The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-03-12, Page 2lie; LUCKNOW-SE T AI I
,« f:iM1y;AM
"The Sepox Town" ^ On the Huron -Bruce Boundary
Autt' tzed as' second class matter by the Post Office Department,;
• Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash.
Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon
Member of the C.W.N.A. and' O.W,;N.A..'.
Subscription Rate; ,$5.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., . $7.00
Donald <C,' Thompson,, Publisher
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th, 1969' '
.:, fr��y f�%lk
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We are, • not an'. expert on the needs of .thee Bruce and Huron,
County School Boards,' but the choices of Clinton .and Chesley as the.
headquartersfor the two boards: is,' if nothing 'else, "refreshing."
For many years we have ; seen Walkerton and Goderich, the
county towns,come up with allthe nice little."plums which help to -
make a community' grow, The little fellows, like Lucknow, continually
have an up hill battle to acquire the slightesthtest benefit for their com-
Whether' or not Clinton 'and Chesley will prove ideal'locations
• for the operation of the county school systems remains to be seen ,but
it pleases 'us' to see that men :and women from .various parts: of the.
counties •'of Huron and . Bruce are confident that ,:these towns .have
• an important place to. 'play. in the future of this area. Clinton isnot
suffering'to any 'great :,degree, . but the location of ,the Bruce: board in'.
Chesley is a . substantial boost to this small community who we .con-
sider as "one of us",
Raynard Ackert of . Holyrood• drew to Our attention • this past:...
week 'a clipping in a district- daily, newspaper which is worthy of
mention. Seems that .Municipal Affairs minister, Darcy McKeough,
speaking to the Ontario Legislature, assured a municipally -employed :: s-
,lessors that they will still have ;a job;when the government' takes over.
assessment responsibilities between now and next'. -January
The punch punch line, which RaYpard mentioned ed ao us . and - which � is
typical: of .all departments of government" once they , get their "fingers
inthe pie. stated:
° - "There are now 1250'. licensed assessors in Ontario and'theP rov-".
ince-needs-at-least-190O-to-do'its-job-pro rl:
This would indicate to us that • when a: man becomes : a 'govern:`
ment civil •servant, he is only. about 12/19th asuseful as he was before.
The time has come when we might as well give _up the idea that
there is any line of communication .between the Common Man and
the men who sit' in Federal Govdrnment offices in Ottawa,
Mrs. Doris Boak, Goderich wishes
to announce the engagement of her
daughters, Sandra Lynne to' Mr.
Richard_ Sowerby, son of Mr. and
Mr's. Bruce. Sowerby, Goderich.
rhe wedding 'will take place on
Thursday 1 April 3rd 'at 7:30'
• at i<no* .Presbyterian Church, God -
Mr. Delberi•McQuillan.annotinees
the engagernent'o€ Judith 'Anne-
Anne-Mann, Ripley, daughter of the.. late
Mrs Marie' McQuillan to David
Robert -Lackey,; son 'of Mr., and, Mrs.
Douglas Lackey, R.R. 5.,, Lucknow .
The, marriage will•take place in
Se e A
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Luckriow' Sentiriel•;
Dear Don,
We've all': read letters printed in .•
tie Lucknow: Sentinel from: interest •:.
ed subscribers and hereis just
ac other_o e o_ad_ _to_th_e st'
Bob McNain, Amberley, .received
a .letter last.wfeek .from an old.
schoolP al , : $ill Colwell of Dawson.
Creek, British Columbia formerly
of HolY rood : Bill'•said that tie was
prompted to :write so Bob after."read'.
ing in a recent copy of the Sentinel
which his parents receive ,; where'.
Bob is,a.member of the Ashfield
Ontario Farmers' 'Union.fertilizer' `.
committee. Bill quoted : •tie price
. , t
of 11-48-0 at $107.8Q per ton and •
340/0 arn-mo e
ton In B.C. and said the rising fert-
ilizer :prices are causing. many: far,,
mer inquiries out there: Bill and
Bob are now exchanging.; prices
the different analysis as a •
result: ofthe:Sentinel article
'Ftp' -editor of the- -apanee=Bea vcr—was asked-to•=be-eoaventien--
chairman this year for .the Ontario Weekly. Newspapers' Association..
The convention 'was held last' week in Ottawa. City officials, couldn't
have been kinder — they put up $400 to throw 'a' dinner for' us the
mayor had' a representative on hand to greet •us, the travel 'bureau's'.
'.Gerry Geldert went out of his, Wet to be eo-operative . . but getting:.__,,_
anything out • of the Federal Government and its minions, even com-
mon courtesy, that was another ;matter:
«'e 'started.' contacting the Prime -Minister's office last 'Septem-
• ber in hopes of having Mr Trudeau attend . one of . our' luncheons'. Con-
tacts were' made through mutual connections in Ottawa; through: the
7• Speaker Hon'.. Lucien Lamoreaus, and.through officials of the Can-
'Weekly--adian eekly• 1\ewspapers'. Association. • They all failed. One'can
understand that -'- .Mr: Trudeau 'is a 'busy man. but the thing • that '
hurts is_ ice never could find . out.. anything .` In addition, the convention
chairman wrote two 'letters to Mr. Trudeau's office; made two tele-
phone' calls to his .executive assistant. Michael Vennat. and•one tele
phone call to :Mr. Lamoreau" J.s Office, .but neither letter was,..ever.'
answered and none' of the telephone messages• either . `i`hhee--conveen€ion
is now over and we stillhaven't heard even a whisper, from Mr Trull -
eau s office. `writing to, the President. of the United States would get'
better results: than that.'
Mr. 'Trudeau isn't as worried about his lines' of corninunicatio ,.
- . with the public as he Says he is,' or he'd do something about- it and.'
tripling his -Staff. as be has •done; doesn't seen. to be the. answer.
