HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-29, Page 1.By Rick. Pritchard
S'•"•tire � ...
i the loss.of High h School`
and, the closure of the arena; the
Social activity for localyouth h `s -
Y ..js
been' at• a very low. ebb: Due to the
fact that somethingfor the teena -
• ,.g.
er is needed' In our town, some'.
inte:rested.'students` and adults have'
deeded .to fia.k-e-positi-ve•.-acti-on.
With the kind consent of. the Public
School.Board , a drop-in•:centre will;
be established in the former High .
School every. Saturday night.
Sports, films,: discussion groups,
games, record: hops,' folk'singng
an• 'ances will take place at the.
arena can be declared structurally.
sound. Cost of the inspection, will
be in: the neighbourhood of'$400
to $600.
Mr , Joynt said that with these.
factsin their hands.;:"the council:...
will be able to weigh the findings,
and=-det-ermine �vha<Fis eeono;rnreall�
feasible :,
Councillor.Harold Greer.'• pointed
out that no. testing equipmentwas •
used:' in the 'original inspections and.
that the previousreports were `only:
visual., Thisreport will give more
d pile.• in' Ings ; commente
Greer:; .
Reeve Joyrit said that the •press.
would be:kept:advised and'thal
ro ress r: t
p g '
epor s would be
conveyedio the, people in this ••;:.
roung 1)e0
Ong Step Ahead
Of Revolutionin
l' m Reurink Visits.
His Homeland
South Amerka
Wallace Houston.; son of Mr.; an
Mrs. Harvey' Houston of •
Tim •Reurink of the 10th .concess-.
ion of Ashfield Township recently,
returned from a •three week visit
to his ihomeland, Holland:
ItJ-w'a's i fiist itis st 'trig to his:11'a'*
ive ' land since : t Canada'
• g oa
18 years ago; He .went by plane.
from. Toronto on December 22nd '
;and was away three weeks...
HeA isitetf-thie--are-a--around
Dedernsvaart , Overysel with his •
parents, brothers and sisters and
friends . Tim is the only :one. of his
family to come Canada His par,
ents visited • herej in 1964 but it has
been ei_hteen ears since he saw
Alex Havens Appoi
s By -Law Officer
• Y'• .
A. special meeting, of Lucknow
village council on Tuesday night
of last week engaged Alex ,'Sandy"
Havens of .Lucknow as localby-Taw
enforcement .officer at a .salary of,
$500: Pet:year. Mr. Havens form.,
erl'y served as police officer in
Lucknow for a.number. of years: and
is a retiredtown foreman. .
•Council met with Cpl.. Harold
Heighton of the:: Kincardine .Detach -
Honoured For : 35
TearS A
Session Member
'Knox'resbyterian• Church .Ripley
held their annual•meeting on Tues
day .,of last week, preceded, by''a
Congregational dinner':..
.Following:the dinner, J.B.• •
Breckenridge ,of,'Ripley. was honour-
ed f or '
his 35 years service a
i sa
meniber•.of the Kirk.session..
• He is.clerk of session at the
present time •
,Cameron MacAuleY•SP oke on
behalf ;of the'congregation',
expressing their, appreciation
to.,Mr _,B.rec.kenridge .for the�fai-th
ul'service>he' h'g
as iven and,'is
continuing to gide. `Ellis Gossel
'made the presentation of.'a,paint
ment of the Ontario Provincial` .`
Police .who.discussed•the local po1-..
icing situation. Some time. ago the
administration of justice was taken
over by the Ontario Government,
with Lucknow to be policed out of.
the Kincardine detachment of the
OPP.* One of the stipulations was
that the •local, municipality hire a
by-law officer whose: duty. it would
be to enforce local municipal by
Cpl. Heighton explained to: coun
cil that he was presently seeking
the assistance of another officer to
work out: of. the Kincardine detach-
etach-Ment. They.presently have five off
'icers and a,clerk-stenographer, at
. Mr. Heighton said -that he felt; .•
that Kincardine, stood 'a good
chance of securing this•extra
officer if Lucknow-appointed a by-
law'officer tohandle this type of
investigation; locally. He said that
with another ,man on his'staff ; .he
would be in a positibn't'o schedule
much more effective' policing of
the village and this immediate disc
nte� r:
est In..�
. .. .....
