HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 11.wEDNESDa4,Y, FEBRUAR=Y 19th, 1949 .THE .LUC NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE E 'ELEVEN .., . . . , •Olivet .._, Church Has ° �;_ , up • A MBERLEY NEWS � A.C.�N :. Group Hear.. : C _ • • .,,. Successfut_Year .. __ � Pine River.atidl Bethel Iii -C met . r ,� • T ,. , PHONE .528-3004 Cosmetics_. Free • Fim Plan ,-• Animal: Heatth• ••• •. .• ......•••• ••••••.R o., *�+4. . ,,. - • ..: AOR • .• . .., ..•�'- �-. -�••TIES ...• LY �• ' OLTVET •b!E WS . . ,, Olivet United Church annual meeting was held: on, Sunday even.- ing'. Pra er wasoff re by : Reverend George Ball , who then •conducted the business.:', Sandy IvlacCharles acted<as clerk ,reading and read the minutes of the last meeting, Favourable reports were ,Prayer heardfxom all ocganzations:of, the chutth. . • - -Harry r. Se r.y ort and Qscar•White were. in ch on• Sunday evening F :February uaryhl •1 Donald Martin presided. for the. meeting. The secretarysreport was read •• 'Gail Courtney gave the•scripture which was; follc�>;ved by a � :She discussion on' "Going Steady". 'was'giv n by Judy T orburn and the .meeting closed;, with a, : ' • social hour following.- , ' KiNLOUGH N , - NEWS" The February meetin;, of the :Anclican•Church.-Womenwas•hel d • at -the home of Mrs•. Roy Schneller . • .with Mrs:.Gertrude'Walsh presiding gave a meditation_ andRehe . Lord`s•Prayer, Mrs Gent orge•Graha the 1st' • •• read the scriptureture from • chapter -of Corintlt>~arns; Prayer foil- • • • ' owed. , . r,. 1 .1 •y a. the Mrs. fi•la denb' read - . � • . ..': �, .: * .; ', •• The first shampoo in hair, color• blended specially for brunettes,, . Now a brunette. has. areal choice' about the brown shade _ ..he'd like to be//because •Alberto'- Culver created 10 excitin l ' gY. beautiful browns` you; couldn't have before.. Whether you, want •Y � Y, u to go li brei darker, 'there's, a brown shade right for ou,. $ justY . And each shade is laden wth.gentle moisturizers, to, protect halt;. -: keep: from'drying:.out:.You get•browns:that are silkiet• and rich-- u' 'ver Brea ed' ssible ven er: r ei • than yo e , ..... rn po e _ oyer a -- , _, gray.. • .. • .. , :. '•••••••oe•94 :•'•'•••••.••••�• ' -Be:Yourself, But, Even Mpre Beautiful.Withlunch re-elected.to the: board of stewards . a and sh n and the new elder is, Wa l ter.;Rdul� ston.; harry Scott and Mrs.; Walter Black were app•ointed• to the.Manse Committee. _ " This � ear`the li• - y _. 0 vet eongregat ion will, observe their eightieth. • . i g:. a anniversary and the ,plannt,ng .,. •or .committee is Walter Rouiston, Mrs Herb Cla •'ton and. Sand lvlacchar- y. y les. : : : • .The meeting. . adjourned and Mr., ,, Ball closed with prayer -.• ' • , . ,his h�techurc w . .. � : m e•,ssengers aWHITECHURCH NEWS �. Sunda :forenoon Whiteahur'ch ` • ' y Messengers 'held their February , .. •• . ' meeting in the Sunday School room ,, ,. during Church •Service The. Call to worship was iven.b ,,The. , Y Earl Thompson. g Hymn we a su Y r were Thei>Yiutes read by Janet Sleigl aholm whe'called the'Roll ;life of. St, Valentine, who through . ` ;,. good Works to God is retneinber- . ed tO ahis' day. : She concluded this', with.. a:; suitable poem., The .' roll •call. Beatit ',. . : he was '"A ude" T •. deaner allocation. was. y. P• and 'a letter was read; re'the sendin g of bales to needy'areas in the, west, ' • '• •• • - ,Mrs:. Ronald Thacker read the financial clal report. The afternoon • .