HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 2.RAGE `TWA,• • L1SxT C>» NTi • The L -UC -K 4Q .. _LUC.KNOWe ONTARI0.. • THE LUCKNOW.SENTINEL, L,UCKNOW, ON;T,ARIO' "The Sepoy Town" — ,On the 'Huron -Bruce Boundary Authorized as • second class matter by the .Post. Office Department, Ottawa and, for payment of postage in cash:. ° Established 1873 — 'Published Each Wednesday Afternoon. MembeK of the C.W.N.A, and' O,W,N.A. ►S.Lybscriptlon;Rate, $5,00 .a year. in 'advance — t0 the U S.A;, • $7.00, Donald •, C. Thompson; Publisher' WEDNESDAY,;:FEBRUARY 19th; 1969 :COUNCIL CONSIDER '. CONTINUED FROM PACE l: stated: that he would make recomm- endations; on these appointments Discussion centred around the replacement of the town ladder truck w4hich had a n ajor breakdown several months ago. Suggestions that the ladder •' , mechanism courd be:converted. to . the present town vehicle and that a new truck could be purchased for village: use were to be looked into,. The police coMmittee• was instruct. ed, to.° secure 'information regarding. thedisposal of the present police cruiser• • Several village. propert4 es which are in arrears in tax payments were discussed: i with the clerk instructed to to Ike the necessary action for.the y collection. of these amounts. Further discussion centred• around the acquiring - of ,the property , formerly,the site 'of the •Lucknow •; Public 'School and. the school athl- :etic grounds.. In•Decernber, the, 1968 council of the village of Lucknow acre ted" theProperty P ; °from the Township .Schdot Area of Kinloss "and Lucknow and in return considered any payments'_or oblig ' ations to` the village 'for town .facil ities-=used by tjt board, billowing the public school fire as having, been met, ' The 1969' counciI.•have not• rec' •:eived, this• •arrangerneOt very'enthus- ` tic • A' : estinma a has been tas ally n t received.. from,' Symes Bros, of uc cnow toc ear t e ire ruins': an level .:it one foot below the lawn level' for $3500. This would not - include'the' removal of the exist - ,deep concrete basement g in the old public school and..would make •the school site'itself.very • undesirable�•for building lots. To comypletely `remove the cement. and. basement ' foundation,.•tle cost :• would be considerabl`Y,hi' her than. g • the $3500 estimate bowling green) and that the Cale;'' (Ionian, Park would be slated for improvements. in the near future•. He said that the school lot' is a cut up piece of property and he' could not` see, where it was any asset to, the town. While no definite decision was` made` at last Tuesday's meeting , it was more or less the general feel- ing of council•:that if there •was •no interest in the land: as a -medical clinic ; it would.. be advertised for sale. , Reeve George Joynt , in reporting. one -the Lucknow arena- situation', said ,that he had been.in touch' with the'structurai engineers' who had made the most, recent inspection'.: The report received'was that the Stress • analysis had been. done aid • 'most of,the work completed' but that because. of the illness of one •' of thb men involved with the report,, it,,had been slowed up a few, days. Reeve Joynt said that he had been assured•that a written repclrt waukLbeavailable.::by: the_., end of last week, •,, •'. In an effort,•to replace the;clerk- treasurer E..1-1,4 • Agnew••, whose- resi -, gnation becomes effective thefirst of next Month, nurnerous letters' have been sent to area business. Colleges, and an ad placed in a dis trict daily„newspaper IIys 0nored ee • • • WEDNESDAY,. FEBRUARY 19th, 1969 Co-operative Leaders in United Co-operatives of Ontario's ninth annual Hugh •Bailey: Tour (set up;•to commemorate UCO's general, • ' manager from 19/5 to 1960, Hugh ,- '1v1. Bailey) started out.from Weston last week to tour some of .the prov- ince's' co-operative facilities All` -front-left-to.-right , FRONT -ROW: George Pelletterio'., UCO'l Halton branch chairman; Fred Loftin , • new CO traffic Manager; 'Emilieir Lalonde, - - e,Casselman Coop•presi. dent; Emilien Lan lois Ni issin •. g P g • :. Sudbury Co-op director'Grant McDonald ;' a director of Lucknow CO-op,who resides' in, ;Huron Town- ship;:'MIDDLE: Earl Hewitson, Unit,. ed Dairy Producers Co-op represent ative from Owen. Sound; Jim Faris,' UCO: •NeWm. arket.branch-chairman; N.M. "•Ken” Marshall'; UCO direc'- 'tor and tour guide; Ken -Spearman,; Inwood Co-operative; Russell. Siris; Foxborp -Go-operative,, BAC -K., Robert McKercher, UCO president;' Ronald Johnson Junior' Farmer Representative froThondale,. Lindsay. Eccles, UDPC representat- ive from Holstein; .Fred • Schlotshauer, Stratford Co-op and: - lex Bell: -UDPG president Honor- Parents.On 25th Anniversary c�enrieii. at AMBERLEY •NEWS, Friends.and neighbor's gathered at the. home of \Mrs . , .. William Bradley and Elmer Bradley ofKincardine recently to spend an evening; with: ' them, since moving from their home on the fourth concession:of' Huron to Kincardine. Thirty; friends were present, for the, occasion: 'Cards were played and.. uu,'ct' aft:,. ...:a ^ddre -w-as-reads iy the, fact_ that the site had been, sugg- est.ed as one for the building of a medicalclinic; but' no formal app roach from any..one\has been made k to the new •council, in• this regard . Local doctors. were to be contacted before: the next meeting of :council . •` ` Council :were of ;the. feeling that provision should have been made from the insurance received by :the school bo4d' for cleaning tip the fire ruins: but that because •th'e.1968 council had made the agreement as stands,it. The council felt that 'it. was ,poor and -far sulsdiVtding. rd rhart had no.desire':tb.get inta'the-real estate business: •It•was fest that' enough park land, was available : I presently in the town. Reeve Joynt 'said that any possible swimming pool in the futute could be located' at Victoria Park (just•east of the - Mrs'. Delbert Wilson and Mrs. Carr• ick .Collingpresented Mrs. BradleYe and Elmer with a beautiful•pole:. lamp. 