HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 9ISDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ifth, THE LUCKNOW sENTINEL., LUCKNOW/ ONTARIO CRAWFORD MOTORS CRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH W1NGHAM ONTARIO 67 DODGE .stationwagon, 8automatic 65' 66 'CHEVY II Stationwagon, 64 . • • 0 automatic, radio 66 CHRYSLER, 2 door hardtop, 64 power equipped and radio. • 66 COMET, 2 door, 6 standard and 63 radio 66 VOLKSWAGEN, 2,door with - radio • • 63 66 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 4 door, 63 • N, 6 automatic •• 62 66. DODGE 8 automatic arid iadio.. ' • 65 ,-r-tHRYSLER! 4 door hardtop; power steering, brakes and radio 65 DODGE, 4 door sedan, '6 standard with radio • . • • FORD convertible. CHRYSLER, 4 door, power steering, brakes and radio METEOR, 4 door, 8 automatic and radio PONTIAC, 4 door, 6 automatic, radio ° CHEV stationwagon • FORD, 4, door sedan, -6 automatic PONTIAC, 6 automatic TRUCKS DODGE - dump truck 64 DODGE D500, chassis and .Cab • • • e • . . • c,guR.LiNG Reids Corners Homemaking Recipe' Rustlers AMBERLEY NEWS Club No, 3 met at'the horne of..,. , . Whinir. In Ripley Sweetheart . Mrs. John A. McDonald on Wednes. • • • ''. •' .. • ' ' • . ,. . ..__ •:day at'4;.39.-,Theineeting.opened *'.Mildmay InspectRipler Curling Rin y. the -ten inerphers 'repeatg 4-H„pledge.-.The• name .Of•the club ..: Pliiii.:Siiiiiar haitleiliThat Town . , was C,hOsen, and' will be "Ten'. •.. ' • • • . .. .• . . . . . .... • „..... :. . • . . .. ; Re-ire:Rustler,s" :-.' . .. - . • ' • ...- 1 ' ',. ; '' ..' ' ' - . '‘ '' '. ' : ' '''. • ''', - ' ::' " :Tomato Soup and hamburgers '. RIPLEY• CURLiNG: NEWS : BY DON," McLA Y • -...' •• were maile•and sampled by. the• . • • •• . . •members. • ,' • /... . ' • :. •.• . • '...• Ripley Huron Legion local spiel; ' • • :.PAGE NINE The Clover Valley Country Cooks OLIVET NEWS .. The Clover Valley 4-1-1 Club held their 2nd -meeting at .the. home of Jean and Marg MacTavish, Feb- ruary 14th. The meeting opened with the •4-H. pledge. We decided " to call our club 'The Clover Valley Country Cooks". Mrs. Hamilton led us in a discuss- ion on planning good meals after which each member planned the meals for her own family for the following day.: • Jean MacTavish demonstrated rhe making of cream, of Tomato soup, and Mary MacTavislisdernonarated making Quick Burgers which were heartily enjoyedby all. ". The meeting was closed with the • 4-H Creed• . • Anna. MacTavish's rink" -with •• Tis -.5511J, ponald, doing the skipp-.. Jack Elliott playing Second nd Evelyn. Elliott, lead was the ?inner of the Annual Sweetheart '• onspiel, sponsored by:the- Ladies urling Club. The, winners had a ecord.bf 'three wins 'plug .14 to. nose ,ut jean Wyld's rinl(.whiah had. the, ame nunther'of wins with a plus of D. Lloyd WYlds"did the skipping, 1" can was the Vice; Doug Lackey,. ecoid and Gladys Nicholson,• le4q. "-T p ac.e.wFis 1,you by 1aije align , Judy Colling, with' Bert be skip and John Colling playing. econd. Consolation went to the, • 'e '1'••IACCtiarles • 'air 'rink, With Sandy' MacCharles kip and Bob Fair, Second. Vice.7 'resident Jim Elliott acted as • ' )rawmaster for the bonspiel. 1 Lectrning Lassies • The second meeting of the cpl- • ,. Winash Learning Lassies was held. at the home of Mrs.Carl,Rieging_i on February 10th at 4;36 p.rri with 'seven Members pregent. Irene - Hasty Opened the meeting with the Pledge'. Barbara Riegling read the of the previous Meet- ing. Roll.Ca.'11 was answered by each girl giving her family's favourite meat dish Several interested persons from' the Mildmay Curling Clubpaida VisittO'the *localclub during the past week.' It is hoped that a building programine may be ; undertaken in that community and a--sinli-lar-birilding to Ripley's is. planned, We wish them every sucen their undertaking!' guest spea ker. and i • will gve. -a-trav elogue2of'Hawaii. • • Fortner friends and neighbors of the fourth and second concessions of Huron Township enjoyed a deli- ghtful evening at the home of Mr:. and 'Mrs. George'McDonald arid. • Murray McDonald of Ripley on d§s.i Feb. 23 -"District C, Royal Canad ian Legion Mixed, at Kincardine and Ripley;. March 1 - Ripley' Ladies 'Bonspiel; March"2 -Kincar- dine Legion Bonspiel at Kincardine and Ripley; .March 8 - R.D.1LS., Annual Wind: -up Bonspiel; March 15 -: The first day of the Ripley Wind-up ,Spiel. • . AMBERLEY Reids Corners Women' s Institute ill -hold their regular -meeting Wednesday evening, February 26 at Pipe River:United Church day School room . Members are asked to bring, "Penniei for Frrend- sh1p-M1s-s-C-1ara-Nermafl-w-1-l1-be— •• Handicrdfters TheSt. Helen's Happy Handicrafters•held their second „ meeting of the 4-H project ""Meat In The Menu on Saturday morning February 15th. .• • , ". Doris.Rintoul of Club NO.. 1 took' the chair for the business part of ' • the .meeting. The discussion Was on "Selection, of Meat" and -!Grading:of.mear'.... PHONE 357-1630 * * SHOW TIMES Friday and 8AturdaYs at 7:15 and 9:15. All other days, one• show at 8:00, except - where noted on the program. • • Wed.; ..Thur., Fri., Sat., (4 Days) • • Feb: 19, 20, 21, 22 COw11/. , Colour. - Starring: Dean Martin Dean Martin is at his best in this his latest release, * *,* * * * * * * * * * * Saturday,. Mat. Feb. '22 "Bandits of Sherwood Forest" Show time Is 2 pm. The Horne Assi nment answers to. • meeting one were discussed. Mrs., Zinn explained•the prdper way. of keeping the Score sheets for' each , day's rnealg....Pfylis. Riegling discugs- ed the Selection of Meat, , demons - crating with :chart •and pictures of different cuts of meat ,•and their .place on the Carcass.; The Aroup, Work consisted of filling in.the out line of beef carcagg. The next meeting will be held on February 22nd at •one -thirty.• Cunning Ciiiiks • The second meeting of .t4 GroVe'"Cunning Cooks was held • • /op Friday,'Febiliary14th at 'the • . home of Mrs: Donald Mackay,.• Mrs . liarvey Thomps-on hi -might. a 1/4•• tasty:snack for the Members. After'. many 'suggested names', the mem- bers decided on the name "Cunn- ing Cooks" :for the club. . Mrs. MacKay 'demonstrated .Make cream of itomato soup Which turried,OUtquite niCely. Later on Mrs Mac assisted by • . Cathie Dore and 'Dianne MacKay • , , , made froni the recipe Quick'• , ' Burgers” • • ...The next 'Meeting will be'held' " • at Mrs, Mac Kays 'on:Friday; Febru ary: 21st :. • " • • link I& 111111k 1111 A/ I• day.. February 22 at 7:30 and will. VAIK111. • • be on meat cookery and the dem- • onstration will be .cooking sausag--‘ ' es and flank steak. • .1. • • •* • •• • A ideal Legion rink, of Don • , McLay, skip; BOb Love, Vice; Bill Reeves , Second. and Murray Pollock, lead were successful, in Winning two games with a plus of • seven at Branch 102, Walkerton: The plus,was gOod enough for sixth place in a field of sixteen riOs.• Ice at Hano Ver was also used for this popular annual eVent. Rinks' were present from Kincardine, • • • Credit , Owen Sound,- Kitchener, Waterloo, -Port Credit; Toronto, Wingharn , Port Elgin and other... points, '1. • Coming events are Feb. Ltielinow Co-op Bonspiel; Feb -.22 T-,hur.sdAy evening of it week.. Cards were played and dancing f011oWed, George and Murray furn".. ished violin;musio.with piano • accompaniment by Mrs. BOb Court- ney : A bountiful lunch was served by Mrs McDonald and assistants •and a social time was enjoyed. ' Sympathy is extended to the fam- ily of Alfred Walden who passed away after a long illnest • Mr. Walden was a former resident of the 'fourth Concession of Huron Town- s p. • Mr. and Mrs. William Wilton of Galt were week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs., Duncan ThorbUrn and fanlily Joyce Thorburn of London spent, the week'end at her home in Arn•- beady. • GODERUCH td• Tw�ive:O.'ciC..cicerS ..'liiteehutch.:4,H,Citibi. the Twelve p' clockers on Saturday Lat lo 'a . m held their meeting at the :home of Ruth Elliott „with 11• • answering the .roll call by n•atning. , • their favorite, dish,, • The •president ; Linda.Scholtz, opened the meeting rn the usual way with 'Mari Lou •Wall : reading. the minutes. The next meeting is to be held Monday, evening, Febru- ary 11.7' at the home•of Debbie Reynolds; '," • .. , • The discussion centred on Main. • di$he for 3rd meal -,using - meat, fish or poultry • 'Linda Scholtz demonstrated the , making of sairnon,Ioaf ,and Ruth Elliott demonstratedChicken salad, The above was.sarnOled.by the • Class and teceived t eir approva . • .. • . . . • 0 , . . - . . lido44,7fttdid41,-AidYedift!AkirAddi';11,*ddidgiitretosioWsdekodieldr,tittirddd'aditibi-e•iii*A.0%xii* Now 01410g: Thurs.,Sat.,Feb. 20-22 sleinolition" is • an MartinMatt Hdm. e recking Crew TECHNICQLOW _ • Showing at 7.30 and 9.30 pm' IN-Feb22-1--MATINEEat-23 agi word" SUN.. .MON.. .23-2 TONCprurrprox mos • FRANK SINATRA ."LADTIN F'ANAV1SiON' COLOR , CEMENT'' SU DAY SHOW at 8.00 P.M. ONLY MON., TUES. and WED. SNOWS at 7.30 and 9.10 p.m. , The Group filled out one sheet • of a 4 daytileal ,plati,' The meeting closed:with the creed. The Home Assignments were to .finish the 4 meal day plan, work on record book and recipe file. • • AD/Mt Rs_ STP1C' Mei CO MO 'Os Cram ,'"•,:••••71•7", • Coming Next: ,'The impossible Year's" (ADULT ENTER1;AINMEND • issuning DAVID ..NIVEN