The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-26, Page 16• PAGE :SIXTEEN • THE •LUCKNOIN SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 is Here Full' Coverage.:and Unbeatable Value In Men's . Wear For Spring . ice. °.READY-TO-WEAR Pure Virgin Wool. Worsted. SUITS •DRESS SHIRTS Long and. Short Sleeve Styles — Never Needs Ironing . . ' Trim-fittingNo-Iron CASUAL SLACKS .Newest m; SPORT SHIRTS Long .or l Short Sleeve *..* * * * • Truly Carefree. JACKETS • Scotchgard treated to ..repel rain and stain. Nylon Koratron , Perma-Press Laminates Sporty Pretenders•in Vinyl Leather *, * '* ; *' Handsome ALL-WEATHER COATS' HATS . for dress wear and Sportswear 3y. The :Sentinel THAT the Ice fishing expedition by Jack Treleaven and Stuart Collyer of Lucknow`, Ted Collyer of St' Catharines and Thom Collyer of Orangeville last weekend didn't .produce- any fish.but the foursome had an enjoyable day fishing.at Boshkung Lake north of Minden, Theyleft about 3 a . m .Saturday morning returning late Saturday evening.. THAT George Stanley who has. been .employed as a mechanic at 'Montgomery Motors and 'their trac • tor division for a number of years', will commence work this week at. Mel Stanley's Supertest Service.; Mel:•recentl took over r the garage which, had been operated by Omar. prooks . THAT Mr. and Mrs; Bill Button of Lucknow and•daughter Marion of'. Kitchener` left Saturday Yb air; from .Toronto for a two week..holi- .day in Florida . AND HAUGH'S FAMOUS .FOROUALIT,Y '111 FABRICS AND WORKMANSHIP• BEAT B 4;r AT• ucknow Ladies' and Men's Wear. AGENTKINCARDINE FOR, '` CLEANERS • . ree Pick up and Delivery Tuesday ..and Friday. HAT Brute 'Lennie of Toronto and his skating partner Donna Taylor.; gave Canada .a figure -skating; championship this year at the ,• North American figure skating cha•mpionshpsar OaklOakland,Cali- .. fornia ; The;couple came from • behind .to•defeat::the, United States champions and prevent a- U; S: sweep of the corripetitions . Lennie 23';and Mlss'Taylor, 11' have been skating together. for 2 1/.2 years. 'They won the tree -dance division Bruce Lennie is the grandson of . Mrs'.. Jennie` (-MacDonald) 'Lennie_ and is related to the MacDonalds - of Lochalsh:. Hfs• grandmother was instrumental`in starting the Mac :.Donald reunion -about 40 years ago.and Bruce has attended this • event on several occasions. THAT the Lrcknow Scouts:, Guides '.sweiller.of iondon spent the week -Brownies ,Cubs and`Rangers'att-o-;' 4d-a.t=tI:ae'rr-rd.`cP.ct- `!ao14• e -d scrvie. aC Ltickriow United' \'isitors`'On Stinday.at the home of visitors. during t14'e weei.end with Church on Sunday min comemor: "Nit., and Mrs 'T:om'Stewart were ir. } lr • and Mrs: ;N. E. Haldenby were ataon-of Lord Baden Powell's bir and Mrs. Arnold; Wilkie Of Ktneard : Mi . and. Mrs:. Fred Friendorf of it-: ; anda. tr1C: • che,ne.r,° Mr... and Mrs . Delbert Hed= .tr, an(., ,r , . J.a rates .t lal4 enh :and r, )'' ,fa't ttl esr H -`l roz�li YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" 100DLAND CANADA DRY TALL 30 OZ''` PLUS DEPOSIT SAVE 25c Ginger Ale; •Orange,Etc. ,5 Bot.$1 FIVE ROSES` Al PuJrp se Flour CLARK'S FANCY TALL 48 OZ. - Tomato Juice SAVE TO 13c. Bag79c SAVETO 11C'.7._- 1111$ ,9cTins ' 59c:.; ,. FRESHLY., GROUND.., 10c OFF :PACK„ STOCK UPI PAY ONLY POOND'l Rose•• Coffee 69c' , Red' • 'BURN'S SMALL LINK SausagesSale RINDLESS NO. 1 TROPICAL PRIDE 24 OZ. WITH.PECTIN •:` RasPberrY. .Jam STOCK UPI... 'ounds 95c; . •coon auv! Breakfast Bacon /: Pounds Only 79c LOW ,PRICE!' Jar 39c1 WITH EACH $5.00 CASH PURCHASE, SAVE�T2c Get.. Pint Brick Ice Cream ONLY 1 9c ovvvvvkAAAAAvysiosnekAAAAAA, Ti Tt 01 Luekn 'capture ciai phc at thea Ontario •Societie In the Fairs in are 180 two SEC do not ut a g� gible 11 t1 from tl Wight, •now. . ,f the cla a ,pint L"ucknc horse ,. 4- H: e>+ the Zi also hi the ho picturo The Lucknc The.y:t .the .Fa! :.the. pri • prize 'r the Lui througl skill. De1e, vie.w.ec ata sP VALUES EFFECTIVE` PHONE' FEBRUARY 7, 28,.:MARCH: 1 LUCKNOW 528-3420 • Shower Held For. Mrs. Irvine',Eedy and Mrs Anderson Friend sadd'ene dearth 9 early la the,son Ifolca•k The E ::: ; ', .T. . and Mrs.. Ross:Irwin ,and .fahtil) . of . ,irl, .s� �:trt Sruida� •a'�ftc,rnc-ioti, with .: .y. Luca. ...w`.' r.., d' \Ir. aird, N r�,' k,t�t � �. nu an„ Mrs.. Ctae Hald-. f � � . E -Carr_ anci'fartt '. `:i• ;`,,;'' : ent� of>Teeswater a d �'lr' d ilk � t C .It,�} �rl� y. n an. • Nit's": D l H' ld e C�r�!r�. •C:i;r �ie crhr and. Eldon Ee C.eour, as a nby and family. • • We Are Pleased THAT a Visit to Ottawa last,Week'- 'end' by The• Sentinel publisher and -.his' wife gave us the•opportunity`: 'to sir in on they proceedings of •. parliament .for a short period on, Announce That GEORGE STANLEY OF LUCKNO Will be associate. d .with us as mechanic .as of March 1st ' WWWWWWWAPOBIANWINW ;ULD WELCOME YOUR. BUSINESS AND WOULD B,E'„ PLEASED TO`L OK AFTER TER • YOUR MECHANICAL NEEDS , Stanley's Sup Ur•CKr1OW ' PHONE $284430 Thursday afternoon' and to hear Ross Whi'cher,' member of parlia- Ment' for `Bruce riding speak oh. the proposed 'estate' tax •legislat- ion,. Had a chance to visit for.a short 'period:'w+ith•Ross whose o ;cetpro�'ided--us with passes4o the; members`' gallery. We also. Bernice hoopsoo,. DUNGANNON NEWS A ha e Ss field. for Bernice ZION Visitors during the. .week end: Wire?• •. , Mr and -Mrs Wm; G Hunter. were Mts. EVa rF-ee Ta fl f-: Thompson; daughter of Mr; and Goderich, Who -remained till •Tue, Mrs...Frank Thompson.; 'Oh Friday, .day, Jac k Webster of Edmonton ar..:.• February.twent first. 'The•w:eddin his daughter Janet Webster of y � .g march'was.played by Mrs., Gordon Toronto. Mr: and.:Mrs SOY kc.an� Fi igan `fi `church basem' n of7Sira fort sire rh l rsnter was••nicely decorated :by the girls: home on,:Sunday``' tarry:Hunter .of lof the.vi la'ge.: Jean Stothers, M'ar- Minden returned to hishomeon • ha Hodges, Susan Park and .;;Thursday after a• three week s'vac .. tion,. Motoring with . his friend Do;• Edgar of. Teeswater . • They toured Florida and .the Maritimes where • Brenda Eckenswiller, ••Bonnie Cul- they attended the •Winter •CartniF ..i l§. Barbara Braker' (f The girls sitting ..with: Bernice• r_._.were her s>sfer, Joatitre;- called>'at the office of Bob cKi ley,:irl4ruber o'f patliameirt -fir Fturon.r'idin ,. Bob was ill, with the flu that.^day and we missed 'seeing him, n- ;bert. •The chairlady for the even-' at Quebec last` week. ing:-wat.M rs.„-1 aline: :Dai -son who'. - j aok rad- Janet We seer-c•a 11exa�:. did a very: capable job, . We. had' a Nit. and Mrs,. John Gardner and short program which consisted of a ' Mr: 'and Mrs: ;Henry 'Gardner and, reading "The Magnolia" by;Mrs. Lane on Sunday: Mr and Mrs. 'bong Raynard and girls;have recovered from a bout„. with the 'flu; Mr and :Mrs, Bruce Raynard family and Mi. and Mrs',.•Dou Raynard and fanny attended tl c 40th; wedding anniversary celeb;a:- ion held in honour of ivli.,'and Nelson Raynard on Saturday f. evening; in•Lucknow Parish H211 There were about 60 present. , *1•1h evening was spent 'in' playing ca' and games:: after which' lunch 'wa- .served'', • I\1r, and Mrs, Gordon: Stolo of Teeswater visited' recently with Mr. 'and Mrs, Cordon l:irkland. Jack Caesar, an accordion number• by ng, a reading ' 5tiaron.You THAT nine tables were• in play at' Popping Corn” by.Mrs:. Lorne .the 1.0.I...! card party on 1`tonday Iv- ers a piano solo by Martha Eedy e4 enin` in tare. Zion hall... Nigh Mrs , Cora" Sherwood read the add 'pladies Mrs.., `2e winners were ress. The gifts were brought in by'Os, ns and Mrs Harvey the little girls Jan Caesar-. Cathy RYtclie. tied-, men Wry, Caesar.; y ' Bere , Sharon Young, cons ^rat ion }Vi es to firs . Reg : Donna Sue E M ti'Al ' Broth!! and, herr` A lin•n , :A nrIr.not rrrngton , ars 'a ton and party will byield e held in weeks': Annette Hodges. Displaying•the gifts were Martha.. Eedy and Rosemary Eedy , A lovely 'orf Lucknowlunch war served by Mrs. Bob . ; Last Sunday visitors with i:Ir, and ,Stothers,, .'Mrs, Alvin Sherwood, Mrs T9it Ste cart were Carry G,oe- MrsCecil Blake, Mrs, . Jack `dell and Erairte:S1essor both"of kin- ;Caesar,,Mrt. Bob Irvine, Mrs, carding, • okalmer Dawson,,:Mrs. Jack Alton; .w --mow. e. m yur-aaie. aruzeesv. ::�ou_.su ,�zna.vw, s-..i..,.:^a r...=e�-_•tee rtro.r.x� .t •....• ;,.cx. ._-.:..,_...0._U-1. cv.114k cz� ysK" _rstrsri... .lailtarpt*i�+ ,;� ..; m • .w' `l►♦tii :sr=�x -: ••.s....mae•er..c..._ �.c. �.•x•.�:si•.rorsu.w.,.ro::rre.�xcx Som turel ario A SbcieT isNe, Seat Bab c Hutate