HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 6PAGE', SIX THE. LUCKN,OW SENTINEL, L UCKNOW,. .ONTARIO A QUALITY AND SERVICE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT COMMODITIES OF YOUR LOCAL CO-OP. THAT IS WHY IT -PAYS TO SEE YOUR CO-OP 'FIRST. Pbone 2.8.2125 'WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19th;.19¢9 Formerly Farmed In REPORT FROM e 'NileArea HENRY JOHN KERR ' - Henry John Kerr, .a, resident of ,Huronview Nursing Home, died at ;Huronview on Thursday, February 6 ,•1969, 'following, a short illness. He was 96 • . . Mr•..Kerr. was born May b , •1872 in West Wawanosh ; a• son of Samuel Kerr and the former Elizabeth'McNee: Mr:, Kerr farmed at Nile all' his life until' moving to Goderich ,in 1941. He was an adherent of the :United, Church .Mr, Kerr was, predeceased, by his first wife, theforrner:Margaret Maude Mills in 1908, and by his second•• wife,. the former:Eva Grace- Jackman race-Jackman , in 1959; by one son, .Kenneth .in 1965 and, one daughter, Mrs/.,. George (Laura) Wheewell; in 1947. - LOCKING BACKWARDS of THROUGH , THE SENTINEL ' FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20 YEARS AGO FEBRLIARY 1949 ' .Clarence. Greer was appointed • treasurer of West Wawanosh'Town- ship. He succeeded W.A. Boyle of St. Augustine 0 Chester' Smith: of Huron Township • succeeded AllanHunter. as .proprie.= .tor of the Supertest.Garage in Luck now Cold stdrage facilities•were.being epanded, at the ,Lucl.now plant of •tal system going into effect., I`lodern•new steel lockers were be- ' ing e'.ing added • Clark :Finiayson.was appointed as • manager of. the Co-op. Grocery in Luclmow . '•1 -pie. succeeded John • Stevens . e A 'sell-out'crowd grgeted the play Busy as a Geaver” presented in the Town Hall by a local talent cast:. "The• play ;was sponsored, by, the Woinen's Institute and t e.rnbers of the. cast'included:.•Stuart Collyer Mrs. Harvey•Webster , Gwen' Stewart, Roy Gibson, Dorothy." \lrs MorganrHenderson,'• Mrs: Carl . Thompson, Murray Henderson, Iv1rs; t�Y rs.'A.J: Wildon,,: '• Gladys MacDonald and Alex 'Mac Nay, Between acts,N1ts:. J. W. '.Joynt and •Miss Bell Robertson sang duet•num,bers and Miss. Gwen Stewart, two solos. Accompanist was 'Wilfred .Black • • 40 YEARS AGO' • • . 'PEBRUARY 19.29. S.S.• No , 4 , Ashfield'school re - Jessie MacRae, Isabelle MacKeri drick:; Lloyd Ivlacionaid:, John • Finlayson Clara Mat tendriok, Roy MacKenzie, :Sarahbe'lle Finlayson , Finlay MacDonald., Marion MacKenzie,' Do'nalda Mac Kendrick, ,Donald ,McDonald., i Irene Ross,' Kathleen. MacKendrick,•, t-h=Finlayson, Pith:ince-Ma Kenzie, Andrew Barkwell,. Marion. MacDonald;, Edna. Barkwell:.. Teacher, I. MacDonald 'The congregation of Ashfield Pres.'. byterian Church- extended a 'call'' to the Rev. S.0;. Graeb of Toronto.` Arthe annual' meeting' of the West Wawanosh' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the •50th anniversary of the ,company, the officers elected' for 1929 were: President, Wm. ' G. IVa-tson, Vice-P-ees . Ch-as-=iew t -t• • Secretary', T.G.. Allen; Treasurer, Thornas Stothers :. The last week in February, the weather took a dip in temperature to a'low of 24,degrees below zero.. 60 YEARS AGO• FEBRUARY.1909 Surviving are four sons, Alvin,. Nile; Benson, 'Goderich; Merele, Ashfield; 'Carmen, Colborne; five. daughters , Mrs. Elmer (Phyllis) Lee, Clinton;• Mrs . Ross .(Hilda) Cooke , Sarnia; Mrs Henry (Ruby)' Matthews, Goderich; Mrs.,` Sam (Violet) Anderson, Ancola, Saskat- chewan Mrs. Russell'(Mary) Mc'= Connell, Kincardine :and 46 grand - children. • . The funeral service 'was held at Lodge Funeral Home at 3'30' p m'. on Sunday , February 9. The Rev • - erend.Leonard, Warr officiated. .:_Intermentlwas ins,Dungannon Cemetery: ' Pallbearers', all grand sons, were: John Cooke, Larry Lee Gary. Kerr , Randy Kerr, Ra"y 'McConnell and Ralph Matthews''.:' Flower,bearers, all grandsons: were: Glen McConnell, Ronnie 'Kerr , Arngld-Kerr ,- Baan -Pollock;;-:Ken Anderson•and Douglas Kerr. • BY MURRAY; GAUNT' M.P.P. HURON -BRUCE Aside from the Constitutional'. •Conference this week, the•big news in Toronto centered; around' the 'Standing Committee:on around. 