HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 11WEDNESDAY', JANUARY 15th, 1960
The afternoon auxiliary of the
Wornen's 'Missionary Society of the
Luc know Presbyterian Church:. met,
in the Sunday School room On
Wednesday, January 8th with the
newlyappointed president, Mrs
Jas. Smith' presiding. Mrs. Robert
Reid read the Scripture.from the
•' 1st Chapter of Samuel and gave
the. Bible Study on Hannah. .Mrs.
R, MacMillan .led in prayer. .14 •
ladies •ans. ered roll call with a
verse from Collosians. •Following..
• the offering., 'Mrs.. Sinith gave the
.Pra .
offertory er. '' . '
The. Presbyterial meeting in
Wingham•.on January 14th Was'
• .announced and "World .Day. of Pray
er" meeting. to be. held on •
•••' March' 7th in the' Presbyterian
.• Church. Used Christmas cards for.
the. Library'. Secretary , Miss Mary'
MacLeod, to be left at Mr
'Brown's store. Thank you notes
;from those -recently bereaved and •
from those receiving .Christmas
• cheer were read.
Mrs . N Johnston gave ,a: reading'.
Mrs. Jas. Little read.a news leiter.
Mrs M..Henderson.-introduced ..the
.new:StudY - for this year , "New
'Acts in•Mission"':' What is Mission?
What is new? . Following Hymn;•
, "Simply Trt stin e
veryt; .y",
Mrs. Noble.Johnstonclosed.
meeting with prayer...
Y ..
Dungannon U.
Officers for DungannenNUnited
Church Women, rec ently•elected
for 1909, are; 'Past' President
Nelson Pearson; President, Mrs, •
Howard Johnston;•lst. Vice; President,
Mrs. Graham..McNee; . Recording
Secretary Mrs, 'George -Errington;
Assistant. Secretary , Mrs.. Lorne:
Ivers. Corresponding S.ecretary,' Mrs.
Harvey Alton; Treasurer, Mrs .:Ross
Eed.y; 'Committees: Citizenship and
Social Action; convener Mrs. Jack
Alton, Mrs. Ivan Rivett; Comrriun-
ity Friendship 'and' Visiting ;
convener Mrs Cecil Blake, Mrs. •
.Anderson (January); ; Chtist
ran Education and Missionary
convener •Mrs Ka'lmer Dawson;
Mrs . J.'C. Drennan, Mrs. •
Dirk Lotenberg. Lite,rarY 'and Pro
ram, convener Mrs. Glen Wright,
Mrs, WrnWiggins., Mrs.' Leonard
Reed; Finance Committee ,' tonged
er , Mrs. Gordon Finnigan, Mrs.,
'Wilf Pentland, treasurer, president,
and vice; Nominating.._ o m ,
!convener Mrs', Lorne Hasty;' Mrs:
Chester Finn an, Mrs George-
Errington; Mrs Nelson. Pearson
-Flower ,Committee , convener' Mrs'.,
Mel Reed , Mrs Graham ' • '
':McNee;Supply'and Social Assist
convener Mrs T,C. •Anderson, Mr
Mel Reed Mrs. Glen, ''
Pine River and Bethel Hi C,met
in the Sunday - School Room of Pine''
!River United Church;on'Sunday
evening, January 6 withan•attend-
ante of thirty \six:,..
Donald. Martin presided for,the
Iaeeting•. Reports, were given by the
secretary and treasurer and plans
were discussed for, holding:a •.pot.
luck supper at the. next Hi; -„C meet-
ing. A Valentine dance will also
beheld in February •
During the worship 'service, Joan
gave the Scripture •reading
'which was followed with: prayer
by Jean Webster. The hymn ''Stand
ing in the need of prayer's was, sung
A discussion on'partone of the
subject ••" I never looked at it that
way before" Was interesting. The '
meeting closed with folk• songs.
