HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-29, Page 5wE_DNESDAY, JANUARY 2lth, 11.14, ' .' THE: I.U,.CKNOW $El�lINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE; K, ). MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist NONIN--RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY ' Office Hours 10;00.. ,a•r: to • 9:00 p.m.. Phone Roy MacKenzie Ripley 395-5154 for appointment ,10ERE's BIG GAME... INE WANT CARD Of THANKS I wish to thank all,‘snyfriends s -At car. ,-- a ers ane ea and visited me while I was • in the •gliarn -wild--D lV ,Hospi also the nurses and staff of Wing- . ham District Hospital; °also Dr. Corrin, Dr: McKim and Rev.. Glen Wright, • IN R . Hamilion OPTOMETRIST NEXT 'TO. LYCEUM THEATRE. WINGHAM PHONE 357.1361 JOHNSTONE'S - FUNERAL. HOME Modern; and Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 Day or Night - • Serving All Faiths According to Their Wishes, Moderate Prices Established 1194. gra,,�,.I..•I.+....r....•.,.:,......•« INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE and LIFE To • Protect Your Jack; Insure. With. Jack Today.' J., A..McDONAGH Lucknow; Phone 528-3423- • R. W. •ANDREW. '`' Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO :• IN' LUCKNOW Every--Wednesday-..and Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt: Block •Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 . NN./ NofNJ!INNIV FOR COMPLETE. TIRE SALES & SERVICES • Phone 529=7606 KINTAIL GENERAL STORE. QUALITY. TIRES AT LOWEST' PRICES F, Truck '& Pass.: Tire restone Wheel Baiancig and Battery Service ROY A:-• HAVENS. PLUMBING — HEATING WIRING .• Esso Heating 'E'quipment • and . •Home Heat. Service'.Dealer. Lucknow ' Phone 528-3012 CRRAWFO D 'SHEPHERD and MILL: J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. N. 'A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.B. ALAN R. MILL, B.A., LL:B. '• WINGHAM Leslie Schultz Dungannon We wish to express our sincere thanks, and appreciation to . every one responsible for the,dinner, lov- ely .gift and party given in our, honour. Special 'thanks to ' the Reeve, ,council and' township of- ficials of West, Wawanosh, Your thoughtfulness, will always be rem-• embered. Ken and Mildred Scott ' Thefamily of the late Mrs. •Mar-- .garet E. Dudley wish to thank all those who had the care of her. dur- ing the years of adverse health and at the time of her ' death: Special thanks to Legion No: 309 andthe bearers, also Rev. Mr, H , L. Jennings• for his kind words. Sincerely, The Haldenby Family Donaldand Edith Simpson and family Wish to thank their neigh-. bours and• Lucknow Fire Depart- Ment who responded and assisted at the time of the fire call on 'Mon= day. Their assistance • was respon- sible for saving our. barn. Mrs. .Edward' Burt wishes to ex- press thanks to all who remember ed her,with".cards, gifts and visits, while she was. in hospital and since ,coming home, We • wish . to express ° ., sincere thanks to neighbours, relatives and friends for cards; gifts and; kind nesses shown, while our daughter Reina ` wast., 'in hospital. This thoughtfulness was all deeply apr preciated Tim and Alie Reurink' GaviNer & Compan CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner J, -E., Kennedy, C.A. Phone 881-3471 Walkerton -INTI N'I•I II a1eLom n PRODUCTS.. for 'prompt service, and quality products, Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM Phone Collect Dungannon 529-7524 "Always Look To Imperial For The Best". • IN :LUCKNOW :EVERY WEDNESDAY • Located 'in Breckles Block IN'RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY In -Ross 'Martyr Building �: Phone' Wingham tfice 357.3630.— Res. 357-2330 Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES: CE'M.ETERY- LETTERING "-- REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. 