'Elmer gave a fitting, reply on behalf of his mothers.. i • Bradley and' himself in appreciat •.ion of the gift.' A social time followed and a delicious lunch was. ,served,, •. SHOWER FOR BRIDE -ELECT Former class, mates and girl friends `met at 'the, home of Brenda Humphrey On Saturday evening, ^ February, 15th.to honourBrenda. Henry bride. -elect•. Irene` genry and Corinne.LoCvey assiste Brenda in opening' her many lovely' gifts. Brenda thanked her many.. friends or, the. shower which was arranged by Brenda Humphrey. •Lu'nch was 'served and a social time :followed. in reminiscing of former ,school' 'days. On•Saturday', February 15th Mr' and Mrs,. Carl Riegling of Ashfield g g Township were 'honoured at the, home: of their. son Frank Riegling to celebrate their 25th wedding anniv ersary .', Members, of:their.:family. present 'were: Karla of Stratford .. Teacher's- College , .Herrn Of Wing- ham, Barbara and Max at •home;, Carl and, Miss • Gloria1 Gancer: of 'Or= Carl Frank of Ashfield Township .' A turkey dinner was ser- ved. .The 'family'then presented their Y, parents with a gold. rocker -recliner chair.: •In the 'evenin fig,, iend^s^called to Celebrate the occasion.` will have approximately 100 mill- ion .pounds of milk powder in .stor- age • at'the: end of ;the year ..,He presented.Glenn Martin with: a cer- d-fi • ' :Chicago Fair, which Won,honour able; mention. Bruce County Courty.Milk Committee members Murray °Culbert ;• George Stewart and Donald Courtney com- mented .on activities of that group and Ontario "Milk' Marketing policy.: -Mr: Stubbs,. Royal Bank Manager at•Ripley,, .presented cigars to.all. ;patrons • Directors elected were Glenn` Farrel,. president,. George ivessen er, Jack Cam bell, Bob Harris $ P , and Murra, •.Culbert:for the comin year. Lunch i,as, served'to those_ present. • - - ( 1 1 NEW PRESIDENT • CONTINUED FROM. PAGE 1 MacMillan; "Treasurer - Mrs, 'Jas. Gardner Executive.Com`mittee Mrs. Robert Hamilton, Mrs,. ;Evelyn Barkwell', Mrs': Ruby Burrows; Mrs: Alice Clar'k, 'Mrs.= Alex' Inglis; :Secant at=aims Mrs: B1 -11 --Sand: erson; Flag: Bearers .•Mrs Ruby. Burrows and Mrs•. Art® Woodcock AudtorsMrs Jas MacNaughton and -Mrs. Ted McClenaghan. Pins were presented to some .of the-rnembers-for length of service. in•the. Auxiliary by. the Zone Corn- .ma:ndet' Mrs Phillip- MacMillan';. 30_ years; • •Mrs Clare Johnstone , • 20 .years; . Mrs, Charles' Robinson, .. 20 years;,.. Mrs . Ron Forster 20 , • years Mrs'. .Robert 20 '' Mrs: Margaret' MaLennan, '20 `years, . Cora. and Agnes McQuaig , 20 years...• 15 year pins were; 'resented'to Mrs..".John. Carruthers , Mrs° ,Alex' ingls',;Mrs:RobertY. ons,. Mrs ford ' Cunningham Mrs;`. Jas , .Mc :. Nau hton . Mrs/ Dan ;Thomson., ; g • Mrs;. Evelyn; .Barkwell,°' Ivirs Arab- elh Bushell. A gift was then presented • to the Zone Commander by Presi dent)ohnstone : •The meeting :was • then: closed: and a •Social evening. followed PINE RIVER • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. year'and a new separatorwhich could be used for whey.or,;milk was: being installed soon: Glenn Martin>. Manager-Cheesemaker• noted 'that production was up 40 tons over 1967 More favourable weather conditions had resulted in,production of more d Bre ii -and better-4-k•-t-ha-ra4n7the Phone 524-952 h Public'Accountant 4' Britannia kd.. E. Goderich, Ontario previous year He stressed that pat• tions who'have not already done so,' -rrtust-have-better cooling-faeiities at the farm. He warned:against the use of milk from.cows which had, been given penicillin ,rnuscul arly for` pneumonia:; etc as this I was detrimental to the process of cheese making. Instrudtions'm'ust , be ,followed closely in use of drugs when treating cows. , Jack Bain 9fLondon .was guest speaker: • He commented on the commission .which had been 'set up' to assess the •cheese industry in Ont. ario and it's future, Thirty bearings. had been• held• duritg the year and a brief on this study was now avail able He spoke, of the world dairy situation which showed surplus of many products. There is prospects of increased :exports of cheddar cheese'to U.S. Canada ATTEND OUR MILKER CLINIC TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25t At :The Store BRING IN Yi fligE,FL.1 COMPLETE: MILKER UN' :l; SOr • .J: t:d we Kis sur . for.#ceecheck a N= f� -nd-ad` sit ►en ualifie sonneh You pay only for needed =replacement parts. .ucknow District. Co-op •PHONE 528-4125