•wae.s ent'in' quilting ...Prayer r.closed; p q g Y e . the meeting. lvlrs; 'B'ert Nicholson• ..., ave th'e courtes remarksand,.. g Y' .,was served byth.e•hostess, '" " ' , • .y �'' 'q. FOR DI(UMLT1ES ONLY . :, REG. — 52.50 • ' .. .. ''. Calvin -rick Messengers answered by' 13.,. .•'Mrs:: Fielen:Gibbons read the Scri titre n • ..and-p.r'ay.er was .given by :Ronnie 4 • Soloman'•.. .:The ''offeri'n was received b •Geitrude' W,a.lsfi told .some of � t high lights her rete t tr.ip'to Florida and showed pictures of int- .•• erect:. +:• •. ECIAL. $ QQ • 7 ., in/ HITECHURCH NEWS • Calvin' -Brick Messengers he'1�1 � $ 'their February meeting on Sunda, g y Frank_Jamieson: The'offerng prayer was .even by .::?-).,..:••• • • '•Clifford, •ior'China slot' was een b Mrs. -� Y. . g :. Laidlaw • f .orenoan• bur '; in the''C ch . -• -; ..:' �. '' .• .•.• :. . , . The pianist was,' Cathy Chandler ... 1 '-''Perth Presbyterialtheir on Of: U,C.W. .•.. and Mar area Robe'rrson: r 'del �ttie' _ • Clair -We ber , Mr - •"Dav 'the• Seniors ' . s: .eGibbga've slot' on China and the Jun : •: `with '` Mrs:. Gibb' closed. the: rriee'tn prayeflu � NQ nn.� Meeiingn M tcbe�l • ...fox the�.meeting them of �' I � tr'haad ....�, .. _I�` �A. . . •. T.he annual ineeiin...of the Huron:- Pott.er : Mrs. Stewart•Mine'r hors:. •" g ,. ted • , K B• C1,}e dale5i.•Mis'. Perth: Presbyterial �fthe United J.', ',.•iban• :Men: • •. Alice Beecroft read, the Scripture and,M:r areon gave the a Roberts• 'Church Wonien was held in • ,, . • :Mrs. 11. :Almost, Mrs.S;E Lewis 'Mitchell United Church pebruar'and:yrs: R;Galwa, i. . 5, 1969: Mrs....Harold Babensee, Miss;•Bett ,' Face installed the •'. • mditation:' eaneSh=ell: led in .Prayer',-. The offering was'received by Janet �. T '; E;SE r .president ; re -sided over he17,9O , P , sessions: • . ti The• pr'o ra ime• was based on the ' •g . theme, . Dee �:er:Cot rnit•ment' P ; ' ,Wider, Horizons• Rev , Morley Clark , Christia • . • ..Edit -cation secretar., :for London ;Con•• . ' - tie - . }regi nts Mrs: George Michie - 'Brusse s R. 4 • George 1 , `Mrs . Butson • Fti larton:. R 1• Harriso , l . President n .• a . •, President-.lvlrs.•Harold Babensee, :65 Par view Dri e: Stratford : F ii t k v, S a i s Vice President Mrs„ tewart Miner ,..•Exeter , R . 3,. Second Vice. • Why. ock_ a d-. e'e .. -.. - yt tt Dor n taylor.'Lie., . �/ v •' - offerin�T pia er was gi en b •Marg:: � w Y aret _ . •.: . Robertson . .r, . ...The ;Herald Re oil was iven.b P ,.g Y Helen: Chandler. M.rs:.eN,orrnan. Coultes ave the . •,• slot - The:,Mirac;ulous Picture, L '' , . b .' * • �LIKENEW_ 'CARS • . . , ' , ference,enlarged on the•the.rne:with ••- • Ilia 'address."Come''Alive ..It was . r �n a gestin address. Rev: ,Clar••k •. ' g made this statement are. President-:Mrs.,Stuart Shier, St. ••'• .Mars .. R 1 •y ,., . •• •, : Hu on Re. ional. Presidents , North• _ :. , • , g Mrs... Harold Doi Ford.wich g after which all;'went to their, .. class:es:.for a,'furtherstud on'China',.' : • G E: 500;, 4 door :hardtop, fully equipped' • . `1968 •CHEV IMPATA; .4. door hardtop :. '. . • •�: - . AL .. ,,Christians • . . ' . • ,' more •lrkel to be damned for what .. they fail to.do.rather than .what.. the., do; A• level discussion devel _ Y Y _ oped .with the, audience artici at • . P P . P • : .. in freer to tell what the needs of .. Y ' ... • .. ... . ...Were.; their ch t e.e. hunch cornmuni w r , ., Y , ,.: _'el; Mis. B Neice:. 