian market after being introduced in Canada a short time ago: The Sentinel has a good' offer for any °.businessman or anyone who uses a number' of pens: Buy. 1 dazed Bic 49e pens at the regular pace' and get two dozen Bic. . 19c p cob : corn.. Apply Howard Culbert, R.R..'12Dungannon, '•phone 529-7339. JUMBO ' •PLAYING• :' CARDS::' available ' ;from. -the Lucknow Sent- inel .at $1.19 per deck.:: If. ', poor eyesight prevents you ' from enjoy- ing a card;gan)e, these cards with large numbers and illustrations. may be just what you peed. CUSTOM' SLAUGHTERING;:: EVery ' Tuesday' : and Thursday . . Pigs and Cattle, Tuesday wattle, only;' •Thursday `'in by, '1 p.iii. ' BUTTON MEAT :MARKET 'DEAD•STOCK.. Fresh dead cows over 1.,000 pounds; $12:00 each; dead horses, k $20.00 'each; ',over 500 pounds ac- cording to size. LORENZ REMOVAL DURHAM Call Collect 369-2410 ; semi-automatic Cable : Cleaners, unbeaten for hog barns;. chain, cleaner,, bunk 'feeders, silo •,.unload-, ers, hog equipment, ' ;layer equip-, ment, fans, bully -tanks -•H-awkeye cast :' iron hog ; feeder' and heated cattle Waterers; , • Westeel-Rosco , Steel Granaries: Lynn Lowry, : Am- berley, phone. Ripley. 395-5286. pens FREE. A $10.44. value. for $5.88. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. SNO-PRINCE SNOWMOBILES. -Choice of many models from 17_ to .24 h.p. Manual or:,. Electric 'start Stop in and see these machines. ART HELM WELDING, A MACHINE • Lucknow FOR SALE COMING EVENTS STABLE CLEANING — with:Craw- ler loader. Phone 'R. Symes, ' 528- ,5203. • FOR SALE drop calves Here- ford x, Holstein. Alex, Farrish,;• R. R. 7 Lucknow, phone 529-7305.. FOR SALE - child's play pen size -25 x 44, complete with mat- tress: at-tress: Sunbeatn electric 'broom. combination vacuum; . 2 wheel golf cart kitchen cabinet; buffet:. 12 gallon water;. tank, .:new:, -shallow well piston pump, . complete with motor. George Raldenby, • R.R. 2 Holyrood, phone 395-2421.- COB CORN FOR -SALE contact Garnet Eskritt, R.R. 7 Lucknow. FOR', SALE L shaped Frame building (former chopping mill.) -` 40 x 25 and 20 x 25. Eric W. Rice, Lucknow, R.R. `2 phone 528-6695. FOR SALE . — 1962 'Ford 6 auto- uratic.. Radio, show room • con- dition. N. W. Winterstein,, Lucknow. FARM NEEDS Nixon ' or Ayerest. ' Blackleg, Malignant Edema Bacterin, 50 c.c.. at Umbach's Pharmacy, Lucknow. FOR . SALE ' - . quantity of Stor mount .oats. suitable' for seed'. Con-' tact Bob Simpson, phone '529-7368. CLOTHING SPECIAL 10% discount . •on lined parkas, jackets and vests:. Lucknow. District Co-op CORN FOR ,SALE. — cob and kiln ' dried corn from '-the Ridge- town:- Chatham'area in 5 -ton and truckload lots. Jim ' MacEwan, Kinloss, phone 395-2410 Ripley. TT�RE' .D' Kel siiiator .automatic humidifyer.' Humidity ' control, water level in=' dicator, walnut grain 'vinyl : cover. Reg. $99.95: Special $74.88. Greer T. V, and. Electric,. phone 528-3112. NEW CASH BINGO: .` . Legion Hall, Lucknow,• Thurs- day, -8:45 p.m. 15 regular games, $10.00 each.. 4 'Share The- Wealth games with jackpot included in each 'game. Jackpot this week -$85 on 57 calls: " " ' CARD PARTY • 'A Card Party, will be held in the St. Augustine` • Hall on Friday, March 14th at 9 p.m..` under aus- pices of the C.W.L. Prizes and lunch, VARIETY 'CONCERT & ' DANCE A'' Variety Concert and ' Dance will be held in the St.. Helen's Hall on .Tuesday,' March " 18th at 8:30 p.m;:, sponsored by the W.I. Tiffin's orchestr..a. ' Ladies please bring sandwiches. Everyone welcome. SHOOT PARTY A Shoot Party will be held at the St; Helen's Hall on. Thursday, March 20th' under .auspices of the Women's ' Institute. Lunch . will be served. