HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 7WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY l9th,)969 '
Take your pick
units by
Exceptional value at this Now
price. Ideal for furnidifying
r bedrot m, office, ,bachelor.
apartments. , Light, easy to -
move from room to room.
Sharply 'styled, two-
tone,- humidifier'. with
.2 -speed fan. Perfect .
for. the 4 or 5 room:
house ,or
Choice of, wood grain
finishes. Has variable
speed. fan. Rolls ',On;,:
free wheeling casters.
'Serves, 7
room dwelling.
8The ultimate in house-
hold;humidifiers: Auto:-
-�rna idi�tatrn n --
tains constant moisture
,Signa) light indi-'
cateswhentankisempty. •
Sh,uts'of :automatically.
riced F:i�m
Decorator, .
cabinet m '. .
choice •of wood grains.
Plume 528- 3112
WH'TECHURCH week .entriiithher p ren sc,tMr
'Joan LaPp of London the
Little April Moore of, Wingham' :
visited Friday:with Ja.net•Laidlaw
and on.Friday e:vening..Mr.. and
►A .. -
• and. Mrs :' Ivan• Laidlaw :
Mr.. and Mrs': Russgl'Gaunt visited
on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. •Earl
Gaunt of Londesboro.
Mrs'. ,Robert Ross visited on Sun-
• day•with
day•with Mr: and Mrs,'Russel_Ross
and oris c•
Mr ; and Mrs: Earl. Caslick- were
b' Sunday visitors' with Mr.. and Mrs-.
. Bill Caslick and family,.. .
On Sunday Mr.. -and Mrs. Ivan
Laidlaw., Janet and Herb Laidlaw•
visited with her aunt, . Mrs. Cecel-
is •Innedy, a patient in
Kincardine Hospital: •
Visitors on Sunday•with Mr. and'.
Mrs George Fisher were Mr. arid
Mrs. Eldon. Lowry and Corrine of
Lurgan and Mr. and Mrs. Murray
'Thompson, Kenneth and Janene of
Pine River.
n �
ter ' uest•on Sundae with
Mr., .and, Mrs. Andrew Gaiint,.
Joan Percy ; student teacher last',
week at; Wingham Public: School,;
spent the. week with her relatives;,'
'Mr. 'and Mrs, Willisi.app '.
Nth. Willis Lapp visited .X,Ionclay
with her •s s
arid Mrs.. Willis Lapp of Wingharn.
Mr. and Mrs, Orland,Irwin and'
—family, Mr. and Mrs . Ivan Laidlaw
Jan et -.and, Herb-La-kIla-w-aud Mr; _.
and Mrs , JohnCrow`stori of .Lucknow
were Saturday: visitors: with`Mr:. and
Mrs. Clayton.Alton 'arid family. of
Ashfield. The young fry enjoyed.
learning tb skate with the ;help of
their parents on ,the homemade
skating rink and also riding the
pony. •
Mr. " and Mrs. 'Robert Laidlaw , Mr;
In the public speaking,contest.
held on February 7 at the, Legion
Hall in Lucknow ,• Brookside contest
ants did', not place first but. they did
very well L'oree Gammie placed
'second in the senior contest and:
Mary Ann Alton placed third in the
Show'�rHeId dor
Barbara McQuillin
Mrs.Gordon Wall and Marion
opened their home for a :shower for
Barbara McQuillin of Toronto.
Neighbours,, friends and; relatives
gathered on Saturday afternoon to,
honour Barbara on,her approaching
Janice Wall was chairman for a '.
snort -and interesting program. A fter
Junior contest. Another public She welcomed the ladies and.child-,
'speaking. contest will.. be held at; ren everyone sang "My Wild Irish
the school on February .20th at 9:00 Rose".' with Mrs. Harvey Houston
a., m... to choose a speaker to at the piano.'.
represent our school at Clinton on • Mrs. Gordon Wall gave a reading
February '24, • entitled "Girls" Carolyn MacGill-
ivray played a piano instrumental.
Mrs ° Gordc n ,McQuillin" gave a
On Wednesday; February 12, we humorous reading gn "Husbands" .
had a visit from•Al Oerning, owner Marion Wall conducted•a contest,,
of the Alberta,: Game Farm Which is using the guest of honour's initials
lo•cated east of Edmonton.. He. to aonsLier questions; Mrs.. Stewart
• brought with him a .pet cheetah, .Macdihivray gave a reading.
• .This cat is 2•;years old and.can run "Marriage Cook'
up to 80. miles an hour..
Marion Wall expressed best 'wishes
1; • 'to Barbara , and gifts on aSPORTS SCORES
decorated wagon= were brought in
This week in volleyball Bob Gun -
by Anne Colwell; Joanne. Hayes of
ter's team go t 16 and Gordon London and Marion Wall assisted
o: the bride -to. -b
Black's team scored 16•toIn•crab. e;in opening the
soccer. Murray Irvin's team won '
P g.,
`over' Elwin Schultz's team by 1 g Barbara expressed her thanks•,to •
point,,:. 2 .1..• those who put on,the 'showerand
also; for all-ther lovel and useful
• gifts., She ihvixed the ladies to visit
The` teacher for this week is Mrs her in' her home in Toronto.
