HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-29, Page 7EDAY JANUARY 211th, 110 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ON* of her before she eOn1(1 even think of marriage, let alone babies, . • It will all sortout, but I think the winter carnival is a great institution. When its all over, there are husbands look- ing for wives and' vice versa., 'There are people who ' have gone through the ice in a Ski- doo and saved their lives' only by a hasty application of toddy to the tummy. , The winter carnival has,' something for everybody; For • the kids, there is the excite-. • ment, andthe colour and the chance''of being run over by a snowinobile. For the swifiking • set, there are wild •• rides through the' , woods, and the parties, and the breaking of bones On tht .ski hill. For the , • `middle-aged, there is curling and companionship and re- , membering the good old days • before •those .noisy damned snowmobiles were .invented. Long live the 'winter carni- val. But let's spread it, out a little. Forty-eight hours ,of' kiss- ing and'dancing and drinking • brings .even a sturdy Canadian to his knees. See you at the carnival. • • . • • r- canaii)als. about •Valentine's . bay, . and there would be ,spring, 'right ' •around the corner. • Tvvo years , ago,: as a -,centen- nial project, our school .liad a ., Frosty Frolic. It was 'beautiful: • 'There was no organization at 'all,' Which ts" the secret ..of a • good time.' One bright,' white February. day, we marched. down to the park, teachers. and ' students in step for once, be- hind an impromptu band, and had a hell •of a time. Ski-doo races, tug -o -wars,„ and teachers being overpowered by mobs of kids and ,having their faces • well washed in •snow:For at least a month 'after that, we didn't hate each other, Those win te Canadians, unlike Scandina- vians, • don't •commit suicide. . during the long, cold; dark winter months, At least not' More than the usual number - Instead,, they .just -.half:kill • themselves by attending a why ter -carnival: This makes .thein • feel so rotten for), the following , week that, they'r so glad° to be :alive again that they wouldn't even contemplate suicide. '• I'veseen people • age 50. • years during a winter carnival.. Don't talk to me about the •OCtober beer -fest in Munich, or ' • the carnival. of the built in Pamplona, 'or' the Mardi Gras -• in . New Orleans: Those 'things • go on for a week, or a. month. • and there's a lot •of Indlscrlml- nating kissing,' and dancing in the streets, and drinking. . . . We Canadians, hardy ;lot that we ' are, compress the.. whole .Bacchanalian orgy into 4, . weekend: the winter carnival. • ; Every Self-respecting Cana- dian town has, a winter carni- val of some . sort, , and if the . government had any brains, it • would declare a national festi- ' •val for about •the first week in • February.. , • • • It :would be • a • great pres- ••sure-reliever. - No.,work, all • play. ' We'd get rid ofmit Win - 'ter frustrations, our hatred of 'cold and Snow. We might look . and feel like skeletons when it Was over; but we'd be purged. • °four: harig-ups. • • Personally; I'd be Willing to , --7kiss--practiCa1ly. anybody, an dance in: the streets .• should it be 12. below,: and drink most anything except anti- ' freeze, if• I had a week's carni- val to, look; forward to,' and back on. I' • • 'It wouid break' the bony; ri- gid.back Of winter.- We'd just • • be climbing back into • our ruts .1 went inthe snow -shoe race • and finished 21st. Went in a „tug -o -war and was dragged' 40 - yards , • through ' the snow ,by • exuberant, yelping students.• • • . Threeyears ago, son • Hugh, laden .with' school work and • • music, and not doing- too Well - in either, begged to. be allowed. to go to the Quebec carnival, He was Only 17,: ,•-•-• • „ . After the usual soul -search- . ing, hedging, and predictions of disaster, "we let .him go. He • was entranced, , All those Que- becois dancing in the streets, being merry, loving one anoth er. He came home, went to 'work, pulled up his marks by ••• 12 percent and pased his 'per- • former's-11mile eiairu-TherapY. . • Now. Kim has been invited to • a winter carniVal, at a universi- ty, by the -jail -bird I mentioned • recently, Should she go? She's • 18,' or near • enough. • In another country, she'd be married, with at least one kid. 