Grey EI ctr •ie on cs
Harold "Toby Greer Of Lucknow
hasdisposed ofhis business. interests
in the firm of Grey.Electronics of
Guelph with which he has been
.associated.,since June of 1960:
Harold formerly was in business •
�-fer-hr ed Greer Radi rid
o an Electric for
many years: priorto his: brother
*Clarence and Bill Bolt taking over
In 1960 TobYand his friend
Bobby Bauer, the noted hockey•
player., established the Guelph
based firm which.. served as' a' whole -
_sale electronics `dic rihrtfinr frnm
1 •
• • /
Likely Saved Barn
The barn of Donald Simpson , ` loc
ated on the Lochalsh sideroad •lust.'
south of Lochalsh , • was ,threatened
by fire on.Monday morning of this
week but. fortunately no 'serious'
damage resulted.
Donald was. Y snow awa plowing at.
P g
the time and members'.of theSim-
pson family were waiting;for:the
school bus to•arrive shortly,befor"e •
8-a.m..:Smoke was` noticed -coming
from the upper part of,the`•barn and
Mrs .:: Simpson•and family,: upon :
investigating; discovered the
Lucknow Fire
' part
merit were summoned hut '
P b
the Simpson family,, with a bucket
;brigade, .had theblaZe' prettYwell
under control when they arrived;
• The fire started from • a, heat• lamp
and; 'extension !cord and worked its'
way..upa; post into the hay', The
school bus was a little:late On II1on'
day and. the, Simpsons were •
watchingout: the window' for its,"
,arrival. This fact probably was res-
ponsible for-sa +.ing"the barn:.:.
1. . •
$4:00 A. Yaar In Advanca —, =51.00 Extra. To U;S.A.'.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY. 29th, 1960 •.
S1ngl& Copy Ilk
14 Pages.,.
New Board 'Pictured At Inaugural Meeting
• Thee 1969 .1970 'council for the
village of Luc know ,are, pictured: at
.the • inaugural:meeting. Left to
rightare councillor .Harold Greer;
councillor• George'Newbold;: Reeve,
• George Joyn"t; clerk -treasurer.,
Agnew: councillor Eldon.Wraith
councillor Murvin Solomon
retia ��specfe
ouncil Will .Con.si'
• A firm of structural engineers, ions had, been an niore:than `visual
hiredby�-the council of -the --village- ones and.`that their find .n s'•had
of 'Lucknow , made an inspection. .;. been presented in `enough detail to
of the Lucknow 'Arena on.Saturday' : point out clearly the'roblems, in
.and their findings• will be forth- the existing:structure.. He said that
coming in a• week to ten days' the earlier .findings did not spell out.
' •. in detail where t ".
:Announc:ement of��this move was: he exac.t•prob'leiis
made•at a special meeting of vial-. existedand how the .building,Could
age .council: on Tuesday ..niB ht..,of. be brought up -to national building
last week code. standards. : ;
The Reeve said that in: all fairness
In Making the a. nnounce ment at ".
g to the people of the village of.
Litt, week's meeting,' Reeve George Lucknow:;• council were engaginga
•Joynt said that the arena, a hot r.�.
