HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-26, Page 2i r PAGE TWO h THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • . WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 The LUCKNOVTSEN'I'! LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. • P yT " — Huron -Bruce Boundary Authorized as second class matter by the: P The• Se o Town On the . •ort Office Department, Ottawa and: for payment of postage in.cash. Established 1873 Published Each Wednesday Afternoon ' Member of the Subscription Rate, $5..Q0a year in advance to the U S.A„ $7.00; • Donald' G. Th oinpson,. Publisher WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1969 . LEITER TO THE, EDITOR Rescued' From Car In Western Blizzard, Miss University Graduation. Of Here Son • • The time has core toaga.ini r,e.ncw my_.subscription to, The Sent- inc l'which 1. feel I -can not do: with - .out • ,My son Douglas . w•!ro has been attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebraska, tJ S.,A, was• graduating on January` 25thand 1'was' goiri T down by bus...of:the• company, William;Wiggins'; The retiring directors, Donald fol -'it. M youngest sqo 1<eith-and lYl y�•y• � acKay .o:f.i-Iiiron�'Townshp, John`. his :w.ife. Who live here iil'.Brandon F: MacLennan of Kintail• and Will'= decided that they really :wanted to' tso we decided that havf�i.T yam WigginsoDungannon w:ere're . oo ( elected for a three year •term . Mr: a little ;Scotch in our background ' 1\ a,l. clCay .is vice-president of the. ..somewher;e).that the'three,,of us': West WaWanosh.Mutual. Other directors, 'who have: further term of office to serve, are Berson 'Irwin of Belgrave.,. George C. Fea.gan of-Goderich, Charles. Ander- son•o;f-hucknow I row -n Srnyth-of Dungannon • :A man was elected for a;twoY ear: term to. fill the vacancy'caused by•• .the resignation of Patti Caesar. of., Dungannon/ who .is now 'employed: • by the Huron County Assessment Department Two men were nominated'for this post. BertMaeWhinney o#:Ashfield on a motions by J, C; Drennan and' Dirk Logtenberg; .Howard Blake, -of Ashfield• on a 'motion of Gordon •Saunders and 'artin Hendricks. Mr. Mac.Whinney .was the success- ful.'candidat.e•: • • It was: pointed: out. at the: meeting' that farm. mutual companies shortly be .able•'.to underwrite 437 -.9th Street , •Brandon,, Manitoba February. 4 ,'1069 The: Lucknow Seitiiel', Lucknow .Ontario; ' Dear Donald .- shift arid:1 guess at the 'exact time I flicked the lights on and off for the train, Ivan Twamley, the dr v er of the truck, saw thelights reflecting inhis rear view. mirror and they came, back to investigate,. They.got.;us out' and broke the road back about 17 miles to Pembina,.. N.D. where wethought we might.. get •a. room, but everything'was, ' • CONTINUED ON PAGE: 14. GREATEST LOSSES.: ,CONTINUED FROM PAGE,1 , .,:could travel in their car• as,cheap- ly as one on the bus 'A.' friend :offered .to keeptheir baby -,so 'as Soon' as he finished;work ort Thurs-: da.v night we: were ready to step into the car;and'planned on driyin all: n.iglit,: But unfortunately our plans'wereo changed for us. When We. dot ;about 10.0 milt's—south of Wirinipes a.terrific shlizzard'canie' • up from :t1;•.•, we hita 'spot. P > tie ri ad where the snow -day}. • blow Off .andgof stuck We•could • not go .ahead '- we could': riot' back up- - we'could `not turn, around to try to get back; but •managed to get polled off; to the side of the road in casesonie.:.one would come along and: plough; into,. us .: 'We decided • there was. 'not}ing we.could do , 'but stay in the car and waits and hope' y we 'nicht .:be rescued„ It,was• nothing short of •a'Miracle . r • that: we'were rescued after about farnaers•�-lab'ility- nd: per rra-1-H1 two hours.. 'I can `not understand et, yeti ilrty`•insurance' se that a package' s. just how: it reallydid' happen blit P e • • • PP policy will`.be able to be written to there:was.a 'train tr•ack;not far away'include fire' theft ft , riind .and. lab and�a cou"le.of trains wentpast and . • P . ihty Insurance : . ". • we flI l<ed our head- i hts •.. d _ _.a_._. ._..