The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-26, Page 12s• PAGE TWELVE 'THE LUCKNOW "SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • COUNTY QF BRUCE 'This position entails,obtaining and verifying information pertaining to the eligibility of applicants for assistance under the General Welfare; Assistance Act and related Welfare services.. Applicants shouldbe mature with an ability to meet . and. work ,with people. Initial salary ,to be .negotiated depending on qualifications, usual fringe: benefits, and car allowance. • Applications willbe received by the undersigned until Tuesday, March 4th, at 5:00 P.M. H. ALTON, COUNTY. TREASURER ADMINISTRATOR: P.O. BOX 70, WALKERTON, ONTARIO E ISTRATO COTT OF,,BRUC This is a new position and will include organizing and the administration of GeneralWelfare Assistance and related social services on .a .: County ' basis Applicants : should have experience ': in social services ' or related fields with appropriate educationand training.;• Initial salarytobe negotiated, usual fringe: benefits, and car. allowance. . Applications will be received : by the undersigned until Tuesday, March 4th, at 5:00 P:14f. • t .. T. N. ALTON, COUNTY TREASURER :--:ADMINISTRATOR,'' ,. •P.O:•BO•X 70, : 4WALKERTON, ONTARIO . ' LOOKING BACKWARDS WITH' MARGARET *THOMPSO I. • YEARS FEBRUARY 1959 Wingharn::District High,School, . was proceeding with plans for:'a.n. eight room addition tey the present school at an.'estirnated cost of :about $225,OOQ:; Paul=Caesar, o'f Dungannon and. •. Herson: Tewin of:'Belgrave were two- new::directors named to the West Wawanosh Fire Insurance 'Compa 'Art•`Gilmo.e wassemodelling:the ' for•rner Legion Hall' on train street into.an apartment'building`. Art; purchased the ,building, from the Legion` at the time the) •mo��ed; to' the_Recr.eat on_,Ceetre Special •C;1\'. R.::eq'uiprrient. was rushed hereto prevent what could': •have resulted in acomplete • blockage :Of :the Lucknow-•Kincar A. LE Passed Away In 95th Year MRS,; DAV.' ' J.1-1AcKtl. T Mrs David Hackett of Lucknow." passed away in Wingham'.Hospital on. Wednesday, February 19th.. Born on April lst., 18.74, she was in her 95th year. - . • Mrs. Hackett was. the former Ida' Emmeline Lane and the last surviving: nlemb,er•• of a fainily of six:,four daughters and'two sons born to'James Lane and his wife., Elizabeth Caswell. Other members the family were Mrs. Charlie (Vina) Anderson, Mrs. Alex (Jen)' Treleaven; . M>ss. Tillie Lane, Will' and .George Lane. . . ..On September 12th, 1900 Ida Lane married David J. Hackett of Ash field. . ,• ,,,Mr, Hackett passed away on 'August 17th:, 4921', In December '1928, Mrs.. Hackett, moved :to Luck - now where she'has resided in.her honie on Clyde -Street.. ' Hackett had been at the home of her son`Caswell and Mris. Hackett at. Gowanstown Since ,• before Christmas :.She was in. her• usual health until•Tuesday evening When:she, suffered. a severe stroke :; She, "was moved by a « by -ambulance to 'a Wingham "and' District •Hospital where she passed away on • Wednes- day afternoon,','• Mrs:. Hackett is survived byrthree daughters, Mrs. Tom (Tillie) Hack ett of,_Lucknow;, Mrs:. icent): Bowles'o f `London , Mrs . Stew art •(Mary) MacGillivray of rood and';one son; Caswell Hackett of Gowanstown•• twenty-four grand.... children.and a "number .of great grandchildren... • • Besides her'liusband,..the .was pre ' deceased by a daughter, •. slvJi. "-"-' Hairy (Lauretta), Hackett. of Luck • now , :who •passed•'away in February 1962... • Mrs. Hackett. was: a rnein er of Hackett's United .Chur ,•.Ashfield. and. later the. Lucknow' United • A •jsbort-lived storm blew up' the first. of February and the main _roads`" were :pretty well blocked, in Spite.. of the efforts': of . the snow -plow w crew ' , . H' '' • arvey.,Treleaven suffered a' pain- ful accident; during a hockeymatch' , �. at Listowel., He was• acting as'. goal •-was strucki lt—rh�rd. , shot puck that shattered his' ' • nose: n G.'H: Smith was presented with, :the. Ontario' Horticul>ural•Associat- ' ion's service 'diplorna :for ; meritorious service locally. A.W. Hamilton trade, the presentation' at • l: a social evening presided over by Mrs . William. Mac Kenzie., Church Funeral service was conducted, at MacKenzie•Mernorial Chapel, P 1, Lucknow ,on ,Saturday," February 22nd with Rev:. Laird Stirling in, charge e of the service Pallbearers wJte six randsons, , Glen Hackett, t, D naldHacketi DA Hackett , Ronald McGillivray, Ken Lawrence , .Allan • Hackett •Tera .ra e t po ry ,n ombment was at South Kinloss ausoleu it . M mwih. resting place Greenhill Cemetery: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969, uara,nteed �:� ruus today's best investment from THE STE R LI N GTHC;ORP■iPmTRUST'S TORONTO.