HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-12, Page 13IEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1969'
ose degrees bug me
Some pretty earth shaking-
events occurred ,around our
place lately.
•Wife has.
taken up curling. _Perhapsmy "ta-
ken up" is not the right.
phrase. "Falling down" -might,
be closer. '
• The first tune she stepped
on the ice, . her feet went to '
heaven, and her bottom went
to the other place: The earth
shook' (you must have felt it)
and shehas the purple poster
for to prove it. :
She has fallen ` only , about
four times per gamesince, and
has ' mastered the art 'to the
•point where: she,, can look Aup ;
from.her. sprawl withthe in-
innocence of a pro hock
ey player trying to 'pin a penal .`.
• ty on the .guy who didn't; trip
For :years she has ' • looked.
down onthe sport. She thought
the: curling club' was a place
where men ' went' o drink,
..smoke, play : pool • and. poker,
curl, and get away • from their'
wives. ' And she was right. .
Now she has learned that it.
'is a •.•.cultural centre . where -
women ' .go to drink, smoke,- :
play 'bridge, curl, and get, away
from their husbands. And she's
right again, as 'usual.
But ; as long . as she: can do it
with me and. keep an; eye. on
me;: she feels, it: is • one of Can
ada's '.grand old sports.. I used
to get ' home from the, :curling •
klub at Midnight Last time, we
•got,honie at 3 a.m.; after being
invited somewhere for l'coffee
I, • wish •I • could get. the . same
price for that coffee that ` the
distributors do. .
Anyway, • the Old : Battleaxe
has been hooked. _ he .doesn't.
• :know a hog from., a'hack, a skip
, from ' a ' drop-out, but with
Hugh's. ; old stretch ski • .pants,.
on .• and Hugh's ;.'old • skiing;
sweater 'o•ii, she's the.. 'prettiest:
curler on the ice. If , she:. ;could
sweep that ice the•way•'she ,can:.
sweep the .kitchen ..floor; • we'kd
be in the money every time..
The second earth -shaker.
around .here: ,was • Kim's •per : the wall,". and two ;pianos
formance in the piano •exams
around my. neck, all .I ve' got •
A.R.T.C. after her name.' That's
; longer than my degre .
That cost me. Kith phoned,
collect,: between music .lessons:
in,%: the city, and mywife
phoned :every relative. between
here and Zanzibar.
But, for one " wild and glo
• rious moment, I thought it was
over: After an accumulated • 30
years of musiclessons among
her brother, her mother,;,• and
herself,. I thought I'•was home
No more wincing as .I wrote
out cheques for the conservato-
ry. No more trucking the' kids ..
• all over the country, 'in bliz
:-' zards; to play at festivals.. No
more sweating through per-
formances. No• more getting up
at a quarter : to seven totake
her to the bus. No more.
• It seems I ,Was wrong. My
wild and glorious moment was
:only a moment. She ' wants to
• carry on with lessons. And her
mother' is thinking of resuming
lessons. And Hugh will , be
around- one. of'these:• days,: bro
ken, crooked': finger :and all,
- ready to.go back to it. .
We now'.: have two A.R.T:C-
diplomas in the •'.house. They
•look beautiful,' side by side on
the living -room wall. It's like
sitting -in it doctor's -office.
.But. what really drives me
out of my skull is that not one•
of them can play •anything. A's"
• soon as the festiVat or exam is.
over, .they take.new pieces,; and:
• the' old ones are 'dumped over-:
board. So, during any 11
.month period of the year, no:
body in niy family has ,learned,.
.the new pieces, and 'they've
forgotten''the old. ones - ' `
Ask anyone to playa 'piece,
•. for 'company, and you get the
familiar whine, ,"I haven't any
binng-read3 ."
I never: heard of ',a guitar -
player ''or
uitarplayer''or a mouthorgan-pia er
who lost.: his repertoire' or -
night. But. I am here to testify
that a piano •• player of classical'
music can't even whistle:, , a
.tune, most of the•time
A. number of wolves were sighted.
last, week on the farms of George•
and Norris Messenger
Mrs. Robert McNay of A mberley
was a patient last week in Wing
ham and District Hospital where
she had surgery for appendicitis
‘Mr. 'and Mrs', William Pace
visited ori: Sunday with 'Mr. and .T
Mrs : °W...1.; Courtney,,
Mr" and;"Mrs, Cecil. Humphrey
had 'as their supper' guests on Fri
day evening, Mr. ,and Mrs. Bob
Courtney and family arid Mr: and
.Mrs, Donald Courtney and, family,
'Sheila Face of Kincardine spent.
