The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-26, Page 9DNESDAY, FEBRUA Y26th, 1969. Bill Stewart Had 885 Finish Trip e,_ Regu lar Schedule • LUCKNOW MEN'S. BAWLING • 9 P. fvl. GRO U'P Bill Stewart broke the High Triple record for the Season on ,the last regular'bowling night; to take 'High Triple of the Season and the reversing with. 88S flat! Good... Bowling"Bili! Cord, Brooks. rolled a 755 flat triple and Bill Nelson 721 flat triple 'High Single of the night goes to 13i11 Nelson with 355 flat, Dodges are the Winners of the Regular Season's 'Bowling with 86 Points. B\uicks a.re•in second place witb'76 points', Mustangs third With 75 points; Fords in fourth . •place. with 74:points,' Old•smobiles 64_,points and Pontiacs with 45 points Games of 225 and over: Bill :Nel son 35.5; Donald McIntyre 243., Harold Ritchie 238, 252, Bill Stew- ' art tew-':'art 291, 300'.•and '294; John Ruther-' ford 247, Jim Errington 251, Buster b c S THE .LUCKNOVV SENTINEL,,:LUCKNOW, ASHFIELD : ' tleyis tdkr►,3e at MacMaster University.... Mr;, Tel- ford :Penfold elLord":Penfoldwas guest preacher last;' Sunday. ,Mrs., Hugh, MacKenzie of Goderich. spent last week with her brother, Wm. Parrish. . Betty Simpson; student at Stratford Teachers' .College taught. •in'Lucknow Public •School last week. 4, , Whit y 226, Bill Button• 247 , Herb :Bar"ge ` 240', .Gordon Brooks 312'.,', Keith Black'265 ,' Donald MacKinn- ,on 2.4 Play-offs. start next .week! Tobogga'fling Pari Held On Saturday LANGSIDE NEWS The Langside Y.P.S. held a tobogganing party on Saturdayafter- noon at •Russell Young's with 15 in — act ist-ed by Mrs.. ' Bregman and Mrs. Wall served •1unch,. Brian Wall thanked Mrs. 'Young: 7iin Orr and Mrs, Oswald Rudi of Lpndon , and •Mrs Bill Lapp'of 'Iingham were Tuesday visitors with Mrs.. Wm. Omand Bob:'. and Mrs, Ronald Conley and family of Trenton are visiting With Mr. and •Mrs , Eugene Conley• and ,family 'and other relatives Mr:. '. and .Mrs: Fred .Ba,rtholoinew and' • •family of Strathro.y: were week -end Carol Courtney. Graduated At Kitchener Friday AMBERLEY NEWS Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Courtney attended the graduation of their, daughter •Carol Courtney, which was held at Kitchener, February 21 a t the ' Caronet Motor Hotel 'Carol was presentedwith, a:'diploma with an honours standing in an Executive Secretarial Course She is sedretary for the Costello Insurance Agency of "Kitchener.' During. the 'programme ,' which foil owed' the banquet;. Shirely Reid sang ;a solo, • On Wednesday .evening , February • •.12,. ten tables of euchre were in play.,. at Amberley Orange Hall. High. prizes were won. by Mrs;. 'Glenn 'Campbell and John A . Mc- 0 Donald.' Mrs :' Ross Shiells: received the lucky'draw prize Mr. and Mrs' Mac Boyd and Mrs. Done Cameron left. for Florida by plane on:February 11, where they will visit with relatives at Fort. Lauderdale and other interesting points in .the 'south • • ' James Kilpatrick and Harold Thompson visited recently with friends in the Amberley area. visitors at the; same home . • The sympathy.: o f the community 'is extended to Mr:. and Mrs: Stewart MacGillivray in the 'passing of her •mother,'Mrs: David Hackett. of Lucknow. . Paul Ackert of'HolY rood:was.an overiight.guest of. Brian Wall on Friday Ken Young of London spent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs. -Cliff Young and family: Fed Up Club ONTARIO WHITECHURCH,NEWS'• Whitechurch 441 Club the Fed Ups met on.Monday evening'at the horne:of Debbie Reynolds The president , ,Linda lchultz;,, opened the meeting with, the.4-H Pledge. Eleven: members answered "the roll call by telling of a supper' dish with .cheese and. eggs.. Linda Purdon read the minutes. The "next "meeting will be held .at the home of Thelma Purdon at 10 o'clock a , m .' Saturday, 'February '22. The discussion was. Casserole Cookery, quickand easy top: stpye main couises and•desserts.. • - Thelma Purdon demonstrated the making of a .tuna. casserole and Debbie Reynolds an egg,scrarnble' As a group. they. made, plans for' Achievement Day when. Thelma Purdon and' Joyce :Tiffinwill do the. Demonstrating also on. ' March 20 at •6 p.m .,the club will entertain the mothers., :The meeting closed with -the 4-H Creed Whitechurch Fed Up Club held their meeting Saturday at 10 a.m.. at the home of Thelma and Linda Purdon: The president Linda URC �:WHIT.ECH ....., Mr. and Mrs. Garnet, Farrier arriv ed home on Friday ••after"a few Weeks trip to Florida: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans attended a Federation of Agriculture rneetin€ in Holyrood on Wednesday evening Throughout •t e towns ip one man was appointed to interview' ten others and aequaint:the;n with'•w.hat. `the Federation requires. We are -,pleased to report that Lee McGuire was released from Wing ham'Hospital on'Tuesday•. lvlr. ,and Mrs. Victor Emerson 'vis- ited Thtlrsday with ,Mrs Charles Tiffin, 'Mr. arid Mrs. ;Bill'Brown of;Wingham Schultz opened :the rrleeting with the 4-1-1 Pledge in unison. The roll e,all was answered by ten members telling interesting ways to prepare raw vegetables. Joyce Tiffin read the minutes. ' 'The next meeting will be March. 3 at the,' home of .Kathy Purdon. Discussion centred on a variety of carried 1unchesrand. selecting bal- anced meals in restaurants and cafeterias ,' Further plans,, were made for the entertainment of mothers in, March". Demonstrations and group work � Kathy Linda were:.Purdon` . Y making Egg Salad and spanish onion and orange sandwiches Oth- er sandwich spreads were peanut butter, grated carrot and salad. dressing; grated cabbage , carrot; chopped peanuts and,•'salad dressing They also. learned. tomake carrot sticks and salad, The girls' sampl- ed the sandwiches' and 'agreed they were delicious. • The Home. Assignments were plan carried lunches for 1 week and indicate' which may be prepared in. 'advance and what foods may be parchased in advance'. for good wholesome lunches The meeting: closed with the 'repeating of the 4.-1-1 Creed: in' unison; Handicrafters The third meeting of ,St, Helens' Happy Handicrafters was held Saturday evening, :February.22nd with full attendance. Marjorie Murray, president of Club ;No . 2 , ."tookthe chair for the business part of the ,meeting. The. discussion. was.on'Meat Cook cry using dry and moist heat meth- • ods: Mrs. MacPherson demonstrated cooking,sausages and;Mrs. Gaunt 'showed the girls how to stuff and roll;`a flank steak. Pr'eviou'sly cook- ea ks-wee-e=bcaug-h-oto-th c :. PAGE NINE. meeting ;to show the girls the finished product and these'' were served' With baked potatoes, carrots'. peas -and gravy. . The next meeting will be` Satur- day, March lst;and the demonstrat ion'•will be beef.stew And dumplings.: , ...Am Morrison returned this ,week • from