Refreshments were 'served and, a •
social hour followed
LucknoW ' 'Unit 2
Fifteen members ,of Luc. know
U': C.W. Unit 2 braved Tues-'
: day's stormt'o: attend .a rneeting
••,at.the ;home' of. Mrs. Orland .Rich-
ards.. Miss Flora Andrew•, assist
ant •leader , Was in. charge and opo'„
,ened the' meeting with •a. poem',
"To .the .New Year'" followed by
hymn• 581. "It, is winter now".
Mrs. E. Henderson andher comm
-ittee of Miss Ada Webster, .Mrs..V
:. Hunter -a- d- rs - C = Ha11am eon-
ducted the devotions on.
the: theme''.'Understanding China"
' :. The treasurer reported a total,
receipt Of $669:89- for the past'
.yea. - A.ftersomeA.scussion it Was •
decided that we would continue'..:.
.to Usefthe ",Holiday;lnyelopes" .. .
and have •a hobby sale again this
•year, .
Some thought was ,given to grog
ram:.plans . We decided to , • •
continue with the Study Boo cf The.
Panorama •of the Bible' `also the
mission study of Chin ` bht 'to ' limit';
our time so that' the:,meetings would
be over by 4 p, In: Stewardship is'.
also another important part .of our
work. Mrs: Hallam read a "piper
prepared by Mrs. Stuart,,: Cards
were sent to two.rnembers •who are
on the sick list. ' '
The Study Book' on China was in
troduced. by 'Mrs: Orland Richards
on How and Why.'we should, have a
• better understanding of China'.
Miss Flora Andrew' gave the court
est remarks and- ,
Weaver, , Mrs Joe. Dauphin; Social
Functions , 'convener Mrs. ,Nelson.
Pearson, 'Mrs.. Ross Henry; Mrs'.,
'Fred Young, Mrs. ' Wm . Wiggins;
Pianist ;' Mrs.. Gordon Finnigan;
Assistant Pianist', `Mrs; Leonard
Reed; Historian' and'P.eriodicals ,
•Mrs Mel Reed; Representative; to.
M. and M. , Mrs.. K. Ki. Dawson;
Representative to 'Manse r ,. M s.
Cecil Blake;•Rep.'`to Official Board
South Kin oss:.:
Mrs, 'Harry. Lavis: was hostess to
South Kinloss, W. M.S... a .good
attendance at her .home on Wednes',
day , January 8. '
Mrs: Currie' Colwellgave: a report;
� .P
On the Christmas: meetin • and the . �:
.work ,of the Society: last year. The
Y Y.
Directors for this'Meeting•were •
•Mrs:.Harold Cam ' bell: and :Mrs .,
Al �an Maclntyre .• •
TheBible Stud was 'Psalm 24 and.
roll call a, verse with "Praise :.. Mrs.
Harold .Campbell introduced the' `:
,, p
new Stud Book: and an informal
'discussion was held on the real
meanin • of "Missions" Mrs :''L
Sparks re orted .on. the' ratitude.:of
A P .. g
her missionary. friend,id in Hos ital for
. Y .. P
a day by day box of treats sent to: •
her froth m 'uth Kinloss . • .
o .So
Mrs,• Allan Maclntyre read an .
article' from the Presb terianr'Record
-and-a-New 1' -ear peen."=
Keith: read •an article on- "Praise ...
and Mrs'. Douglas Graham,
Historian, gave 'interestingfacts..
Mr"s. Ted, Collyer''h'id charge' of
the .Prayer`Circl'e and Mrs: 'S arks'
'Closed the: meeting with prayer
The Directors' served cake. and ,ice -
Mrs..: Howard Johnston; Rep. to
:Board of Stewards;; Mrs.Jack Altor'►•
In Sunday:Service
At the morning •service of the •
Lucknow United Church last..
Sunday the sermon was in the
form of `a Panel Discussion;,.
"Youth and. Society." •
Rev. R. L. ,Stirling was, in charge.
directing questions to • rnembers of
the .panel ,7 -Linda Boyle ,. Brenda
Morrison; Valerie. Morningstar and
Rick Pritchard' The. four panel
members' had attended a Toc'
Alpha conference at Niagara Falls
'during their Christmas vacation,
They had, been sponsored by the
Rick. Pritchard took: the solo part
in the choir anthem.' Murray Morr-
ison and Brian Purdon also `assisted .
in the service as ushers, ' '
Lucknow .Unit..1....