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Lucknow and District Credit Union are sponsoring a St. Pat- rick's Dance at Lucknow Legion on March 14th. ' Dancing from 9:30 - X42:30 by Chaparels.. Every- one welcome: Admission ,$3.00 per couple.. Sandwiches ' and coffee for sale. HORTICULTURAL MEETING The Lucknow Horticultural Soc- iety will ',hold their next meeting Monday evening March 17 • at 8 p.m. in Legion Hall. -Mr. Geo.''r4ew` bold will' show, slides of 'Britain and •programme will feature • St. Pat- MONSTRATOR riceI Day num er Members and ` visitors welcome. . FARMERS • For healthy calves inject Vit. A, D, E. Umbach's Pharmacy, Lucknow, phone 528-3004. FOR SALE - barn exhaust ' fan, 20 inch, • 1/ H.P. motor, like, new. Phone 529-7427. • AR, : U PMENT — : Acorn SINGER' SERVICE =. Repairs to all 'makes .ands models; . Sales and :Jet -vice en new : products;',Singer . Co.' of. Canada, phone :357 3730 after 6 pm: .,ADDING MACHINES Ilistock ' are two models: , han operated Victor with add and ,Sub- tract and. other, features, $100: 'el- 'ectric-ally ope-r-at-ed Commodore— . with.: all features, $135. .See them .both at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-313'4. • SNOWBLOW E RS' CAB SERVICE Gerry's Cab. Available DAY OR NIGHT "., LONG OR' SHORT TRIPS 17 and Auger Type. Front or Rear. Mounted • Bale Shreaders • '• Farrowing' Crates • and Pens• Feed Carts SEPTIC 'TANKS 'CLEANED • Vacuum cleaning and pumping of Septic tanks, Ronald. Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-2346, manu- facturer Of cement septic tanks and well tile: ' • SILO At.'O' ROOF EXTENSIONS Ani lne wishing* to hahaveexten- sions on :heir suns or..roofs,.plea' Yr wt1,e. .'Ails can be. done; now. #alas-and---Stabie ' * * *. ART .:HELM ICELIILNIG A u'I', NL•4C1i1N.E SHOP ' Phone' 529-7627 H,ALLMAN SILOS ab type,or poured concrete SEE. VAN DALE For The Best In. SILO LNLOADERS AND BUNK r'r:1w:DERS VERSATILE . S W ATHERS AND GRAIN AUGERS JOHNSTON TRACTOR 'CABS, •125 BSETT'BLADES • Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-6511, GEORGE ° WRAITH' PLAY.tiG CARDS Plastic coated single decks from $1.19 'up as .well es double decks ". and euchre decks. (euchre cards. only), Drc° in at The ' Lucknow Sentinel. ' • YOUR -F AND M -H EALER ' ' GO ERICN • Ph 524-6511• ,.; or 4-7002, PHONE 528=2647 H'E D CROSS .IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU 'HELPING :PEOPLE LIKE YOU OLD` TYME DANCE In Lucknow. Public "School on Sat- urday, March 29th, sponsored • by Kairshea`-Women'.s Institute. Dane-, ing from 9' to 12 with:. Carruthers Orchestra. Novelty prizes. Lunch counter, : homemadepies, sand- wiches and coffee. Advance saleof. tickets from any Institute member.. APRIL FOOLS. DANCE, everyone , is welcome -at -the Dance sponsored by :District : 2 of Ontario Farm Union, on'Saturday, March AM,. 'at Lucknow Legion Hall: Dancing 9 to 1' to The •.Chap erelles Admittance—restricted -restricted to persons 21 .years and ()Ver. Lunch served , • VARIETY.: CONCERT The Lucknow . Agricultural Soc- iety -take -this- opportunity oc-ietytake- t-liis-opportunity -to-invite-everyone,' to, • . a Variety Concert, March • 15th in the Lucknow Public School. Programme 'Committee Mrs Bob' Gilchrist, Mrs. Bert Alton and. Cameron .MacDonald have endeav- oured to inake . this concert one of thebest yet. An enthusiastic group of Kinloss members have prepared