Cline.'•She teaches' grade 2 and 3 ..•A lovely lunch was sgerved _by _V the
in room 3: azrshea. 4=T1 gYcls assisted by l fiT
She went to Kincardine Public E Welsh., Mrs S .•MacGillivray
School and High School.: •She,atten- and Mrs Wall:
• ided Stratford Teacher's..College ,t The Langside Y.P.S. enjoyed
Mrs. Cline has lived in Essex Cann:. their sleigh -riding party much
ty and on a Tarin at .Paramount but that they are planning another for
she• now'lives:in Goderich, this Saturday`afternoon,at the. home
Her hobby-is-sewtrig. Sh"as-=one— of Russell'Young' at 2 p': n: ,.. weath-
granddaughter. • •
Week -end visitorsandwith:Mr: nd
Mr, and: Mrs, Don McCosh acc-
ompanied Mts.
ccompanied..Mt,. and Mrs. Leonard
Smith,; Phillip sand .Jonathan of. Mit-
chell to Mr. and Mrs,,, Currie Col-
well's on Sunday where they were
dinner guests,
A, euchre'party Was. Yield at"the
'Centre on Friday evening. prize
winners were Mrs. Joe Scott , Mrs;
Don MCCosh, Bob' Emerson and Don
Robertson. lvlrs. Victor Dawley and
Mrs, Don Reid were the committee
Mr.fand•Mrs. Lyle Smith of.Lon-
d`on spent the weekend in this area ,
Mrs: Don McCosh, Mrs, Don Rob
etfson , Mrs, William Arn•olcd and
Miss Eva Culbert were guests of the
Whitechurch. W.I. on Wednesday.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Lan.e'on Sunday were Mr : and Mrs:
Seott:Walsh. of Kincardine.
Mrs. William Wood Beth. and.
David' 'returned borne at Port Severn
after spending a•,week with isilr,.:and
Mrs. Dori Dore and family.
Mr'. and Mrs'. Scott Walsh and
farriilyNvisited with Mr. and Mrs:
Cecil. Sutton and -Boys : , . .
Sunday visitors with. Mr:. and Mrs.
Don/'Robertson were -Mr. and,Mrs
Ken Robertson, Miss Gladys Smith ,
Gordon Robertson and .Calvin Rob
:ertsorr:, • .
r:. and .Mrs Stuart Lane visited,
wit ' r. and Mrs. Gordon Mac
Donald on• Friday':
tors With Mr.. and rs.
Claud"e Dore St -,...'were Mrs. Don
Dore, Mrs ' Wiiliarri Wood . and
and. Rile daughter .as well as one er permitting, side Community Hall, Mrs. Dave
Room' 4'•entertained •the pupils of
the school with, an assembly on
Februar ll.• Tiie 'san•'s.n. a d
conducted •the 'morning: exercises.
Some of the pupils danced the `Vir.
ginia Reel. A play. entitled The
Carnival and, a skit The News were,
presented under the supervision of
'their' teacher, Mrs. Fisher.:
Mrs.'. Dick, McQuillin and Ronnie:
were Mr. and. Mrs: Gordon. McQuil•
lin ,and family of;. Sarnia," Harvey
rtes•, Sharon McNay:Of Arnberiey,
Barbara McQuillin and Don Nickel
of •Toronto,
Agood ,crone attended the card
arty:on Friday evening at Lang_
.Moffat and: Mrs . Cliff•Youngwere..
in•charge . High prizes; went to '
Bobby:Moffat and Jim Young. Low:
prizes went. to Mts. Chas Steel ' •'•
and••Rick .Conle. A other card
party:is planned in two weeks with
Mrs.. George Young and Mrs.., West
Young; in Charge..
• Kairshea 4-11:girls• held their 3rd':t
meeting at the borne • of Mrs. '._Gear•
ge Young on.Saturday morning..
.and Mrs;. ;Raymond aidlaw were ..
Sunday visitors with' Arthur Laidlaw
and Miss McDowell in Goderich
Hospital. Weare pleased to report •
that both are showing •improvement
in health.
Attending the m
arriage of 'Howard
Long, and Nancy Simmons in.Well
ington Street United Church-,
London on:Saturday •frorrihere were
Mrs. GibsonGilespie, Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz,Mr, and Mrs: Elroy Laid-
law , Joann ,, anie an • au
attended dinner and receptio
later at Holiday Ir%
.Mrs . Laura McNeil' of I �elns
accompanied Mr'. and Mme. Elroy
Laidlaw and family on Saturday to
London, and visited with ,
ter Mrs. John LY Currie, relatives and ;attended t,he., wed•dii g•,
You've never seen'' such a variety. •
. 'arid you've never seen so much .value ... such•:beau-
.tifiil colors :;.. such'•qualrty. Wesuggest that you meas
iire.your floors hurry down with•the details:
Carpets and Rugs.
4:00- aq. yd. up
Try Ozite
cNINs rsEwsr...swviNss warm w�iri�
...• .■f•■■ mn n.n.n.i na ■1.11101 ... 111. 110:. uI 1 i .u11
Phone 528=3013