HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-29, Page 13VEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1969
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Kingsbridge Scholl Skate In Ripley;
AnnounCe Win•ne•r Of • ,Publi•c Sp•eakin•g
By Laurie. Chisholm
and Rita Knopp
In rooms 4 and 5 the public spee.-
nd;the: Winn-.
Judy Tigert grade:5„and Janice'.
Tigert grade 4.Runners up for.
grade 5 were Wilma Van Aaken and
Sheila Sinnett: '•Runners upfor grade'
4 were Shawn Dalton arid 'Mary.
Ann .Miltenburg..
Sympathy is etended,to the, rel-
atives‘of the late William. •lrwtn:
whordied recently at Ottawa ..He
was a former• resident of the fourth
concession of Huron
Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wal-
ter Brown last week were; M`r. and
Mrs; Pat Faulds of Wheatley, Mr.
and Mrs. John.La$ek of.London, Mr
and Mrs.., Harold;Johnstone of God-
'erich.and Mr; and Mrs. Ronald
Merriotta also of G'oderich ,
Eleven tables of euchre were in •
play on Wednesday evening of last
w.eek'at Amberley Orange Hall
Winners of first prizes were .Mrs..'
Wayne Nixon of Ripley and Allan
Culbert. Harold Thompson won.'
the lucky draw prize. .
Guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs ; Donald •Courtney and family
were Mr. 'and Mrs. John C.
MacDonald, Courtney and. Corinne,
Sharon Norman, and Mr, and Mrs,
William J. Courtney.
•. Mrs. Glenn Campbell of Amber-
ley spent a few days last week with'
her sister Mrs:' Margret Hedley of
Last Monday our school went: to
Ripley arena to skate` from i:00' to
3:00'. We shall go every second
"'week.. The,boys played hockey'and'
next time we go the.. girls are' going
to play also...
;This,week`the basketball and
captain ball tournaments began.,
The boys' captains are. Harry. Frank
,;, :en Leo Redmond, John=Hickey ,
Gerald Knoop„ Stephen Penich and
—R-ic-ky-Roel—'They-ha +e-fo i -r in
each team'. The'gir.ls' captains are
. Lynn Austin, Leona Hogan.,e.Mary
Van Rooy , Joanne Hendriks and
Marry Ann Miltenburg, They
have five on each 'teatn The•boys
and girls; captains for captainball'
are Marianne Frayne, Sheila Sinn
ett',' Dolores Neves; Lissette Van
Diepenbeek, Henry Van Rooy,'
Terry Austin, .Leroy Drennan,
George Hickey, Cohn''Chi halixt
and Judy Tigert:
On Friday Willie Hendriks brought,
sLn Mrs:. Frayne's room,` grade, 2
and 3had a rabbit', Nibbles viit
them on Wednesday , owned by .
Barrie Austin.
n-Wednesday-thc book-rtroo l'
;came and we.all exchanged. books.
The •Holyrood • Women's Institute
will meet on Thursday', February
6th at the.home•:of Mrs;. Lyman
Sutton: Roll Cali 7 An observation
made since ' we left home ..Topic
Don Thompson ; Lucknow Sentinel.
Current Events - Mrs-. Frook
Contest Valentine Cup Cakes.
Display, of autograph 'albums.: Dir-
ectors Miss Edna Boyle ,: 'Mrs.
Frank' Maulden. •
Mr., and Mrs Cliff Langford;
Jamie' andPaul of Woodstock spent
the week .end with Mr , and 'Mrs :
.Bert Nicholson and Allan.
' /Mr. and Mrs. Steve Saknagi of”
Toronto visited over the week end
Mrs : Art' Haltdenby
The Anglican service and vestry
meeting; which :was cancelled on
Sunday owing to•.bad weather and
roads , will be held next `Sunday.
. afternoon:'if the weather •is favour
Mr. and 'Mrs.' Frank Madden'
visited on Friday with her uncle
Rev,.. Andrew Lane at God'erich..
Several. of 'the.:men,from this ;area
attended the Machinery Show at.
e Toronto On Friday .
The score from the volleyball
game on January 22 was Bob: .
