HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 14'PAGE FOURTEE Lp ?.,�; i�!V' :k. `%;3: ` L!' • 1 .1, 'k fru ..•• $rh/.k A .. r•. "`:.A •. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 7 ovenient w .r 1 erms Can Be Arrange Your Budget PLAY:ROOMS.. ,OMS A.Naii INSULATING; ���N���N�Ni• -o Mee' KITCHENS :CEILINGS PAINANG • OUR MILL OPEN •• KD URDAY AFTERNOON• • • • • • PHONE 528-3118 IUCKNOW ,SCHOOL BOARD. CONTINUED' FRO11 PAGE 9:• Board o f Education is that the 'trans 'itional committees ask their re'spec tive municipal councils to consider dental. coverage of pre-scho1 and elementary school a e children ` until the report: of the Department; of Health is considered• by the KINLOIJGH T.he Angli an. Church,, Worneri w111 meet on Thsday,afternoon: at 2•: o'clock::at the home of Mrs`. . 'George Halderiby. This will ;tae devotional, meeting. . Relatives rpm. a •'stance w o a end:ed,the'funeral.of the late Mrs. County Board, • M.' Dudley were Mr. and .Nits: Mrs', Mary Pletsch.•reported ;on `.. • Elmer Kolpin'and family of Lon . ucationa i--asSee a t±•ons - w-h•i•. , resulted in the:following.motibn.. ,It and Mrs.. H. Bennett and;Howard: , was moved, by Mrs. Mary: Pletsch of Toronto, Mr ;and Mrs. Norman and •seconded. by Ernest Pringle that Fry of, l•iarriston , •.Mr , and .Mrs . ..we joint the- Ontario Public School ';,Clare S arlin of Walkerton. P g rustees-€Dune a-nd-a-ffi-liat-e .with, the..Ontario School Trustees: Council , Advisory Vocational Committee S Moved by M-rs, Doris, Milnel.and=t-hat definite=recorrrrnendations and was by .Maitland: Warder / would be madeat a future "meeting shat,a copy of the boards minutes r Lloyd Liesemer reported on the • be• pr, - 7 - •. a .1 .a • . 'reed .laildten's Education Auth A 1 r KINCARDINE_ Frorn i2.91 a . m ,'January 5 : ': 1969 to 12:00 midnight, January 12, 1969a Provincial Constable Jim :Poland, investigated a minor, single car accident on #21 Highway -just•south of North Bruce on Tuesday , January 7 ..The _driver , Zwaantine Bosch of R.R.• 2 ; .Tiverton;, •escaped; injury when her car went out of control and struck four `guide posts. •Darn- age to the Bosch vehicle was esti- mated, at .$300 .. 00 ., .• On Tuesday January 7 , Provin- cial Constable Andy Burgess invest- igated a single'car accident on #9 : Highway , just west of Millarton :' • Samuel McLelland of Kincardine was-the.driver involved. No one was injured in the mishap which •caused -an estimated. $300;00 dam- age to'the McLelland,vehicle. Provincial Constable Andy Bur- gess investigated' a car-towtruck, accident on #5 Bruce County'Road., one mile north of Lucknow on Wednesday, January 8. Gordon',. Montgomery, of Lucknow and Kenn, eth'Johnston of R.R. 7 Lucknow, were :the drivers involved: An est- imated .$400,00 damage was done • •No ;one was injured On Frida:y , :January',10 , Provinc- 'ral Constable Larry Whitelaw inves• tigated 'a .car -truck 'accident on #21. Highway ,four miles.south of Tiv- erton Danny Small of Kincardine and Donald' Campbell of R.R. 2,, Tiverton, were thedrivers •ed .. An estimated $400: 0'O darnage Was done- to the vehicles. • Provincial .Constable Larry •White.: law` investigated 'a minor`two car • accident on Friday January,10,: involving .Gordon Kerr of Essex and: Richard Anions of Glencoe, Ontar- rox ima'tely'three miles south of Ti'ver- ton' on #21 Highway No one was• r injured. ' SAFETY TIPS:- This is the 'Danger Season' .when. drivers •need :to be alert. for pedestrians and more particularly older pedestrians :Longer hours of darkness, fog snow' and sleet , make it harder for drivers` to see trouble andstop it " time;. 'Pedestran-motor vehicle„ :eak frequency in Decetnber and ,remain I high throughouty'the•winter accord. ing "to:Ontario's Traffic: Accident I Statistics. J. E`POLAND- Public Information Officer:; GOD RI.. -H 'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' For' sound course., n-a-monumen •correctly designed from guallty material, rely on. SKEL1;OK. MEMORIALS WALKERTON' Pat O'Hagan, Prop., E;stabiished Over Sixty Years: PHONE $$10•.234 ONTARIO age to the Bradley"vehicle.., - Drivers - A reminder about Ped- • estrian Cross"calks: When a pedest- rian is in a cross -walk the law required you to yield right of way to the pedestrian stopping if necessary;' Failure in this, can result in •a conviction and serious' - penalties . It can , at times;,.. also • result, in the -death or' injury of a pedestrian, G.S. FERRIS, .. Provincial Constable. WAI�T�DS �►e 3 i • She didn't get her clothes dry again. FOR TROUBLE :FREE WASH' DAYS rop into • REST HARDWARE and bu a • P1HOIELJm. • available '• ority committee.' Before adjournment Jelin Kieffer It was moved by 6'y McCurdy stud• -the board -t -ha -t aLfurt ler --and-se'condedrb-y-A-r-thur .avey%. that dy would; be . rnade . of the this board adjourn. :On -Friday, January 3:, on'#21.High Iway, at 'Junction of #25 County, Road li Patrick O'Neill ,. R: R. '3 Goderich ',and ,Lyle. Pinkney, 263 Catherine Street Goderich, were involved in: � *la t to' car.adcident resulting. $225:.00 damage t� the vehicles. On, Friday January 3 on #25 County 1-oad , east o _ ig way., Ianic Elms, 437 Elizabeth Street , RIPLEY ABATTOIR; 4'ustom ` Butchering_ Curing and Smoking. Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making Fast Freezing HOGS AND ,C'ATTLE • ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY • ON, WEDNESDAYS • Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks Whatever .Your .Requirements Are For Rome •Fteeiers We Sell Choice Home Xilled Beet, Pork and Larmib In Any• Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS' ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED' FOR YOUR PROTECTION ' :CHAS. HOOISMA :PROP: ABATTOIR "395.2905 'STORE 395-2961 Listowel and Roy ,Hallam. , Rosh. Street , Lucknow were: involved in a two'car accident; *resulting in an approx,irnate total damage of • $575., 00to the vehicles • On. Monda January i on #27 County Roaat Junction of #20 County. Road , Walter James Arnold R.R. 2, Lucknow and Arthur Gil-. more, Lucknow were'involv.ed in ' bus -truck accident resulting in an. app'roxirnate total damage of $1,100.0u to the vehicles'.. On Saturday , .January 11 on #27 County ftoad,,at Benmil1er Arthur •James Bradley, 104 Newgate Street Goderich and Dpnald Achilles , • Wal ion were involved in'a ear -truck~ `.1 accident resulting in $300..;00 dn ar ''r • • .. " fi`4444* • NSW-Ohi5i4LeA7'THE Westinghouse 1 ALSO WASHERS, RANGES, DISHWASHERS,. FOOD FREEZERS AND REFRIGERATORS LUCKNOW' PHONE 521141114