The January meeting of Unit' One
of Luc know' • J , C.. W. met at the
home of .Mrs . 'Alex: ,MacNay. •
Twelve' ladies were present.. Mrs.' ;
Anderson, opened the: meeting, with
a 'reading' on the4New Year . The
scripture ;was read by :Mrs'. Lewis
and'the meditation given by Mrs.
IWhirec urck
Mrs . Wightrnan. presided' for the.'
business. period . She gave. an
-accountof-what'we would like to
accomplish'in the coming year,.
The Ro11'Ca11 was answered with •
a mensof fees. Mrs..Art; Breckies
was appointed' convener for. Christ-
ian 'citizenship and Social Action', '
Mrs Ron Alton for Co -o •Pra
etion in..
. . ..
Christian and`Missionar •:Ed;uc tion.
It; was su g jested 'that conveners be .
. g8
in charge of one meeting : .
d.urin 'the,, ear. Homes were securr
ed f 'r' themeetings. 'It was:
ome , ngs. as
decided to 'do• more. Work- .our, . •
unit and each lady was to bring an
article fora 'b`aby's'ilayette• to the
next meeting.
Holiday' envelopes: were to be..
used this year,' Mrs .Robinson off-
ered.to prepare them.
Mrs',: Wightman read�a:' em
g 'poem
The. New:Arri.val . After•the close-•
ing hymn, Mrs Wighttnan. gave
a, prayer. Lunch was:ser.ved..by the
hostess, and ,committee in charge
Whitechurch U.C. W. held, their
anuary meeting on Wednesday af.
'ternoorrat 2 p.m. at the home .of
Mrs. Fred Tiffin with the
President, Mrs._Garnet Farrier pre-
residing. •, • •
The Scripture was read and .
Meditation given by Mrs.
Elwood G'roskorth. Mrs. Davitibb
led in Prayer. Mrs, Farrier read a
reading•"Time'_' and: also, conducted
a Bible 'contest. Id the absence of
the Secretary, Mrs, Carl W'eber,,
the minutes were read by Mrs, Ezra
• It was. announced, that the Presby-
terial will be held February 5 ,. at
9:15: at Mitchell' United Church
with guest speaker. Mrs. Bernard
Neice . .
'The members answered the Roll
Call by payment of fees.;
The financial statement was.::,..
given for -Mrs 1 'Albert Coultes , who
was unable' to be present, by Mrs. .
Ezra Scho:ltz.`The. Conveners of. all -
Standing Committees are to'meet.,
Wednesday January. 15 at 1:30 at • ''
the home of Mrs'. Garnet •'Farrierto ,
plan the programme for'
1969. •
Mrs. Millan Moore gave the topic
"China". Each, was given'a.paper
and pencil and as Mrs. Moore' read
statements concerning •China cacti,
.wr_ote yes or no or agreed or. not
agreed'. These ;answers were then
Tdisc•ussed•. In this 'way:all present.
were. involved; in4thinkin about the.
topic', Some points learned;;were
that lack• of communication breeds
suspicion. The last Canadian Nl,is
ionary left China in 1952. Revolut
"onmakepo e
T.t ions a ,e pe .pl ..unhapPY and un-
settled'. '•In Engi'and the, Industrial
revolution had no,'blood shed in
France ther&was blood shed
A l tter was read from one who
e e o n
• had visited China'as to what they:.
had seen It was decided .if 'one
were oin .•to' China that:they
g g •,'•
should go, with.ann open mind and .;
'to their visit -learn all they
could .concerning' China and their
way of Irvrng. �/
Courtesy Remarks were :given bj
'Mrs, Farrier.
The 'next meeting will be-
February ? with the place' to be ;
announced 'later. Mrs '. Farrier
closed the meeting with Prayer...
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w ah the. Mizpah Benediction.
social hour was enjoyed. •
The. February Meeting Will be
held at the home of Mrs. Ewart
Taylor with •Ivrs. Houston and Miss
Andrew on the program,.
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