HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-02-05, Page 11WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY Sth, 1964 THE LUCKNOW SE NTIN,EL, LUCKNOWf, ONTARIO. PAGE ,ELEVEN. St PeterS.An.glican c.hw. rch...Shover food Reports; Redecorate Church Rec#ory St. Peter's Anglican Church held 'its annual' meeting, in the Parish Hall. Monday :night , f anuary 2'71' .The Rev. H, L, Jennings ., pr'esently. in •cg har a of. the Anglican services. g at 'Ripley . Lucknow. and Kinlough • :was in charge. of the Meeting. • After: the'opening prayers', .Rev. 'Jennings gave the overall statistics: for the .year. Reports .fron'1'the . .Church treasurer, the A.C.W. ,, the Sunday School and the four point parish.accouat'were given and. the . results were 'most: gratifying . as • was the attendance of the congrega: lion_ at this meeting , Donald 'Ross congratulated Church treasurer,: •%• Mrs. Harold Cooper., for her efficient book work on • ,handling- both St . Peter's, Church accounts and also that of. thefour point :parish account. The ''slate of officers brought 'in •.for'1969 was accepted and is 'as follows Rector' s' Warden - Leo. Beauchamp" People's warden Dein` aid .Ross;:.Board',of .Management Bi11 ialdenby, . Ken Jardine,' Russell' ' Whitby�,, Tom: Pritchard , • Cliff :Rout, stop Ruth Thotripson.,'Mrs.. Harvey- • ' Mole and Mrs Eileen Lavas : Lay representative to Synod.='"Ivlrs' , Ernest, Gaunt;. Substitute - Fred` McQuillin; Chairman of sidesmen;• Oscar Hodgins; Auditors - Mrs,. Torn Pritchard and; Donald Ross More Maples Go On Higf�wa�_$6_— LOCHA.LSH NEWS• ' Several. trees along highway 1 have come under the axeduring the• past week • Every year more • , and more:of the old maples; disappear from•.our road sides., Many from the area attended! tTie Words of appreciation .were ' •' expressed -to Mr. Jennings for corn. - mg to the congregation's assistance during the absence of a permanent rector.:lt is expected that a resid- ent minister will`be available after the spring ordination; ' A vote of thanks: was; tendered •to• Mrs, Jim Durninfor her faithfulness in caring for the altar work:'and • flowers also to• organist .Mrs , Tom.. Pritchard • and to caretakers Tom. and. Anne Pritchard., who will be carrying on .for 1969•;• •. Comments were made. on how nice the friterfor of the rectory looked since being redecorated •and tho a had ot• a re a d' n e s who n l a y i. sp ct , ed it had'a•tour of inspection at the'. Close. of the Meeting A great deal : I� Of credit goes to ',Leo Beauchamp . 'for the ,time ; work and -effort in getting the Work at the rectary ..completed.: Thanks also goes to • those who: assisted and: to the men and'boys responsible for removing, snow from the rectory' and parish hall • The: meeting'adjourned and a,soc `7al-'•half�hour•followed�urin the=�' - servin ..of lunch,. g• annual Co-op banquet held in Luoknow on Tuesday ,evening hers.. Sandy Mocharles ,'principal and .teacher at North Ashfield �, • School has been ilI with peneumon is ; and: a patient in Kincardine hospital, Mrs, Frank. Ritchie has been supply te.a'chin. The Annual Meeting •. of the con- gregation of Ashfield Presbyter,an Church: v •as.held Tuesday after,. noonwit Rev. Rooney conducin g• •the meeting. : • Due to icy road, Conditions,, • school at North.Ashfield"was cane. 'e11ed on Wednesday • ,.Mr and: -Mrs, Donald Simpson are. thankful.for a,late .bus .on Monday last•and•quick action .on part. of •' family and friends• saved their barn from destruction any fire . • ' • • Mr , and Mrs. Aly'in •Robb were • . recent visitors. in London. Olivet Messengersers OLIiVF.T NFWS The United Church Messengers conducted the'Sunday. School open- ingexercisers on Sunday.' Nancy . • McGuirle ,•`the president' gave the .Call t' Worship and read a'letter ,she ha received before 'Christmas ': fromtheir sponsored child •. Joyce Osburne read. a lett,er from her describin the Christmas entert 8 • ainment in their church Brian Colling y • offered pray er•and • the-Scripture-w''as read by Ronnie McGuire,..' Jo ce •Black read 'a. Y , storyabout "•Gifts: given with •Care; Farm Three:` New'.Pr�sbYtrIc.Is: Bruce Presbyterial Executive met on, January 20 at Paisley