HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 25• 4 •—•6 11011.11*W. . ; WEDNESDAY, JANUAR*/ -22nd, 19 .:; IE.BR.JCEHCOUNTI -ARD—OF EDUCATIONI. Invites applications for the position of 1 I ESS :ADM'I'NISTRATOR andTreattirer of Board • . . /am ogrItwAdarraii.V$M THE LUCKNOIN SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO, oupleMatrietlAtRiverSdale 34 Schools, In System * * * , 1 • Duties to include the:complete business of the board in fields of accountancy, budget, payroll, ptirchasing,, transportation, maintenance of board buildings and property and supervision of suPPort. Personnel. ° • , • Applicants should have a, broad successful administrative background and be conversantwith current administrative ptac- tices. A degree, in Business Administration or a Chartered Ac- countant Certificate would be an asset. . . SALARY NEGOTIABLE;,. DUTIES TO COMMENCE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. , PLEASE 'MARK ALI': APPLICATIONS •"APPLICATION: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR' AND MAIL STATING QUALIP- 'CATIONS AND EXPERIENCE BY JANUARY 30th TO .* - • Director of Education Bruce County Board Of Education Drawer 190 Chesley, Ontario KING ebrysantheiriunis ,With a Moss:green velvet bow. • : The marriage of Nancy'Snn Dore °, The. best,rnan was Mr. Terrace and Brian Joseph king' took place on , Wasdel, 54 Aspen Avenue, Kitchen'. Friday, December 6,1968 at 7;09 p.m.. at St. Armes R.C, Church; • Riversidale. ' - : A reception was held at Formosa - The bride is a dauhter-of.Mfsi, Cli.dlurcessstiCwerrrleill'PArneistetgt CfiOttrir:e'sioron;O , William McInnes of Teeswater and' ., :.. Tilisonburg, Scarborough , Kitchen- PHoNg. 157-963e * * * * * *-*•• ** * * • the late Mr, Frank Dore. The groom is the son of Mr. Joseph' King.tof TorOnto and the late Mrs.:,' King, Father King, officiated With Miss Patsy King as organist. • • The; bride, given iri marriage, by• Mr. William: McInnes, wore a *bite' A -line, Italian peau de creme, floor length gown with ' ;scalloped neckline and sleeves and ia bow to emphasize the empire waistline. A cathedral train fell gracefully to the floor. • •-• A nylon shounderlength. veil ,was held by a white rosebud. The , bride carried a. cascade of red roses • White. carnationt . The matron of honour Mrs, Barry. Johnston Of R.R. 3, Holyrood wore an A-line; moss green velvet. and . white crepe floor length gown : A white crepe bow extended: into -a train. Her bow 'headdress was moss green and. white velvet. She carried a cascade of yeilow ' , Mrs. Wilbur .Brown. L. BOWERS : GEO..e. LOUCKS DIRECTOR OF: EDUCATION CHAIRMAN , •Spoliq TolOirstiea The January...meeting of Kairshea . . ilns-Manyi on By Rivett Rink • RIPLEY CURLING, NEWS ' • • B Don IvIcLa • er, Kincardine, TeesWater. The bride's mother wore an • orange A-line wool dress, brown accessories with:a corsage of ,grange, carnations. Th.e grosm's aunt, Mrs: Walter. Arscott , wore a blue bondeddress;,, black accessories with a corsage of white carnations. • • They will reside. in Kitchener: Miscellaneous shi:Swers, were held by Mrs. Michael Weber of Kitchen- er, Misr. Douglas Schiestel of Tees water and Mrs: Lawrence Fry Of. Kincardine:, Puiple Grove Institute presented a card table.; magazine: rack and bedspread. • • ... \' trousseau tea was held at Mrs'; McInnes.' home on November 30. Pouring tea wereaunts, Mrs. , Claude DoCe. Jr.., Mrs: jack King, • . and Mrs Walter Arscott assisted by sisters of the bride and.groom. • , : •W:.1. • Was sheld•'Thursday afternoon • Ann Dalton Wins . at the•horne of,Mrs. Donald J, rownies,Held ‘.. mcKinnon. president ; Mrs:' Lloyd' . . Speaking Orite • -11—irty For. Retarded Children 2. ines, A rink., skipped by Ivan Rivett of Dungannon was successful in •• ..