The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-26, Page 10THE. ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969,
St. Helens
' • . etj the•St.
. The February m ofeng.
Helens U..C, W. was held on Tues-
day, February .18 at the home' of
'Mrs. W.I. Miller with thirteen
'ladies present Mrs. , B.F. Green
• .charge of the program- The
• ladiesread 701 in unison after, •
which'Mrs. Ross Errington read a
• scripture..passage.and 1vlrs.:Gordon
McPherson read the comments and.
`• led in prayer,.
Miss Isobel Miller gave a reading
"Some of.'our neighbours live in
`•China" Mrs. Frank: McQuihlin
read 'an. article on. China . Miss
W..0. Rutherford continued on the.
History of • China, Mrs. Ellwood •
Barbour. read. "Man and his family:
Mrs Green read; a poem and
closed„this part of the 'meeting
With : prayer.
. Mrs'. Torn Todd conducted the
business. ;The World Day. of Prayer'.
will be held thisear..o .March
Y �
'' 7 at the home of Mrs; Allan, •.
.'Miller . Lunch was served at:: the.
conclusion; by Mrs..: Barbour and
Mrs. Frank' McQuill n, b'
Mrs. Elwin
Is U.C.W. President
, The first general meeting ' in ,19
of�theuc now United Church •
the Pa
1Nortien•was held in C.ti:urch Par-,
lbrs on February,,l8'with 38 iiidatt
endance T/he themefor. the -• •
nieetin ' ,was ''Stewardship”„ Mrs:.
• Geo r J ar.dine` the: and h
ge Ja ,.., ,Stew, sip • ,, ,
convener o" ened the :devotional
part -of 'the meeting with. prayer and
a reading ."Come On' Int" . Hymn'
23; was sung and Mrs..Ewart ,Taylor.:
read the scripture This was
followed by meditations 'by, Mrs.,
Laird'Stirling, based on the •hymn.,
,•"Take My: Life". hirs,: Eunice
,: Duns uir favoured with' a solo 'A
sk4• fit,itled "All Our Living and
embracing the theme of Christian
*:• Steward'shipwas ably' presented by
Mrs'.::Alex McNay, Mrs, John:Hall,
- 141rs Laird -Stirling •and Mrs:.Gar .
field dcDonald,.•:Mrs.. 'Herb Curr- ~.
an closed • this 'part of'the meeting
• with pra)''er.
Missionary'Society rpeeting,was
held on Wednesday at'the home of
Mrs. Earl' Caslick . The president . .
Mrs. Waliace'Conn presided and
extended.'to all. a warm welcome:
and gave the `call. to worship. A
psalm was sung, after 'Which Mrs.
Conn led :in ,prayer', Jhe scriliture
was read in unison,
Mrs .James Md'Ynnes gave the'Med.
itation,' which dealt with'
brotherhood and 'w illustrated by
a child calling a, negro a nigger,.
for which he •received a whipping;
%with• a switch. From this time on
heknew what Brotherhood meant.
,A100,coliection forthe Presb-
terial•expense fund :was received:
Plans were made for the Day of
••Prayer to be held March 7. in,the
United Church- with' guest speaker •,
Mrs , Lorne Sparks A. request for
little sweaters had been received
by,the supply secretary,:Mrs. Wes--
Evening Auxi'Iary
ark-inet ike-Duck:
now Presbyterian Evening .
Auxiliary was. held at the home of
Mrs , Gordon Fisher with 18 ladies,
Maudie Fisher; was President in.
charge ,of the meeting which was
. opened by Hymn; 461 More Love
•to Thee. ,Scripture.•arid Meditation.
ori the'Prodigal Son• was given by
Mrs, Otto, Pedersen. Mrs ' SteWart•
Jamieson gave the Missionary
Profile on Rev. Russell Self, • ;
The Topic - Part .two of. "New
Acts in Missions" was presented by
Mrs..lack MacDonald: With several:
ladies taking part,
Roh`Call was answered i y a Bible:''
Verse with, the word "Love"•'in it.
A short business. and 'discussion ,per-
iod+ took place and the •meeting
closed with Hymn 465 "Oh Love. • ;
That will•.not let me go" and Mrs.
