HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 12PAGE TW LVE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Tit ki COUNTY OF BRUCE This is a new position and will include organizing and; the administration. of General Welfare Assistance and related social- services on a County basis: Applicants should have experience in social services or related fields with appropriate education and traipitig,, Initial salary to be negotiated, usual' fringe benefits, and car 'allowance. Applications will be received , . •by the.., undersigned: until Tuesday, March 4th, 'at 5:00 p.m: •T.. H. ALTON, COUNTY TREASURER, — ADMINISTRATOR, PO.BOX 70,'. WALKERTON ONTARIO " LFARE FIELD WORKE1 COUNTY, OF BRUCE This position entails obtaining and verifying , information pertaining to the eligibility' of applicants for assistance : under he General Welfare Assistance Act and related welfare services: Applicants should be mature with an ability to meet and, wor k with people.': . Initial salary 'to be negotiated, depending on qualifications, usual fringe benefits, and car;. allowance;: Applications-will--be--received by -the undersigned until. Tuesday, March 4th, at 5:00 P T, -H- ALTON, COUNTY • TREASURER ADMINISTRATOR. P.O BOX 70, .' WA KERTON'ONTARIO • • Samethmg New -Try .Pot Luck Dinner Purple 'Grove Women's.Institute, likes to try sornething new.., so, thein E X5`4 February;meeting started at 10 a: in. at -the home of` Mrs'. Francis Boyle: M'embers..came carrying . i'nany. mys- 4• i terfous bundles which were opened for the pot, luck dinner at 421-30 and. the members found that a cold; snowy 'day had whetted their. • .appetites and enjoyment for such a delicious meal Mrs: Dori McCosh • and Mrs.. ,Fred: Fowler assisted -the ostess 'There was a good' deal of business since the: January meeting.had been was escorted•to her seat of honour: completely 'stormed Out. Thanks, o music played,by' lvlrs Dan Tiff - were ret ve'd-frun,.Mrs:. BNI1 S ottt.Y in,.' • and Nancy King. A' letter from. Mrs, A,R, •Teasdal:e'stressed.the need of support for the builditig,prograni at .: MacDonald Institute apd also the • Darlene`5irripson:" ;. Colombia project Six m-em-be:rs-Of Ja ce Tiffin Janet Slei: htholm the Baking With Yeast course had ..:and'Helen Gibbons with Mrs. -Dan 'attended .Summary Day and ' Tiffin accompanist sae Dow . n.b ' enjoyed it .. The new rovincial e n . Y the Old Mall. Stream andI Lode .president , Mrs ..Zoeller had sent you Truly ,, greetings It was decided to send, . 1CIrs someone to the Officers Conference, Michaeh•Ross gave 2 readings - • id-She-De-4t--"a'rid--1 a-rnIngs t -A April 30, i`lay1st at Guelph. If a• Girls.iffin means of levelling the snowbanks; ., Shirleya`Gcbmpanied by • • . at the Community Centre can be pi`nist1Joarr-JoA Pretty: found ,' two card parties will be World, held on'February 14 and February. . •Many gifts' including -cookware,. • 20th, with Mrs:` Victo , Gawley , Mrs, towels, siiverware ,:china , table- Don Reid, Mrs, Howard Thompson•cloths, pottery, blankets, pillow and Mrs. Norval Stanley in charge • cases ; .ironing board step The next meeting will be held at .stool, 'cannister.set, clothes hamp-. the home of• I\Irs : Cecil•Suttoi> . er and bowls, . were opened by, the Mrs. Earl Elliott was, convenor of bride -elect andhher:attendants, • progra'rn Mrs, Wm. Arnold talked Hilda Tiffin., Mrs. George Whitby. on local history and showed the Tweedsmuir books. and showed' new• additions". It was decided to`pur WasWeII'Knowfl 11,LucknowireaH FLOYD