HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 10Ir . PAGE. TEN • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO St. M:,ary's Mrs. Gilbert Frayne was hostess for the..February meeting.: Father Galea was present and.,opened the meeting with 'Prayer. He ' ' suggested our grout donate $10. • to aid.the Sacred Heart. Program- me. Renewal 69 will resume. :with a meeting March 16. We are asked, topray for the success of this , Spiritual Renewal, Programme and r attend the five services. A spec,- ial speaker will be present for each, and all are welcome to come and bring a friend.. Father Galea_' spoke on the need for Penance,, each •person'to make their own decision as to what small:. or large sacrifice they'are: willing. to make to atone'for sin, especially during the Lenten Season: .:United prayer closed the 'Meeting • and the, hostess served •lunch 'The.. . March Meeting will be held at the horde 'of -Mrs . Art:Gilmore. • s :.Jose �h.'s Council KINGSBRIDGE NEWS Sixteen ,members :• werP e resent. for •.: the monthly meeting of St. Josephs Council, g Kinsbrid e:,;on Tuesda g Y February 11 in the school. The meeting was opened with prayer and •Mrs . John Austin presided. . Mrs.' bon Frayne, corresponding: ecretary , rea • a. etter ,rom t e .y. school' Board.grantin ,them er- '. Missiontouse the school for s . col gym• • wedding dinners etc. •Mrs. 'Mark Dalton, Educational Convener' had as• her. guest the g st�h, Pastor Fater: Galea 'h o ke•of . Father; ,,wospo. . formin a committee to take .g an interest iin the schoolAlire ' p sent were'in. favour. • •e Mrs Con Hogan reported fifteen boxes were presented to th'e ghat= :ins .and`einil c .:'the aril a • Christmas; • Mrs . Bob•How.ard reported. on 'a :recent visit` to the Thompson: Nurs- in Home. •A rnotion•b 'Mrs.. • Mark Dalton, seconded .by Mrs: .:Jim, Martin,' carried', that. Sick Call Sets. . be presented to' both :girls and boys Of this Parish at the time they are married; the thOtiort •.was carried; • A cleaning lee•wih be held On . Saturda:y, . February 22 at.the ' • :Church.. Mrs. Cyril Austin ill visit the shut-ins this rn, . • Mrs. Jim i-c.*tin of'ered .to write •a.' :letter, to..our '1 > n .India,.: s a ged o, send--aLdonatien to the Sacred Heart Progta:m on • C.B.C. • Mrs.. John Austin stated that • Report forms:must be completed by :April 15 A resolution"to send to the London' , • Diocesan resolution Convener by.,. March 1 was discussed • Plans were made' for the wedding dinner, ori" March 1. Father Galea spoke•regarding the. Renewal'Services to be held for five' .ays eginning Marc 16, The'. preacher will. be a Passiotiist Father ' Father Joseph 'Fiorino , Used Christmas C' ;rds will be collected at the next meeting, , The Meeting was adioirned.,by Mrs. Con Mogan and closed •with Group Take Part In Servi ce DU NGANNON NEWS It was a pleasure to see the United Church full on Sunday, February 16th when• the Hi* held the service With Rev. . Wright in charge. It was different to hear a guitar being played to open the"'service,. and a unique experience to sing • •"The Lord's IVI,y Shepherd" to the tune of "The Happy, Wanderer" "Jesus Stand Among Us" to the tune. "Edelweiss"' and to sing the' other .tunes : that' followed:: • We.were pleased to see so many of the young people in the choir, • and Karen Rivett at.the. organ. Theanel discussion;was•ver en P Y lightening htenin with.Miss:Lyn n Argyle g . gY speakin'g,of the duties as a •.. moderator at .the• Toc Alpha' Cord, erence in. Nia gpara Falls where 900 youngrpeople gathered to''>h.ear r' seminars on Alcohol and dru s g Brian Linfield told us •what •was involved in getting hotel rooms and recreation facilitiesfor this. number . f young People. -Miss . Anne .Errington s oite .of the dancing they'were able: to have ..and• of the .; buffet lunches which were prepared for them • Glen Webster spoke on some of - his ex eriences working. with the•" people alcoholic' . :le in : Toronto and .' p ..