'Essex , Ontario . C. ; . • • was.the afternoon s eake•r., She;use • ... r., • .NNE,: Centre -' Mrs. Orva Harrison+ t ,•, Mo'niton ; R. • 1, West .• - Mrs.;. Lloyd bond .. Cli-neon. R. ,3 ' South - Mrs.. • ,,. • , .••, Edwin Miller, .Exeter . 3 , .R. Perth Re >o:nal•Pres>d.ents., .,_ : ' •..:: g ._ _ :..... • •_.13th North Mrs,,john Gilbank., Listow • West - Mrs.., Russel.; M•cCa11u•m:, .. .= t ,. ... .:. ; . •,.. , , M'itchell:; South - Mrs.• Oliver.- ... ,. , • ,. •feted - : , Z�°,A . V.C. W r . M s' Jiir. .Hunter held the February , meet>,n of; the: Z>:on U. C„ W... ' , . .. g . . •. at her home w .th '1l members ,a,nd •c .. . :• ' . _ •_. l child psstrnt, •Roll call was, answ,:• , � with a��• ve. Lave'... : ,, � 2 door hardto :fully equipped 1968 PONTIAC PARISIE . P, Y�, 3 —.1968 :PONTIAC 'LAURENTIAN'',sedans V8 au o` . h :> power • steering •• 4 t uratic wilt "> 1968 GHEV•BEL A1R.,sedari, 8 cylinder aptomatiC:With. • .. . • •:.ower steertin • • ' P steering.., - 2 .�• 1.6 96? ;PONTIAC `PARY IEN)VES; 4 door lint drop sedan V8,' full' ui ''• x � PP�,` . • �--F '•' � .:.� r„n.,:' IE, 2• door ha as••` :Flt. • • , • • .. .P . d 29.to . . Joh i1•G ,-; verses 2$ and , .;.,: , -, • ,: dEvelo her address, in which she_ ' P ..:Secretary�e • il,c ned.the •UC.W members to the • • „ dtsci� les:who asked , . What. Shah:.. P • • , � ,,: ,...: :Shah:. ' � We Ido? Hee- rens , .. ,. • . Baker : 5t-�-1��r s, R,-6�-Ea-st.. Mrs., •. . y. ... : • .President ' Grenade Murray; • 16b:•Ho a Street• , . Y p .Tavistoc}c• 'Recordn '.- t. g '•;. •:' . Mrs. Orville Swayex,. •M.tchell, . Cortes _ondn �'`Seeretar. `�'•ivlrs: , . P . g Y } ,. .. ... .. h1rs. Charles Wilkins open. . - :. • open .,the' meetin .with,' a: oeni •God. a . •: , .. '.' g ••: P s near as a Whis eyed. Pra er t;,•: P .,. . Y ,. ,r n e .• ; . , .. , and ever. one 'repeating' the Lords : • :. y .: P . �: , •,., _ �i�pped•• ;' , . ,.. • - : :. .. . 1967 BEAUMOIYT .4 door sedan •8 'automatic ' •, '' •as 2'-'1962 PONTIAC.STRATO CHIEF V8 and a 6 •cylinder:, 4'door sedans; ,power steering and brakes ' : ' : . _..•.E. ..a'dcl .. . - '.tht -f _ . d s uestion for to .da s worldan e T • strap el it .was the same �as .Christ.._ • . •. told .tlie':d sc•i es ' ' Believe on •• pl+.: . ,. , Him It !, W Bach. ort e• T eas'ur rs .- : , :' ._ . . , • . Mrs.. Walter' McDonald Gad''shill• • . �• R:. l'a'nd Miss Ethel Gable,: Zurich., i ; ... _ • : Committee •Chairmen Citizen . =with and c=al cti-n . •MrsL..h1 'ship. So Action,. I r , . • '.. ; Mrs: Jim. Hunter.led•in the Bible.• J4Q � ••�, Stud • "That ,The Wa ;.I Am;' the ... Mrs. A.11an.Ritchie reading.the scripture :.Psalm 139. Two'rea.dins'' Ls Pg. :. ' ,used•cars from '63 to .66 to various `rrtodels, sedans;. hardtopa • .. and 4 door,' mostly' fully e' iii •ed_. • ' . �' Y q. PP rt :.... i -s --p. ortant•to-h�,�- o-b-as-ic• P .. ;., ,,. titude in life, a,.deep..personal..an • , a trust. Tile United Church, can: no ' I to 'longer be i c rc It . . a pr..each ng hu. .h... ,: : � •must be -a listening.church , : a :b 'church listenin to its people and . g.chi , . their proh,len'ts: 'Men and women: -: .: _.. St - -. , :1 Almost, 297 .CofJour :..,; :Briar. gg ford . Christian and. Missionary, ... � tio. _ • I Educa,ti.on., Mrs: J.. Axtman , . . .. . _ - r= Walton , R, 2, Finance Mrs , Ca „son Watson Brussels ;' R, 4; L`eader,- Deve.lo::iiient - Iv1rs'. K.B. P P Ma :•: Thought" • : A• New Years Thou ht b: Mrs•; y ,, :. . . . >' jim 1�unter and: Manners,, Maketh : Man • b Mrs,, Allan Ritchie -were:. . =given.: :rule Tal -e My:Li-fe and Hy Let it Be was sung, followed . y a,::. .' 