Bert Gammie gave the closing •
prayer,. R
Lunch was served and a Social
half hour followed.
ley Tiffin A number ,of the ladies .
offered 'ro knit. these and ' . "
those Who do .not knit offered to
buy yarn. The offering was receiv=
, ed: :by Mrs.' :Conn `and dedicated b ',
Andrew Gaunt ..The roll call."
was answered ,by 16. •
Mrs Dawson Craig gave the topic
based on ".By thy words,: Thou shalt •:
be justified and by my, words:•thou.
shahbe condemned" _ and proved
that humour at the• expense -.of,
others' is a .bitter thing, that
children should be taught •'not to. •.
swear,, 'that refined good. people,
speak good English .
Mrs Rober,t Ross led -in .prayer...'
Mrs . Victor Emerson agave a reading
'"Arisen'.' which/sometimes Means
"So be it" and others "the end" .
A letter from'Armagh was. read
telling ot,the happiness at ,
Christmas enjoyed by the inmates;
because of the :gifts :sent by the
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin gave a,,reading
"The Power of God 7 which_ showed
storms of printer; gives us a feeling
of 'tiredness , •+but thoughts of .spring'.
revive us. What miracles can be
worked with piles of'snow ! How {'
God with warm' sun and 'wind can
quickly .take away the;snow and all.
with no pay The Power of God
brings new Hope. Just as ;God melts
the snow', so can He melt'.the ston-
ey heart.
The Ladies Aid meeting was
held., The collection received and
the meeting. closed. With prayer "by.
•Mrs.:Andrew'Gaunt. ' Grace :was
sung 'andthe, hostess: served • lunch
The • box of Presby>terial:'Books.
were on display and were viewed
by Me. members: '
The next Meeting g will, be held at •
the.home of 'Mrs.' Victor 'Errierson
when'a birthday tea 'will be
enjoyed .
rita�l In=.
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The -Women's Missionary Society °
of Ashfield. Presbyterian `
Church met at the home of Mrs
Wm. Ross in Lucknow , w Ivirs,
;Ewan MacLean in charge. •
Ivlrs : ,D D. Martin explained `what
meant by:,"Missions" and discussion.
followed. 'Mrs,: J. 'Collinson and
Mrs. D,..lvlacMurchy told of new.
Mrs. ••Mart
M s . Collinson• and` Mrs . inn
gave 'the' Bible Study : The roll' call
- d> . n.i �m the.
was answere bya item
glad iding " A4rs West -conducted
the business There were, 21 women
and 2, children present.- The. next'
be on March 7 at Mrs •
Emile MacLennan s.
Dungannon .CW.:
g y
.Dungannon'U C; W met in the
:Church for their. Februarymeeting •
Oa Tuesda • afternoon. •A tasty
dereit was : served by Mrs:. -Lorne.
Ivers Mrs .:'Ross Eedy and :Mr's.
The president., Mrs, 1;ioward John
ston:opened, the meeting with' the
Call to • Worship. The. Roll Call .A
characteristic ora vias.
answered •by:. nineteen -ladles, Rev,..
Glen•Wright led in a Sing rig song.
•• '
lvlrs:' Wm.. Wiggins 'had charge of
••• the study eriod ,..the' theme'.,be:in
P i?.',
"Man :Alive The ladies.divid'ed
'into four groups and answered ` nest
, he-n•-bac-k-t-o4on�-group-a-nd'.,
discussed the answers. Mts. G. •,
McNee read the' scripture lesson: •
Hymn 373:was:sung and •Mr Wrig
closed the meting with prayers
Xis'lJa;ll..the new presi-. ,.,
dent /took •tlie chair and welcomed:
• the.meriibers to ;this first ,meeting
to be held in the new, church
parlors;•:"she opened the business •
session with p`ra er' and an approp-
riate rea.din , "fie Useful This
"ear' - i hhe• conveners'. rep , t
\sere •most encouraging, showinhz
.'much acti\-it\' in all areas of. our
chirdhthe ew_rla-nae•
furnishin s completed: the, kitchen•
renoi,ated . plans, rtiade for the furn'
ishan` of the Church. parlors 'and
volunteer -decorating' the Fellow.4
ship Room.
Two quilts have been donated to
a needy. family: ,
lt, was, announced that the '"
World Day of Prayeryould be held
in the Presbyterian Church on, Fri
day, March 7. Arrangements were
heli e:iibhers tv at It
Presbyterial meeting in Port Elgin
on February 26.: 4 •'
Mrs.. Hall expressed' her thanks . .:
to°Mrs, Ceorge•latdine and.her -4
committee and the Meeting closed!
with the hlixpah Betedictibn.,.
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