°', defending. histitle and • •• ,• •• , ..' retaining the Johns -Manville Trophy at the 'Ripley.Clubon• •• , Saturday. -Ivan had:able,assistance-; from Ted Johnston, Vice; Bob Simpson, Second ,.and Wilson ° BroadfciotPlaying lead..:Second place orftbe early draw went to Jim-) . • MacTavish s local rink, with Elmer Second• and John Coiling-, as lead.- Consolation wens to Donnie Thom.: 'pson't. rink, .playin.g w-ith his two Cousins , MOrray Thompson , Ron Luis on n rounded out b•jr• MacDonald throwing the lead rocks ..• First place inthe late draw wen. to the Glen Walden rink'of Luck - now with With Geor ge Monerief hanc,iling • . te S ipping c ores G en p aying the ViCe spot., Frank Alton. ai Sec- ' ond and Bill. Johnstone PlaYini lead This rink had a total of two wins and a plus of•twelve to tiose'put John:Bell's entry which had two )•«:/ins_and-a_plus...cifuen_.4.ob. Don .McLay as Vice; Morris Ma- hood .playing.Second and Carl Fun- . BROWNIE NEWS ie . party wa'. •for 'fifteen girls, patients at Retard - 'ed ° Cbildren'S Hospital, •Palmerston by'Mrs. JR.' Murray and. the 2nd Lucknow Brownie Pack. The ,Brownies.had worked ,for sey- eral w eeks' 8P° toy 'Cats. to be given asgifts. The delight of the girls AS: they opened:their gifts Made the BroWnies-work well worth while... Margaret Montgomery, and Gail Pritchard played for carol Singing. Several'Broviinie mothers coritribut- Mrs. Donald MaCintyre,Were .charge: A get -'well card was signed • a 1 members resent to be sent • to Mrs. Gordon: Wall, secretary:. , treasurer , who has 'been'a patient in Wingharn Hospital. rresponderce-included-0•.et • from. the President and another tell- ing of the, Officers Conference to be held in Guelph ,7; April 39th and , Ma 1 t • • °The new 4-H leaders are Mrs Doelrnan, Mrs.J. Buri IvIrt ." ' ,• ' George Young and Mrs.' C Colwell Sandra Keith was named to write .the Korean War:Orphan. It was suggested that members '.should read article on Succession Duties and write our M,P. 'concern - e a' unc o sanW1ceSail nal ing this. In planning next Year's' mas;Cookies-• .Chocolate milk was supplied bythe hospital., SHOW TIMES Friday and Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15. All other 'days, one.. • show at 8:00, except Where, noted on the program: 1 Thur., Fri., Sat., Jan. 23, 24, 25 Adult .!-Entert ainnient aft Until Dark' Colour Starring; • Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin This is • teal edge-of-thelseat fare, so be prepared for any- * * *• * * * * Saturday Mat. SPECIAL .DOUBLE BILL 'The Three Worldt of Gulliver' and. 'The Seventh VOyage, of Sinbad• '. For this ,special matinee all seats are 50e. - • .e•••••••".. . , . , . . . • . . . • , • . abOut fire safety and'prevention., We are h,avihg.Nlass. said in 'the • O'Keefe•and Mark Chis, . , ,,•••• ".• • Because•of the bad weather last week.; , school: was. Cancelled . There fore we didn't have a chance to , " •• •' •Kiner: The Public -Speaking Contest is oyer•and the wthierare Ann. Dalton, Nancy o!Keefe, Cathy • b'Keefe and Delores NeVes, Ann Dalton was chosen as the overall winner. , • •• ,Allan.prenran' had the; Misfortune to sprain his knee„and Danny 'Boel sprained both of his, thumbs:. The basketball tournainent..it • gong to start soeri. The'school will be gpipg.:4-0-ve&-saeo Mend-ay:to skate, Mri.•Park!s,roorn v•ias tall0ng • conveners Could make mote •Use of • • • ' The -BroWnies, were driven. to Palm District Annual reports for speCial. • • On -4 Mrs 1'1 0;Ll• ton-lead:.