HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 24PAGE; EIGHT. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL I,UCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 222nd, 1169 • idgetslM. o; Lose One BY DON JOHNSTONE Since last -week's' paper , .the Luck now Midget hockey team has won 2, regular scheduled games and lost' an exhibition•game. On Wednesday , 'January 15 the team took. an. easy 11-5 victory ovei Blyth. Flashing, the light for Luck - now .were: John MacKenzie 4 times. with David Stevenson and Mike ' Courtney each,being awarded with '2 assists•;.:John Emberl -n 3 times • (one on a breakaway) with Mike Courtney: getting 2, assists and Bob Ritchie 1, Allan Andrew once • from' David MacKinnon,• David Finnigan • ",once from David Stevenson; Russ lvloncrief once from Peter Chisholm ; David Mackinnon once from Allan Andrew ..The game was played in Ripley :; On Friday; January 17th the team. swamped Brussels by; a score of 19 - 1. • bn Monda,y night the Lucknow team played an exhibition game • the 'Myth arena against Wingham: The Lucknow Midgets went down to defeat as Wingham ably took.a .4 f 6 :-'.4 victory, The first period vias*very close as; it ended with a 3-•:- 1 score for. Wingharn Russ•Moncrief scored the Lucknow goal with assists: going to Jim 'Fairish and Bob Greer • In the 2nd • and 3rd' periods David Mac Kin �r=scoied is with John Em- berlin• and' John MacKenzie • • assisting, Near the :end of the 3rd John • Emberlin with assistance from • David MacKinnon scored a~well deserved. goal:, • • • • Even though the Lucknow Midget team is losing their. 'exhibition • g games , theyare receiving good Practice' which will be beneficial' to thein when:the playoffs start .': • BANTAM HOCKEY STATISTICS Lucknow Bantam Hockey team has wound.up a nine game regular schedule :and is now preparing for the play-offs.. ' The team has seven win, two"loss record scoring a total of 51 goals with, 36 goals scored against thein. The ,. , in- dividual records are as follows. PLAYER; A. Whitby 14' 6 28 K. Farrish 10 5 15 K. Cowan .:... ... 8 3• • 11. M. Chisholm 4 7 11. D. Hunter 5 5 . 10 J. • Murray 4 6 10 W,; Courtney 1 ' 7 8 S. Hackett 2 2 4 Greg, Hamilton 0• 3 :3 D. Black 0 . 3 3 W. Pritchard ..::...... 03 . 3 B. Simpson .:. ; 2 0 2 S. Alton:..... , 1 0: 1 R: Cranston 0 i 1 R. McDonald • .. •. G A: P --Goalies.:, • GA PP GA, David Cleland 9 18 15. Doug 'Corrin 8 0 21 GA GA -- Games` Appeared, In; PP Periods Played; Goals Novice Win Two In Wee BY DON JOHNSTONE • the: LuClitioW NoviCe. tea tn. playing at Wilighain!.. LuCknow was able to itandy'Ackert sCored two goals with John -MacLeod getring the other counter. •: rag re eaven a Hackett were each credited'with;' an assist.. On,•Monday .night the Lucknow Novice team chucked away, a,score of 7 1 over. Ripley ,Randy 'Ackert scored 5 goals, and John. MacLeod scored •2 for the "`- 1 Lucknow team: Assists on, these i' oals went to Tammie Forster 2 .Craig :Treleaven , Shawn Dalton., CRWFORD CRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO 67 DODGE stationwagon,' 8 66 CHEVY II Stationwagon, 6 automatic, radio • 66 CHRYSLER, 2 door hardtop, power equipped and radio 66 COMET, 2 door, 6 ssfandard and radio . 66 VOLKSWAGEN, 2 door with radio 65 :CHRYSLER, 4 .door, power Steering, brakes and .radio 65 FORD Convertible F' °65. :: DODGE, 4 door sedan,'..6 standard a ' with radio 64 DODGE, 4 door, 6automatic 6.4 CHRYSLER, 4 door, .power steering,brakes and radio 6.4 PONTIAC, 2.door, 6 automatic -and radio 64 METEOR, 4 door, 8 automatic,'' and radio 63` BUICK,8' automatic and radio, 63 CHEV stationwagon 63 FORD, 4 door- sedan,' 6. automatic; 62 ',.PONTIAC, 6 autdmatic TRUCKS, fry . DODGE dump truck 64. DODGE D500, chassis and Bantam Schedule Ends W#h Win BY. DON JOHNSTONE • 'The Lucknow .Bantams -closed their regular. • season on •Wednesday,' Jail nary 15th with a. win of 6 - 3 over • Ripley The team,' playing well and showing:a lot of effort. and desire., had the following goal scorers;. Kim Cowan 'from Dale Hunter; r J:un:ior Stars Lucknow- Dungan non :*Here's, bowling; night, again •,and, the: Lucknow ,Dungannon• teams are 'striving to do their best Starlet of the week 'was Marie • Stewart '•wlo rolled a-.264 single and ; a 7 0.i;..,triple •; Very nice eh l • Linda Maclntyre rolled. a 'high single 'of, 201 and a double of 317 for the,• girls this week • ° for the ,boy David' Humphrey bowled a high , g sin le of 191. and.. a, double of `341. Andy 'Whitby; K `Fairish.from Andy •• ChiiboL . front-::':. Tearn standings .are:`-' Zena Garn-. it y, ss.' Morning stars 30, Beth Hallam s Pritchard, S." Hackett, A.. Whitby . • g. ' •Bright Stars 26 , kick •Passmore's Dim Stars 17 ;•Murray. • Button's pa•llin •Stars 1? 