The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-26, Page 6Now 1 The Time To` (Plan Your. Spring ee .:- .ung rogra . .11 THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, •,LUC,KNOW, ONTARIO ,DROP IN: TO YOUR CO-OP NOW" WHERE QUALITY•AND`•S.ERVICE .ARE.THE'•'MOST • IMPORTANT :COMMODITIES THAT1S WHY• IT PAYS TO SEE•YOUR. CO-OP FIRST. ,', , uarte#te oFlorida ST i1ELENS NEWS • 'Lorn.e,and J D.• Durnin, Bill Rin toul'and'Richard Elliott left on :. '''da .. or a. few weeks in Florida:' M rs W, L. Miller is visiting with M'r and Mrs'" Gordon, McIntyre',• at Richmond.:Hill', .while Misses W, D, Rutherford,and Isobel Miller are holidaying in Florida:, Mr and Mrs. Prank McWhinney attended "Open .House at:the; College at Centralia on Wednesday' • Their daughter, Marie is :a student there. ,w ;Hone .after', being patients in •Win4ltam Hospital are •Elmer• Woods ,' Gerald .borscht ;'Miss Mary ':Murray, Mrs. John Cameron and Mrs .George'Webster M r • . and ,Mrs : • Fred M,cQutllin• • wereSY unda• visitors' wirh:.,h�t,_.and•,. Mrs: Barry i' 4cQui1rici , Ji l and` Scott' at: Thornhill.. Mr. -and l\1rs': Fred Tbompson,; •penny and ',Skil); Of Cooksville'•'were week -end si'tors_with'Mr'..and 'Mrs,' Gorden:1`.1cPherson:.,: • ,SHOOT PART one 8-2125. •elnrytive Shower �iBriidiHer� .h relative shower. for Miss,Brenda Henry ,' br'ide:elect- was held on 'Saturday afternoon; February 15''at.'• the home of the bride's aunt Mrs • Games. and Contests •were: given. by '•Karen,MCenzie of :Goderich. ,Irene Henry , sister of the bride., assisted; in opening her many lovely gift's A bountiful lunch was. served, by the hostess • Eleven tables en joved the Shoot • Party in the' hall on Thursday e enrnv Hit h prizes went to pap •Paiinabeckor• and Rey ',Tavior . • c. .L '',#\'`,c'Donald .and i 1rs .. "Pete" , Je'ffer - son, with the shoot ,.or ;.-tO, John Lyons, C ar.nn„,the a;thcst was oh,n And. w' ncarest J ,' birthday., Frani. '\ r.Qui linand:. , nea-cst 'ani^i‘c.saty ...:•. .Elwood 15arbout. T c iext,inatitUte rayd. party is flat r ed for N •arced • th. )item:'.iC' and• ! L.Lard•law of Win-- y ha rn spout the wcc 1. -'end w ith• their , ;;r:anuj a.ent ' I\'. •'and ,'rs. T` Jk Todd :' r • lzc..,,a,�, .et' � . 'h ., yn.� � t the w ; l> will •hc ,c1e:on *.,a. «h i .V'.c. .* ; loll at . o'cloct•. Pol. call • ALFRED BEATTY WALbEi. A iitelOng resident. of Huron Townshi'' A°lf'redWalden passed away.in the kinea,rdine District ',Hospital On February '14th 19f 9:.• Mr. Walden; the son of the fa'te Mr and '.Mrs ;,John:Sydney Walden rador, r bv••! l� "a:-1..? ,1::^•t`, „or ydon t..'liri ani.• w;;'; ;r, l rte - t I., Y. 1� 'ill. :l Ci..Cri 'C'•,. L,r i•.t' Y,.rr 1.0,d .`w,A r. 5 ... •-'1 j y' .Ion F..�'ons;:'L '.".i,. a7 i!c.' •", 4w Lira 'rlrs ha, 1�i.c N:c; a ,i • and o: We),1st, ; • I was bona' ren , uron76wps-on June •30th 15r7- 4110 --resided there ail his life.. ' In 1:92O'he married Annie'Pollock who' predeceased him in \ov'embe-r 1t�.4�a • He was. a a}n,enil�er of the • Re hel.LJnited Church and for:. • several,` ..ears served on Huron., Township Council' . ev ,, . JohriC. [r11�' a ontlnCted-2r • fiir;eral service at 'the MacLennan' Puncta)', )loose en 1.':onda . Fear - ;ary 1-th '' Ternpora,ry ent m bi:me'nt w,as in :l inca din' Cei:i.eter,'Chaps. el.. . • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 Introduce Qral French dor Senior Grades, IliTuke Several Years To Implefliet Municipalities in Bruce operating trier camps, will be advised that they- will have to contribute to the county ed'ucationa : system. "This :may conie:.as a jolt to some municipalities particularly in "the resort areas," said board, chairman ; George Loucks of Chesley . ' Under existing legislation'a mun- icipality may collect "a* monthly 'fee not exceeding. $20. If this •- procedure is, followed; the board of education is. likely to receive less than its net cost of'educating the childr?r} residing