HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-15, Page 2PAGE TWO 1kkra".1.104•11 THE LUCKNOY, SENTINEL, LUCKI40W, 'ONTARIO WED• NESDAY, ''JANUANY- 1Sfh. 190, The LIJCKNOW SENTINEL . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •Belongings • "Th. Sepoy Town" On the -Huron -Bruce Boundary P. Authorized as second class ma er y t-0 ..ce- Partplen , t . , • Ottawa and for payment Of postage ' - • Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon . . • . -. . - Member of the C.W.N.A. and O.W.N.A. • SUbscription Rate, $4.09 a year in advance —to the IJ,a.A., $5,00 • • • • * Ponaitk Thompzut; Publisher WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1969 10 • .., , Having.. retired,. I would, • like to e*prets. my appreciation to the people of LUcknoW and, vicinity • for , the loyalty you have given Me during .• the . 33% years I have..becii.in: practice. . . . • ••• ' • t am sorry t 'was unable to •• find a .successor . , . but hope in the near future that one may be found, ' • P ' • , . .. • • 7 • •. .. . . . • . . . . . AGAINTHANKING.toU . • :- ' . .. . . :. • . ;..JAMES UTTIE D.D.S. RETIRES AS DENTIST CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 • SckloOkRt111•,1$ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 mr. aud, , ar es. Wingham ; and natives of thisi.coin, munity, found a few more problems. than usual in getting to Florida for their winter holiday - and Mrs. Hodgins recei„ved • delivery of a new car on Friday and left the following day , Deeem- .ber 14th for= a Florida winter vac- ation. The firstnighout was at ;Detroit where they stayed overnight • with Anderson relatives, on Mrs. Hodgins' side of the family. - , • While the car was parked „pvernight, thieves gained entry to. the trunk a the car with what • • appeared to. be.,a master .key as no • sign of forceableentry was found. Au the pertonal•belongings of Mr,. and Mrs. Hodgins were stolen as .well as the spare' tire% A. boAt or , belonging to William, Wharry LuaknOW , wasnot taken, . • •Charlie: had, only the clothes on his back to make the remainder of the trip. Mrs. Hodgins fared•slight- ly better but lest. most of her be• longings as. well:: • ; The douple.motored southand on Sunday'were scheduled to Meet •Mr . and Mrs. William •Wharry, Of Lucknow who were ',flying 'from London to Florida. Final destinat- ion Was Key Largo and the .guess is. that the men had some fishing in• . mind on the Florida Keys. j • their astociation•with'the,popular dentist. • • ' •Dr. Little's biggest regret in dos- nghis practice was that he.was not able to interest 'a dentist in estab- lishing in ,Lucknow and serving the area. ' • , During his years in business, he was assisted by lour women the, • ' dental office, His 'first assistant • George Joynt_. Mr. Joynt stated that burned out floors 'wouldn't have a presently taxes are paid on an . chanee" he sald annual.basis and many people have George Joynt wondered if the indicated that they might wish to deed of the, school property had :" pay tax instalments on•A more. ever been transferred tottht-shool frequent basis. . board originally Mt Joynt _ wondered about tbe.00st.of .aSlcecl the clerk *hat the ruing 'doWn and felt that the firs e the fees of A.M.' SPtiet and .Assoc- dedUetion from insurinee money • iates'of 'London had .beenin conn- sliould have provided for the remo- ection withwork on plans for the. • •-was ars.' Ettabelle (MatDonald) val of the ruins. Reeve Joyntsaid • Lneknow arena. The clerk reported • Smith. She was later,succeeded that, he thought it had been a "fastt that the acolzmnOad be• en for y er sis er, Russ :Altc.)n (Elizabeth MacDonald). who worked 'with Dr; Little for eighteen years.:'MrS,. Eva - MacQuaig was the next assistant • and more recently, Mrs. Maud ' - Dr: Little was married to the . former Evelyn MacLeod of the 6th of Kinloss in 