's just a baby,. with years of education ahead RIO. . 'PAGE. SEVEN • . • airings • • • ,Plan Your prirtg tze WHITECHURCH rograrin —Mr . and. Mrs . Rss'Gait- ed on Tuesday with Mrs. Will Cranston and Mrs. Roy McInnes at their'hoMe imGoderiCir: Mr. and Mys.• John Gaunt, Mr. and' Mrs. Russel Gauntattended a 'birthday party on Saturday evening in.lionotir of Alex MacKenzie of Lucknow at the Log Cabin Restaur- ant'. The evening as spent play ing cards and renewing friendships at lunch,tiMe: , Miss Mildred McClenaghan'of ' Goderichpent the Week end with mother, Mrs.George.MCClen- agban., • . •MissJarietie Johnston of London .• leias. a :Sunday visitor with her par- ents , Mr.. 'and Mrs. ClatkJohnston -Mr: and Mrs. Bill Parker of • Llican.were With'• Mr. and Mrs ,Ben MtClenaghan Tcida WHAT'S THE USE? No ,one .has 'Money *left from. Christ-. • • ...Inas shopping . Weather is.toO nasty. Weather is, too :good. rowe'rs'are too b sy in the fields: . • • . •• , • • • o one has tiriTe to rea.0. My ad will get 1 , buried in all the other ads. ' No one will re- . • rnerntler my AO neXt week. Fiddlesticks. We've heard all theexcuses, , We knOw froth experiencti-awk- search studies that an interesting in- formative ad will. '• be read anytime, Thanks for helping • us prove it. a • • • . • E MOST IMPORTANT COMMODITIES OF YOUR LOCAL cd -OP. THAT IS WHY 17 PAYS TO SEE YOUR CO-OP FIRST:. • • r • ' Lucknow District Co-op Phone 528-2125 and .Mr .• and Mrs. CAr1 IvloClenagh- • .'COngratiilatiOnS. to Mr . Leroy Riritpul, ,Peterborough R.R. 1, on the birth of a daughter'on •Sunday, January 26,', 1969 peter -I. borough Hospital". ' • Mrs, Walter Elliott and Mrs.:1 Either Sleightholm 4-H leaders for, the Spring project The Third Meal" are in LuCknow for the trainl ing School held there'on:Monday and Tuesday,, Alma Conn of.duelph University spent the week end with her par - ens, Mr. and;Mrs. .Wallate Conn.; ... Alex and Harvey Craig ,..Bill • •I'•werit oh . the bustrip last Friday to the peter Cook is a•patierit in Wing - machinery show at Tordnio.. .ham Hospital with preumbnia. • • ' the'way.home that night they,0t7 Tom Hackett Sr returned on •erienced driving difficulty Suriday_f tom VIctorida Hospit ".; heavy snow squall,.tnaking visib- London where he was a patient for five weeks, Mr. and 'Mrs'. liackett , • • are presently at the hOrne of Mr, ,and Mrs.,°..Midford Wall R.R. 1; • John pa.idnet was in, London* on • ." Wednesday and Sunday • • • TH,E1, CUCKNO SENTINEL offers' a complete selection of 'F .weddjng, announcements • styled for the disci -Inv) • askfor.... • .• • ; • .bto ell, /.01T10111, 1 . . , • . • ility nil at times Bob Walrrisley and. friend; spent the week end with the former's ' sister, Mrs.:;, -.John Jamieson,_ 'Jamiesonand family: • *. Clarence'Ritchie:of 2nd • • • _concession; Kinloss and Mrs. Gor- Mrs: Gardner at St .:.Joseph'''s Hos- • .. ..: • 1" don Ritchienof Lpcknow. were Fri ,". Pitatt Mrs. Gardner is progressing '• ' .. . ' , ,, , 'day visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. . ' quite satisfactorily. . . • Gershom Johnston, Wingharn. , , . -• Mr. and Mrs:, Allan RitChievisit Friends..in this community are .. .• ed-rql-lbtr-r-o , sorry to hear Mrs: 'Alex Leaver of '.. Wingham Hospital: - Wingham was .adMitted to Wing- ' A Card Party'i,$As held in Zion ham hospital on Thursday. She is f Hall-on.January 21ith.. Ti here were Wished a speedy recovery:. '• ten tables, high lady Mrs. Reg • Whitechurch Women's Institute , f.3roeme, high gent Barry Mcndn4gh have all the seats. spoken for in the, low lady Mrs.: Peter Cook, low bus going to the White Heather. 1 -gent Charles W„ilkini: Next card •••••-‘,-7 Concert at Massey Hall On Mardh.l., patty is on February 3rd ..... • it.a.00.4•0•40 • • MONUMENTS For 'soinid counsel and a fair price On a moittiMent correctly designed from 'duality material, rely on • . I .. . • t • , • . • 1 I , ' ' ' •„ ' ', .4444444! 4,494414444144.4,4•04044.44..5544.* /41•44.4444**44.44444 . c4.4..r.•*41.4441.4.. 444 .,rn4•4, 4. 4 ,44.444,47 • . . • SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years °•, WALKERTON PHONE 811.0-234 - ONTARIO . . .l, T.* •4015•4•WIT:MIT