The Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-29, Page 11IEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 29th,• 19119
cw: Hear
interesting our ;
Of Former Minister
There were seven members. pre
, the January'meeting of.St,.
'eter''s•Anglican Church Women at
he Parish Hall, Lucknow : The
'resident , Mrs. Roulston opened:
he meeting with our members
grayer,, • ,•.
'-The Prayer Partner's, Prayer was
• Mrs. Cooper.. Mrs. Roulston
tad .'sorne °11.0m'' our Study: Book on' '
)rejudice, Roll Call:•was then taken
with each .niernber: answering with
t'scripture verse with "Honour
:A .letter from .one, of our former
viinisters ; Rev: Jocelyn; was read
:elling of his trip of 3'months to
eruselem Hong Kong, China ,.• etc
pack through Vancouver.,. San Fran -
and home.'/
Mrs.- Roulston':then gave a5Contest
for,eacli member to do•. Mrs. Purn-
in then read' an interesting poem
rn the different months;., The meet,-
b - Prayer and:"a
nig was closedy r y
hymn., lunch then being. served .
.„Ash fieid W S
Mrs. •Henr.Y. •MacKenzie .conducted
the W .M. S; me.eting held at •the
home of Mrs.. Ewan MacLean . The'
was given by Mss Earl. Howes. •
Mrs. W, W lds spoke of . the new
Mission forms that. are' to: be, studied
yea Mrs. E, lvlacLean; ave, a
talk on the purpose of Missions, to
king.peace•'. .
Mrs. Hent lvlacKentie ave an
X g
account of thePresbyterial meeting
. .InstaIOffjc.ers
Calvin -Brick: held 'their •Messeng-
er meeting in'the •Church• on'SUn-.. .
day , January 19 at the morning ser-
vice'. The meeting opened With
the, installation of officers by Mrs.
Norman•Coultes.. Past President Jim
Beecroft;: Associate Presidents
Cathy Chandler Margaret Robert
son , Joyce .Taylor:; lst Vice, -Pres,
Marian McGee; 2nd Vice,Pres,'.
Marilyn Robertson; 3rd .Vice Pres...;
Lorna Mason:, S ecretary , , Helen
Chandler;, Treasurer ,' Marlene
..Cathy Chandler presided for,the•
meeting -and ;Marilyn .Robertson was
pianist. Darlene Coulter read thee
Scripture.,,' Prayer 'was given'.by
Doreen T:aylor'.'The offering was
received by Jim IylcG•ee arid''Doug
las Shiell •and`dedicated by. Cath;
Chandler . '
A` C r A verse for:a New Year'
s. o y•, s fora
wasgiven b Mrs . Lawerence
Taylor . A. dialogue with Margaret
'Robertson ; lvlarian•McGee and.
Joyce Taylor gave.•points to:thtnk :'
-about concerning Chiu A1.1 then .:
•went to their :classes ,for a, further
studyof China •
r Reports a
church Annul`
Favourable reports were heard.'
from all departments, at the annual
meeting of the :Lucknow•United '
Church on Thursday of last Week,;
*Rev. Laird Stirling•presided! for the
meeting which reviewed' the activit'
ies of each.department during .the
past year. 1vhe1 Morrison acted, as
recording steward.
A. •.major step in the .,LuckrioW con-•
gregation during the past year was;
the construction of a. new manse
and Christian Education wing, Well
over'$40,000'•has been, realized to,
date: frorn.all sources: towards the '
building fund and. the: congregation
is•'quite encouraged at the way this
-Major building prograrn has been
met to date.
The resignations and retirement of
several,men as members of Session,.
Henle Kragt ;' Dr. J.C. McKim,
Alex Andrew and Alex MacKay,
and the death' of Eldon.Henderson
within the past year caused the '`;'.
need for'several new members of
session. A number of nominations•
of mem and Women ,received
and these people are. to be contact
ed to determine their. Wishes.;
Mrs Elw'in.•Hall treasurer and
Miss. Ada Webster envelope secre-
tary .were reappointed: Mrs..Gordon
•Montgomery, was reappointed as
organist' and: choir leader Leonard,
.Ritchie recently tendered
resignation as Caretaker. of. the '
church and • is .carryjtng.on until a
replacement ts;named
The report: of Sunday: Sehool 'indi
rated' a:n average. attendance for 40'
Sundays :of 117
• Donations to.the church from
various .departments included
general..$1O 664; anniversary
missionary'and maintenance
$6'O3?1; t ntted Church•�worrien
$2290; buildingfund.:$15 , 5.7$
Reports of•the'yearis. activities in
each department were given'' by the:
Scripture reading and:tneditation Mrs: D. ,MacMurch TOM of the;:.
requirements for. �the�: balethis
The•roll call was answered; by a •
versesof.hope by sixteen members.
