HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 13WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 'nth; 1909
• .from 1.4 ft: diameter • to 60 ft.. high
You' have a silo, perhaps: you need a second pr third silo."
Hay and corn silage and high moisture corn 'are good feeds.
Why not' let us taut it over.: D'rop me a • Iine or call me. '
ArnOld Hugillon
92 Cambria Rd. N., GODERICH 52.4.9437 Collect
From 12:01 a. M. February 9,
.1969 to February' 15 ; • 1969
•.On Sunday, February 9 on #25 ,.
.County Road west. of #22 County
Road, Jaynes Allan Craig, 203.•.
King Scre;et, Guelph, was involved
in'a •single car accident 'resulting
in $1,500',00 damage to the vehic-
le he was .driving .
On Sunday ,,February 9 •on; # .3
County :Road., east of #4 Highway;`
Donna Broadfoot R,R 1,
• Bruce'fieId•and Harold Hugill, R R
2, .Seaforth 'were nvoive .m atwo
.car:accident resulting 'in 'an approx -.
• imate total damage of $550.00 to •
the .vehicles they were driving
'On, Monday , February lO on #1�2
County Road , north of #8 Highway,
John Driscoll, R. R.'- 2, Walton and.
James Edward McQuaid;R.R..5;,,
Seaforth were involved in .a two
• car accident resulting:in an•appro-
timate :total damage of $700.00 to '
the vehicles they were driving•
On Wednesday,•Feb.ruary•12,, on
-#8 Highway • West of Clinton,
Bryan S. Lightfoot ,. 205 Rattenbury.
Street , Clinton, .and Gordon
Howard Dale, 12.R...4, Clinton were
involved in a°cartrck accident
resultin• in an a..roxinnate total
On.Saturday, February1.5 at •
,C. F. B. Clinton a vehicle owned by
Dennis Richard Dupuis ,, C; F. B`;
Rivers, Manitoba was struck by a
'vehicleowned by Sumis Motomura,
:C: F. F.B. Clinton , resulting. in
$75.00 damage; to the
Dupius. vehicle,, •
Drivers.! Avoid dangerous'skid
situations always"'adjust yourk
speed to; road,' weather and traffic
conditions, and reinember, .the
best w, ay. to slow.down on a slipp-
.ery,surface is' to pump the•brakes:l
° Provincial Constable.'
From 42:01 a : m ;. February, 10,
1969 to •12 00 Midriight,_'February
16, 1969,
damage of $175'.00 to their ,vehic-
•• On Thu'rsda.y, Febr.uary,13 on #S
Highway'east of Gdderich ,•Robert
I Celvon Jewe,1T, •R, R. 4” Goderich
and Douglas Kay: Martin, 183
Glastonbury Crescent`, Stratford `•
were involved in a two -car.
accident resulting. in an •
-`—approximate total damage of
.$205 ,:00 to/ their, vehicles
On Friday, February 14 on #8
• Highway ;' at .junction' of #31 County
Road, Charles Hutchins, R R: 3,
Clinton and Stanley Douglas Hill.,
--[ R=1, Blair .were involved in a
• two-care'accident •resulting in an',
approximate total damage of
By Zena Garniss,
Anne -Marie Harrison,;
. • .Joanne Thompson.
On:Valentine' tr Day, -:Friday
February '14th, Grade 8B 'presented
a program held..in the "gymnasium:,,
with Joanne Thompson as announ-
The assenbly openedwith the
singing' of "0 Canada", accompan-
pied by,Ann Ackert. :•
/Six members of the Junior Band,
Zena Garniss, Donna Greer., Eliz-
abeth Ritchie, Ann Ackert, Bonnie
MacLeod and Anne -Marie Harrison
piayed three numbers.'
The boys then hada doronstrat-
ion of some of their Physical Edu-
cation activities,
The girls sang two songs, "My
Love" 'and '`Those Were the
Days" accompanied by Miss -Toll.
Scripture was read by Elizabeth
Ritchie, followed by Sandra
Keith leading in prayer..'
The following students, Donna
Greer , Calvin McClenaghan,
Kathy Joynt, .Melvin McInnes
Cathy. Hedley, Sharon. Campbell
On Thursday, February
Provincial. Constable Jim Poland- in=
westigat.ed a .two -car accident on
##66 Highway., two: miles east of
Lucknow .. The ;drivers involved.
.were Ronald. Foister, R;R..10 Luck
now and, Allan MacDougall of R.'R..
6, Lucknow,' No one was injured in
the mishap which, caused an estirn
'ated $1,000.00 damage to•the•
Provincial Constable Ed McPhail
investigat ed a two car accident on
##21,Hi.ghway, north of Underwood,,
'on Friday February 14.. Edward
Bates of Southampton and•'A lfred
Thulean of Islin•ton were the driv''
ers involved. An estimated
$500.00 damage resulted:.