London, having• conipleted1-4s mechanics short:course. ' At the. May meeting, of Kincard - ine :Pres.byterial the ,speaker is to be Rev. _L._G : Stars :connected with the Leprosy •Mission.. Help ; stainp out Leprosy with used stamps which. ate sold•at 60'a lb:. Leave •1/4 inch paper' around the stamp.. Stamps' steamed off paper',bring a lowerlprice; also United State's stamps must be kept separate., as they bring a lower price. The Money from the stamps will be • used -to install: a water system 'and.' equipment at.,-Muga'ffarpur, India ,at a; cost-bf-$6 ; 000 :.We• -hope -a-11 . groups will gatheras many stamps ° . as possible 'to present to.'Rev. Stairs, "that day EUCHRE PARTY Curries School Euchre players held theirparty on Eebruary,21;in. the evening at the Belgrave.Arena Assembly RooTh. • There were eleven tables.in' play. Those successful in' obtaining, prit es were for high lady, Mrs. Reavie; high gent, Jiin Wilson; low•lady, Mts. Roy Dawson; low gent, Roy Dawson. Novelty prizes went. to Margaret 'Taylor and -Lloyd Mongtorriery,. Lunch was sewed by the sponsors Mr. and Mrs Dick Moore and Mr and -Mrs. Bradley Galbraith. The next party will be under the supervision of Mr . and Mrs. Alex Robertson and Mr. and, Mrs, Roy Faison., The, Colwanash Learning. Lassies ,held their third arid fourth Meetings on Saturday , <February ,22 at 1:30 at Mrs. Carl. Riegling's home. The Meetings started with the,4-H pledge, and eight members were pre. sent. The two roll calls were answered` separately by each mem- bPrrWilrna_L a.ckeit read _rh- ". Utes of the last Meeting' and: Diane Zinn read the •minutes ofmeeting: three • The fifth meeting will be held on Saturday'; March first at -1;39 at the home .of Mrs :..Carl Riel to g-..-g�The.�.,.. p discussion, demonstration and group work are ,combined Mrs,., Riegling handed out 4• pamphlets for use. Dis cussion (1) Mrs,‘ Warren' Zinn:read • over pages 14, 15 and :16 of members pamphlets and discussed question one of Horne As igtun nt., (2) Table one c hart of beef for sugg estion for cooking. (3) Standards for roasts and 'braised meats Mrs..Zinn read and ':discus'sed ,five questions with ;the nrernbers about Meat. ' Demonstration; Lynn Austin dem-, onstrated.Moist Heat `Method of: eoo,king'neat braising swiss steak. A. new'recipe from the members, pamphlets' was cooked'. Group Work : Complete the,: nannies of,the Carcaskand finish diagram one of leaders manual. The meetings Closed with the Queen, •:4 Wing am PHONE. 3574630 * * * * • * * 1r * yk' *. SHOW TIMES. Friday and Saturdays at 7:15, - and 9':15. All other days,' one 'show at 8:00,, . except.. • ,where :noted . on the program. Thur., Fria; Sat:, Feb, 27 281, Mar. 'l Adult Entertainment Cool Hand Luke` CinemaScope - Colour Starring: Paul Newman. This is the story of a prison- er ina southern chain gang who maintainshis spirit in the . face ofcruelty and, arbitrary 'force. Second'. shows on .. Friday • and Saturday night start at 9:30. Saturday Mat. ° March 1 Quick Gun' * * *,* * * * *• 11x,# COMING :TO . THE • LYCEUM: "The Devil's Brigade" "With 6 You Get, Egg Roll "Hang 'Em High" "The Party" •Cunning .Co'o'ks PURPLE GROVE NEWS The third ..meeting of .the Purple Grove: Cunning Cooks..was held on Friday, : February 21, at Mrs, Don MacKay''s. Mrs. MacKay, assisted by Sherry. Pollock,. and Margie Collins made'. salmon loaf , nwhich; turned out •. nicely as all the ,members agreed. Mrs.. Harvie Thompson. brought,• - a tastysnack • for the Members. The next Meeting will :be held at Mr's ,MacKay`s home on' Friday,, February 28th... • C-o=tn_tryL=C,o o 'i OLIVET• NEWS The Clower Valley Country •Cooks had their 3rd meeting at the 'borne Of Mary and -Laurie MacCharles on February 20th.' The .meeting open' - ed with the, 4=H Pledge .