HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 18PAGt: TWO THE. LUCKNOW` SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW; ONTARIO . WEDNESDAY,: JANUARY 22nd, 1969 • UCKN LUCKNOW, ONTARIO NTINEL. 4. '"The Sepoy Tow ". ,-- On the Huron Bruce. B , undary ` as second class matter. by the Post Office Department AuthorizedOttawa and for,. , ayment of postage in cash. P P . g. Established. 1873 - Published. Each. Wednesday Afternoon Member •-of'the C.W.N.A, and. OW.N.A. , Subscription Rate, $4.00 a •year in advance -. to the tT,S;A:, $5.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, .JANUARY 22nd, '196.9 Abell f Fall Bob.Canapbell of'Lucknow is the new president of the Lucknow Ag- ricultural Society: i le was elected at the.annual reeting;of the soc- iety held in the Lucknow. Town Ha11'on.Saturday. evening. • The annual meeting was held in the form of .a pot .lucksippepwith twenty. -seven attending,. Last .year nine .attended the•annua1 meeting of this/organization. Although• . their active ninnbers are; small, the Society is presently operating •in an .active and 'enthusiastic `'manner•..' Pasty President of the' or anization . g is Donald C. Maclntyre of Kinloss'. wild' has served this office for three ears. ,Harold:Austin`of Lucknow is first vice ` re ident and Bob;Gi1- , p s. christ of Kinloss is second; vice prelident.. Secretary -treasurer, is / Mrs ,Bob Struthers Of Lucknow.. Mrs,. Oliier .McCharles and Mrs:,. Bob Struthers were appointed 'td .check the'list of. men directors and; _.associate. directors and report back at the next 'me.eting A F�fr BIRTHSS - in W ngh_am Hospital on Sunday , January719th to Mr. and Mrs. George Smyth, Auburn•, a daughter, Sherry Louise, a s},ster for Carol Anne and Batty. MURPHY-* ,in Stratfoo d General Hospital on Wednesday , January 15th, 196:9 to Mr. and Mrs., •Joe. Murphy (Flow• Jean..lvi'acQuillan),, of Stratford, a son; -Shawn Joseph. B�ar Harry Lavis:,Mrs, Gordon Kirkland', Mrs. Bryce Elliott, Mrs. W. G.; Hunter, Mrs . Donald. Maclntyre , Mrs. Omar Brooks., Mrs. Ernest Gaunt , Mrs . Jacob.Hunter ,Torn 'Todd ,'.' Mrs. Andrew Gaui t Mrs:: Glen Warden, Mrs. Chas; Wilkins; Mrs. 'Frank•.McQuillin Mrs, Allan Miller, Mrs. Lorne ' Woods , Mrs Jas.; ,Henderson.; Mrs. David,Elphick., Mrs:. Peter Cooke:,,' •Mrs: Alex'Hackett, Mrs: Russell; Phillips, Mts. Wilbur Brown ;• Mrs. Bob Gilchrist", Miss Isabel'MUler ,. •Associate lady directors are:.Mrs.. 4'-H Calf Clubs., sponsored b the Lucknow Agricultural Society had•.. „ leaders a inted•. They. are',Beef, PPo Y Andrew Gaunt., Torn Todd; 'George Kennedy Glen Walden; c Ma Na Auditors Alex- Y'nd Evan a • Keith were re -appointed for another term. The•secreta,rY reported receipts ;of P P $•5378 for• the year, with expenses of :$6204 ifor a• deficit of •about. $825.'• ImP retvements to the Fall �Fai`t of . the -addition -of -equipment and.'work.. on the• grounds.:totalled: $26 during the .year The, organization has a': esr ert 'bank balance of approximately ' $1840. During recent years'; the soc iety has spent heavily on'parade , band, and• Fair entertainment with the idea .of improving the Fair and , .not with •the 'idea of`' increasing their. surplus . ' They .have been very s.ucc essful. Prize money ;has been in= creased in many departments in an CONTINUED ON' PAGE 14 INAUGURAL MEETING CONTINUEID BROM. PAGE 1 `` :felt the new`well.