in trailers. In' effect.' it•wili mean that the rest•of the county will be subsidizing the educational costs: Or it can operate a trailer park or camp and fix the',fees to be paid with no ceiling•on the amount, In this case the municipality must pay thehet cost of'education.. Director of education J,L, Bowers ,told the•board that the proposed' Douglas• Poirmt expansion will create a:need: for permanent and ternporary housing. • Trailers Will more than likely be KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs Frank Maulden visited last, Monday with'•Miss Rutherford at St'.:'Helens, . Mr, arid.Mrs,... ;john W, ,Scott. visit ed •Wednesday evening 'with Mr: and Mrs '•.Mervyn.,Eckmier of Kinc axdine . The M,, W.I;:. will Meet .ori 'T,hurs da •,Mar ch .0th at the honkie of :Mrs • Jim'Smith , Roll Call - The. most essential ,thing 'in': my medicine,, ,• cabinet: Topic •-• Cancer, Irish' P. Journal, "Old " and hey reale dies for sickness" , Mrs: Howard Harris. Demonstration 'Easter Eggs. `Dir- ':rs = rs To _rn Hodgins Mrs'. Charlie' Murray Jean'Sutton,': and, her friend "visited on• Sunday, at the Thorne of her parents:, Mr': and:Mrs.. Lyman Sutton Mrs: William Cox and Mr. and Mrs':J. Scott spent the week -end. with their granddaughter Barbara 'Concession, 4;, Huron ; . while her parents; Mr..and Mrs, Bill Scott', enjoyed their: 4th Anniversary. week.end in: Toronto , ` ,Joan Percy is practice:: teaching this week at the Kinloss ;Central School at Holy roo d M .. ,. r and Mrs ; Glare Sparling :and •;u-:familji.Of Walkerton visited on, Sun Y day with Mr ..and Mrs.' George'' Haldenby.• We are•sorry to•report'that'Mrs :.Bert Nicholson was''a patient in the' ,Wingharn.4a.nd' District Hospital for a . few .days.7,, We hope :"for a speedy recovery. • Visitors. with,Mr. and Mrs: Russell )• , Hewitt were Mr, and Mrs: Henry Emmerton of l(incard'ine,''Mrs. ' Albert Young::of Bervi'e and Nirs'.: oug as a'mp•e C) rn ow Conr2tulation_ to Mr, 'and Mrs. used for temporary ;accomodations and this'will'be a problem for the board," It is possible that tl` board will' have little time .to plan for educational needs and yet plan- ning is essential, if educational. needs are to be, met:" r He said there were only certain ' tirnes Of the year when, it is possi_ble'. to, hire the required staff. `Mrs.- Donald' Milne of Kincardine, chairman, of the.special committee.. lookinginto'sites for hoard offices, said, `a.reommendation.Would! be` made at the next Meeting. She said a building approximately 10,000 to 12 , 000 square feet' 'exclusive of future maintenance shops, adequate pakin. facilities;; five, acres ofland were :among `. s orrie 'of •the.•teauirernents. .The' development of a . county- wide oral French, Program for grades .7 and 8 was approved .:The director of ,education was authorized •to hire a consultant or. supervisor. He 'said . that the•program county -wide ;'might take from: three' to "four' years, to a'rnplerrtent • :Teachers reaching 6.5 years of age this year may be granted an exten= sion of ;one,ye:ar. • The: ;board fayori negotiating with elementary."and secondary teachers at the same tithe:, but'realizes that it will:be iinpossible to'.do so this year..,:The Ontario Teachers' Federation. will. be, advised of the boards wishes. • Principals .of the, secondary • schools•'will be authorized to hire ,the required teachers. An'accountant will be: hired• this• -week Other personnel to be hired • before :the'aciministrative structure 'is complete'are a.supery sor 'maintenance' and a •supervisoc•'of . transport ,and purchasing. Kingsbridge KINCSBRTDCE NEWS On February 20. the guides opened their meeting with roll call:' All were present except two who, were sick. They formed a horseshoe andi had another game .on history given by the Captain, Miss Betty De ' : Bruyn which once again proved, to be fun; •The.guides then.went to Patrol Corners and; were able 'to