'Edward: Courtney, Mike Hackett, and Randy, Alton each assisting once.: Unfortunately ; Jay Passmore the Lucknow goalie, 'let one get past m: rob him of a"shut-outs. We take ,pndG''in serving you 'quickly,. __. eft eritl�r • 51c,o here: for.- --every auto service °'' , rndny 'important' extras; Men 's .Mike Sanderson is top ;bowler this. week with. the High Single' game. of 324 flat and the High Triple 725 flat:. • bred Youngs P-b-rdsz; :points , Bill Button's Buicks 3 points; ••Donald'', MacKinnon's Dodges 7; points n�y. •LOSPi On�i Allan Johnston's Pontiacs 0 points, -N101--i-ON:E --,--Bill 'Hunter's Mustangs5 ' • John Rutherford's't?ldsmobiles 2, ILS also nice, to see the. nu of wo3nen Who' :tespond.to a: pep talk: ; The;.girls'are 'getting better,. s then; so look out'., Example, '•Fernee MacDonald 259';• Anne Anderson 255 ,•;•,Marion Cook 233 , Trudie Nei son 228, Mary Fisher 228 'McIntosh 227 and Marie Stewart 227 In•the supposedly superior. sex 'Russel:Whitby glowed with a 371'.., single and Clarence Greer."with a 778 triple.- Lovely show: boysr Others, to: be honourably merit ion- ed are Bob .Macintosh .321, •Claren:, : ce. Greer 317 , Bill`'Searle 292,.. Har, old Errington .275, Bill Searle. rs Bob Finlay.264 ; Grant Chisholm�ard.MacDonald.2 2.< The• standings have altered aain Zebras 74°,' Beavers 72, Cubs ! -. • .Gophers 61,," Tigers 59 ,', Wolver;nes .: points, '57 ,,•Squirrels 47 ; Coons. 44 , Lions:41, Pole Cats 400, TChiptt,um•ci 34w, "Kangaroos 29 Buck up •Teams! t 'It`s almost The Lucknow Pee We•e ••Hockey I points.•. ' 'team wrapped. up their regular sea ` v` son of play on January 17 wi,th'a Games of .225. and over; Mike los good record. TheySanderson. 324 Russ utton260 , t the first " `•� gi•11--Button 2q5 ;'-Fred- oiin, 'game of the schedule and have'wvn 'all the rest since There 'were two •Jim •Errington 227, Jack Caesar games played this ,week with Luck- 29` , Roy: Finlayson; 248•and 23.3,: now registering a 6:- - 3' victory•Bill McPherson 263, Harold Err - twice. ington 225; Clarence Greer 226, `Bill Hunter 237, On Jan ry 16 Lucknow played ,. Team Standings: Dod •!Ripley as the following scored the iBiticks 69, Fords 58, "Mustangs 54, i,6 *Lucknow goals:: Kevin Murray 2, ' '40, Pontiacs 37. °• Ke-s-znkeit'-, Div-idLEarrish.,._Lan • kOldsmobiles. �in �;,.. es 67;:' ►o adies Tie For. High Single LADIES 6:30 LEAGUE. •eatt-Phillips-took-x-fa .bnncitir again this week as our: high h<5w with a triple/of 583. Montgomery and Stuart'Mann each'. scored Once:. i David MacDonald' scored 2of the; 3 goals for Ripley with Greg:. Liddle scoring the other./ ; In a garde' played 'ranuary 17 ag- Ladies. 9 'p.r This week Lois Wald:en,took High scores taking the High Single with and...High Triple ofx59.4 _:__ ainst.Blyth;. Ian Montgomery got a Games Played: Lois Walden's well deserved hat trick•'for the (• Jelly Beans 5, Mary •McMurray`s - Lucknow teat; . Counting up single 4 .Huribugs 2; Marie Button's •Choeo- markers for. the Lucknow squad .. lates:C1, Mary'Cleland' s. Lollipops weje Stuart Mann, Kevan Murray.. 7; Irene Nelson's Pepperrnints 7, • 1; e d 14.16 C :r �or.an Ger.-:' an ar d•;Rartdy �,iiflar 4a we. ico:e �j c amero • ice MARCH orDIMES A first f6r the 6:3 ;Lea `i season was a tie for high Sing1,1., Of 245 rolled by Mabel steward And Gay Garniss • • ' •Team, ng Standis: Edith We,hster'$ :Chickadees 7, Norma Mtno-ria 1i i:Bobolinks 0; Jean Phillips Jats Violet Arnold's Swallows 2; i':ra Henderson's Phoebes•6;;•B'e11. 1y101e's•Larks 2 • Ka Fc star's Gumdrops '0 Gaines of 200. and over \..: r ' T•eari Standings: Lollipops 90,. Gurndrops.61, Humbugs 61; • • Chocolates .51' Pepperrnint's 57, • Je°1.1y Beans 31, • • Games 200'and over;..t laudie Pish er 211, Shirley Cooke 217 • Hall 208 , 'Arida Johnstone 20o, }'Marg 'finis y'284., Lois Walden- 217., Jean Phillips 23:1•aM 210 A:•E Purvey 204 , Cath •irie Schr::d 239 , Norma .McDonagh 2( Collyer 201, Verne Macnona'..i 213 and 209; Team Points: Chickadees - f Phoebes :66:, Bobolinks, xiI. ''Swallows '68, ',Larks 56.14y"s '4' A