'Ph. 357-1910 • Res. ' Ph. 357-1015 MacKenzie Memorial. Cha�rel Dave McDonaldwishes to ex, press-tl a to= ll�-who--re iember 'ed him with cards. Wand visits, while hewas at St: Mary's Hospital, Kit- chener. ': All was, greatly apprec- fated ' • Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS • .AND: OTH.IERS- In The• Matter Of The Estate Of M. GEORGE --SWAN' late of the Village of Lucknow' in the . County of Bruce, Retired Far- mer, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY ' GIVEN 'pursuant. to• The' Trustee Act that allcreditor's__ and, other having claiif s against the Estate of the late Samuel George Swan- are • re- quired to send particulars • of ;their claims, duly verified, . to J. T. GOODALL, ' Solicitor for the Ex& 'cutors of the said Estate, on or be- fore the 31st day of January, A.D. 1969, and that after • such date the: Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said 'Estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall" then have had notice. DATED at• Wingham, Ontario, this 20th day of December, 1968. Annie E. Swan and Peter Cooke, Executors of the Estate By their Solicitor, J., T. GOODALL; 'Box 730, Wingham, Ontario , • NOTICE TO ;CREDITORS :I n • The Estate Of MARGARET ELIZABETH' M. DUDLEY ' ALL : PERSONS having claims against the. •estate •of the • above mentioned. late of 'the Village of Lucknow,• in•the County••of Bruce, retired housewife, who died on the 6th day of January;.1969, are ,_re'- quired. to file proof •of' same with the . undersigned on• or before the 3rd day of February, " 1969. After ' that dates the . executors will proceed, to :distribute .the' es tate having regard only to • the claims of which 'they shall then have -had; notice DATED at. Wingham; this 9th day of January, 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD &'MILL Barristers, 'etc.,- • Wingha'm, Ontario' Solicitors for the Executors Letter To The Editor 12 O•verea, BlVd . Toronto 17, Ont,' • I wish to express .sincere thanks to all my neighbours, relatives and -friends for-rernerrtbering `me- with cards and ,visits, while I_ was a patient, in'.Wingham Hospital. Spec ial' thanks to Doctors McKim and. •Corrin, and nurses on: lst floor. .Bill Brown You know those people 'who have been going''around; for the past 20 years complaining Remember -the -good -old -days, •. when weused to,have real : yet. I've 'hired- five, and three • ', winters, with lots Of 'snow?...'.- of .them 'haven't, ; been ' seen • I'd like : to catch the 'next' "' since* they started working on person who says it; -and: stick the front .walk, We'll.•probably • find thern in thespring, .• smil-: our ..backyar•.` '• you d'• • see • ing seraph cal,12 among the -rot would be.. two, feet •trying•, to ted oak 'leaves ..and •fallen semaphore • '"S.O.S:" And you- . branches. wouldn't ;even• .see. that .unless, t ' But one df :them; a rosy he Were six feet tall or ,more 'faced, -.urchin .'called "Jerry. is goi'n'g to: go places. Hees right m Quite •a winter. In our town, • on the job.`If ,.there's a gentle'. .;you can' park the car, in front' Snow. falling,' and there's about.: of .tlie house, and" yott-wQadit t:-, an'• .inch ` on - it, and:. rite; seven ', • know it 'was there; except for' o'clock on; a Sunday rno�'ning; ' the rrad>o aerial, he phones 'to see if I 'want him.,. Wee-ause •of 'the—Hut-and .rny: .if it's 'snowing as if- tthei e was, bad back, and all those warn -a big hole: in the• sky. . and ings about heart attacks, and i blowing, like a banshee, and .boYfe laziness,: I've been hiring drifting 'deep, you 'couldn't get.• boys. to . shovel our front and. ho • ld. of that kidif you gotthe back sidewalks, about 90": whole police force looking ,for yards 'of them, • .' him: • , •CRemember' the good old Much the same happens with Der en) her 20 196, - The Editor, ' Sentinel, Lucknow , Ontario, Dear Sir A 22. -year: -old girl. MOM' i i_ftOM' iCe,$.w ck;, who had never worked before due, to arthritis., is happily operating a :bookkeeping; machine; a man with • ono kidneys in. Ottawa i` micro -film• ing hospitalrecords; a young girl in Port Arthur who is a controlled epileptic is sorting'spruce seeds fgr" the go'vern'ment;, .a• Paraplegic whose first job was found for, him by the foundationat the age'•of 35 ,. is working at'the adult 'education centre In St,' Thomas. ' These, are some of the success stories which can be attributed to the &larrch "of Dimes the°'annual -campaign of the Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled.•'Qur campaign itself has been a success story each ,year --. thanks to you people of the news media, - and I yam •once again asking „for your support next month so. that our work can continue and Trow in effectiveness: • Throughout the. month of January ,. we wi11' be looking for a total of ' $S75 , G`O in this province. In 2.9 localities".w:e are rerrtbers'of the United, .Appeal ; but we , iill1 be can. vassing in sortie 430 others. Cur campaign .Will' close' with a biie -. night* blitz of residences around the end of' January --the'ek'act d•ate. Will be, given to you by a'rne'mber ; of our local committee . We will. be sending' you:publicity; material 'and wduld be most grateful-, .once again, for your vital support • uurs George•M_ Henderson .1 Prov iris ial.. Ca rnpai•gn. Chairman::f ••` the Cossack in the mildest of motorists.' First, you . eye the : pile' of snow at the mouth.o your driveway.. Looks fairly Fight .and only two feet deep. You .get.: the old crock' going, usually;; : start :slowly back wards, out of the garage, then • .' 'give it: the ;gunand try •to buck through the 'drift on sheer. raw •: courage and 'plain • stupidity.. 'Sometimes you . even make. •it. Sometimes there's a foot of iron ice '.under that .surface of • • fluffy stuff. But .it's the'`near- est' modern equivalent to a cat• a ry charge that I know, that you're' going backwards,. " What gives it a . little extrfa spice is that, because of . the huge bank's;: you can't .see- a thing -in -either direction-as-y`ou„..; • hit that enemyline. The other .'. day, I .'nearly tallied two snow- mobiles -that were • whizzing'. past. And the next clay;', an, oil truck, would "hate got e, ex- cept -that this -Was one of the times I' 'didn't break through the drift. You can't beat the modern methods of • snow • removal, though. They used to..•.1iig • it away in ,trucks• and dump it in. some.' patch of ,Wasteland. To: day; instead of trucks we have the •anowblowe - And in the spr' g, when the snow is ali go-neT -vou go --out.. with first a,shovel, ' en a rake.- and akeandfinally a stiff b".om, and remove about four carloads of salt and • sand from what used 'lobe your nice,,green•lawn. It's our ott'n'fault, of course. People Used toput the beasts up on blocks in November. To. !day', it's' not only vital,' 'but• a . matter of pride, to keep the •:action. • even though ',v drive" `ohly ., three blocks to worcark..in ' We're 'caught on • the 'horns of otic own ' t eintia. anc i painful. but it certainly keeps. us on . our toes, when winter decides that there's' a lot of lifer in the old.boy •yet,. ' and pro - seeds to prve it. one '. small enough so; that he hasn't been corrupted by the . snow-shovellers' union. ' How- ever—it- owever -it h•asn't:-coste, much OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The ' Squars , .'(Phone JAckson 4.7661) A, • M. •HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT' FUNERAL .SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes -at your -Home„ - your Church, or at our Mem- orial . Chapel at no additional charge Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 ,Day or Night 5 -• '57 South -Street,. Goderich.' : Telephone: 524-7562. him, .upsidedown, anywhere in TED C• OLLYER • da:ys, when you offered, to the .chap .who plows the drive ,Registered Master' Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In Electric '' Heating, • Electric Wiring and 'Repairs and All Electrical, Appliances Lucknow - Phone 528-5182' Shovel • somebody's walk and worked like a little beaver for two hours, knocked at the door when, you were finished, hop- ing for a •dime, of maybe :even h f' And a some, entle,. : .. . - pan unerrin way; If there's three inches of light snow, ''he's right there. If there's eight inches' , of heavy' snow, I'll swear . he : just . goes home and sits'by' t e ire.:. n' little 'old lady '. would • •say, '"Thank you; little bo -y" and give yo'ii,.a cookie?) Things have changed. The kids now work for a straight dollar an hour,` if you can find instinet for. cleaning 'the drive :way ,.just three 'minutes before "thee'. town snowplow comes.' • along and fills it in again. It''s sort of fur driving in • "• this stuff, though. It brings out .'irx:Rd..N+17�"_9HA"