HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 5• WEI .NESPAZ,,FEBRUAR1r' 1lth 919 K. J, MacKENIE, '0 Optoinetrisf NOW, IN RIPI.:EY EVERY—WEDNESDAY• • • LUCKNO..yV THE: LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL,, ONTARIO Office Hours 10:00 'a.m. to 5:30 p.m, Phone Roy MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for appointment W. RHamilton OPTOMETRIST .NEXT :TO LYCEUM: THEATRE' • WINGHAM •PHONE 357-1361 JONNS'TONE`S: FUNERAL HOME, Modern'and Convenient, Lucknow, Phone• 5283013 Day or Night Serving. All 'faiths According. to Their Wishes; Moderate. Prices Established. 1894, •m 1,14.$U R. • NC ".4 FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE ..and LIFE To Protect Y'olir .Jack, Insure 'With' Jack Today J.. A. McDONAGH ' Lucknow, Phone,' 528-3423• . .,.W.'ANDREW . • Barrister and' Solicitor ' LI:STOWEL • ONTARIO IN ' LUCKNOW' • Every Wednes'da. ;and Saturday' Afternoon •: • Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: • .Ltkcknow .528=3116• ile4i00, VNW:IrNI 19•9;MMN•••••••: T�E�S'�G �� TM�WI�.NTApS FOR ,COMPLETE : 'TIRE 'SALES ASERVICES'• Phone 529-7600 KINTAIL GENERAL STORE'.. UALITY TIRES AT • , LOWEST •PRICES' Faraa, Truck: do Pass. Tires ie.*st,: ...one •'Wheel Balancing "and ,.Battery Service ROY A. HAVENS PLUMBING. •'HEATING. WIRING :Esso Heating Equipment and - Home' Heat'ser . vice Dealer '•Lucknow Phone 528-3012 WANTED TENDERS. WILL. BE; ACCEPTED _ __FOR FURNISHIN • GS' For the Wingham and District Hospital. Training School until, 12 noon, Tuesday, February 25..: , Full detailsof requirements may be. secured from , a. THE: ADMINISTRATOR, WINGHAM AND''DISTRICT HOSPITAL. NOTICE LEGION MEETING The regular meeting of Branch 309 will 'beheld on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 25th at 8:45" p,m. The meet- ing will be ' in the ' new upstairs. Legion meeting : room. Members are urged to attend. . Harold' . Ritchie, Secretary ATTENTION' CURLERS Due ;to. the Co-op Bonspiei there wilt be jitney .curling this .Thurs- day evening;, .February 20. Curling starts at, $ 00 . o'clock instead ,of 7:00 o'clock .There Will ---be prizes and lunch. NOTICE FIELD .CROP COMPETITION. ;Anyone interested: in competition in' any of the following crops in the Field:. ' Crop Competition at • the Lucknow Fall Fair' please ., contact Oliver' Mc Charles:: They , are name - 1y.': ' .Hay, Pasture, Ensilage Corn, G 'rain • Corn,; . Barley, ' Wheat. : , ' • Notice To Creditors CRAWFORD ' 'SHEP'HERD and /MILL . J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C..: N. A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. ALAN It. MILL, i3.A , ;L.L.B :'° Gauiller`&Campany :CHARTERED': ACCOUNTANTS • Resident Partner J:• E. Kennedy; `C.A.. Phone '881-3471 -: Walkerton • .MMI•N II•N•r..• /I II 9. MI•INJ•I•N IN . LUCK:NO;W EVERY.WEDNESDAY•' Located in. Breckles 'Block I<N' RI;PL EY EVERY: FRIDAY ' In Ross ` Martyh .Building • Phone Wingham.' Office 357-3630 Res.- 357-2330 IMPERIALOIL PRODUCTS for' prompt service, and quality products, Contact: GRANT .CHISHOLM, . 'p Phone Collect • Dungannon 529-7524• "Always Look To Imperial.. For rl Best" R. W. BELL_' OPTOMETRIST -- GODERICH The Square :.-(f Phone JAckso'n 47661 ) A. M; HARPER emorals i GUARANTEED .GRANITES--. CEMETERY LETTERING.' ' REASONABLE PRICES, 'Buy Direct` and Save us. Ph. 357=1910' y, , Res Ph `35741015 MacKenzie'; FUNERAL SERVICE •Serviees_ conducted-- according-. . to your wishes at your Home, • your Church, or at out Mem- . oriel. Chapel at : no additional , • charge CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 -. 57` South Street, Goderich Telephone 44-7562 "Nwry w• 4•4,••••er.w.r.'•war s+ Lucknow, PhonV528.3432. Day or Night TED COLLYER. Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing 1n Electric' Heating, "Electric Wring and Repairs: and All Electrical •:Applianc"iia Lucknow Phone 52c8-5182 NOTICE• TO 'CREDITORS In the • Estate Of • 'GEORGE McROBERTS Deceased',.... All persons. having , claims .:again st the Estate. of George McRoberts, late'' of ,the Village, of Lucknow., in •1 TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF ' KINLOSS •TENDER -FOR HEAVY MACHINERY TENDERS will` bereceived for all heavy machinery for construc- tion on township 'roads' for ' 1969. Tenders to be in to roadsupt.. by March '1, 1969 at 6 p.m. State size,' make and model 'of machines.' Con- tractor shall be available on: two weeks notice,. , •. • • Lowest' or 'any tender ,not neces sarily accepted. • FRANK SCHUMACHER. Road Superintendent`' R.R. .1. Holyroodr Ont. TOWNSHIP OF,K!NLOSS' CRUSHED GRAVEL TENDER TENDERS. will 'be • received for crushing and hauling of approx- imately 14,000 . cu • yd. 'crushed gravel'to pass ; through' 3/4 inch . screen, applied' on roads anywhere in township, also • price •for stock= piling. To be on ,township roads by July .1 1969. Contractor to proper- ly strip the pit. Crusher 'to be shovel fed. Tenders to be in to road, superintendent by', March 1,'. 1969, at '6:00 p.m. Certified cheque- for 10% of contract to accompany • ten- der; Lowest or any tender not nee-, essarily .accepted. FRANK SCHUMACHER, ' Road. Superintendent R.R.' 1' Holyrood • TOWNSHIP OF. KI:NLOSS;'' 'PIT RUN 'GRAVEL TENDER TENDERS will' 'be received, for, pit run gravel, for 'Kinloss • Town- ship .road construction„ .Gravel to•• be put 'on under. supervision '• of road supt., with• • a minimum . of 1,000: yd. per day... Tenders to be in to road Supt . , by. March .1, 1969, 6.:00;p.m.' Certified cheque' of $200.' to . accompany. ,•tender. Contractor to state price 'to load and ,haul for one mile and'..,alsostate, price 1hr• hauling each`, additional mile. Lowest :or any tender not ' neces- sarilyaccepted. FRANK: SCHUMACHER Road ' Superintendent R.R.; .'1 Holyrood, Ont. , PAGE FIVE. • Lucknow Wi; Friday February 1''t , tie ucknpW Women's Institute met in the•lnstitute room with Mrs. Alex MacNa) lst vice president , presid- ing. .The Opening Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart collect repeated. Various suggestions were given in answer to the roll ca.11, "An improvement I would like to, • see in our community".' • - .' Thank'you notes were read from •those who had been remembered during •their illness•`and Mrs. f=rank .Mi11er a•nd' Mrs. Charles"Steward 'reported for their Pinecrest and Cheerio committees.''2v1rs. Mel - Greer was appointed as delegate' and' Mrs..N.J.. MacKenzie as. alternate to attend the. Officer's .. Conference in Guelph onApril 30. to'May lst. •The new 1O0 -cup coffee -percolator .that the Institute purchased was put on display. • Mrs Ga:rfield•MacDonald , cur'ator con-. vener, presided for the program and reminisced on'the"differences of the may tilit things were done • in..theast , comic reading r "They kept their secret '.:was read' by Mrs. Wm He•lrn and.the motto "How to','make'the' most.:of your life"• was•pre.pared'. by Miss Mary MacLeod"and•read .by Mrs, :Harry N ;xonf, Ivlrs. } (cs Ritchie'played. two musical numbers" Wish Me a Rainbow" and "Love Me. Tender, A reading.on."St: •Valent.ine • was . given' by. Mrs: Howard Robinson and Thos .•. Salkeld ave: a'very •interesting talk on the Federated News. Some of the lathes gae • their favourite. casserole; recipe:,. The Tw.eedsmuir'book was,ori :display at, this'nieeting, r� TENDERS TOWNSHIP QF, WEST WAWANOSH TENDERS:' will ' be received for, 'e pro -xi is ate1$'00- Farmer; deceased, who died' on; or 1968, ; tired' pounds warble fly powder, to be delivered of about the 13th day 'of October, •cinder the, are hereby notified. to send 'full • the arble"Fly Inspector: particulars. 