a one act plan—which—is—indeed one of—the- highlights. f e - highlights: of the concert.. Skits, novelty • and humerous numbers have also . been included in the ,programme which will com- mence' at, '8:15 p.m. .. Popular ad- misSinn prices will be charged. ON.. SALE MOORE'S 'REGAL WALL SATIN. A PAINT THAT PRODUCES A . BEAUTIFUL WASHABLE'. FLAT FINISH MANY COLORS TO c Murde &'• Son LUCKNOW — PHONE15211.2406 yrrte,A tai.. .1 rW , • - .. APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP OF' KINLOSS Applications for caretaking of, Townshi F` Hall will be received b e erk until' Saturday; . March 15th, 1969. ' • Fraser . MatKinnon • Clerk-Treas., 'Kinloss Township R.R. 5 Lucknow The trouble with the chronic .borr- ower is that,he always keeps every- thing but his word. �:. r n:._ NOTICE NOTICE To the 'members of the Ashfield Federation of , Agriculture, on Mar- ch 6th, 1969, I• tendered my resig- nation of the, Office of secretary ° treasurer of . the Ashfield Feder- ation. Hugh. McWhinney CHILD HEALTH' CLINIC The child health clinic of the, Bruce 'County Health Unit for pre- school children and infants will be held in the Legion Rooms, Luck - now on' Tuesday,. March 18th, from 10 to 11:30. a.m. . AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE ' of 150 •. acre farm , and household effects will be held for the estate of. the late Mrs. Irene' MacKenzie at S.H. lots 35, 36, 37 Concession 1 Huron Township, 51. miles .west of Luck- now on Highway 86, on Saturday, March, 22nd at 1:30 p.m. Terms. Cash. The 150 acre farm will be offered subject': to reserved . bid.' Terms made known at sale time. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE ' AN AUCTION 'SALE of ; Farm Machinery and Hay 'will be held: for, the Estate _ of the, late Walter Sharpe; Lot. 14, Concession 10, Cul- ross, Township, 21 .miles north' and '!a mile east of Teeswater; on Sat- urday, March 15 at 1:30 p.m. See,; bilis for listing: Terris Cash. Allan .: Maclntyre, auctioneer. % • AUCTION .SAI -E. ' AUCTION: SALE:, of livestock, machinery, • hay and grain will be '.:. held for Jack Irwin, lot 12, Conces- sion 9, Ashfield Township, five • miles . 'southof ' Lucknow or four miles • 'north ..of. Dungannon ' on Thursday, April,' 3rd at', 1:30 p.m. Terms Cash, farm is sold: Allan Macintyre, auctioneer. ' • AUCTION • SALE ' of Holstein Cows, Young Cattle and Real Estate Will Be Held For JOSE .ALM,EIDA Lot '20, Concession 10, Kinloss •Twp. 71/s Miles North and 2 'Miles East Of Lucknow MON,'IZC At 1:30DAYMAp.ni-H 31. LIVESTOCK . ' 8 Holstein cows due sale ' time; 2 Holstein . heifers' , due in April; 4 Holstein heifers'l yr. old; '8 calves: HOGS .. . 8 sows due. March and April, '.8,__ feeder pigs. r HAY and. GRAIN . Quantity of Hay and: Grain., —Some—small—articles and . Fa Equipment. • • REAL ESTATE ' The 200 acre farin,_b_einglot Concession 10 and Lot 20,: Con sion 11 on which is situated a 'm od ern brick house. and large barn will be offered subject to a low reserve bid, requiring 10% cash, day of sale, balance in 60 days. Owner leaving for Portugal. TERMS CASH JOSE ALMEIDA, Prop: ALLAN MacINTYRE, Auctioneer Phone ' Lucknow 528-3519• AUCTION SALE A' CLEA;j GTION SALE of Livestock and Farm Implements will be held at the farm of Thomas . Phillips, east corner lot 2, conces- sion 6, Ashfield: Township, County, of Huron. on Saturday, . March ' 22 at 1 p.m, See bills for listing. Terms • Cash. No. Reserve ;=- Farm Sold. Thomas Phillips, R.R. 1 Dungan- non, proprietor. Emile MacLennan, auctioneer. '