•offere d•Lucknow • the best water,suppiy`;ever develop 'ed in the village. • Speaking on,public works, Reeve Joynt said that 1969 planswould • include a new bridge; on Havelock• Street South or an alternative - • ,. the village . Cliff Crawford;. town foreman, was coiitplimented.for the fine job, he'has-been-doing in '1rt - ments in :the 'village . Mr. •. Craw ford Was .re-engaged. at' a•1o% •increase. in salary, bringing his'arinualiwage to $5500... Alex Havens was interviewed in respect. to accepting the appoint_, • project the changing of the.water ment of by-law officer for the vill.- course in•„the area of theformer. , age; :A Meeting is to be �r1acDonald 4T1 Property •h.the arranged witOntario`'Provinci- Ay •al •.oliceto discuss this matter: The appointment of,a By-law e ussion centred around• the re• - offic-er. for they- U e •1111 outlined in the inaugural address - parttrient of •Transport yin a recent Mr . Joynt said that he had been ,'traffic study of the village. These ' informed .by the: Ontario Provincial .1 recorntrmendations, have not been ' • - Police that if a local by-law, offic-: completed: Reeve Joynt stated that er".was appointed to take care of., tthey. were.schduled to be . local. by-law infractions, the "completed' after the main street Kincardine OPPwith the. addition . road work in 1967: of another man would be able. to Spence Irwin, Bud Hamiltonand '. spend considerably more time P o1- ;. Glenn Porter Waited On council in • tcir the illag o ^ .•regard to `payment or snow jrem•v e'ssent'ial that the by-law officer be, al on the village, main street:.A. first appointed to: correspond. with 5619 subsidy is rectived,on this present regulations ReeI;e Joynt snow removal from the' Department• felt that ;once this procedure was of Highways completed Lucknow would. have Trucks with driver have been adequate seFv-ice--flambe---Ontario---re giving $476.0=per-houz°;_.loadec"t 'RETIRES' AS CLERK: CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 erworks,.Lucknow Arena and Lucknow: Recreation Committee ' and does clerk's duties for'. welfare ands highway work in the' v.illagc All •departments.•are contolled''by-' P .. Y the council of ,the' village of. Luck - now,; There hasnever been a hydro or water commission established in the village: '• • ,With the retirement .clerk -..• treasurer Aleg Agnew the villa'of A g ,.e Ludknow wi11-lose a servant who:, . has -s ent-a-lifetime associated P •,. with •village municipal business During.ythis trine Mr. Agnew has worked with about `a dozen. Reeves • of• the village and many dozen • . • councillors: His vast. knowledge of municipal affairs. has been a •help' to many who sat w r tl him . In hls :years in -the town office', hehas' seen .the duties and complexities. of municipal:W,orlc increase vastly. Wetrust Luc lctow'will be•'home .. for .M'argaret and Howard,in his. retirement years and nodoubt'his • knowledge of municipal affairs will be tapped On many occasions in the. future when questions present them= 'selves. IIF LIJO(NOW--- RCH OF DIMES fill Be ; Held Throughout January .. •e ee.. :. .. ••*.