A minor two car accident involy
ng Dennis Lankin of Kincardine,,
• and •John .Fisher of:Lucknow , 'Was'„
investigated on the north shore, on
Friday, February 14; by Provincial,
Constable L. Whitelaw. Damage
was estiniated_ at $125 00 •
• Op Saturday, February 15,:Proviri•
cial Constable Ed .McPhail invest-
igated. a two ear accident, on „Con
cession 7•, two 'miles east of #21
•Highway. The drivers involved
were Lawrence .Husk of R. R.•5 ,
Doug Cortin, took part in the dia-
ogue"What's, a Christian Family?"
The girls then. sang the. hymn
"Happy the ,Home" ., which. Atm_
Ackert played. .
The assembly was closed with
",God Save the Queen" ,- accomp-
anied by•Margaret. Vander Klippe,
.Sympathy is ex:tended` to Mr. and
Mrs •Allan MacTavish in their re- ,
cent- bereavement . • . •
The Olivet U.C. W.:held their
February meeting On Monday ev-
ening at the home 'of Mrs Herb ,,
Clayton. The worship was led by
Mrs. Ray Harnilton.assisted by Mrs
W.. Black,./Ars. 0. White, Mrs. A
Hamilton and. Mrs. J. McGuire.
Led by the ,President, Mrs, Clayton
plans were discussed, for the World
Day of Prayer to be held; in Ripley
in March.
On sick list is, Mrs, Austin Martin
Howard' Henry and Stevie
is area :erlo 'e• a_._...
,bus trip to London and the Junior A.
Hockey game there on. Tuesday •
evening . • Among them. Kenneth
and David Farrish,; Russell . •
Moncrief anBilly MacKenzie.
After sev ,raj •pastponemens ,
the.Explorers of Ashfield Presbv ter-__-..,
an Church finally had 'a
meeting oh• Monday after school,.,
.Calenders were distributed and .an
enjoyable time had'liy all. .
The. C.O.C. group of Ashfield
Presbyterian Church will not meet
again until more favourable wea-
ther conditions prevail; " .
Betty Aitn. Simpson has been pra-
ctice teaching at Goderich during '
the past week and 'staying with her
parents, Mr , and. Mrs , .Donald
Simpson. • •
Rod MacLennan and boys of Tor-
onto visited with Mr ; . and Mrs:.
Emile. MacLennan on the week-
Many in the area havebeen
victims of the "flu": • ("
Several of the ladies in •the
community:enjoyed the demonstrar- •
ion on/Floral arrangements as done •
by Miss Helen Quinnof Kincardine
at the Ripley Horticultural meeting.;
on Tuesday in' Ripley
Springtime putsthe squeeze on everything.. a
Your time, your'.money and your patience:: You
remember what it's like. The'waiting1ineups,
the slower deliveries; , the delays.. Everything
eating up your time ata time when you should, •
tidve t,een.'o•n the field'...,
Kincardine and 'Norman;` Ribey of
R.R. 3, Tiverton. Damage to the•
two cars,was estimated at• $350.00.:
to t eir ve it es'
Oil Friday, February 14. on Conc.-
ession 1, /airfield Township, west
. of #27 County . Road• Keith
Raymond Kerr R.R." 1, Port Albert
• was involved: in. a car. -truck accid-.
tent' with a parked unattended
vehicle owned.•by John Edward'
. Scott , 11.R; 1, Port Albert result-
_ ing if an approximatetotal dhrn-
age of $900:00••to the vehicles,,
Kerr received. injuries,
GENERAL: Provincial Constable,
Kenneth Culver of the. Kincardine;
Detachment of the Ontario Provin-
tial Police, has returned to duty
'this week., having successfully
'completed a six week course at the
Ontario, Police College ,at Aylmer,..
Ontario, Y,
Probationary Constable Harry.:.
Wiwczaryk, formerly of the Lon-
don area, reported. for duty with
the Kincardine Detachment of the
This. year,'.take some of the squeeze out of
pring: Rlan--your-crop 'program oar d o d-er dour
production..needs now: Be assured. of .getting
what you want, where you want its, when you
want it. And we'll be -charging you'the prevail-
. i,ng prices .at the 'lime ,of delivery.'. so you,
Can't: 1'o'se,.
There really isn't a. single reason why you
shouldn't'p/ace your order, now, instead of at
the peak'of the season. You save in the iong'runi
ut0 complete crop production programs
ver aa:turday, February 15 on #15 ,
• County Road, west of Londesboro,
I3everley G, Jewitt, R,R. 1,
Clinton. and Elgin DaVid.Pease,
Ontario Provincial •Police , op hloni-
day, February 10. 1060. The arriv1'i
of Constable Wiwctaryk expands the
Detachment to a total of 'six const-:
R,R, 2,.31yth were involved in a abies and'one corporal,
two -car accident resulting 1n an -
.approxit gate total damage of 1.E; POLAND'
$250 00 to the vehicles they were
Public information Offico.r,.:
Phone'52,84125. •