• :The roll call was "My favourite fish dish" . Mrs: MacTavisli led in•'adiscuss' `MMin-dishe forthe-bird •Meal,'•using•meat,' fish •or poultry'' The group work was evaluating the Four-day meal records: Joanne Hamilton dertonstratedw the making of salmon loaf and Mary MacCharles , the making,of • chicken salad which .was served after the meeting. meeting IQs_,ed with th_e.4 Creed. . Gcrllopin ' Gourmets The 4-H meeting•of the Kairshea Galloping Gourmets 'was held February 22 , • 1969• at 9:30 a,. at the home of Betty •Colwell. • Nancy Burt presided; and eight members 'repeated the 4=H' pledge d -a r�sry a red •the r -oil --ca 11.: Barb•.Ritchie. read the minutes. 13L tty Colwe T demonstrated Tuna. Casserole Linda Young Made, Egg Scramble Everyone enjoyed this food The•next meeting will be on March 1st at.GMrs. "Burt,'Shon3e at.9130,,• �xw•c r:su• eSwr���'�iw,.�� x.::�tk�m:c+a".�e�+ Viu,�+lr, �kss�d�:k� Skhx� �t.s, �., v..:.tc�...:r5as. 41 30 THE SQUARE1 PHONE 52.4-7811 , I i GODEERICH 'AIRCONDITION;E . THURS., FRI. LSAT.: - Feb. 27 to Mar: 1 .�� ... . MGM rRtstos -4,irDAVID NIVENn s, THE } . ' , ' -0,,•� �r '.1 ` 7? IMPOSSIBLE 1 1 r. YEAPS " CO ST�I1111Np ANO •. .11,T000IRINC lith teRIGIIT ' CHAO EVEREIT • OIlIE NELSON . (ISI1NA PIE COLOR' (Adult Entreatment) hent) ,•, Shows at 7.30, and 9.20 P.m. . ' SATURDAY • .. Kids , Show (March R Ia it, MATINEE I E 11'. 2.30.m. P SUN'., MON'., •TUES.�. WED. -- March 2-5 "THE NICEST, NASTIEST CRIME FILM � „iiINEMPIII� -_-IO-COME.�ILT�OE,..NNU.�WOr ' . ' 1 ), •1 MAGAZINE N YEARS!" —TIME COLOR BY DELUXE' ries IMPAik,,,,..TT,E,,, ,' (Axlwht 'Entemt airunent )' . ' ' 1 Sunday at 8.00 'p.m. OnIy—Weekdays at 7:30 and 9.20 'p.m. Coming Next: "WORLD SAFARI" ; Fed Up Club ONTARIO WHITECHURCH,NEWS'• Whitechurch 441 Club the Fed Ups met on.Monday evening'at the horne:of Debbie Reynolds The president , ,Linda lchultz;,, opened the meeting with, the.4-H Pledge. Eleven: members answered "the roll call by telling of a supper' dish with .cheese and. eggs.. Linda Purdon read the minutes. The "next "meeting will be held .at the home of Thelma Purdon at 10 o'clock a , m .' Saturday, 'February '22. The discussion was. Casserole Cookery, quickand easy top: stpye main couises and•desserts.. • - Thelma Purdon demonstrated the making of a .tuna. casserole and Debbie Reynolds an egg,scrarnble' As a group. they. made, plans for' Achievement Day when. Thelma Purdon and' Joyce :Tiffinwill do the. Demonstrating also on. ' March 20 at •6 p.m .,the club will entertain the mothers., :The meeting closed with -the 4-H Creed Whitechurch Fed Up Club held their meeting Saturday at 10 a.m.. at the home of Thelma and Linda Purdon: The president Linda URC �:WHIT.ECH ....., Mr. and Mrs. Garnet, Farrier arriv ed home on Friday ••after"a few Weeks trip to Florida: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans attended a Federation of Agriculture rneetin€ in Holyrood on Wednesday evening Throughout •t e towns ip one man was appointed to interview' ten others and aequaint:the;n with'•w.hat. `the Federation requires. We are -,pleased to report that Lee McGuire was released from Wing ham'Hospital on'Tuesday•. lvlr. ,and Mrs. Victor Emerson 'vis- ited Thtlrsday with ,Mrs Charles Tiffin, 'Mr. arid Mrs. ;Bill'Brown of;Wingham Schultz opened :the rrleeting with the 4-1-1 Pledge in unison. The roll e,all was answered by ten members telling interesting ways to prepare raw vegetables. Joyce Tiffin read the minutes. ' 'The next meeting will be March. 