LESLIE .CAMPBELL Fldyd Leslie Carrtpbell ,, R. R. 4, Brussels,. passed away at his home, on Tuesday,.February 4., He was 66.. Mr', Campbell: was; born in the Ca g ', : Ira. f p - Al oma District son of bell, and' Gertrude Garniss, arid: received his' early education at Wharncliffe , and carne to the Lucknow district, in 1924. • He married Olive Helm of . Ashfield• on' June 1,•1927 and' mo.v ed to' R. R. 4, Brussels in 1936 and engaged in farming. Mr. Camp- bell' wasa member of Knox:Unit- ed Ghurch, Belgrave ...' Surviving •are,liis wife, 3 daugh- ters, and 7 sons: Mrs. Clare (Glad:- • ys) V'anCamp and Mrs. Stuart (Ivyl Cloakey, , Morris Township;' Mrs - John (Marilyn) Galbraith,•Bahamas; •Donald and Ronald of, London; John Exeter;' Allan and Lorne', Belgrave; • Bruce at horiie;' Gordon, Milverton; his parents, Mr. and Mrs.•Ira Cam- pbell,. Belgray.e; also eighteen; gran- dchildren;:.a sister, Mrs..Edwin (Ivy; Ansley,. Thessalori.` A brother Glen;. wood'; • who resided at Belfast, passed away 'a few years 'ago The. funeral service was held on • Friday, -February 7th at 2 p.m. , from the S.J. Walker Funeral Home. Wingham•.; conducted by Rev.: John Roberts. Temporary entombment was' at. Wingtiam Cen'i'etery• Chapel _ 'Burial wifl take place 'in Brandon : Cemetery , , Belgrave The pallbearers.were, 'Glen Van - Camp, GeorgeMichie, Willard Armstrong. Roland .Marks', Clifton Walsh; James; Walsh. Flowerbearers ,::were nephews, , :Irwin Campbell•and-Toni'.-Helm.-: Honor.Muriel Moore With Bridal Shower. WHITECHURCH NEWS • On Saturday evening a miscellan .ecus shower was held forbride-to be Muriel 'Moore in the United' Church Sunday School room The bridal chair was seated be- neath 2 large white bells.withpink. and white streamers joining the chair and bells. Upon the arrival of Miss Moore, her: attendants Hilda Tiffin and. Mrs `George Whitby. (formerly Beth M-errrc`k),vent,tu''we1romelrer.. Beautiful corsages` were pinned on each after which ,tlie' bride -elect' Fall Fair Notes' WEDNESDAY, ,FEBRUARY 19th; 19.69 1LC ASHfIELDfARM 1..NION MEMBERS HURON PERTH DISTRICT 2 `O F.U. MEETING Thursday, .February. 20, • at 8:30 p.m. CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTER, Guest 'Speaker ELLARD POWERS 1st` Vice-president O.P.U. CONTACT ONE OF THE EXECUTIVE MEMBERS • FOR A RIDE .,• WEDI WHITECHURCH 'Mr, and Mrs. ;Eldon Emerson„; Darlene and Sharon of St•. Cather,' ines visited on the week end with Miss Lila Emerson and Mr. and • Mrs. 'Victor Emerson, , ° Mr.. arid Mrs; Ross. Smith,' Cathy and: Bradley' of West Hill and Miss ' Dylus Irving of Hamilton spent the'. week -end' with Mr. and Mrs Russel Chapman and Mrs-.. Mary Chapman. Toni Morrison returned home from, Westminister Hospital on Friday . f, Mr. and Mrs. Victor .Errierson. and Mrs. Robert Ross visited on Friday .: with Ws.. W.'3. Coulter. : Bernadette King Of Teeswater '• spent thew.eek' end. with Mr., and • Mrs.' Walter, Arscott, Andrea and Valerie Muriel'Moore and Garry. Duncan of Oakville spent the week end with . the formes parents,. Mr. Wand - Mrs . Millan Moore'. .01 ST. HELENS Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Cooper .visit- ed recently with their. daughter, Mrs ..Ralph, Cornish •, Mr..•' Cornish. and young son near St.Thomas: Mr'. ' Cornish was hospitalized at the time with injuries from playing hoc key . • Mrs. George Webster isa patient in Wingham. and District Hospital with knee injuries following a fall at het- home.. Gerald Dorscht and Elmer Woods are also patients in Wingham Hospit a1, Meet your friends and".enjoy the_ Shoot Party on ,Thursday night in the St. Helens Hall.