The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-26, Page 14pi
dull 11/4 inches tlick
Standard Sizes �.
2 f t;` 6 in x .O ft, .6 in..
2.ft,,10 n.x,6 ft..8in..
. 2 ft, la in. x'6 ft.,. l O in
_ _ _
�• •.
Portland and Masonry'
NE 528-3118'
Mr, and Mrs;:Ivan Laidlaw, Jan-
et ::and, hfr . Herb Laidlaw were. Sun:
. day' visitors•: with Mr.' and Mrs
•Clarerice'Crowston and famiy•of`
•Mrs'. Ezra,Scholtz,'returned home
'on Tuesday after a few days visit,
in London with •Mr , and Mrs
Cameron Simmons.,. ...
•Russel Ritchie 'visited on Sunday
•with':Leslie'Ritchie, who. had return
ed home on Friday, after a• few
days. visit '3,vith his 'brother, Chester
Alex Verbeek spent a few days :Ritchie of Detroit '
last Week in Toronto on U.F:0.• Mr, and Mrs Don Bushell, Betty'
business and Mrs:' Verbeek'and A1rn and Bruce of Kinlouch•were
a i' rit.ed with her pa ' , ay eveuilig visitors with I�lr
and Mrs. Porter of Lucknow s and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw
-John Clipperton .and. Robert Linda .McGee of Brantford, spent
\tuliss of 'Tharpesford spentthe the, week end with her patents,. Mr
,week'end with Wilford Clipperton~'.and 'Mrs. George'hlcGee.
On Friday Mrs'. lvlaretta Hodgins
frofn Oak:Park, Michigan visited.
With Mr. and Mts. Earl Elliott.
Mr..and Mrs. Gordon, Patterson
were in Torontoo attending the Fall
Fair convention.last week, +'
Mr. and Mrs.,. William Arnold re-
turned home Saturday after visiting
with, Mr, and .Mrs.' Hector. Knight
of' Picton .,
Sunday visitors with 'Mr. land Mrs,.;
Earl Elliott and •family: were Mr.
and. Mrs. Frances Boyle,. Ke' in,
Bonnie and Corrine:. . °
Mr. and Mrs.:. Walter Forster are.:
attending the. five' day Farm'
Vacation course for 'farmers at Elm-
lmwood. • .. •
Visiting with Mrs and Mrs Don
McCosh were.Mr. „and, Mrs, L.R.
Smith and farnily of Mitchell
Visiting for the weekend v ith
Mr .:and Mrs: Burton. Collins and',•
family were Frank Cut te•and
filltid .up..Mr Twamley lived in •
St. Vincent., across the bridge in
'Minnesota, . so, invited "us' to come
to; his house and. you may be
assured 'we readily accepted With
grateful thanks:. We :were in:bed, •
there by2 a m. , warm and' corn -k; ,
fortable, while the' sorm raged on •
all'. night and all day: Friday.
I: had never seen a'real'blizzard'
b.e.foreand never want to -see wroth'
er one again One thing I •am sure
I will never, stray• far •,from my own
w•arm•fireside'.during the winter,
ever -again' rhe4now-ploug
e.stn ho
To Horticulturists
The regular.monthly meeting pf
the Lucknow Horticultural Society
was, held in the'Legion Hall on
Monday , February 17 witha good
attendance '
The •President;- Mrs E. McClen-
eghan•opened the meeting with ,
da, of fAraterloo
Mr. and Mrs. Francis' Boyle and
family visited with Mr. ,and Mrs.-
rs.-'Don McCosh..
')ylonty Scott and Cecil+ Congram
visited with Mr. and Mrs;"Stuart
Lane and family,. •
Mr. and Mrs. Don.lvlcCosh visited
with Mr and• Mrs . Ray Gilders of
Clinton.. • •
On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs,..
Ivan McFarlan visited with Mr,
and' Mrs', Stuart :Lane .
Mr. and•Mrs. Don McCosh visit-.
ed with •Mr . and Mrs .: Raynard.•
Ackert .
singing, of 0, Canada with Mrs. Wes;
Fi e -at ;t=he-pfano, T -he --president
welcomed all members and guests.
Minutes of the January. Executive
meeting were read and approved,
Business matters, arising from the
meeting .were discussed, including
planting of town' flower beds and •
window boxes, .as well as fund-rais•
ing. projects, •
The meeting was then turned`.•
'ove. r •to the progra rune committee
Mrs. P, Stewart, Mrs, Jas:' Little,
and Mrs.'. 'McNaughton with Mrs.
Stewart -as chairman.
Valentine readings .by Mrs P.. •
Stewart and Mrs. McNaughton and
a solo "Love's Old Sweet Song", by
Mrs. J. W. Joynt were, much enjoy=:
ed; .
' Mrs . Stewart. introduced. Mr'. W.
Fielding, President of the Wingharn'
Horticultural .Society, who showed ,
beautiful garden slides of hi`s form
er•home. in New Liskeard .and also
fine, flower displays in• his own and.
neighbours' gardens in Wingharn.