--Gonsolat-iorrpri-ze-in-thi draw went to Howard Hodge's rink with Bob:Johnston, Vice; Bill Rem - pton, Second and "DonsGaunt-lead. John D. MacKay,pretenteci the " Trophy to the Rivett rink in the ab- sence of the7dorthr, his imelejim **. Lowry.. • * * The entry list is noW. filled for the resumption of the annual Kin- cardine -Ripley days, beginning in; Ri le' this corrin Saturda , Jan; Walter Arnold:arid Mrs•John Pritch- i The sinn of, twentY dollars 1;11 as ' `rd'.' ‘. . : • ' . '•• i voted to be given to ttie health •-. _ , This was, a Very special day for %,nurse to buy groceries for a needy patients and Brownies alike. Mrs. ... '1 faniily. Pritchard and Mrs David Kirkland . I. The roll c Brownie Leaders thank all those .. An Amusement of Pioneer'Days,.' who helped make this possible : - - These included house parties, quilt, . . , .ingtees; sing gongs, winter sports , • . . . , •. Class roorns. , • , • •• We had:a:filin on smoking and -after the film. grades 7 and 8 had a Of • If • ,. • • • Card Party arty • At the Card. Party at St August- inerrMondaypIght:nin.6 tabies• were ' in play High prizes Went'. to • . . Hallam and Ren Noble with consol- atiOP.priteS going. to Irene Padar ''• ...and George Henry; Charlie, Fowler" won the door prize ,e card=:pa-0-y-Lwas sp the C. •• Redmond donatipg all the prizes: • . -. . ' . , .. . : Mrs'. H Houston introduced M. • yilbur BroWn who gave an interest. i• g m a 'ere n ev.td nee •ing paper on - I he 1-amily I ree - in Saturday's Spiel. Most -notieeablc which had been prepared by Miss was the breaking of the rule where- r-1,.ora Durnin.•She also. shOwecr ' bytbe leads and seconds remain in 'charts showing different methods . • . the area between the hog...lnes of recording farnily•histary. Mti: when not sweeping a mei< into the •Brown was thanked,and :presented ' hoi4e, and expecially 1,,,ihen the out with a gift,bi•Mis: Hairy Lavis. ' • come 'of an e,nd 'is,being decided by A - motion was passed that Kair- . :the Vico sl'Ops..-",A. few caseS:ofbad.,..._the.a....,W11'..:...wolild....putehase, the new - _._ . • . . sportsmanship were'alsd shown,by . 'Bruce Courity'book. Mrs, Roulston the distraction o,f theplayer in the gave an appropriate reading, , . hack ready to deliv'er his rock , Iliile ”childhOdds:Day:s Most important io 13 lioulci be printed Also, as there.. f Nation's Future," • • • , ; • seems to be some Who are not ; ' Thetosiess and those taking part aware of it: This is in the case of in the programme were thanked by 0.1. aaci t re.: yth r:. 1 GO DERICH • • 'j °. STARTS TO -DAY FOR TEN DAYS THURSDAY, JAN U*RY 23 TO SATURDAY„;' FEBRUARY omoOSEllt=i•••,•••06,t•ma.132,1},L.m•i6••••.c • uary 25, and concluding in Kincar dine On, StOrday ,February 1st. The Presidents of each Club are now fin. alizing the details for this popular event,. • • 4., ,4 . • A few glarins'eArople s neglect Of the Simple -courtesies of the.. n tinue in the s,aine fashion as all A relative contest written by previous ends, e , the. rink coin Mrs,„ C. Colwell was conducted by ting the previout•end must shoot Mr. F. MacKenzie, . first In one case , on Saturday, ,• •After' the singing of the Queen' this was 'nOt dOnc! The observance and Grace' a tasty lunch was served of the above cointnon courtesies by the hostess and directors.; Mrs. will make for afar rnorc'enjoya le Donald Macintyre and Mrs, Currie ' game of curling, •.•' • • • II .41 II . • • • "GONE WITH THE WIND" LXRKGABLE' •• .- Academy AviilWinner.of Ten • Tu • ‘111ENWGH-‘ • • IPLIE11011ARD 011718dellAVILL8ND. One Show Each 'Evenh7g.At 730 ADMISSIONS:, ADULTS $1.50; STUDENTS '$I.00 SATURDAY, (JANUARY CHILDREN'S MATINEE ° A • 11 11* Al • 1 5) SPECIAL 2` O'CLOCK 11 • ptus • "7t1i VOYAGE OF ..SINBAD", ADMISSION:'•50c SEAT' „ • .1m7agit.,—aFrearr, '