` Lunch will be served. , Mr::, and Mrs. Gordon Miller of London were Sunday visitors with Mrs.. W.I. 'Miller and Isobel. :i�iiiirir'•,iY�:..��.x:�-;:'`$ara.►�:::::.:`rir�'j Mrs. Elwood Groskorth with her. assistants conducted contests -which were won by Mrs. Russel Gaunt and,. -and Janet Beecroft. The shower. cards were read by Hilda Tiffin. Muriel expressed thanks to all. o ume , • rs . rots , for their ldvely' gifts and for their led in a contest to name origin of kindness in •remembering •her and songs, .1-lappy Birthday was sung to for attending ,as there'were around the hostess and she wins presented 15' in attendance; . • with a gift, Courtesies of the day All sang "For She's, a Jolly Good were extended by Mrs. Morford Fellow and Grace. The ladies ser - Mackay, ved lunch The Lucknow• Agricultural Soc- iety met `February: 13th' to further, promote plans for the Fair, Sept-' ember 19th and, 20th.. . The.Societyreceived word last week that the Coloured .slides, hich 'ere entered in the Coloured 'Photographic Contest have: won a prize: Delegates if the Convent= ion will receive the prize' and 'find otit whichphotos placed'n the con. test. hntries were from Harvey. Wightman and:.Mrs.' Oliver McCh arles.• . . Delegates attending the Convent- ion in Toronto 'February 19th and „' 20th are Mr. and: Mrs. Robert 'Campbell, Mr .. and Mrs. Robert Gileh�ist., Mr.s.Jake .Hunter, Mrs. Bert Alton;: Mr. and -Mrs.. Robert Struthers ., , Mrs Oliver ' McCharles is a delegate for. the Ladies Section of District #10., Flans are we11 underway for the -. Variety Concert March 1th. in the Lucknow Public School; A one act play will be one .of :the highlights` of the concert. Some changes were discussed the prize list particulary in the fruit and poultry sections. Collectors this year are Bob Gil= ' chr'ist and Dave. Kirkland. ,:Two excellent displays have been. reserved for'the Fair . They are namely, "A tribute to Agriculture" and a small machinery display car. ved from wood. This year the Society is. sponsoring a Field Crop'Com- .petition, Selections May be made..' from the following crops: Hay, 1969ModeIs SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 1968 PONTIAC, 4 doorjiardtopi full power 1967 GALAXIE S00, 2 door hardtop, V8, fully power.d `.1967 PLYMOUTH FURY;' 2• door, hardtop 2— 1967.POLARO 500.2 door hardtops, V8 automatic an power steering 1966 CHEV Bel Air, 4 door automatic 1966 CHEV Bel Air, 4 door, 6'cylinder 1966 FAIRLANE 500, 2' door hardtop V8 1966 PONTIAC,steering 2'.doorV8 automatic, ratlio, power 1965 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, full power ° . 1965 FORD Custom 500, 4 door, V8 automatic, 1 -965 -FOR -D74 --door; standard , Froi 1969 i •Couni Road, King 'in'as in $1; le he On ' Count Donn; ' Bruce • 2,' .Se ...car:a( ' .imate ':the v •On•1 Court, John' I • James Seafot • car ac imate the ve Onl Bryan Street 'H'owa) invol' result; dama les, On High, and''I Glass were acc is cpp-tc On ':Htghi Road: Clint; 1964' DODGE, 2, door 'hardtop' 4 -MERCURY MARAUDER 2 -door. hardtop ' SEVERALOLDERMODELS SEE THESE AND OTHERS two -( appro Oh essiot of #2 Rayn wasi '•ent'N .vehic Scott ing age( Kerr 1. sture , nsi age corn., grain Corn, Oliveroats, lvlcCha les f. Please contact ' you wish' : inforrnation or are interested in entering any of.the crops: `Please'remember the' next, meet- ing'March '13th in the Town' Hall. Cour 13eve Clint two-= .appy $2i