firm of structural engineers. who
;potato so far as council is concern- •
.ed wo• Tul • a inspected.on Saturday J.T.hDonald and.Co. ins' ectof
of that week.inspectors
• and testers, ;and that the 'finding
Mr..Jo y nt,:said.-that: two.. previous . would' indicate .the
y ..p exact':'
inspections had: been made b roblems. in the buildin `
Y • ,how
I? g, and •
structural engineers but -,that coun they ,can be brought u• to national •
.: •cil did not feel that:theirinS ect building,code stan•dards where the •
ki o•., was just onestep ahead:
of what '• ht have been serious
revolutio •roblems in Guyana.., -In •
'South America -
,Wally, , an aeroplane mechanic.,
Y ic,,
vas in;Gu, .Guyana with. Surveyor.: Ltd
Y.: Y ,
•of Ottawa who were doing aerial,':
survey"' Qrk for the government in
In company with some other frien
ds, he. went to the Barbados for a
Christrn •-holida-y--int-end-ing-to-g
drop-in^,entre. This' Saturday night o 0
,r 1, the Centre will, lie. j' m
opened y
by the Orange Tangerene from 9 -•
We hope for the •support of the' •
interested parents , because with
their help we can make our.centre :
'a success; sonlethin we :need to
help keep .ourf young ;peopie
back to Guyana•for"'two inoce'weeltother members s of'the family.
The ,Reurink"family reside in As
t c plete their work; . .
field on he.former. "Wareing: far
b . a tr,n dance with music They didn't. return to• Guyana'
because of the: serious problemof
revolution in that country,, While
away, two associates of Wally's
were arrested and jailed with' 25` • '
others accused-of,`rhe, murder of a
Policeman. The associates Of Wally
in Guyanahave been 'accused by*
the government of withholding in
lestead of returning to the uncert-
ainty aintof life there, then who
lad been: in the Barbados on
holidays went to Trinidad where
they are doing.' aerial survey work as
Owed Sound to Si. Thomas arid,
.Lake Huron tothe Brampton area
The tw•o►rnen had been ,friends' arid
team.-mates•during war.service
with the RCAF.:.
Bob's death occurred four years'
o a hear
- . • -
attack. and Harold continued on.�in.
the b:usiness.in,association with Mrs
The :business transaction,which
became effective' January 18th,
.sees JerryBauer . a brotherof
Bob Bauer assuming 'Mr . ' Greer's' int -
erest iti artnershl -with his sister
P `P
Jerry was formerly production man
a •er•:ofthe .Bauer :Skate ,firm in Kit-
Lucknow: the rebels of turning them in and by well.
..., - .. . • `. t-'�i^Y"i-'�" '. •':Vii-++++ ►--:"'r .. -i' " 'i"i'-'+" 'Y' ' '.► "iL'."L--.•!'�-.'i''.,�». '�R'-,--.`'Y--: -. o-'•i�-'�'; yY^t•++•::•
Two Car Collision
n. annon• Area
A ,two car co siori in,the 4un -
gannon area on Monday -afternoon
between 4 and 5 m;: ..caused
extensive daniag e. to' the •cars' invol'�:
ved and�minor injuries to the occ-
6 'Ford, driven by Mel Dick-
son of Port Albert, $1000
.1 suffered
damages and. a 1964 Meteor,. driver',
by Ivan Rivett of R,R: 1',. Dungann-
on was damaged to• "t� e` extent of
$89Q0: The cars collided on the4th
• Lucknow Thr' 1rau Reformed,'
Church will shortly have a new
minister, to.serve their 52 family.
Rev. John W„ Van Steri'pvoort of
Bradford ;has accepted a call to
serve the •Lucknow church and will
assume his duties here at the close
orthe Achool term.
Rev. Va" Etempvoort, has been a ,
minister si ce,1958 and has served
the Christi Reformed Church at,
Iobleford, Alberta; Randolph , ,
Wisconsin; and .Seri i :'-1-, near
Bradford in the H+ lla.4 + arsh :
is married with of six
children, '
'The ` Lucknow congregation recent
y built and dedicated their new ,
church:in•Lucknow and a:few years_
ago erected a new parsonage which
is located near the church, They
have'beetrwithQut a resident
r fi ter. since last: June when Rev:
Dirk Lieverdink returned to thee .
Calvin Seminar. at Grand Rapids,
Michiganto do,post graduate work,:
Dickson received a broken left arin
and lacerations to the fingers of
!the left hand. Mr. .Riv'e't sustain=
ed lacerations.,to the chin and •poss--„
ible rib injuries.,
Constable Jelin Phillips of the, •
Goderich Detachment of the (Dntar•.:
lo Provincial Polhce•investi,ated: