HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-19, Page 1. $5.00 A• Year :In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
"No Asset To The Town"
A variety of business carne before
. Lucknow village` council at, the reg
ular meeting on Tuesday night of;
last week,
Michael •Lucas presented a• propos-.
al to council regarding. the 'painting
:and, decorating of the ,clerk's office.
and basement of`:the town hall. The
matter is under, consideration by the
property committee.
Otto Pedersen, caretaker of the.
town hall facilities, was granted an
increase:in salary from $50 to $55
per month. Mr. Pedersen was•
authorized to have the•original
three -brush floor polisher put; .in
working order. The polisher, requir-
es new
equiresnew brushes.;It has not been•in
use since the acquiring, of theheavy
industrial polisher which the'town
owns.• Becauseof its sizeand,
weight some difficulty was exper•-.
ienced in moving it up and. down •
stairs and if Was felt the ,,original .'
polisher would bemoreortable
and could be used on many :occas=
• It was reported that appointments
to the Library Board should be
'made .; The five 'fnember board 'is
ri. sIjury
No Se
in Suflday`Cra sh
Four. . area,youngsMen escaped ser
10us 'in jury in a two car accident'•
about -2-30 p. m . afternoo
on the .9th concession Of 'East Wawa -
nosh,'„ about •six,.,miles west of Bel,
CarlPritchard,of West .Wawanosh.
was;proceeding.east in his 1961
Ford with friends Ken Johnstone,
Hugh Johnstone and --.Mervyn •Hodg
ins, all •ofLucknow.
A' westbound ear, driven.'by.
Murray „Donald- McCarter of Bruss-.
'els with, passenger. Marlene: A nn,
PIeteh-o€-i -R ;'5•
, Brtr
.collision with the Pritchard vehicle
McCarter was.drivinga 1964 Ford,.
.$600 damage was.done.to thee.•
• McCarter car and $500 to• the Prit-
c ar. car. •
All occupants' were taken to Win=
gham Hospital for treatment 'of
' multiple lacerations..All were
• released except Carl Pritchard, arid
Murray McCarter, Further
investigation revealed: that Mere',
Hodgins had received a '.cracked•
instep the,accident and 'a cast.
was applied,
Constable JCR. Balzer of the `.Ving-
am Provincial Police' investigated .
to include a council rnember, a .
public school staff, member, a high
school -staff member and two other
interested citizens: Reeve Joynt-
Insurance Annual.
To Elect Directors
The '90th annual meeting of the
West Wawanosh Mutual•Fireilnsur-
ance 'Company will be held at the
Dungannon Parish Hall on. Friday:
' of :this week,
President of the company this .'
y.ear. is. William Wiggins; of ,
• Dungannon with Frank •Thompson
the Secretary -treasurer`_ •
,Three directors will be elected'
;for; a:three .year termg Retirin dir.-
ec'tors , all eligible, for re -,election•"
are, Donald ;MacICa 'y
of Huron Town
ship , _ Wiliia m Wig.gins._.o_tpungann -'
on .and John F. MacLennan' of Kin-
A director will also be elected to
fill the
vacancy caused::by the resi,
gnationof Paul Caesar of •
Dungannon. This will be:•for a two:
:year term Paul recently'accepted
a fulYtimepositon•with..the ass
essment co mission.in Huron
ty and , is /unable to continue as`. a;,
'director with',the- insurance comp
Gordon WaII. Is
New President
Culross Mutual
The Annual Meeting of the Cul-:
toss ' Mutual Fire Insurance.Comp:
any was held in'Teeswater, .Febru.
ary 15th, 1969 ,With above: average
e owing, officers sere -a17.
ointed for.the•coming:year Presi
dent 'Gordon Wall, Vice President
,Carl Elphick. Directors, :Ross. Mace
Rae , Farish Moffat, 'Gordon Stobo
and Currie Moffat: Jack'McKague:,
having served, twenty years •with'thr
board , 'wished to retire. •
The• Company showed an increase
''of over one million dollars in
• nine, of .business also a' su stantia
Ronald•. Lamont was re -appointed
Secretary -treasurer and'General:
Ivlanagera� W. Alex McKenzie,
P; A. Murray,. Harold Fair and Earl
Pine River Cheese and Bulter Co-op.
- Has Net Profit Of $3,283 In 196$,:
Production Is Up 40 Tons In Year
•The Thirtieth Annual meeting 'of
the Pine River Cheese'and Butter,
Co-operative was held in Reid's
Corners' Community Hall on Friday
February 14th There were sixty
patrons' and guests pr-ese-11.t-;-Bob,
Rutledge was appointed chairman
for 'thee meeting.,.