• mr then given art opportunity to ask :the anel sm ers ' ue tion -and. P m q h s s all •en1 yed this cervi c' it. h the young people;the Hi -Cs. We with to take this opportunity to thank all the young .;P eopp le• who ,, took partany Y in wa ..and also to Rev Wrightwho made •it .all oss •' ible'. • . • Entogy', ic.the.j.pience which .' deals with insects; etymology is the science of words. ' - St. Pea rs The .Anglican Church Women held'their Fe ruary mee mg it ti. e; Parish Hall on Wednesday, February 12 with ten members present. After the opening hymn , the President opened•the meeting; and all joined in repeating the members.,prayer , and Lord's Prayer : 'The Prayer Part- ner's art-ner's prayer was taken by Mrs, James; Durnin. Meditations from; ".The Living Message". were .read by 'several, ladies. The roll call was answered by a .Bible verse using, the word: r "Witness" a the theme of'the- meeting Mrs. Clare Johnstone. and Mrs:' Stewart Lavis were conveners for, this meeting'°and at this point Mrs. Lavis read interpretations :Of' the meaning of witness_ in :the Christian Life. The treasurer's report wasgiven, and a letter of thanks read concert.. ing. social servicer work. A letter,' was read from Brice'.Deanery. AC.. W. President, Mrs. Pilgrim The'Pancake supper was discussed Unfortunately it was, too; late to, advertise/in the paper and it was decided to :make. turkey'pies in ,mid:March. We hope to, obtain ,Archdeacon Ragg, for the 'April • Thankoffering meeting. He•is a ' mast Q impressive speaker.. The World's Day of Prayer into be in. the' Presbyterian Church on March:' 7, At this point the meeting was • turned over to convener' Mr -s ..-Lads-; With thethought of "Witness" 'still in'mind; an `excellent paper on "God's. Voice; •Within" ,'.prep'a'red by Miss :Beatrice IVIcQuillin, was ' c � `read b. "Mrs•.Jim Durnin•. a�pably :. y ••, J Two piano duets playedrby Mrs . ., . . Ken `Mowbray and, Mrs : ,Tom Prit chard were much enjoyed A 'hurrtorous , .but :thought provokr. ing skit • entitled`"St. Peter k' '.Loo At Me in which a group of Church Womencwere' rneeting•St. Peter at the Golden Gate, with WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19th,.'19691 'i 4NNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS TeCCESsOR I.ES ,; ,WEE* FOR mg DISCRIMIN..4TING:' You mai+ select your wedding invitations, ,announcements and accessories with com- plete confidence as to quality* and correctness of ^form: • IF ddu gannowsc n1 its o ' t TRADITIONAL. BEAUTYf CLASSIC' DISTINCTION • • `"` SOCIAL CORRECTNESS' : . Personaliied wedding napkins, matcha>and cake boxes also available. Pini River�Church Holds Annual ...... • • . AMBERLEY NEWS : • T.he . annual meeting of, the Pine River United Church was held February 4,1969.4: Re' . John C.:'Hill Was• chairman for. he eetin` which'opened with. a' brief .deg devotional period Hill read the Parable of the .Sower" Matthew 24=30 and' 3,6=43 • Th'was followed with.' a prayer He aislso read an article by: Gregory. Clarke dealing with our troubled times: and urged ;us to put our trust in God: • Mrs.. Mervin Funston was secret: ar and.read-the minutes'of Y . 1968 annual meeting The report of the session was read by the: Clerk of the session ; :• Leonard Cou- rtney, wha expressed the apprec- iation of the• congregation to our minister, Rev . 