try any of. the -testi that' they had : previously miss'ed;.,, Most of th.e'guides took advantage of this'opportunity. They then. had Campfire and the ; • Sw.ailows had a few skits which were good We all tried to learn a few new songs •and: closed with taps' WHITECH!JRCH On Monday'Mr. and •Mrs: Aar ert. and family, former'Lucknow residents moved into Mrs . Hugh Hand's house. We, welcome them' to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cover and Christine of Godericb• were 'Friday.evening .Visitors with Mr and Mrs. Russel Chapman. Mr, arid' .Mrs. Cover have, recently purchas- eda photography business in God erich , • Mrs Cover is 'a niece: of Mrs' Chapinans . • At a meting of Chalmers Presby'.. teria•n4 church on: Monday evening Toth Morrison.was'appointed ;chax•r=. rnan •o' he Board of Managers :Archie Puidon, secretary •and Mrs Bill' V ersteeg Church Treasurer .• Mr. and .Mrs, Jim Moffat and farnily'of Wingham' and Mr.: and Mrs Elwood _Groskorth were fin Kit chener ori Sunday whe e"they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Groskorth and family of Toronto • and enjoyed an evening;•together, lie I E. ,kv-aRs", en Ni'cha1sbn) of -Georgetown ori the birth of a ' ...daughter. •A sister for: Linda and Larry'. • Elena; ;Mae .MacDonald of Ketch ener spent the week end at her home here Lois Nicholson of .Milton. and Mr,' 'and Ivies, Jerry •Collison of C-e.orttrwn spent the week -end;, at '. the hone 'of their.par'ents, Mr:. and .`S Bert.Nicholson. ;icholson. i 1r and Mrs', Rusell' Hewitt and Bur�ivin' age two•daughte,rs 't s. t- C.' •(Dc rothy) Wall ofAr;a vid, �r ?.:rs: Alla r :\kl'•4vi$ � of Huron ; Ev,lene ) . and r. six si ns,i L� c ii ,r.st and Rai• o; z:;t~ofi Tt�wn�y:.T Ca:' of r,:rtc'rie•ne tratlord , tili.7e,rie f Barrie, two h:Oth eY t i lel} ar l f rwb.L;a,d- Sncw t:w rep Ee l:o.:• Wiil�a � T '] M w «mow« •Fl ww .� y, t. :lea r4 }v:e'' aifs"q La • t . and =hers . 'plait Allen of Listow-. el visited wit1,tMr:'and Mrs, W111ace.He itt at, Waterford. .Friends frons here will he pleased; tr :::now that. Wall•aael•lewitt ;: who underwent surgery'ire the. Simcoe t"loi5pltal , is •?,na kin , a pod • &"'r:x•. - i •4.4 .Jig n of,pucanoN ervisor of1 Buildin aintenance Service • Dtties.will include resPonsibilitY for entire. caretaking and .. main tenance ro ram' ( (35 buildin supervision employees t p g . gs ) super... sion of. emp1 Y engaged in custodial' and: maintenance work;' and assistance and supervision in- new'' constru'ction.. ' n Duties 'are to commenceas soon as possible. Salary will be".•negotiated e'rvis ms asin Duties will- include . arranging and supervising bus contract services. for the safe and efficient trans ortation of students and. supervision ,of purchasing, warehousing and distribution of -sup--, -plies, and 'equipment in accordance with procedures • and controls to be established. Related: experience would be an asset. Duties will . commence. as • soon as 'possible:. Salary will be negotiated. Apphcattons marked "Supervisor of Buildings and Maintenance' or • "Supervisor of Transportatiotn, .and Purchasing" will . be re- ceived until 'March; 4, 1969. ' ROLAND R._SWANSON..: SUPERINTENDENT' OF ;BUSINESS AND FINANCE BRUCE'COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION DRAWER 190, CHESLEY, ONTARIO J. L, BOWERS G. C. LOU1CKS Director of Education Chairman • • Hu Mon_ • �God� , ert�F sent Frid� •Gin side) ifai •Ar: wing Sc;hc the • aduc s tt e Th heat ',reco educ erv� lop; 1 .triol floor ing ••In Coci Clin wou` . 'Carl • aoneut2 t • stoyoCfehfnoc r dire( was ea,cle of`e' col wul 'bulli a ffoi CoC[ co.uh ' the migl • at ran' boars docu rave pxob1 are'F ualr He ha ye 'prem certa • .tarot repot ar the educe is a•c ou�til o•pet cOc avail.; erm dial : skate; With t Ir 'oi ,em -its Yea • ratep� :Con . on. -thy forth Dan ed his locate •would • • deter date 1 reside 'I'd Chair Eloa i inter.j was n agree It way tonsil