�` The auditors:' report was .readkby
T. Phair, C. A, showing total. ,
assets: of $1804158. Dining the year
$655,496ers f
yeas' paid 'to rriernb r o
Milk and a net profit of .$3,283 '
was noted.
President Glenn Farrell reported •a..
Very substantial increase in local,
and wholesale sales: again,this
year. A. bonus payment of approx-w,
imately 250 per cwt; ' was made on
-milk scfit, by patra�
.¢ y 5 subside on milk hauling.. `Phis
was possible in spite of the discon-
tinuance of the premium for qual-.
ity cheese bythe federal. treasury,
y - _
Additional equipment for cooling
had been added g . durin "the
George Bushell is
Winner Of Wo�dro
Wilson Fellowship
George Bushell of London , son .o.f
Mr, and Mrs.. Edbertd'Bushela'.o
.Kincardine and'formerly of Kin:
lough, has waon' a Woodrow Wilson
• •George is; in 4th year Geography,'
at 'University of .Western -Ontario.'
He_was. one.:.o.L93..:.seniors_iri.2
colleges across Canada, who are
considered among, the best future
university teachers in. the country:
George is.a graduate of. the Luck
now •District •High School and the
Western Ontario and
pconinugraduate lans to ';Continue • ra duate studies
in Geographypin .Canada and. the �
United States.
He is' married to the: former'Jo-.
anne'Crozier, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs;•;Clifford Crozier',of Goderic
and .formerly of Ashfield
Single Copy 15c 16; Pages;
•••••••••••**i**iP.•et'"♦,- *'i*'!*
urs Move __..
Ata meeting in Hackett's United:
.Churc'h on Monday evening) the
Officials and members Of .Ashfield..
Pastoral Charge met with mem'
bens of the Boundaries Committee
• of Huron -Perth Presbytery to
'discuss plans for;the :future' of the.
three 'Churches, .Hacketts , Blakes •
;and,Zion. = •
The 'meeting was Chaired by' Rev;,
Kaiser, minister,'of the Ash
field charge, who', introduced
A: H. Daynard of Staffa , chairman
of the boundaries' committee , Mr
Daynard 'addressed the meeting
'pointing out. the many things that
had; to' beconsidered in a long
timeview of the situation: and,
• some. possible "solutions,. -4-le told of
the way :similar situations had been
�s Qne
han'd1ea in other places. Aftera
discussion, during ,which Mr,. ,Day, .
nard answered' many questions as to
procedure,disposal'of. property and
possible solutions, 'a motion was
presented to the effect "that the
'three congregations tryto unite to.
form a ;single congregat pn" . In the'
discussion that'followedr,, the Comm..
ittee,detailed the various,
procedures' necessary to carry.. out
the intent Of this motion:. A vote
by ballot was taken and the motion'
carried"by:a substantial majority.
Before, the meeting adjourned,' a ,
vote of thanks was . tendered
Daynard and the Presbytery.Cornm-.,
ittee for the.kindly and efficient
manner in which they. had :.presented
and dealt with the question::'
rs Aare lohotone Installed.As
Auxiliary Pres:, Se0ice Pins Presented
The Ladies Auxiliary t . Charles=Roti-nson:;.
ion Branch''309 held their I.nstalla:
tion 'of Officers on.Wednesday,
February 12;. There were 14,mem-
bers present; TheZone Command
Mrs'. Evelyn Carroll from God
eri'ch .officiated at the Installation.
Past `President. of the Ladies'. Aux
The; New Officers for ^19'69' are as •
follows:President Mrs.. Clare-
Johnstone; `1st Vice -' Mrs..; Cant
Gunter; 2nd Vice - Mrs.'Cecil...
Ga niss;'Secretary", -`Mrs. Phillip::
1-N1fED ON PA -G
cQullins Bad: Two Brush' Wolves Monday
Dick McQuillin of.Kinloss and
'oris Harvey and Jack of Sf, Cathar-
ines bagged apair of wolves on
Monday af'te'r. a weekend hunt which
took them over a lot of country,
The male and' female wolves
estimated to weigh about'40,and 50
lbs. were shot in Kincardine" Town
ship after a chase along the lake.
The "threesome had earlier been
i e the.t. o..
close. to shooting them but , wo
t on �anirrtals went.out o the1
Both the wolveswere Later flushed
out of a swamp and the McQuillins
tracked and shot,one, going after.
the other one later :and :successfully
!bagging it
; ' Dick is shown in. the above Pict-
nit -displaying the two t3rush. Wolves
for rhe Sentinel camera . Soi my on
the animals. is $35 each.