HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-05, Page 13WEDNESDAY, FEIRUARY Sth, 1969 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,•'ONTARIO PAGE: T.HIRT.EEN'. 1969 Models SEVERAL ,TO CHOOSE FROM 1968 PONTIAC, 4 door hardtop,' full, _, p power 1967 PONTIAC, 4 door, V#, automatic 1967 FORD Cuitom, .V8 automatic. • 1967 GALAXIE 500, 2 :door hardtop, VI, fully powered 1967 PLYMOUTHFURY,.2 door hardtop 2 •- .• 1967 POLARO 500 2 'door hardtops,. Vi automatic:and power• steering 1966 FAIRLANE 500, Z`door hardtopu V8 • 1966 PONTIAC, 2 door, V8 automatic,. radio, w steering 1965 OLDSMOBIL' E; 4.door, full. power 1965 FORD Custom 500,..4 door, V8 automatic .1965 FORD, 4• doors: standard . ,• 1964 MERCURY MARAUDER, 2 .door hardtop:. SEVERAL OLDER MODELS EE THESE AND OTHE BLYTH PHONE 523-4342 sentinel Delivery_ s�lnp�edrtable= Mallon, Qnt, January 22/69 Luc know :Sentinel , Lucknow. Dear4Sits: • Enclosed find cheque for renewal of paper as it was due in December. The -delivery of paper is something that I: hope may iii -prove :" Last . "`' week's. 014'i -come untilr yesterday, Tuesday,January '21st so nearly catches up -to this week's, news.. Kin cardine News usually comes Thursday or Saturday 'by -the . latest and. on it is via Guelph so wonder what the differnce is as. your paper has 20 miles less to travel. Always' nice to have news when it is fresh., etc Was: mol than, interested to see. Jim Reed on "The Way Itis" Suri'day' night. Should you see Fran- ces or Allan.' Reed or Gordon Mont- gomery tell them I really apprec iated. it. • Sincerely (Mrs,. Chas) Florence R,Liddle 20 Burlington Street,, . Malton , Ontario.' early in March: The system of putt ing feeds together, to make the most profit from 'livestock`is\not 'understood;as;thoroughly as It should be. For instance, farmers do grow• a -lot of protein through their hay and this,is expensive to • buy in a bag of protein, supplement: :You will be hearing more of the television short-course/in the near future. In co-operation with the -Dairy Committee, I'. have just completed a, study of the value of pasture; of 14 dairy menin Bruce:County. The average vfalue of.rnilk..produced ' per acre. `comes to $70.. This ,• in a large percentage of the eases, rtsehg have: Many farmers do not realize the value of .this pasture becauseit does not, show in a. crop and cattle insist on "eating the.. evidence' 'A beef study of the;cattle• feeders on, pasture, .although less profitable is just as. irxi rotant•.-.L have no qualms about the Bruce County farmers producing beef cheaply. The profit has been interfer.ed'with Gear Comments On Income Report BY' .G. R. GEAR Agricultural •Representative: Bruce County of current interest is the report of the•Conimittee on Farm Income. I have read this over and find it a very:excellent and comprehensive,.•. report . I know there will be many object- ;ions ,' complaints; etc . from —farmers •'ar d-frorn-Wdifferent-farm 'groups I think every farmer should '.ma'ke himself' familiar wit li what is in the report . It- gives, 'some idea of the way things,'are= going: .• A 'large mentid minds' so becau total concept how• radically coni ditions are changing in the agric ultural:'fkld The old ad"age of being foreWarn- ed' is to; be forearrned . Farrners should--loo-k-at -i-t-Jrom-the4tan: pointof•how they are going •to • react, » to come out of it the. best. they can'.. The report •;tresses :education. It portrays a successful future farmerA -as One who has two yeats.of college education. Perhaps what they did not mention was, "or the equival- ent". q.uivalent". There is a chance for farmers who have much less educav ion than this to bring themselves -up-to-date. It could be dearned - ,se lf-education but it, requires more than dust looking and listening. It rneans an in-depth course which; ` • means hard work and study. How- ever•, l; know of many farmers who' are doing it very successf •ully. In'conneetion with this, we are putting on Farm, C3usiness Workshops,, starting week of Jan - e of the situations jections in our. necessarily be of us have the .nary. 27th, studying `Farm Machin: ery-Management Sotis'8 Fertiliz- er's and Farm' Manage-rnent Although .we have a number °of app;- licantsfor these courses there is .room for a few more In co=operation; with .C. K. N,'X.' we. are Contemplating‘a television course •on Feeds and Feeding: . It is, hoped that these will get started WH:ITKHU,R'CH Visitors with. Misses Annie and Mary'L id aw were on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw of London: and on Sunday Char r lie, John and Mary Falconer. of • . Glamis. Mr. acid Mrs. Don Dirstein and -baby Richard- of Ajax 'spent- the--- week -end with Mr; and Mrs. ' Rus- sel Gaunt., On Sunday his -parents Mr. and: Mrs. ' John L. Dirstein • and Jackie of Hanover also. visited. with them: • -On Thursday: evening White- church 'and s° Brussels Broomball teams' played at Brussels with a score. 