'Jelin C. Hill for. his a44111111111i Groups. See'-Flm Strip.0n • AMBERLEY NEWS •, UNIT I The afternoon unit of,, ,Pine River.. .United Church U, C. W. was held on Tuesday afternoon.,, February 11,. The 'meeting was opened by Mrs,' S Snobelen whoread a poem follow- ed with the. U.C, W. ;Purpose and.; Creed he_roll call.:.was_answered_ __ by an•interesting item,'of news''ori China.. . Discussion was, open on whether Unit; one wished to jow With the'• everting; Unit''. ' It w at .decided to leave.decision tintil'later: in the year. Mrs. Ernie;Tho npson was conven ;er for the' worship service and hymn 500 was sung.. The med itaion was . read b Mrs . Mort- is. .Y is Reid', and Mrs.' Mervyn Funston nda;s-followed-with-prayer by Mrs:. Eldon Bradle .; • ' Y Omit various, reasons why they, should be accepted into the . Kingdom' .en f'• ea as well:.re o H v , w _ _, ceived"by'the ladies. Those: taking part : were; Ruth Thompson as St Peter;' `M r i. Cliff Roulston Mrs . Ernest Gaunt and: Mrs.': Stewart Lavis as the Church `Women A Valentine contest, was enjoyed and won by Ruth Thompson: Wit••- ness: h.Y mn "Stand u - Stand U p p for Jesus' • was then sung and the President closedLthe-meetitig with prayer after which lunch and a social half hour was•enjoyed. co-operation and Christian Lea der•• ship and his teaching of Christian Education in the Schools:.''. Reports of .the several committ- ees were given and the :meeting• adopted these .' Donald' Co. urtney expressed ressed the • appreciation of the 'congregation -• to Rev John and .Mrs. Hill for the' light fixture and printing':of. the•; reports., ' 'After a motion of ad ournment b Elmer `Smeltzer, seconded by Glenn Campbell, the meetin closed Prayer ,. Lunch was served'.. • 'Balance your roughage- and' home grown .grains with SHUR=GAIN .Datry Supplement• SHUR=GAIN Dairy Supplement hag the' proper levels of essential vitamins, • minerals* carbohydrates and protein. to give your' cows rnaxi rYum` production • ,,: Your 'CO s' `cat �� • si '; ' illi the help ©f_ a GAIN Dairy: Feeding Program. from your'.local •SHUR .GAIN Mill. Drop in and see us soon.' erson ,FIax LUCKNOW ` �a u. PHt�N� 5xB-zazs T.he P'e�th: Churc Nliteh' 5,,; 19t• �pxescl sessio t The them ide% Rev Educa ferenc his 'ad n .art made • more they f�I� the' .Y, „op.ed ins frt their c N1 rs,, Mrs., Mervyn Hooey,was in char ge of the Film Strip " China ' in; Revolution".. China- has celebrated forty' Centennials and Canada:one.. China's population is. forty times' that of Canada: .Can: ada has the opportunity to have direct trade:with China One .half ofChina's population still live in the countr. andwork is done':b � Y Y', -abor-lntel.estrng i followed the film strip which. P .showed why people should .be in terested, tri 'China .: ,After the closing. hymn: -and pray- 'er , :lunch was served by the host- :esses Mrs. 'Mervyn,Funston and,Mr Leonard Irwin. •A ,.social time Moll.- owed over the teacups 2 - . Unit two of Pirie River. United, Church U.C. W. held ,their• nieet' ing on Tuesday evening, February There wasan'•attendance 'of twenty, •fou-rtr-nei Piers n•. MTs;. Ernie Gibson, •the new presi 'd'ent, :ypened the Meeting witli a flyltm-`The Ll. W' Pur. prayer was followed with'the roll. call on ""Ways to improve our meet- ings. ". John develd liken( dscp We'D this q • strang :` told' t Hiin It •i •• ;attitu trust, .longe •-trust chute th�it. )ill. i •Cod'< let G Mrs •',Mrs guest all P, colla! not 'r tJ.si C 1"•i:rl T.11t prese Mrs. Glenn'Boyd was convener for • the worship service, After •a hymn, Mrs. Murray 'Farrell .ga-ve'commerits `Why 'Be .Concerned" which 'was taken .from the book "Understanding china": ‘Mr... Carl Funston read selected verses of scripture. `Mrs'. Allan Farrell had.chartc Cr airy ee s Revolution" which was 'followed with group discussions.; A film in charge of Mrs, C. Boyd was alsiS . shown on China in ,Revolution,�.,l'licr meeting closed With. Prayer... After lunch a "Silent Auctioir was held which brought' art pr:c :iir` b1e tt1tl of money . .(:liar) '1I1 "was Mrs.: ,Mer Oki 'Ski,t,