Two children also, were;present
Rev . Kenneth ;Rooney installed the
officers for •196.9..
The. hostess and corrtxntttee.served
Renu Stirling spoke''of' an. attempt
to gar. i,2e a cii p -in fenire far
Ointments At,
Kurd AnnlUal •_.T.
The January meeting of.the y
• Lucknow Presbyterian Chur�.tt,.
United Church Women was. held on
Thursday. afternoon at the :home of
Mrs ;,.• W.I. Miller with an.attend-'
ance of 16.
Mrs, .Yo ati Caineron' opened, the
meeting with 'the. theme, "A Word
spoken in due season, how good it
is taken from Proverbs'15: 23 The
Scripture. reading Was taken by.Mrs,
Elwood; Barbour. Miss Isobel. Miller
n ; followed .
d the' med'tatio
tea.... ,,by
prayer, -
Mrs , W.,I. Miller and 1vlss W, D.
Rutherford took the Study on China,
pertaining to the Hospitals and the
History of China , Readings were ' Mfrs,. Ross Errington and
Mrs. Frank McQuillin.
Mrs: Tom Todd presided for the.
business part of the 'meeting . The
roll 'call was answered bypaying o
the fees, Church. calendars were on
sale and it was.decided to send the
Church;Observer to each home in
the again' in 1969,
The •second. annual Huron -Perth
• Meeting of the U.C. W. willbe
held in Mitchell' on •February: 5th1. :
;Annual. reports .w ere given: and'
tlie' meeting closed with prayer
Lunch was served by. Mrs . John
Cameron and Isobel Miller.
Calvin - Brick S S
Elect Officers
Calvin -Brick Sunday Scktool field.
'their 'meeting at thehomne of.'Don
ald•Dow on.Wednesday afternoon
with an-tterid-ance-df 15 - '
Donald Dow; was chairman for the
meeting and Mrs, George' McGee. .
A_1T:eundaY,. �Schoo‘h teachers gave •
a. re ort• of:their class, .,.
' r' elected were Su erinten:.'
'•Offic"e s elp
held its Annual Meeting on.Thurs-
day, , January 23rd ift the, Sunday
School room of the church.
Rev. Kenneth..Rboney, .Interim .
Moderator. 'for the church opened' -
the meeting with devotions and.
also .chaired the meeting:..
.Reports were read from the. diff-'
Brent departments of.the. church:
and approved,,
The• election and appointment of
officers were: a?; follows. 'to the '
church hoard f' a three ,b: or e year •term
Roy Finlayson, Mrs... Ross Gammie
vlrs, Frank Hawthorne, Donald.
Murray and Ken Nicholson fora
two year term replacing Ewart
Jamieson who has moved t� Tees
Gordon Fisher was app'o nted as a
f trusters succeeding the late W. W .
Hill. a
,The Financial' Secretary. and
e.treasurer , Mrs .• George: McInnes
and Tony Johnstone were re, -app-
'anted for.another term, Auditors.
Leonard. MacDonald and Frank.
Hawthorne, were- re -appointed ,
Theprneeting adjourned and 'was''.
followed with the passing of refresh
me,nts• and lunch.
ts. Ken MasQn
.C'.W.. President
Calvin -Brick held their U ;C W
meeting. on Wednesday January 15
at the 'home ,of Mrs. Alex , Roberts°
Mrs.: Ronald Coulter was in -charge
of the worship service which-. she
opened; w ith'a hymn and then. gave
the meditation Mrs Roy Dawson
read': the Scri .Ftut .
• 'Mrs::Ronald Coultds led' in :prayer,
The offering; was •received. by•Celia
area youth on an inerdenorninat' •
ional basis • He'said � that a .number
of::district* young `people had shown_
an -interest •in
A' vote of thanks was extended to
Rev'' StbyElwin'Ha
behalf of the congregation.