3 at the,' home of .Kathy Purdon. Discussion centred on a variety of carried 1unchesrand. selecting bal- anced meals in restaurants and cafeterias ,' Further plans,, were made for the entertainment of mothers in, March". Demonstrations and group work � Kathy Linda were:.Purdon` . Y making Egg Salad and spanish onion and orange sandwiches Oth- er sandwich spreads were peanut butter, grated carrot and salad. dressing; grated cabbage , carrot; chopped peanuts and,•'salad dressing They also. learned. tomake carrot sticks and salad, The girls' sampl- ed the sandwiches' and 'agreed they were delicious. • The Home. Assignments were plan carried lunches for 1 week and indicate' which may be prepared in. 'advance and what foods may be parchased in advance'. for good wholesome lunches The meeting: closed with the 'repeating of the 4.-1-1 Creed: in' unison; Handicrafters The third meeting of ,St, Helens' Happy Handicrafters was held Saturday evening, :February.22nd with full attendance. Marjorie Murray, president of Club ;No . 2 , ."tookthe chair for the business part of the ,meeting. The. discussion. was.on'Meat Cook cry using dry and moist heat meth- • ods: Mrs. MacPherson demonstrated cooking,sausages and;Mrs. Gaunt 'showed the girls how to stuff and roll;`a flank steak. Pr'eviou'sly cook- ea ks-wee-e=bcaug-h-oto-th c :. PAGE NINE. meeting ;to show the girls the finished product and these'' were served' With baked potatoes, carrots'. peas -and gravy. . The next meeting will be` Satur- day, March lst;and the demonstrat ion'•will be beef.stew And dumplings.: , ...Am Morrison returned this ,week • from London, having• conipleted1-4s mechanics short:course. ' At the. May meeting, of Kincard - ine :Pres.byterial the ,speaker is to be Rev. _L._G : Stars :connected with the Leprosy •Mission.. Help ; stainp out Leprosy with used stamps which. ate sold•at 60'a lb:. Leave •1/4 inch paper' around the stamp.. Stamps' steamed off paper',bring a lowerlprice; also United State's stamps must be kept separate., as they bring a lower price. The Money from the stamps will be • used -to install: a water system 'and.' equipment at.,-Muga'ffarpur, India ,at a; cost-bf-$6 ; 000 :.We• -hope -a-11 . groups will gatheras many stamps ° . as possible 'to present to.'Rev. Stairs, "that day EUCHRE PARTY Curries School Euchre players held theirparty on Eebruary,21;in. the evening at the Belgrave.Arena Assembly RooTh. • There were eleven tables.in' play. Those successful in' obtaining, prit es were for high lady, Mrs. Reavie; high gent, Jiin Wilson; low•lady, Mts. Roy Dawson; low gent, Roy Dawson. Novelty prizes went. to Margaret 'Taylor and -Lloyd Mongtorriery,. Lunch was sewed by the sponsors Mr. and Mrs Dick Moore and Mr and -Mrs. Bradley Galbraith. The next party will be under the supervision of Mr . and Mrs. Alex Robertson and Mr. and, Mrs, Roy Faison., The, Colwanash Learning. Lassies ,held their third arid fourth Meetings on Saturday , <February ,22 at 1:30 at Mrs. Carl. Riegling's home. The Meetings started with the,4-H pledge, and eight members were pre. sent. The two roll calls were answered` separately by each mem- bPrrWilrna_L a.ckeit read _rh- ". Utes of the last Meeting' and: Diane Zinn read the •minutes ofmeeting: three • The fifth meeting will be held on Saturday'; March first at -1;39 at the home .of Mrs :..Carl Riel to g-..