— 372 Bay Street BARRIE' / • 35 Dunlop Street; ORILLIA - ' 73 Mississaga Street, • East. (or see your' local agent) :Mernfier: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. L KI NLQSS. Ivlr.. and' Mrs. :Evan. Keith attend jed `the Tuesday sessioa;of :O. A`. C Farmer's; week .at.Guelph'.;• • Mrs . Lloyd MacDougall, and Mrs.. Ira Dickie were' the : representatives• from Kair ea' Women's Institute is the: Federation'of Agriculture . , meeting in Holyrood ;Hall on Wed- nesday evening.' Denver Dickie was in Chicago last week' at;•a. Construction_ Machin ery Show Dominion Road Machin- ery .Co Goderich;had two.Cham,- .pion' graders in 'this display. Mr.. and',Mrs.' Robert Gilchrist, were delegates to the •Agricultural '. .Society,Convention held' at the" Sheraton Hotel.,-' Toronto; last week. Grant, Murray and 'Dale stayed • with Grandma and Grandpa ;Gilch rist and little Danny with his uncle" and aunty Mr..and Mrs:' Bill Stew- art' of Kincardine. • '• . Mr. Mrs. Ira •Dickie and.fam: 11 `and_Mrs Jon is clic were arc A card party,,, sponsored by the; C W L was field Friday evenin • in the St :'Augustine Hall with fourteen -tables in play.. ;Prize winners were >1st. highjady; :Mrs, ' Alex MOlnnes ;•` 2nd high' lady; Mrs :. Gus 'Redmond; • lst high gent ;' Wm Kinahan, 2nd Shigh gent, Leo Foran' ' The door prize went to.John. • Finleon . Two ladies of the League donated' prizes. • guests at :the ;wedding of Miss Car. oline Ann Dickie and 'Mr.: Alexan der Jones in Glen Ayr United 'Church,'Scarborough onSaturday . Mr. and'Mrs. Herb Buckton and.- •, Mrs. MacConnell'Iiave been quite ill .with the flu . , Mr:: and Mrs':: J.J. Houston. of Guelph spent last week -end with his parents; Mr, ands Harvey louston WI •,'sil to • ru Jo B; in $1 ..K M Ci .M 7 et C :.7 • P't V .:7. . sc -Ji president .of,the•.local •or.•gani atior, Brine section': of the line: •Cuts. east 'v .YEARS AGO .a`nd north of the depot had•blown FEBRUARY 191 felwith, the frequent storms Form II Lucknow :H4.gh•School Dra. T. B. Cleland, local .veterin-.. . .,n .. •.,..' .._ . � reported the: following students; CRAWFORD MOTORS CRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO 7.. DODGE stationwagon, 8autonnatic• 65 H 66 _ CHEVY' IIS Stationwagoa •6. au. tomatic,. radio . ana,. accepted a.reactung.posit iacbiarmid J 'MacDonald • Macintosh, L. Garbutt; I. MacDon= ald W. Elliott, `R.:Reid', P: Mac Corvie; H. Nixon,' A, MacDonald; Jr:S:mith B. lylcLeod , E:• Wilson; P. Agar, A'..Towie, E: Bowles., J. Towle, M. Mclvor, H.A. Doupe, G. Williams, teachers:' ' The death of Mr.. Joseph Siddall, a pioneer banker was ' reported in'. The Sentinel. He opened the first bank in,Lucknow'. 1n 1878' he ' disposed of his banking -business toy. ar:eron amp•e r. Siddall was 955. eI..February lEth, 191+ the eight ,L .r day ca;°,e into effect on -all t` c railway lines in Canada, This: .Ged by the y:v i k'4-Y'•�xrY L',ry a y�$,«k r'.aiFeh. ion at the State University at Oklahoma:. He was succeeded by ,Mark Raith.by of. Guelph' who would rake over .the Lucknow'practice... June lst•a 0 YEARS, FEBRUARY .1939 • Fire r a"de. a clean sweep of -the stock, as flanlei roared through the; • . . tackel's worth of stack was salvaged. -The buildink, situated ott the corn- er of Cat,;.pbeil at`d Inglis St.ee, wa's owned A'. •,`'ed.de :cf , Toronto arid.fort :et. - • w the stOt : ' •• 66' . COIVIET,' 2 door, 6 'standard and radio 66 VOLKSWAGENI 2' door with radio 66 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, ' 4 door, 6 automatic• ry 66 DODGE 8 automatic and radio r a top, power • steering,' brakes and radio 65 . DODGE, 4 'door sedan, '6 standard wink radio « ' FORD Convertible 4 .: CHRYSLER,_ door; . power steering, brakes and radio 64 METEOR, 4 • door, '8 automatic and radio' 63 PONTIA radio 63 CHEV: 'atationwagon 63 ' .FORD,i4 door sedan, 6 automatic 62 PONTIAC, 6 automatic 4 door, 6 automatic, TRUCKS 65 DODGE dump truck, 64 DODGE D500 . chassis arid' scab