with: Mrs, ` H. Slu, mski• in charge. f • A meeting . had been held at Cliff ord on January :9 to discussrealign ment, Members :were present from '•Hamilton Conference :� Guelph -h and Bruce Presbyterials ,.Three•Presbyt- trials •w.ill be; formed from the pre :sent 'Bruce ,• Guelph Brant and Hall groups: roupPs: •. .. A. -Steering• committee; was appoin ted consisting of Mrs,.. H. Slumski Lorne Spark's, Is Y.P S .Speaker., KINLOSS NEWS ' South ,Kinloss 'Ironing People met Sunday evening in at the homee of . Mr: and Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes. Mr. Lorne Sparks wasg uest speaker "The Bible" was his'topic and he:. showed how_ Bible readin . can be. conie vital and alive,. Several ` Bib quizzes' followed . Mr'; Sparks was introduced by David. :. MacKinnon and thanked by. Mac. Machine's. ICW Hear ear - End Reports” DUN'GANNON NEWS Dungannon ;United Church Worn en met in the Church basement for their January,g -tin . •Mrs . How- presided . How- ard Johnston. : and P Gordon,Finni g.an :Was ianist.; Mrs: iv1 -FFDic-kson from the Part -Albert • e char ', was welcomed to Dun annt g g,. on Mrs D Logteriburg read the • .scripture lesson ;and Mrs : Jim Drennan led in, prayer. •Twenty-one ladiesanswered the roll:call by.. payment of fees.' Year end • reports were given•by Mrs .'Lorne Ivers , Mrs . K2 Dawson; lvirs. Harvey Alton and•Mrs: °• Nelson Pearson. Mrs. 'Gord9n t-inni gan •reported for .the finance comm George McGee; who thanked Rev.. ittee . Money plates were given out 'J, Roberts for his work with them a far"for•pennies was.set.up '. •• and to all officers and members P Ivlrs. W: 1rn ld `M-rs ' n Wharry 'Mrs Alex ' Heard and Mrs G,, 'Farrow. . They n ' with`Rev Y alog Ronayne and Rev.: Stephenson' will attend. ,a meg etin .in'Mount,Foret orr`February'2-7.; �Vince Mrs. Walter lter Farre11; Ripley Y ve.er' is Stewardship"Con n ,Ishe wi11 be our representative`to=;Bruce Lay Foun 'dation; Receipts were up $429. over last.:. 'ear. Over :$392 as -.een sen o Y w Ashfield Church Had Good-Yecir-- The .CQngr.egation. of Ashfield-. Presbyterian _Churchheld their,, annual meeting in the'Sunday School room on. Tuesday January ' 28th at 2 p.m. The astor Rev. Rooney who can:: P Y ,ducted: the meeting. opened. it by;': $ing}rtg-a=Psaili�rehen led-in,devot ions. Reports from all departments and groups .connected with the church were presented;. each showing very good year's work completed and keen interest shown: Rev. Rooney expressed appreciat- ionto'.; all who help in' and around the church. There were seven fun- -erals conducted' during the year and sympathy is extended to all w o were •ereavei • the Blanket 'Fund' so ,far.• . e-ial: Welfare-was_+dis" d ALL STAR TOURS •TO PA1.YFORNIA AND •SUNNY FLORIDA. Join our CALIFORNIAALL STAR. TOUR, 'leaving, from this area March' lst • or March 29th,, visiting Reno, San, Francisco,; Los, Angeles, • Las Vegas, 21. days,. fully escorted, OR Our ALL STAR 1.6 •day circular FLORIDA TOURS. departing.. from this; ar ea: February 7th, March 2nd,. March 7th .and :March. 28tH. Travel' via deluxe motor coach visiting Nashvillel, .Silver Springs, St, Petersburg,;. Miami, Daytona Beach.. o• i, Ange , • T oda VICE __ HANOVER .TRAVEL SER . YOU R .TOUR HEADQUARTERS . HANOVER BOX 448 OR PHONE 364-3270 hurch. Annual: Held' # Calvin -Brick W1-1ITEUR. H CH C NEWS , Calvin ;Brick church .held tileir Annual' Meeting Wednesda at the: home of`Mi...'and Mrs. Alen Robert son . Rev: John'Roberts chairman opened the meetingith'.PY 'prayer . w• Laweren'ce :TaY. for was secretary: Y ,The annual reP orfs were .drseussed', and ado ted :. Each'organization' • P reported a successful year.: P Y ;.The election'of`officers were. • _ newly elected stewards ' Murray Shiell ;. Roy .Pattison 'ands Mrs John Jamieson; treasurer.,'; Mason •Robin .son;' caretaker;, th.e families: take turns each month with•the except ion of Deceiiter when 2 families • caretake because of.Christmas concert; organist, Jirr Robertson .is .to arrange therlfolloWing Organi sts as,to when it is •theirturn. Cathy Chandler , Marian McGee, Margar'^. 