.the weekend with her grand-.par-
rand .Par-'ents Mr, and, Mrs. William Pace:
and Mary Pace*,
Mr: and •Mrs.: Don. McCoshr, Cathy
and Vicki Dore were dinner guests
on Sunday of Mr: and Mrs ., .;Bill'
Mctnnes and family.
Nancy•Eiliott and: Maureen Kerr
were home for the weekend,
Mr.and Mrs: Angus J. Elliott, of .
Kincardine visited SundaS, .with; Mr .
and; Mrs. Earl Elliott and ,family ,
.Sunday vtsitots with Mr and Mts.; •
Frances Boyle and. family were Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Needl'am
and Mrs Dan MacDonald;of Ripley
A number from here'. attended;.tle
farewell dance: in •Kinloss on.Friday
evening., held in lionoroof : Mr . ; and
Mrs .. ' Frank Colwell w•ho, recently
•moved'to Kincardine::
Mr': and:Mrs,. Cecil Sutton And
family: visited.'.Saturday evening..
with•Mr. and Mrs Wilbert'Hodg'
ins'' of Wingham.
Bonnie Boyle spent Friday with..
Sheila Nicholson..
Aside. . from two degrees on..
• for her degree in music:•:out of the whole thing is three•
� Nat c►nly did sh�knock off a
first,class honor mark, but "sh'e:. ed, talented;=and—couldn-t-play
topped'" the list'. of_ candidates. " 1VIary Had • a Little Lamb",
without six weeks preparation
people. who think they are gift•
V s ting..Sunday with. Mr: ,and .Mrs
Lyman Suttbn:were Mr and Mrs. •
Cecil Sutton .
Mr. and'Mrs. ••Ion Robertson:.visit
ed Friday with; Mr. and 'Mrs •: '
,Bur:ton Collins and family::...
ivlr . and Mrs ; Claude Dore Jr.
and boys:of Teeswater visited with . 1
M'r . • and . Mrs., Claude Dore Sr of
Visitors on Friday with Mr:c and:
Mrs ..'Burton•Collins and family ;t
were Mr and ` ey
and Mr. and Mrs•. Howard-
" She can now add the letters son,
T=Bone or Wing steak 89c II
Blade; Short Rib or boneless
Rolled Chuck Beef Roast 59t II
Fresh Hcim Roast•QR HALF) , J7C- II
Sliced Beef or >Pork liver 39c II
4.8c LB..
55c LB..
Short Week Due To Bad Weather.
Piblic Speaking Confess. Held
•This.wcek has been very short be
cause we ,have only•had. two Whole
days at ;school;. On Monday school
• wa s dismissed at 2 o'clock because
1 .was s or y
nesday,'school was.c,ancelled be=
cause of the snow storm-..
was •at Toronto T ach'ers College,•
1\1rs :.:Irv.in now' lives in. Dun?ann--
on where her husband gp.erates a
garage.and'they have a family of
• one dau.ghter., Her hobby., outside
hing, is garde-mig;. Sh'
taught: school for•twenty-.three' •
Balance oto
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• •Brookside had; a number of pupils
absent these last few weel<s,becauise
of the flu and rrrt>dmps. We hope,
these sicli'nesses will soon, pass.. •
Scores for -this week were as foll�
ows: Volleyball;Allan Hildebrand.'s
team 24 and Gordon Black's tcarn'
B'. Crabsoccer: Philip Blac,l<'s team
Our teacher for this weel< is Mts.
.Irvin who teaches grade 2 in morn
She. 'spent her public school days
at Zion School ,a'nd attended Luck, -
now High School: ;Her college life
Public Speaking, fdr the Legion •
• contest was held this week ;In :the •
senior division Nancy' Errington•
placed third and Joanne Thompson
and Loree Caj7inie tied for first:
Joanne and Loree went to the
Lucknow Legion„Hall on Frida\ , �.
February 7 for''the final contest:,
In the. junior contest Joan Hackett'
placed second and••1any Ann Alton
placed first: Mary Ann said her
t-the,Legion•on Frill •al��,
Mrs” Cecil ipflal<e and Rev. Wright,
both of Dungannon and I\irs •
..ga"nt Henderson of. L'ucl:p w trctLd
as Judges for :both contest.,
The longer speeches will be hold
or February 20 The winner from
to to the finals in Clinton,' : n