4-2 in favour of Whitechurch. Gary and Neil Rintoul and Ron- ald Jamieson were in Kitchener on business. ' • ' • Mr. and. Mrs, Graham Wright of. Clifford visited Sunday with'. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Thompson and family. After groundhog day February 2nd; : being such a sunny springw like day to have snow and sno squalls hurled at us the next. day makes us'doubly.sure. the ground- hog: knew what. he -was doing., Then too some of our 'residents a ' week ago saw ' real live crows. Needless to: say not4likely the clever crows. will be back' weather like this. Mr. and Mrs. Charles King of Detroit and her sister-in-law Mrs. Irwin of Kincardine were Satur- day visitors with Russel Ritchie. Mrs: Eunice Gillespie. accompan-, ied Russel; Farrier' of Wingham to Sarnia where she will spend, a few weeks .with 'her son Jack'Gil- lespie, Mrs. Gillespie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer and family and .his mother'Mrs. Cecil Falconer, who is visiting with them in Sarnia,,-. spent- the wee ' en here.- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jamieson •were. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Jamieson` and fam- ily:of West Wawanosh: Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Johnston and family of Listowel were Sunday 'visitors with his.parents Mr.: and - Mrs. Gershoni Johnston of; Wing-. ham. ' • - ' Visitors with,Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan .and Mr.. ' and Mrs. Carl. McClenaghan on Friday even,, ing were Mr. and Mrs, ' Angus MacDonald of St. " Helens; on. ,Sat - the evemn urday Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Mc Clenaghan-oLXitchener and. Howe, SandMr. and Mrs. Lorne Sandra and Joann'•s water. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Irwin • McClenaghan, Mary Lou,. Ronnie; Nancy and Brenda 'Kellor of St. 'Thomas' visited at the same home. • Russel Ritchie visited on Sun day with. his -brother .Leslie -Ritchie--- of • Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. -Kenneth Laidlaw of London were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and: Misses Annie. and Mary ' Laidlaw. The Y.P.S. held a short meet • ing, in the 'United Church Sunday ' evening with around 20 , in atten- dance. After the meeting , all en- joyed tobogganing . on. Inglis hills,. returning to the home of • Linda, Judy and Frank Jamieson . where lunch was served: • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes• vis- ited at Wingham and District. Hos- pital on Sunday evening with Mrs. Alex Leaver to whom ••the community wish a speedy recov- ery. • We welcome Mr. and Mrs. • Ivan. Laidlaw and Janet home from their trip to Florida 'on Saturday. They spent a week at Homestead, 20 miles south of Miami and 'also ^visited relatives in Florida. Joe Tiffin on, Sunday attended ' , •, a General :Meetiig , of Stratford Musicians local 418• at Masonic Temple Stratford. ' Mrs. Allan Turner visited Thurs- ,dant' and Friday with Mrs. Olive Boss, Wingham. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn were Mr: and Mrs. Douglas. Conley Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hunter, London. ' .. - Whitechurch ' Womens Institute will hold their February meeting on February .12 at the home of Mrs. Albert Coultes. The' Roll Call -answer is to be an item for the Valentine. ;Boxes. Mrs. Don • Me / • Cosh Ripley is to be guest speaker. 1: Lunch . Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, • and Mrs. - Robt. Ross. - Mr, and Mrs. 'Cameron Simmons i of London visited Sunday with Mr s. Ezra Echoltz, and on. the return trip • she accompanied them to London.. Rev. Hora e Braden of London,' was a dinner guest on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Les Reynolds,; and family: . •Mr. and' Mrs. Walter.' Elliott, Ruth, Paul, David and Barry were ,Sunday. afternoon'' visitors with his 'mother Mrs. Gordon El- liott of Wingham r 'Mrs' and Mrs.. Tom Morrison and Mrs John'Jamieson Jamieson : were in London on Monday at West- minster Hospital. ' a- reverse spread between beef calves and beef feeders. .But this, is more' a matter » of marketing :than. the econoiny of beef production. Farmersby one means or another are: -attempting to, overcome; this problem and I know, given/a, .year g y. or two', they willbe successful. • • Head Office Paisley, .Ontario:. FOR .•DOCTfOR'S ,.'SERVICES BY THE DOCTOR • OF YOUR CHO.ICE- LA _ SERVING P de •_._r.. iNVESTIGAT—''` IS . ' THE'PEOPLE OF BRUCE ,COUNTY SINCE 1947 " ut P All Claims Paid On 1967 OMA Schedute.of. Fees =Also Specialist's Charges When Referred •y By. A General Practitioner For Surgical Procedures -'.- Maternity Care, Anaesthetist's, Services Home, Office and Hospital Visits and :Related Services "SPECIAL RATES FOR PAYROLLEDUCTIOiV"` ":DWEEKLY INDEMNITV $ENEFITS; AND 1NCLUllING, M,ED,ICAL, SURGICAL, GROUP, LI'r'E • AN • • A- ,DIRECT r BENEFIT DRUG PLAN, F6r•. Enrc)linent or Further Information, Contact the Office at Paisley, Phone '98 .'