'of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for ,the Exe-: cutor. ; of , the Estate, : on or before the. 7th .day, of March .1969, after•' which.. date :the Estate will: ;be tributed 'amongst those ; entitled thereto 4ia'v'ing .regard only •to: the 'claims • of; which the Executor shall then have notice: Of Warble Fly Inspector at the rate' Dated .'at. ,Iiistowel, Ontario, thisof :$1.50 perhour will be: received. TENDERS will:. be received' for the ,.spraying' .of -cattle':under the.: Warble', Fly Act, • stating lump" sum price or .price per : head." for each. spray .Tenderers supply 'necessary' equipment and: help. : Township sup- plies warbicide: APPLICATIONS for 'the position' Following the singing of the Queen" and :'Grace" the hostesses in,charge ser- ed -a deli i'ous uneh ■ ■ FOR 'SALE • • :r KINCARDINE ` . HOME. Fu11°' • II price is just $7;500, wit'b eicce-i, 'lent terms : terms:: This : lovely threes ,. •, ■ bedroom m insul - brick hoe hass • ■ a n extra . i ll=. . eed lot which;r • ■ a, : ,we tr of i , s . '. !could:' be resold. Downstairs 'is■ ;aa spacious' kitchen with modern; built-in cupboards,.: two ' bed -e• *rooms; • living room;, and 4,p. c. i • bath. Upstairs is' a third bed ■ •room. which .could:. be 'divided: tom • n make four. The"full basement■ , has ..a 'walk -out. door- . to'' the at p°r rtacked-garage: ;There -is a co ' 14th day of February21,96a ' I Inspector to provide owl} transt- - ■ Listowel, .Onta,r. io All tenders and applications, • • R 'w.' ANDREW • l'atiOn and collect sprayi g charges. Solicitor for .the' 'Executor. sealed and plainly marked, will be - — received by • the undersigned up to NOTICE TO CREDITORS • 12:00 p.m; Tuesday, ..March 4th, Ins the Estate Of 1969 ; DAVID:4141TE; Deceased MRS., JOAN ARMSTRONG, ALL PERSONS . having claims ; Clerk; Twp: of West Waw•anosh, '° against 'the estate ` of the above R. R: 2, • mentioned, late:of the' Township: of...,LUCKNOW, 'Ontario Huron,:' in • 'the 'County 'of Bruce, • Farm Labou?er,, who died on the 1%• • TE'NDER3 7thda of November 1968 are .re- IMPERIAL re- Tenders will'be received by the. y '• 'undersigned' until 'Monday,. March quired to file proof 'of same with' ',�. .. da of arc 1969. • I 1st for the spraying of 8tli y .M h, the. undersigned On or before the ,,rd,. 1969. After:•that date the _Executor 'will catt1 th a in aT ownsh ip• of A shf iela roceed' to' "distribute the estate .for Warble Fly control. Contractor. having_—, a d.�-only--to=-t� to. collect'his fee from the .cattle. Of which" 'he` shall- then have had owners.. DATED at ',Wing ham. this 11th. mately •100 pounds of. Warbicide tt •• • 2nd for • supplying 'approxi notice•• day.- of February, A.D. 1969. e �& MILL • Lowest or- any tender not tender - "•Wingham Ontario sarily accepted. ioi lcitors for the Executor:- Applications will also be received -- • for the 'position of Warble 'Fly KINLOUGH We 'are pleased to report that Mrs. Russell Hewitt was able to returnhoriie after a lengthy, stay at 5•t . Josephs t lospita l , °London, where she underwent surgery •and Mrs. George Haldenby spent the week end•with Mr. and ,Mrs: Harold Haidehby and Geordie at'Sarnia.: • Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Stanley were Mr, and Mrs.. Dan' Tollcfson and i3radley of Port•Cred• it, M'r. Seinor of Cloverdale,. B.C. 'inspector for. 1969. ' DONALD M. SIMPSON, Clerk; "Twp. of Ashfield . Kintail Mr•., and', Mrs. Leonard Stanley • ' and family of Port Credit. and.:;, arid Mrs. Hoy of Goderich,••• Cub' reporter:" What should i'say about the two peroxide -blondes' who raised such a fuss at the ball' game last night?" • Editor: "Why, just. say the "blear chers went wild" ' sand.- wood 'furnace, water' soft ■ miner,' and 40 gal. -water heater»in■ tithe • basement. If you are work . °ing• at Douglas Point, arid would° liketo live closer be sure to, seem 'this exceptional • value, ;• as It r. Won't last long. • •.. ■ NINE ,, MILE • RIVER. :-flows' •Through • this scenic five :acres • parcel one niile°from , Lucknow;.. ,` mon .paved road. Ineluded is a■ ethree'bedroom frame home with. oil furnace,•. modern- cupboards, ■• :3 pc'. ; .bath. •and full ,basement. ';!. ' • With a. little redecorating this!' ■ uld Make a loi7ely su mer..;or f !,year round borne. 'The sandy!' ;loam soil is' excellent for garden-; ■ inb Raspberries and straw-■ .berries are ' all ready ,planted.,u • Rill. price $7,500. ■ •is — • Please Contact: • ROSALIND H:ODGINS,, ••Phone 396-2136 Kincardine ■ " ■ • • • se WiIfred,McInteeI. r Co., Limited • •' WALKERTON ;. .11tmi)er of the Grey and Brice: ■ Multiple,• Listings .Service ■ • L.rst' M:L S. — Ot;er 60 Salesnien • m: Working For You •■ 1■/re.■■*■��'��rrirt■r�■N■■114 1 •