Gunter's team eleven and Ricky;
Cranston''s team nineteen.The
score from the crab soccer, was
Carey Purdon's team zero and Murr-
ay Irvin's team ;zero. The•next,
garneswill be held on January 28,
Onnc-e—upon a ime-a, n'ckel`nurser
sent his kids to borrow the neigh-
bor s'paper and the kid upset.a hive
Of -bees • and soon was covered with
His father ran to help him and ''
his' chicken •and five chicks'to'show, cah_hthis chin on`a clothesline
Mrs. Parks and the. kindergarten' and sprained hi`s,back, and el 'ani District Hospital
class. This is :a short story that they 'broke an $85 match. The clothes :•
.Mrs, Jack Barr visited on Friday
with her :father: Gilbert, Hamilton,
who is a patient in, the Wingham
and •District. HospitalHer' mother..
Mrs, Hamilton was in Winnipeg
over the'•week end attending th;e.
wedding .of Ross Hamilton
During the last two weeks we, have
been getting milk- from the Silver
wood's Dairy. This milk is 'supplied
by the school•and we will be'
getting it till the March break.
The^grade eight pupils filled out
application forms this' week indicate
ing which course they hope to take
in Wingham High School:. The
Goderich High School applications
were filled opt before Christmas;
On January 21 the•schooland
visiting parents were entertained by.
room one under the.direction of'
Ivir ;and Ivtrs. Don ,Bushell ,. Mrs:
John Barr and Mrs.Jack.Barr1Visff d
' with Mr. and Mrs Morley Bushell
and family,at Wingham. •
Friends of Mr "and Mrs'. Mark
Johnston are„ sorry.. to know that they
are •atients in the Wingham and
rriade ip..•
Willie brought,the chickens to
school in a tub. There was a moth-
er hen and five baby'chicks . We
drew a picture of the chickens. The
mother hen got out of'the tub and
Willie had to put her back„
The kindergartens learned abou,J•
fire prevention,' firemen and .learn:
ed''their'numbers. up to five.
.'rite fell'over tche car and smashed
the windshield,'and mother rushing
out to see what occasioned' all. the
excitement'' upset a gallon churn,
of cream into a basket of kittens',
drowning chem
The electric ironburned through
the ironing board' whilst she was'out
of the, kitchen`, setting fire to the
house, and -the firemen• broke all
the windows and choppeda hole .in:
the roof, J lie. baby ate a jar of
era mortus and
the doctor's bill.was, $15
The daughter ran away with the
hired man during the.exciterrtent,
the dog bit a neighbor's kid and the
calves ate the tail off four night-
shirts, on the clothesline.;
Moral -.Subscribe to.your hd ne-
town paper;bon''t borrow it! !l'!
(Grenfe11 Sun, 1026)
In .Mrs , Reigling''s root , ' grade 1
and., Marlowe and Bethany Austin
brought their, pet rabbit, Pierre , to
sefiool They also have a fish. In
science they're taking about Siny
Pig a porcupine and Wood Pussie ,
A skunk'. Alter servers on Friday.
were Maurice Miltenburg and a
nanny Penick,,..
Mr. and•Mrs..John Scott spent
Monday in London: forhis-rrredtca-1
check-up, ”.
.Tom McFarlan Mr. and Mrs,'
Perry Hodgins visited on Tuesday
with Mr, and. Mrs. Bob Brooks and
Bevan at Wingham
Miss Elma Mae 'MacDonald of
Kitchener spent the•'weekend with'
'her'parents, 'Mr: and Mrs. Tom
Miss Joan Perdy of Stratford,
Teachers' College; while practise
teaching in Woodstock, was a guest
of rills:; Pearn Scott, She spent the
weekend ,in London with Mr, and
Mrs. Oswald Rudi and ;family.
Mrs:'. Frank Manlden and Mrs.'
,Jack Barr , -leaders from the
Women's Institute attended. the
Leaders' Training Course in Luck'
now on Monday,
Mrs•., Durnin,
Their assembly was opened with
the story of Noah :and his Ark and
grade ;one's. Good Morning, song 'r
This was followed with the choriks
singing "January Jolly and February
Cold" while two boys portrayed the
children in the *song, • The title of.
their short operetta was. The Three.
Goats" which the children acted •
and sang.
. We hada collection. for
Victoria on Tpesday which .amount-
ed, to $20 95 The collection was
gathered before -the assembly' began .
Mrs. Durnin is the grade one.
teacher in room one: Her childhood,
ye4rs were spent in Glengarry
County, north'of Cornwall; She..
attended Maxville High School 'and,
her college life was spent at Ottawa.
College. She is now living in the
village of Dungannon:, She and her'
husbard„liave a riding academy at
Port Elgin in the summer holidays...
Buying: a
Take your pick o;
14 new units by
Exceptional value at this Tow
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Shuts of automatically., cabinet in
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