HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 26. • *Arr. „-1/1".•,„.„,411.•4 ,•404,11111r7.44Mipitto,„**vi * .Arly! minoom
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•. •riblite Maulden , Kinlough; Ftiendship
field; 1-10the Helpers Mrs. Frank
Service rs, e .•
o Llitereasurerillirs--VRAVia nzie .dine; Literature. & MrS-,,JOhn,
McLean, Ripley; Glad TidirigS Mrs,
The Annual Meeting of Maitlan•cl-
Presbyt,erial of the `W;M.S. of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada was
Aladin St • Andrew's Churth, Wing-
hani , onTuesclay, January 14th
with Mrs.' GeorgeSuthrland;, Rip
ley , -retiring President 'in the chair ,
and Mrs. Don Ropettson presiding •
at the Organ. FQ.110Wing the
invocation, the Aim and Purpose of
the •SoCiety was, repeated In.unison -
"To unite. the Women, Girls and.
Children of the Churchin Prayer •
Study and `Service for the advance
ment of .the Kingdom' of God at
home and abroad."
Morning Devorions.were taken by
Mrs. Douglas Graham ,•Mrs. Lorne
Sparks and, Mrs. Harry Lavis of
South Kinloss, Silent tribute was
paid to the late Treasurer, Mrs.'
D.R.• MacKenzie:: ,
Mrs 'W.D. Campbell, Listowel ,•
• Recording Secretary,. read the 'mill'
• utes of last year's Anntial.Meeting.
and subinitted a summarized report
of the year 1968; Mrs. T.A. Currie
Wingharn, brought greetings and
words of welcome to the. visiting
groups Corresponding Secre4ry., ,
Mrs: V. Emerson, Whitechurch,'
presented her report .and correspon-,
deuce relating to suggested .
Structural Changes within the Pres'..
byterial,"and to Group Leadership
•Afternoon bevotiont•Were taken
, Mrs'.7-Don
Robertson and.Mrs:' Thos. MacDon-
ald ot„l<inlough. The Executive'
Committee:s decision fpnqwi4 a.
luncheon hour discussion re
Structural Changei ,'wa's 'announc-
ed •by Mrs A and for
•• • •
Group -Leadership, by Mts. Camer
on IvlaCAuley. • • .• •
McNabb, Port Eigip, brought greet
ings frit= Bruce=Maitland Presby, •
tery, Reports were received from
the 'Varidus Secretaries, including.'
the. treasurer_ Mrs, Ewan McLean;
2nd Vice -President Mrs. -Bernard •
Thomas ,,'Bluevale; 3rd Vice,Presi•
dent Mrs Mel Ritchie, Kincardine;
4th Vice -President Mrs. DonRobert
son , Ripley„ Trelsliter
McLean , Ashfield; Historian Miss
Iva Carr, pungannon; Asst Histor-
ian Mrs. Mogan Henderson, Luck -
now , , •
Secretaries: Recording"Mrs,.
Campbell,, Listoviel: Correspond,-
•ing Mrs. Victor Emerson, White-
church; Afternoon Groups 4rs. '
Gordon Wall', Langside; Evening
:Griiiips Mrs.. R. McAllister, Dun-*
gannon; Girls Groups Mrs,. Cameron
MacAuley, , Ripley; Childred's • •
Grolips.Mrs,' Henry McKenzie., •Ash -
*. ' ' • ' IvIissions.,1‘,Iiis. BOyle gave the.,.
Kiri lotig h A C W - May
• 4 • . . I
.. ..hleditation on'"Gods Goodness" .
' .' • • • . ' •Mrs' Roy Schneller read The
KINLOUGH NEWS.- • .... • ' .• • ., • .