'Attire . . The occasion_vwas Bill 17 fan amendment to the Milk Act, This'bili. presented an opportun--- ity for the .Channel Island Breeders.. to th me,before the• Comrnittee•to. express their feeling, about how they have beet" treated under the. °Mi1k.Acty and some .of the Changes ' they would like' tesee. The•Jersey •and Guernsey breeders are asking for, what amounts' to a separate pool for their • milk in • ,view of the fact that previous to. pooling they had built. up a. special. demand for their milk sold under Channel Island labels of Aj. for. all Jersey and Golden Guernsey: . George McLaughlin 7 Chairman of the Ontario Milk Marketing,: Board ;'said the;Board's. records (con' since it took over'the sale of all milk for bottling in Southern .Ontar- • io show that the total volume of. milk sold by dairies under Channel Island• labels exceeded the volume of Channel. Island :rnilkdeliver_ed :to such dairies. At. the same tirrie,,dairy plant employees have told' the board•,•that when C.I. rr ilk was•used for manu- facturing, ,w liich should have reduc- ed the price paid for it, the reduct- ben. was charged to standard product, e r s - . Mr: McLaughlin_Also said; the board has found cases where Chann- e1 Island .shippers received "specia'l consideration from dairies even ,Whenitt$ 111HVt.... standard milk„ The Agricultural. Committee-„.. on. 'Mr McLaughlin's urging is to subpoena the records of the board the Ontario Milk, Comrnission , Milk Transporters and processors., In the -meantime, Spokesmen ter Ontario Producers of Jersey and ' Guernsey milk are crying„„"dirty pool'' .'Robert Wade' of,Ancaster",' presi- dent of the Channel Island Breeders ::. .Milk Producers. Association;, says the 'board has needlessly dragged' .. old accusations into the controversy .over milk pooling , and if dirtylin • en is, to be washed in public , the Channel. Island producers have, some on the other breeds that they. can brings out when it ;suits them. This latest outburst appears to be `. part of the running battle between Channel Island producers and the Milk Marketing Board. No•inatter what: tte outcome •of the 'investigations , it is' doubtful if the position of the two groups will have changed. :• The Minister, of Agriculture this week announced that the Govern rnent of:Ontario is withdrawing,. :from the Mortgage field and. that,, effective :February 13th, no further • lo•'ans will Abe made. to Ontario farmers,under the authority of the Ontario. Jr Farmers Loan Act. Any applications received by the Board, ., l , up to4February.l3th will be, Process - It is certainly regretted 'that`Ont ario has seen fit to take this action: because. the Jr. Farrners Loan Board'provided a very useful ser/ice to young farmers in: the, province . ecause We're 12 Units Our February Quota, We're:. Selling tars• itrr Thefollowing.: list of pupils were attending school at'S,:S.: No. 14: • M: Murray-, A. Clarkson, :Z Con-;: ,gram , R: • Maclntosh , L. MacDiar- rnid, G Smith M •MacInnis', M. .Clarkson, M. Pickering, E. Smiths. E. Towle, E Clark, F. Clark, A. MacKenzi-e, F.,MacInnis, L,.• Mac. Kenzie; M. Clark; .G, .MacDiarmid C. Towle , ,L . Hainilton, Henderson,• M. MacDonald ,, E. 1`lacInnis,.'B, Clarkson,• A . Picker- ing',:. F. Ketcheba:w , E'. Webster, L I Smith, 3. Andrew, S,'MacDonald , J. Towle, J. Ketchebaw,, R. Mac- 'Dian-old, ac-Dian-old, H. 'MacDonald , E. And -.1 rew . C. MacDonald:, Teacher, It was reported in February 25th issue:, 'that:tile Farm:er's Elevator, was shipping a car ofr.grain daily during that week.• .. 'two to three cars of maple.blocks • !weekly to England ..0, A public meeting was called by „Reeve. John Joyrtt to consider'"the 'proposition of building knew Town - Hall and Library in the village of Lucknow • a g.====0=0 o 0 0 0 0 0 ALL' MODELS FROM VAUXHALLS TO CADILLACS ' o Reasonable Offer Refuse v0o0� IMMEDIATE DELIVERY =0 0_ •0'O 0 0 0=0 i• GODERICH PCINTIAC BRICK .PHONE 524-8391 L