-._. c 1 g ons an ' 4 It was 'also :pointed out at the off in hopes that sorile one- would' .' Pmeeting that there. is a stipulation 'see', but I guess no one did as the � ' in the insurance policy that a extinguisher .mtist be attached oto - 30 miles an hour. The• farm tractors at'ail •times.,• i,pe ra}tux-e-wr-as-down-to-1s-degr-ee_s, „fire wind b r this time had ot•u � to 25• g p There's .a little .sign outside of town, That says you're in Luck now; We•ha.ve proved this sign is true; I''d like to .tell you how Shortly after we moved I'became quite .sick,' '". I made an, appoititriient with Dr. McKim, • • Who sent me to the hospital •quick After a few days, in Wingharri , I was sent to Kitchener, ,Mrs. Greer so kindly drove me., • And I'm very grateful to'her;. • • After Some weeks ofloving care, I was ready.to .come home again, Mrs;. Colwell and her son went for me, -And I'm very thankful to them; Since we'd had a lot of snow',. • Our lane 'was closed up tight, But some kind soul had plowed it, So. I. could, get horne alright Since I've•cotne home I've been so thankful,, ,To our Father above,' For themany people around here, Who have shown real Christian love The: Salvation, Army,. and Lions Club ,Lucknow and .Kairshea Institute too, Have helped us in so many ways;,'. And I wish to thank thein too; There have b'een•so many others, Whose names.Jd.on.'t even know; •For their kindness to their .fellow ' :man; o�d' will rewacdmtherrt nn I'rn: sure• he •has`a"special .,reward For a•. man likeDr: ,McKim, And his wonderful wife and 'little. ones, • Who are just as kindas him; They've helped.•us i:n so• many ways Since the first day we met, ;Wonderful peopie'rlike these, 'Are impossible .to forget; So every'' night as 1 retire , 1 1 I thank Him for the -day he .led us, To: the town• of Lucknow. JEAN EISENHO1 ER. • Convention Hostess Mt. and Mrs•. •Oliver McCharles Of Lochalsh spent the. past• w eek in Toronto where they attended the Ontario' Association' of Agricultural Societies "Convontton,., Mrs. McCharles is the lady representative for District 10 of Grey and; Bruce Counties On'the Ont ,ario Board of Directors and,was a hostess this. yeari`for the Convention held at the King Edward Sheraton, Hotel in Toronto She reported twice daily to C, K. N.3C; on proceedings Of the meetings being' held below. zero . Fo.11owing the •riieeting; the board Three men.•were comin '.,home in of •directors• elected new officers for: •a truck .from Working lin a sugar o- 'the coming year Donald•MacKa Y , refinery at -.Crofton, North Dal.pta of Huron'Township is the new . • on another road which met up with president: of th+e con -Tarry and this' ,ri'ighwa' down.the` road. a piece' Charles Anderson Of Lucknow is • after the 12•o'clock mid -night sic nY, • L1J(KNOWANDiI STRKT PUBLIC SCHOOL OPEN Ilousi Open Douse' will be held at .the Lucknow and District "Public' School 011 . FRIDAY,IVMARCU 7th. FROM 7:30 TO.9':30 P`:M. A eordral invitation is extended to, all parents and 'theg enerar public; to visit the school' on this occasion. S. E. COLLYER Principal, ELECTED DIRECTOR - • • CONT.INUEI, FROM PAGE1 Vice president, H.D.. McConnell Tilbur Times; 2nd Vice president ; 1 Wilso o er acerI a era n B y B b :dg Herald- , r 'Gazette;, secretary-mariager, Wer- den -Leavens- Baltonn-Enter-prise;— 'directors ; Keith Graham, Chester= ville Record; Kenneth Campbell, Strathroy Age -Dispatch; Walter' Brebner ; Meaford Express; McKnight.,.Tillsonbtirg News; Earl Morrisbh, Napanee Beaver:, William Kennedy, Durham Chronicle:; John lNIorris, Prescott journal,.. • One of the highlights of the con- vention on-vention held at'the •Chateau Laurier: Hotel Was an, address by Senator M: . Gratton O'Leary. Mts,' :Helen 'C, • Gillies', •col.kesponde>>t; for, the Stay ner Sub, was. the :winner of the. Ont- ario, champion country correspond ent award: Present at the convent ion vas Dorsey': Bi Ks; of Atlanta ,Georgia, one of Niorli Am'erica's foremost authoriti=ion newspaper production, • He add ed the gath- ering:. T-HE-LUCINOW. YOUTH ORGANIZATION WILL SPONSOR A • AT THE FORMER LUCKNOW HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY, -FEBRUARY' 28th MUSIC BY "THE PHASE 111" Dancing 10' to 1.- Admission $1.25 per person . Honoured On 40th_ Anniversary Mr. •and.M•rs.. Nelson Raynard of ' Lucknow were guests of honours at a social evening last Saturday at the Parish Hall, Lucknow. The occas- ion was in honour of ,their140th weddinganniversary.. :•'i • Mrs. Raynard is the former .Clara Ritchie,:' daughter of the fate Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie Of tuckno•w; Nelson is the son of the late Mr . ' •' "and Mrs Maxwell Raynard of Luck.. now,•. Besides the',bride and groorn of 40 ,ears others Present were their- familyof three daughters.land three i sons; :M'r. and' Mrs,.yDonald.,(Dor- COUNCIL OK • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Reeve Jo ..Ynt,. said that the tractor was o•riginaTly,purchased to,cut.