, -. - - . • . • • Place of Prayer",.. Mrs. John Scott
The 'AngliCari Church Women Met 'gave "A: Thought for this Ne
year" . •
on Thursday •aterhoon, atthe one l• NIrs:-,GeOrge Graham read ."..4; ‘,4• '''AihfielC1.** As theTeP°tts '"re SI:lb
.. „
ilf •NtrGeorge H
'S aeny 'I\ rs.• Y,Hld 7 ' ''ears.Prayer”' , Mrs. George4
mined, the' duties of the office ..- ••
, ... The Opening b)aip. was "Blest are Mrs.' Walsh gave three short read-.
New Year Dexiotion, 'were enuMerated; an interesting • and informative inrioVation„,The ..•
. . ,
Gertrude Wash presided. . : 'enby gave."A
Offering was received and Mrs.
the' pure in heart•"''.. The scripture ..i ings froth "The Living Message" -'''
. 0,7
Rev. K. ,ROOney„.RipleY„ ledS' in the
was read by Mrs. Roy Schneller •. •':, ".Siesied be ye? , The Poor Preach Offertory • •• ....
•foll6Wred•by.prayers*,in uniSon.: er and and. 'Life".. : . , ,
Mrs Sutherland
•'RollCall -:A scripture yerse. A '.1 'Nliss Edna Boyle conducted' a•-•1,' . expressed her appreciation.to all •,
. letter of appreciation fro • i i-,
: • : pible contest and Mrs George . ,.. ..: Members present' for. co operat iOn
m •,, •
:given 'duringber term. of four
' NloosOfiee for 'a bale which was sent :14a4deaby expresieo: thao..s.fpt • ..,.
' ,
•Ye3rs as piesident. ...: ',•.,' . ..• . • ''.....
before Christina's was lead and workSympathy cards which.they
: • The•Nonfimating Ceirrirrattee's. .:
• projectS were discussreceivedThFebruary thee
edi ,..,•''...•, , • • , - t -rig .‘: ,ieport•v•ias presented by mis, y
, .. e,
It was UnaniniouS that the ladies • I will be, held at the home of 10i' ' '
i Roy Schneller.' •• • .. : . --.. EmersOn..MiSS Dorothy „Douglas
(': •.• :
-•ive a •dollat ilZ)T.1; towards . the Church'
- ..... LuCknow ; presided at the Installat-
. . • . • - • : • • %.. - • .`, ..,'Nlis..,lvlidfOrd Wall gave the dour. Ion serVice.. , ' . ' „ • •
- ,
. -.., . . ,. !,,, . a-r-ks-.and4d.el-ioioiis--r-efitesh-• .....,T he- le:•.orpres.rd.e..n :t.,7,.._:_m_r .. A., mull.
, . . .• • . • -- 4 nients Were serVed„-by`the.hostess, •
• .•. dell chose her inspirational Mess
• ', -.. , . Kiniougit Witt.S.: . assisted by lv1ri. Art HalClenby... ' .: lase.. from 3 John,2' -4.‘ Mrs,. 8. •
' .. . - • . , . .
' ' . ' • , . ' - • •Thdnas, Blueyale, expressed • .
. ,
'.' • K1NLOUGH NEWS ''' • • . -*''
, •• ' • • appreciation to St,. Andrew,'s group
. ' . •
Ira Dickie, South Kinloss; Press .
Miss Leah Currie, Winghatn;
Supply Mrs, Wm, Smith Moles-
worth; Lite Membership Miss C.
Without'Portfolio' - Mrs. Rev. T.J
•Mokirmey, TeesWater,;. Mrs, Sam
Robinson; Corrie;. IsOs., Robert
Listowel; Mrs•;. Howard.
'Harris ," Molesworth•• i •
-Auditors -; Mrs, Morgan
Henderson,. Lucknow: Mrs Doug-,
las Graham, South Kinloss. _ •
• Nominating Committee: Lucknow
Evening, Molesworth A fternoon ,
Ripley A ft ernoon South Kinloss .
Afternoon , Mrs', Ira `Pickle, Wenn-
.ber Executive • •
. •
DeVer :n
. ,
• and to all par ic.ipa intMe-mberS.
• The KinlOUgh Presbyterian :Worn- ,,. . .