16sing.:prayer by,lvfts.' Jiin.Hunter ;. i .E ,.; 1966 CHErV:$EL AIR .:: : stationwagon, :.;:.. , ,, ; - ,; � ,` • '• ,:. ;' V$' automatic, powex steering �i. •` ill ? � .::." �;o forward together asking. Ctod contnuall: "What can we , y :'....and ,, .,: ,. • do... B 1 eve on Him. Let o_an l esda�e „ St . o . r�cs,�Alo�xa-irna-u : � . _ _. , .Its, Jeff. Robinson, St, .Mars.,' R. Y ,. Mrs: Gilbert Beecroft . "was Mrs.. Alan I3ar' er L A: thank ou note ,, Y u received from Mrs: L'10 d Y - , :,, , .. t „uv��r� ��Ru .. ''t, , ,..g 4. g It Cod direct ,our lives," advised.. • ••'community Mr •Neice:' . ' • •Alton` Mr L : _ � - s„ Neice"also answered the - gtuefition some have been as•ki.n ,: "Why studyChina?" God regards Y • all people as brothers and He is c.,• ,• to th,ern even if they -are rtiot'commited Co Hitri. Using his guitars •the Rev, ,MoyleMit, C: • • y 1 .�A oon sing, song. , l�he tteiornling ftemh service was Wors _ presented byChe Wes1e''' 1Nillis:,. Y Bel rave ; R o-ko-sccrctai e- ' Friendship -' hors. BerE ,, •Lucknow•, R: 7; , . �, • � .-'' .. CommunicationsMrs. A.11'. ub Bela ons Daynard, Staffa,>P 1 Mrs • George Wilson, St, ' Marys , ".Gal -.,. R. G; Pco raiiinie -Mrs, Ro Gal- g • ' ' _;y. �.. wayListowel and" Mrs; Clariz;. 'Kennedy, Grand Bend; Stewardship•°• 'and Voe'ation '- A•. Sinclair,•Sebrinlville; Supply and Welfare - Mrs : ,eon Ye Potter -, • : g ' :. r Clinton., 1 -hinter:. Mrs'.. Tohn41-tinter .reported ,• 'on the:'s.ltut itis. There are quite a ' .nunib'er of Zion members' sick: i • :, . ,- '' ' Visitors for March a•re. Mrs: Marshall Gibson and Mrs: Eldon Prayer. Ritchie . •The World`,s Day of Pra er �is.to be geld at.Ivlrs, Kaitser'.'s on. , ar, i` lap March '7th•, The Fall baza s p ped for 'November' 22nd:. Plans axe . made for a quilting at Mrs+ Earl Swan's; Lucknow, Februar : 1Sth, Mrs: Gordon Kirkland tools the collecton and Iv1rs'._•Kaiser made . , ' ,1966 FORD; Econolme`Super• van. 1966 CHEVY `i/� ton pickup.; p P..' •ic' 1965 FORD' F500; ' chassis and' -cab' .: ` 1. 'ton. ,with duals 1964 C11EV . . ..•and 1962 •CHEVROLET 3'ton,tab and'ciassis, number of • E'conolne Vans from 63" , to' 65 • ``; F�;: t ' r y•ii � t • y; 't. :' ' t: .` • " • r c.liar YC " ' • . l he Chahen Te to Stewardship, was 'taken by,L Miss Ethel Gable , • Des etc•ra'zar•ous' wear ter con. it P tons over. ,175 women registered erect at g 1;•meetin� this meeting. the 'dedication. and. 'closed, th'e T• with prayer, The March.Brussels; meeting will be at.the ,hd lie of . g tv , ;ltohert Helnrw lis ' • Motors, i ,• : ;, �' Mrs A .,and • .Sinclair Mrs.. Walter w '. �,. �• Meportald'. • RGIT BIRTHE1CTS Lunch was served by• the hostess and'Mrs, Wm.. 6,`14unter and Ivirs • : BP Servte • Sfa#loll Phone 17 •Brussels e Cltider Attack turned, to be a , � l out skit. JOIN MARCH OF DIMES tater.. 9. ; presentedAlan by Mrs. Oeare' . • ,., ; ,t,