-g�The.�.,.. p discussion, demonstration and group work are ,combined Mrs,., Riegling handed out 4• pamphlets for use. Dis cussion (1) Mrs,‘ Warren' Zinn:read • over pages 14, 15 and :16 of members pamphlets and discussed question one of Horne As igtun nt., (2) Table one c hart of beef for sugg estion for cooking. (3) Standards for roasts and 'braised meats Mrs..Zinn read and ':discus'sed ,five questions with ;the nrernbers about Meat. ' Demonstration; Lynn Austin dem-, onstrated.Moist Heat `Method of: eoo,king'neat braising swiss steak. A. new'recipe from the members, pamphlets' was cooked'. Group Work : Complete the,: nannies of,the Carcaskand finish diagram one of leaders manual. The meetings Closed with the Queen, •:4 Wing am PHONE. 3574630 * * * * • * * 1r * yk' *. SHOW TIMES. Friday and Saturdays at 7:15, - and 9':15. All other days,' one 'show at 8:00,, . except.. • ,where :noted . on the program. Thur., Fria; Sat:, Feb, 27 281, Mar. 'l Adult Entertainment Cool Hand Luke` CinemaScope - Colour Starring: Paul Newman. This is the story of a prison- er ina southern chain gang who maintainshis spirit in the . face ofcruelty and, arbitrary 'force. Second'. shows on .. Friday • and Saturday night start at 9:30. Saturday Mat. ° March 1 Quick Gun' * * *,* * * * *• 11x,# COMING :TO . THE • LYCEUM: "The Devil's Brigade" "With 6 You Get, Egg Roll "Hang 'Em High" "The Party" •Cunning .Co'o'ks PURPLE GROVE NEWS The third ..meeting of .the Purple Grove: Cunning Cooks..was held on Friday, : February 21, at Mrs, Don MacKay''s. Mrs. MacKay, assisted by Sherry. Pollock,. and Margie Collins made'. salmon loaf , nwhich; turned out •. nicely as all the ,members agreed. Mrs.. Harvie Thompson. brought,• - a tastysnack • for the Members. The next Meeting will :be held at Mr's ,MacKay`s home on' Friday,, February 28th... • C-o=tn_tryL=C,o o 'i OLIVET• NEWS The Clower Valley Country •Cooks had their 3rd meeting at the 'borne Of Mary and -Laurie MacCharles on February 20th.' The .meeting open' - ed with the, 4=H Pledge .• :The roll call was "My favourite fish dish" . Mrs: MacTavisli led in•'adiscuss' `MMin-dishe forthe-bird •Meal,'•using•meat,' fish •or poultry'' The group work was evaluating the Four-day meal records: Joanne Hamilton dertonstratedw the making of salmon loaf and Mary MacCharles , the making,of • chicken salad which .was served after the meeting. meeting IQs_,ed with th_e.4 Creed. . Gcrllopin ' Gourmets The 4-H meeting•of the Kairshea Galloping Gourmets 'was held February 22 , • 1969• at 9:30 a,. at the home of Betty •Colwell. • Nancy Burt presided; and eight members 'repeated the 4=H' pledge d -a r�sry a red •the r -oil --ca 11.: Barb•.Ritchie. read the minutes. 13L tty Colwe T demonstrated Tuna. Casserole Linda Young Made, Egg Scramble Everyone enjoyed this food The•next meeting will be on March 1st at.GMrs. "Burt,'Shon3e at.9130,,• �xw•c r:su• eSwr���'�iw,.�� x.::�tk�m:c+a".�e�+ Viu,�+lr, �kss�d�:k� Skhx� �t.s, �., v..:.tc�...:r5as.