.�.w� t..�ti.�«• —t-: «':«i � , • . �. • .y.�..r«.'•'�»:"�'s "f. .,_.•. + .iw.�My, _.M.µy :-:—:•.
LOCAL'.IUARDWARE •, , separate from the hard-
The change ,over will see the
businesses in 'rr;estetn,Ontario'. `• . ., present Crest.Hardware become one
the ,most :modern • 'retail hardware
Ron' has beepted. wi th of tf:ie No.ite !-lardware group of; •.
indePendent stores''
Charlie and Donald for 'several
months now and next Vonday offic
ially becomes the new owner. He.
will•be assisted in the husir e.5s by
his wife Barbara and Jack Aitchison
presently ,an employee there bona'
ald Mackinnon will ,coritirtue to•
operate a plumbing and heating
twart and lean Nickeith! of Van
couv°er, ` in: sending their Sentinel
renewal, extend best wishes to all
their friends in'and, around. Luck- .
now e
.Secretary, Ashfield Local;
Ontario•.. Farmers' 'Union.
uming''that all the truss .frame
joints will need attention •
so •as pot to :underestimate the work: l
involved,. ; It could , however, mean
tha•tMr, Gosling,would over .estiin:=
ate the work.needed:� f -a thorough`.
exarni.nation•of the"truss frame
,joints' did "not produce the- problems
Reeve loynt told 'the Sentinel on
Tuesday -/that council feel. it imper-
ative ,to get- a' cost analysis on lip-
dating= th"e structure 'to compare
with. the costs of,a new structure
Mr. C0sIinz s report expected •
w,ith'rn a.. week :. wo1T urlin° 'a
imated" cost of the woek using Tor
onto contractors as a"ba is: Council
•plan to also have local contractors ,.
estimate .on the'lob.
'`tr.'Joynt said 'that cpuncil have
been fortunate in securing the e -
�, ser-,
:vices of Mr'. Gosling w.nose,engin=
eering ability:is. highly regarded
and that he has proven to council
and to the people of the village
..that the present structure can bei!
bro'ught'up to National Building:.
Code; �.
Council also discussed: the arena
question while in Toronto with a' •
=representative J,f Wonder,,Buiidin s,,
a' firm selling pre-engineered build 1
ints suitable for arena use, .
Pians were made to, contact another!'
firm of this type:,. 'Butler E3uildings
ursng :Graduat'
A number of wgm'en and one; man
from this area graduated recently
as Certified Nurses' Aids and, Att,
endants from• the Goderich; Psychiat,
ric Hospital,' •
A mong those.• who completed .the
ten, month course were Carolyn-
Adams; of Whitechurch, Mrs. Max
Bushell of Holyrobd; ,, Mrs. Alvin
Collinson'•of, Ashfield ,. Mrs. Mike
Foran of Dungannon, Barbara •`•.
Biodie of Goderich', Karen McVitt-
ie of"Auburn:; and .• Lyle •Brown of '
Amberley. -
Passes Sunday
Mrs John Bushell of Kinloss
Township passed away at. the Pine-
crest' Manor Nursing. Home in Luck-
now on Sunday at the age 'of .80
years. 'Mrs, Bushell was the former
Stella Ann Montgomery..
The funeral service was, conduct-
ed, on Tuesday' from the Mac Ken-•
zie Memorial Chapel in
Lucknow. wi h temporary entomb-
ment at SouKinloss Ivl
BR.QWN' • on, 'M.onday:.March 3:in •
•Kincardine.Hospital, 'to Mr.` and
rs, . Reg Brown,. R R; 1; Tolyrood ,.
a daughter, a. sister.: •tor Tommy:
ROSS -' in Win ham'`and District
Hospital ,on`;Monda March 3. to
P Y,
Mr. and Mrs :':Donald. Ross ; R. R, 5
Win g ha a, a son '•
After. all; perhaps an old; maid' •
u t h(tidies know:
�'� s a woman Who .
any better thanto look. for .artideal
man 'for a husband:
WEDNESDAY, MARCH:"12th,;-1969+
ians'assisted in Ayr.
When Elwin left Ayr, the Paris ''
bandmaster.:took over the Ayr band
leadership' and through the .years ,
the .two bands' haveenjoyed a close ,-
relationship., .one always in need 'Of
the other.
l embers of theAyr-Paris hand
will fly to. Prestwick, Scotland ,
which is only `.three. miles from Ayr .;.
Over .'the. years, the towns of: Ayr,
Ontario and Ayr, Scotland•have
c e relationship a 1 s by y
mail and visits by ambassadors
'from both countries.' The people
of Ayr in Scotland' are rolling out
the-welcome--matafor-their Ontario
visitors and will billet them in
:their homes:• About 125 band :mem
bers., families and:friends will
'make the trip.:: '
Band concerts will be la ed:iri
Ayr ,:• Scotland on August 6 ‘,7 ,8",,P
10, 16.-and'.17'with -a pause in the •
dates for the travellers to .visit oth =
areas.. One of the Co rt ille .:..
be ,a Bobb Burns cottage', ', located '
y g ,
at .A ''Yr , A civic: reception and send
offis also plannedbY the Scottish
The . 1969 Easter Seal Campaign . is 'now underway'
throughout Ontario which means Hope`, and Opportunity is
on the way for, thousands upon 'thousands _ o* physically,
.handicapped youngsters. Don't delay'. returning your gift'
to the local Crippled, children's Fund and be ts :generous
ea possible'. ;
'Lucknow and
p e�
District. Lions• Club is sponsoring the district
campaign because •
!dreu':HNeed four HeIp!
'Gordon' Moht °mer , Chairmdan . Gordon Fisher, Trea's';-