•..:;40-...00... • r Conducted By: Members of the Ladies Auxiliary to: the Canadian Legion and other helpers. BE PREPARED WHEN. THE LADIES CA IN MARCH OF DIMES -KINLOSS` APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE; keepers, fence viewers. Duncan Campbe11 was appointed repr"eeeniative_on the•Satigeen Vall Pey Conservation Authority; Wm Evans'to the Maitland 'Valley Con-:, `servation Authority;' Leo Murray';and 'W. E, •Haldenby to the: Holyrood Hall Board; and Wm: 'Evans .and Orville:, Elliott to the Whitechurch Y. Communit -Ha11:Board:for-.theY ' -.ear- . 1969 'A do:nation•of $10.•00 was made to; the Muscular'•,D stro by Association.. Y .P Y '•B•- -Law`. 2,. 1969• w.as . assed• bein a'BT-Law to.borrow the 'necessary • mon , `-; 6:66, .66 for-ettrr-e-r t -,ex,.. penditures from the'B'ank of ,Mont real ..Luc know for 1069- 1969. The Clerlewas instructed tb. notify the 1; B, M.� that •wedo•not wishthe tax- statementspre ared' for 196:9.. ; P P The Clerk,-Trea,urer gave a state i''t a a. Decemb er... ment..of the ax s of .31/6b. The 196�.'taxes,camein better than in previous .years•;, pal ante owing . $15 ,945../4; 1967 .. , arrears, $5-,142 ts6;:.•1966: arrears $1,147.13, • The following accounts were-;ord- eyed. paid:..General..acco.unts $3,839.46; Highway -,accounts $2;742:21... Council adjourned to meet on. Februar j 3rd at 7:15 p. m. or a the. call .of the reeve:, 'FRASER MacKIN.NON Clerk; . Provincial Police A sidewalk repair and replace-• 'tent proraidi''wab'ttrention. Another item to be commenced .this year; ?�lr, Joynt said. that once the auditors" staternent is. received and finances 'w ei z.hed rn.ore defin -, bage. collectio , requesting. an in- ite plans .will follow .' • crease from, $32 per week to $40...; s e Committee appointments were , � 'Milne provides his own equip` 'riade by the Reeve with the chair • - merit and, hires his own help. A • men listed, -Hydro , MurF in `Solo 'motio'n was passed incre'asiz g'the mon; Water , Eldon Wraith; Roads , weekly payrient-•to •$35. • Harold Greer;, Sanitation. and Prop- , A ft er further neotiair'ons regard_ e"roe N : ,bold. Industry Harold.''Greer George 8• ' - ," i eor�+e Newbold,; fell low itmg day , the orgJ,na"l requests Genera" , n Wraith; • 'of the meal were 'net lin •both the zb gent ; Health ane Welta,re , snow andalba e 'contracts. g a ,...,eorge,Joyrrt, By-law fvo 1. 19e,*, a o.\ -law• to • Each rnembe: of council w'as ca, l borrow up to'$rrt 'for current 'ed eon fora tew remarks; A11 ex' , expenses , was passed pressed their pleasure. iri serving on The teeve's 'allowance' was set at council and hoped that'thec• coulri $40b and the .counci'llor's ' 260 for • work towards gondciv, etnts�e tent,an tf,e 'ar . the carne as in . .. p � and •operator has beenareceiving $6.50 per: hour. In.each case • r was .requested Council' passed a motion granting 50.0 per hour increase . A letter was received from Floyd, Milne, local contractor for gars • A. motib'n. was passed instructing ., the Clerk to�'call 'for tenders for ,a drainage` inspector for the Town, ship for.the year 1969.Applicant to state salary .and•supply his own transportation. lenders to•be in to.• 'the. Clerk by,February 1st ; • t;1 .•• • • ' REG. $249.95 FFAT 30" 'Sale 189. REG: 391.00 OFFAT DRi lak 5149. REG. $324.95 OFFAT DISHWASHER Sale 5259.00 • REG.': $234.95. OFFAT DRYER HOME FURNISHINGS MOFF"AT APPLIANCES A L,1:,+,M u�d W ,0.4 .yn. .A..&0•1:4t^rmaA44. A.A,.ce Y+AAAAAW!rv.avt.A, MANhi.40,.... 4...4 filth Jy:n.w,su..+� V4, X4`4 .............. ' ="YS....:... ...,w, ........_w.... ' ..........�»�++.gni......._-....:.e.�ir.'.we:...rw+.sa.n.rum•. 'L.w..+�-