'et :and Marilyn Robertson;,Manse camrxrirtee; 'chairman of Board of. Stewards arid Mr.: and Mylrs: Alex. Robertson- offering' stewards. and ushers,. Barry'Mason,• Donald Patti-' son, :Alvin. MOOre , , Grant. Coultes and -Peter Mason; auditors',• Mrs :-Geo-rge-•i 1 -e -Gee -and -Mrs . Got t, don McBurney;: Sunday: School 'Sufi •erintendent , Donald :Dow;', United Successfiil Year Reported .At . Church Annual' • WLiTECHUkcHN•EWS'. ; ';The`annual;meet ing of -White= church•U:nited„Church was held p:-.11 Wednesda y evening; January 29 in the church. Rev.:W, R,, Mather of Blyth open ed the: meeting with scripture; reading:and prayer.. , g p �' • E1me.r.Sleightholin was appointed secretary'. The annual reports of. all' departments of the church work .' weretdiscussed and it., was, found all hada :very successful year.. • E1nmer Sleightholni was returned to' ° the ,session • 'Newly elec,ted•stewards are: :: Garnet; Farrier, Mrs. •Dave Gibb , Mrs'.'.Geor -•ge.Thompson Jamieson'` p , Pettypiece , Ebner Sleightholm and: Russel Ritchie . The treasurer, is, Millan Moore caretaker 'John Gibb; 'or anist Mrs...Gar etTarrier';and her assist ants, Joan Tiffin and John: Gibb;," offering .steward's and Ushers, Frarik Jamieson Donald• -Morrison, Gar` Ghapinan', 'David Slezghtholin . Aud hors appointed were. Elwood Gros- korth and 'Russel Gaunt;' Sunday Church 'men representative ,'•Ivan I S p chool.Su erintendenta Clifford •It wasided to continue .send-: ing the Observer to every hone; . to he' niversar It was sugges d t Anniversary • be the last Sunday in May or the 'first Sunday in lune. ' Courtesy remarks were given Laidlaw : Mrs Mi11-an Moore has charge -of 'the 'Observer .t'o see' it s'serit' o . ever home . Garnet:.Farrier.gave ,Courtesy' t v. a ers for a the e M th rem rks; o R . being- in-a-tt-end-atire--end--h'is--assist ance to"student miriister:Mr Mich ae1 Ross and, -to all Members for .the-w'.rk f_�he' _their• lo::alt..:in � o o _.;.. Y Y Each lad .in the congregation is :• .of the church for •their assistance ••1,Chhrch;; -: Y f l• :Strident minister A1ichaea Ross' asked to send.two recipes to be and interest in"the work of'the ... do in' eok�e -fox=sale,-Lt rcit' 1c.l6sed the. meeting with=prayer. : ��� to -a . cipes to be sent to Mrs. G. Finn- Rev:: • Roberts, closed the. meeting! . Lunch was' then's;e ved by tfie 2 P with r. , r: . iU. C. W. h gan in February,, The U,C. W. 'is pay . , �rissed an ' to cater—to--a--banquet-and. a,wedding in March, A. rose bud• is to be sent to mothers of new babies, The ladies are asked to . attend .the Presbyterial meeting in Mitchell • . A study; period followed when film strip on'China was shown. Mrs.; Glen Wright and Mrs. .1‹. Dawson led in an interesting discussion on China ,its population:; leaders arid beliefs, A large display of pictures, naps and: literaturewas 'set up for. a recommendation' was made •that, we undertake a project along this -line . Suggest .egd delegates to, Hamilton Conference'in St. Catharines on March.24 & 5 were.. Mrs , H. Slumski Mrs .•. Dow ning. Mrs Belfry., Mrs. E. Joh ner , Mrs: 'W. Arnold ,: Mrs G. Farrow and Mrs. ,A: 4Heard . • The School for Leaders will be heldlat; Waterloo: on May 6, 7 and -s- Rcconci-U "•1 in a Broken World"'. The, Anniversary services were dis Conference will' pay for 5 delegat- in cussed, They will be held early es and 2 rnorc can go for $20 each. cern ssiofs con-' . Also some disco Plans for the Presbyterial in Port', nog improvements in and la Y around th'e•church. building were 'Elgin an February 26 were complet • given careful consideration,:. ed ,, RIPLEYABATTOIR : Custom Butchering -- .Curing and S moking. Cutting and: Wrapping - 'Sausage Making Fast Freezing • HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS With Two Big Coolers,: We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks-- Whatever Your,Requirements Are For • Bovie Freezers We Sell Choice Home .Killed: Beef, ' Pork. ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED'. FOR R' . PROTECTION. , . CF1AS. HOOISMA,' PROP; STORE 395-2961 • 1Y everyone to •see., e'mee ig i • ed with singing a hymn and ,the ben diction A social hour followed .when Chinese food and fortune Cookies were served y I' rs. Wiggins., Mrs.. Wright'arid Mrs.. pawson, • ABATTOIR 395 2905 ,