: Mrs.- WallaceConn: Whitechurch
. en's Missionary Society met. on Fri- . .
11 C ' Units . . led-- - -. •• -..,
J. • . in the closing prayer. • .
: '• ciiy. at the home, of N1rs.' Tom 1\.tac-• •
1,, '''.• ,. • followingofficers were instal
Bushell in charge.' The Purpose was , , old Din'n'er. : r,- The . fpr 1969,', Honorary President
' • Doria14.:with the president Mrs. Don 11
.. . • - .
repeated, and the hymn "Christ •for • :. , . .. . ' '.• . '1 Mrs Farish Farish Motfat, Winghain; . •
I ,
.AMBERLEY'....N.EAS !Dist yre.sidenildis,.., George Sucher,
the World we sing" was sung The . •
, book . ,n• , , . land, 'Ripley; President Mrs. Alvin,
new Study was:orderedA' ... The , , jbint•rneeting of Units one and '
, , '•-•-nale_alloCation for this year is • - '. two of Pine River United Church /y1uhdell , Belrnore; 1st Vice-Presi-
- ,•$2'.7.00 • • ,i* • •• ' ' U. C. W. mei at noon in the
J. W4---English-44-ingham •
. un ayi i, . 4 • • , . ,
• The roll call was answered with School roorn.onluetday., January ; - • . ../ ' • ' :
the word New also the, payment • :14. There was an attendance of • ;
Y .. of fees Mrs. ;Frank Matilden.cave . ibirryi,-three. *After grace was said
the report of the. Presbyterial • by Rev. John Hill , a bountiful dinri-• a ouestionaire'on China which was
---rttettifig--h----ett-trrWirtaa:rtroir-T-ues-r.-e-r was--enJoy-ed . - ' , -- , ' ---answered_withlinteresting facts
day , .. • Mrs. Perrin Lowry presided fdr, the 'about the country' as follows: China :.
, b
, • •
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Prograrit The:ScriPtilre was. meetir14 follos,"ing,tkle dinner and, is a Reublic ruled by their Leader -
read by Mrs Frank NIaulden-Mrs
expres,sed the feeling of all present Mao Tse Tung; its population is
. ,
Don Robertson a,e the meditation'
that it was indeed good to be togeth seven hundred million there has '
• .Y,
.what is meditation., mrs, Tom • er asain after the stori-r1 of nearly bieeri much d.iscussion as, to whether
• China will be admitted to the
MacDonald led in'Praver, 'Iv") dgrat,i0Q.
. were given •y , e'< fercy , - • -• • ,N 1 1Ile II • •I . I ' ad
' -011
: miss. wirmifred• pe.c‘.,, and Nits. Don .utei of the last meetin,' also Guards are youth- kindling the flame
Robertson 'Nrlis, •Laci; Sa:r fa'vout,ed •-rhan1 Ou" cards received for of revOlution and live in a Chinese
%ith a ,piano solo 'How Great Thou: chtistrnaS from the U.C. W. commune• '
Mri. Lyman, Sutton conductedi-the t:easurer*s ep9rt was film WAS, shown on China which
a Q•iliz on uits 5 .the Land*. The; A fte.:,;.e hyrnft :rake Time to be . was Informative': At the close of
htrtn "Woriderfti.i'1,3sse:;')6';:ii meditations were given by the .• meeting , Mfs..Ronnie Itwiri
Mrs • Don Bushell ave 'the couries.,,• Mrs, ',Bob Courtney, *ae prae Mis ldon•Bradley•
• • remarks and the uleetiilv: closed ,\Its. Lynn Lowry introduced the' is receiving a ghod collecti�n of
with The 'Prayer and: c,ra.ce; • :cle•w-8tudy O�k oh",Chiria. The :used stamp S which is tO be contini:,
C 0-0P
, ,••••.:1•••••••••g
• -ileetin.z. was for ued 'this year,
• • •
PHONE 28-212.4
0 •