His society has been very active in
landscaping •th'e grounds around
Wingham: Hospital. . The corrrrnitt
ee served candy and themeeting•.
closed .with the. National Anthem.
You can be s r
if it's .Westinghouse
And you can be sure you ' will be pleased with a
not even 'venture out until the wind'
went down on Friday night - so if
we had had tottay in the car, all,°
that: time, : I'th sure vie 'would have.
all been, frozen to, death or had
pneumonia', We arrived back' in.'
It seems ;to. have. been a very hard
winter all.over'the country this
year, but we have really been very
fortunate: here' as we do not have
nearly as irnuch:snow •as in Other
I was quite interested inseeing
the ;pictures of the •snow you ha
down there, especia ly the sno
around the'mail-box ryHack•
: etts. as that was the, place where .I.:'
used to live when going.: to school:
In"those. days there were ,no snow
ploughs to keep •the roads ,open and
the farmers•came in to town by
horse•and,cutter'or team and ,sleighs
and 1\1rs;'Bessie'Muliss.', t e`are pleased to report that Art.
Miss Lila Humphrey of St. .Helens ; Laidlaw , injured in a car acciden:t •
visited last week:with, her sister, a few weeks ago, is slowly •
\,rs.Walker• and Mr,: • irriproving but Gwen Ivic.Lowell
Walker. ' • injured `in the same Accident, had
Oir Tuesday evenin�g.Mr. and E1rs::. to be removed' to Victoria Hospital
Ernest Walker of..Wingham' , and undergo surgery' last Friday for
•r. entertained his, parents', Mr.' and ' a ruptured spleen: This community
• \+rs: George Walker and all other` wishes her'a,Reedv recovery.
members of the Walker familti.and Mr. and Mrs Elwood Barbour of
grandchil' ren and Miss Lila St. •Helens were ''Thursda . visitors
;Hi inkr}i•reylto relebtate CeocFP 1411''�, Mrz, and—\lz erg i\ G1
kers: and • trs. •Ernest Walker's ,han and:Mr, and .Mrs Carl
birthdays. We Offer congratulations' \tcClena„han.
Willis ---Lapp of Win h -a -=and ' , Mr_.. -.and s .. Cli:fford' Laid -law
\;rs. John L. Currie spent Thursday- and ,Ravriiond Laidlaw w,ere.'callers ,
lash in Toronto•on 'Sunday: at. Victoria Hospital al to.
\ar. and •\lrs.:•'Gv'avne Henr } • of
see. Gwen.+,,cDoweh and on thee.. ..
Brain: ton visited Saturdae wits Mr. Way h r^ '• ..
Coderich Hos ' ita , Laidlaw at
P v o ,,e.visite 4•�t
and Mrs ,+ Carl �•lcClenaghan,'' p - .•
Phone 524.9521.
4 Britannia Rd. E.
oderih Ontario
on Saturday a'ffernoons-There-used---
to be a`big "pitch -hole" :right in
front and I can well remember •
k cotinting• at• least eight .pedple who'
,got upset out of their cutters one
Saturday -TA -7s- eaCh-ileigh-or- cutter -
went down inio it, ,the hole seemed
to,,get deeper. ,and doubt
never experienced the 'thrill' ;' but
just ask your'mother or grandmoth-
er ;or any. of the older folk and they
will tel 1 lutose day
:I did not mean to ramble along`
like this,and--l-ha n' -even.
gold` :youyet that Douglas phoned
„me on Monday ,night and he surviv'
ed his i raduation. He received his••:
Bachelor 'of.Arts ,: College of. Arts
and. Sciences and Bachelor:of Scie-
ce, Teachers- College ;and •
distinction ,. as he was in the top
10”. He was the onlyone to:
receive more than one degree,.
• Douglas is clow teaching at the
''. Benson •High School in Omaha ,
Nebraska, in -Industrial Arts at pre -
Kindest regards to all;
,Ver} sincerely,
Mrs. \i Elizabeth •(Beth)
Sherwin. '
Editor's iv'ote Mrs•.'Sherwin is the
forrner Elizabeth Alton Of this
•cozr,tn irrity .•
Cusetom' Self -Cleaning 'range
Take a' took: see if you c. ano find another r�in. ge Wrso^ m y
good things for cooking. Fastest;,mosteconomical
self=cleaning, oven, with window.: New recessed' platfo'rm,
Practical and q`uite the vogue. Roast uirde cooks the roast
just. right for you, automatically. Westinghouse exclusive No -
'Nip, Speed Broil Two •appliance outlets, one timed'. High-
speed plug -out'' elements,' two of them.,8'mches and 2600 wdtts.
Deluxe woodgrain -handle. Four, colours:' White, Avocado,
Ant�qu Copper;. Goldtone.
�ii1i1 IIUfll1IIIIIIIE /Ud/ I1URt1jh111 IIIlII1111
hm. sPHONE .528.3008;•.