Increase daily gains from con) silage'.
Cattle Silasupplement No 1
eed..4(1, .Beef
This ,new beef cattle supplement is designed to supply,
.,t o
min' requrrrezt when feted-rng-c-arn--si-iage-which--i-s
high in grain and energy content.
dent ; Donald::Dow; .Assistant Super
intend nt ,Alex 'Robertson;
e o
cretar -TreasureMrs`, :Geon e '
Y ' g,
,Plans made were to.,have a Su.nd'ay
School Anniversaryservice first • •
Sunday in June•, :a. crokinole party
in near�,future, .picnic in'the summa
.er.,; a white gift :service:' and'• a: •
Christmas Concert with Alex Robet, ,
tson° Ivan Dow , Jim Taylor and
Murray Shiell the ,committee •in
Hing A,ux diary
The first regular:meeting o'f the
year Jar :the Lucknow Presby.te'rian
Evening Auxiliary was' heldat the
home :of Mts. Robert MacKenzie.
with 19: ladies present Mrs: Ronald
Forster was.the'President: in. charge
for the meeting which opened with,
a prayer;; followed by the Hymn
373. Mrs "'Ross Gammie,presented
.the; Scripture:and a very interesting
Beef feeders using silage as the main ratidn:owe'.it to
them elves o ' GAIN
learn ,all the: details about SHUR -
.4B% Beef Cattle Silasupplement
Jerson -Flax
,ts Limiter
• The Missionary Profile was
given by. Mrs .• .Sack. Fisher , an
!art c -le• uii'the `Rev �Dav!-Murp.h;
The Topic was presented by Mrs.
Austin. Loree based .on.the First.
Chapter of the new study .book "New
Acts in Missions" Why• New?
' The business session opened with
Ro11�Ca11`responded to by Payment.'
of Fees. A.. Christmas -card and .letter
was read by Mrs , [li11 Gibsdn. from
our adopted boy. Several other
items of:business and importance
were discussed, Mrs. Bill Gibson
read the Treasurer's Report:':. F;
. The meeting was closed •by the
singing of <ilyinn 399 and closing
prayer by -Mrs: Gordon Fisher.:
'Mrs. flea Gammie , the Literary
• Secretar'y, tiad on display the tray
ening, library for all to see•.and buy
t'the co'rSo rir�t:itte'e Lunch Was served tion .
''.e' Ce Ta . or�•con
Mrs '
Lawerence l
Stud' b handing'out
.• Y
questions for.discussion.; 'She con
chided -with a poe• New .B'eginn
The .M•ission`Study 'on China was
• fi en :b' Mrs: Peter'Chandler and.
centred on'the peasant *and the land •
Owners.: - . •
The officers were 'installed by.. Mrs.
Gilbert Beecroft.
The new president Mrs ,Ken'
Mason presided:for the business;:
The mingtes°were dread::by the sec
retary•; Thark you•notes','were' recei
ved from Wanda on and—M-urays
Scott Repor'.tsri 'froconveners of
:the committees• were received: from
Mrs. Ronald C.oultes 'Mrs'; Gordon..
.M.cBurney,, Mrs. Donald Dow :,Mrs:.
George h1:GG-eeti:lhP.,rr
soft and,,Tre'asurer•Mrs. Peter Chan
•. Mrs. 'Richard'Moore gav;efinancial
allocation for 1969 which' is; $'26
plus expenses
As a means ot'raising funds it was
decided, to have a Tea. and Rake--'April, continue with the
qquarterly• Birthday fleas and thee.
Travelling Basket , which Mrs.. Rich
ard Moore• is, to start. A quilt is to:,
be the community project forthe
fehows-hip•comittee . 4. too will .
be sold:;,T.
Delegates appointed' to. attend y'
Presbyterial. February 5 at M'itct' i1
were Mrs,, George McGee
:John L, Currie , 1`irs, Alegi Robert;-
son ;Mts.. Harry Cool:, The World
Day of Prayer March 7 i;s to be '
held at the home of Mrs."Rirl'ard -
Moore , the theme of which'is:
''"Crowing, Together'. :Mrs. c,ilt'�yrt•
'.Bdecroft:And ,.Mrs, 'Ken Mason etre to
'got a guest spcal:er, All were
reminded to pay membership fees.
Mts. 'Ken Mason gavc the [3i:nedic.