• grass and do other 'Minor work with. inthe village and thatthe'' machine • prior•=t t-lre-st;:eet• -br. WEI o'thy) Murray of St Helens ; •Mr. and Mrs. Russel (Lillian) Irvin of 'Ashfield, Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Ruth) Shrtipshali of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs; Douglas'Raynard of. Ashfield,. Mr.- and Mrs.. Bruce Raynaid of West Wawanosh; Mr. and Mrs: Chris Raynard of London; twenty grandchildren; Mrs. Raynard's sis- ters and.broth.ers, Mrs... Jean Paper - nick of..Goderich, Mr..and Mrs Robert (Elsie), Irvin 'of Dungannon and Mrs. Elmer'(Daisy) Wall of Teeswater, °Mr; `and Mrs: Jim (Violet).Smith of Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and M;r. Ritchie of As and Mrs. -Eldon h�ield; f Mr Raynard's• sisters and 'brother, Mr.; and. Mrs.. Harold (Pearl).. Ferguson 'of God.erich,:Mrs'. Cecil `. (Hazel) Mullin of Listowel, .Mr;, and. Mrs.' Melvin Raynard'of God- erich. • The evening wasspent in play g cards.. Mr ...and Mrs. Raynard were• pre- sented with a pole 1amp'•from they. family',' and- a• gift of 'money and a 'lazy, susan frondth'e sisters and. sweeper being acquired by the families. town.. Mr. Joynt'felt that perhaps there was something mechanically: ,wrong with the machine and it might bechecked and corrected Mr. Jo;Y nt said that, to,'acquire•a:: machine which would operate the :street sweeper _would mean. the in - Vestment Of/considerable money in an industrial type tractor; 'He stated .that this •'possib.ility •had been investigated ated in earlier ears . Pres-. ently, the town is hiring a machine, to operate the street sweeper " A price. was received from Fred ; Erriberlin'on the painting and deco- rating of --the clerk' -s office:: Several applications were read from •rr e.n 'out of the area 'interest-, 'ed in the'position.of clerk of the' 'village. Arrangements were to be for -interview -s -w -it -h -these.' then. Discussion centred .around the possibility of a new brideor the I? y g changing of the g g water course on Havelock Street South: 1t was. suo bested• that 'pj perty owners be. _ 'r.. WHITECHURCH Mr. • and Mrs. Gershorn Johnston. of Winghanl'were Sunday.Ivisitors;••• with Mr.` and Mrs. Clarence :;' " Ritchie. and family 'of 2nd` concess ion:, Kinloss. Rev. Horace 'Braden was a •dinner,.' on Sunday with Mrs_Albert McQuillan: '.:•:. We re'sorry to report that Mrs :. a. Dave. g• 'n of 'Goderi h is noW patient in St. Joseph's Hospital., London::We wish-herP a's speedy re- • covery Richard: Elliott"of Holyrood, Lorne `. and J. D,' Durnin,of,St, •Helens and, Bill Rintoul left on Friday, for a few• weeks visit in Florida r. Melville Beecroft...; ' lvir.. arid, M s. 1 of Otterville• on• •Saturday visited at. the :homeof her sister ,. Mrs Dow and family,Mr and Mrs.' Gil befit Beecroft, and familynd Mr a-nd . Mr-s--Hee-toer .11•a -m -i n -and' Contacted to see if there was a family of Corrie . , possibility ;of buying;land and at Mr.: and 'Mrs Wesley Tiffin were. ICeCh-a-n= -nhe-o-ourse.. ha,,�r�nr_ -.— � �rSaturday evening visitors with=lvhs, Charles. Tiffin and Mi. and Mrs. Bill 'Brown of. Wingham Word was received here on Sun day by the grandparents, Mr,. and Mrs.' Bill Evans, of;the'arrival of a baby girl forthe parents, Mr: and. Mrs. TO Evans at Georgetown Hospital on Sunday,'February 23, x; 1'969, a.sister for•Linda and Larry.. We extend a warm welcome to the Wee one.. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Malury C of. the river 'would mean that the • 'river would run behind the prop; • erties of,Cliff Roulston, ,Mrs, Mac Callum and: Vern Marriott'.'. southerly, to. a point, below the Flax Mill where it•would join•'the;nine.. mile river. The river course ;presently cuts across Havelock Street south of the Cliff loulston • property, known to many ;as the old MacDonald mill. Reeve, Joynt said that if the- lar? was proceeded with this ear• a decision woi ld not torrid until after, the , auditors; statement is received' ard: the financial condition o' the town considered, In the event that it is proceeded with, the pre engineer- ing' work would •be done qne year and the actual. construction •the foil• owing year. Paisley visited Sunday with her 'sister, Mrs•:.Albert CoulteS, Mr.' Coultes'and family.. • The March iJ.0 t W..Meeting•will • be held' Wednesday; March t at • 2 p,m, at the home of Mts. George Thompson. All ladies of the; congregation are 'invited to attend as this is the birthday tea, M r' . ? Y', recen Gilm( more some . more .Mrs iting .Mrs. rood. and. granc Mrs ed to spe nc oria • We Mrs. ' and'l 'Chid Warr Engl, the t • She.