1936. The commun- ity extends rnany happy years of \ retirement to Dr. and Mrs, Little. er'idt e, coRt of $14571 .1 ° removing the pinsi would at least be. the cost of the land value. • Reference made to the safety of this public",bnilding caused the re- mark tO.he.Made'that,Lucknow's .arena carried'no'snow load at all • spite several arenas in the,area closed during the rec'ent • heavy snow period . • ' A :review of the Methods,of pay- ing taxes by Reeve • Harold 'Greer asked what this • included and reference to a letter from Mr: Spriet indicated thatthii included •preliminary:plans for a new arena and sketch plans for' dressing rooms' etc Mr Greer 'referred.to.receat snow conditions which gave flat road arenas' „ prOblemS and said that he could -a see the wisdom inthat type of rop An -constructing a new ar na. • .ufno4gh .4 ? rtios, A. • • • Students at Ripley District High School are.apparently.not in favour of a:recent decree by educ- ation minister ,. the Hon William Davis that :the school' term be ext- • ‘ended:-1,--Xwo-w-eeks--:Staidents--at--, RiPley have hung the education ' • , Minister in effigy from a tree at ; the side of the high school: Bill Black is shown in the picture,- • • steadying, the protest piece so that • . • I. . the •Sentinel carneraman, could get a straight -on Shot showing the. • .. Wording "Down With Davis' Seems the Ripley kids feel that ' ) •they are spending eaough• time j school now and don't want to . extend school teaching days which* Would cut into their, summer 'jobs and summer fun"; Can.'t Say:that we blame. them! We, well recall.. those •hot, Sticky, .dreapiy,June . • . • • NEW COUNCIL .. 6t. • CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1., • • • sx-rm i,o village. government:by coL;The heavy snow blocked . ncill* • LANGSIDE e are offering *4, " no* while ihis. .0ffet • HOME FURNISHINGS MorfA T APPL /A NCES' ..••• ors Bob'Finlay.and Eldon Mann roads for.Friday traffic „ cancelling year ago board'' .selltleis-and--all-activitiet and • travel'on all roads. By Saturday. bOth nevi mernbers of the ,ometimel•viliit.7thBer6fotitrheff-tpheed.;'Stialmate... .snow -plows wer°'beginn4ig: to. !.' ‘. • pleasure of association Might arise ' °lake:a track ilil..4ith the'quaOitY.- gain,..41,eisa102,N,& jilay_ambet , of snow it makes for. quite ,a prob- .'. take a crack at it .agait17. . UNDERWENT SURGERY, .' lern to gct,traffic moving, able tocome back some time'.and Councillors Webster and Mann .. 'Kn.': Gordon Wall a:Patient In both.expt:essed, their pleasure in , .Whigharn anciDistrict•Hospital . wOrltitifwgi.th4tted9sluboard ghere she 'underwent surgery last.. The new 1969.Reeve 'and .councif .. w6cinsd4!' ' , . •. . . wereinvited by Clerk. LH.. •Agnew. Cliurch: iervice.was "4°°1e4 to take their seats ,.' ' „ Sunday andt the South Kinloss ' • , The clerkadministered the.Clecl- Young People's meeting to ‘0ic11 • aration of office for 1069 and 1970 Langside Y P. S. was invitedW a to ReeveGeorge W Joynt, postponed for one v;feek. cillor.s Harold Greer MurVin Solck='. : • mon and George, Newbold).:Reeve. roysa_stated thar the fou&coaR-majaw_bo ciilor Eldon Wraith. would not be- ahle to be present until the regular • Meeting the' following night:. Mr. Joynt stated that the, • inaugural addresses by Reeve and ;Councillors would Coe place at • the regular meeting on Tuesday arlievexperienes had,indit'ated: that it via's. hot possible to' present .6. inaugural addreSses on the morning of the inaugural meeting because of the frequent interruptions 'which Drop of , . th,ings 'that' coine to the .seldom turn OM' te be the,things for,' :. • • . • . e weetIngeperienceo as people cameancl wentofrom the town ' • office to. transaCt. iidir butintss. After various items of buiiriess were discussed, and which are' rep rted elsewhere'in, this issue, the Meetliig adjourned -until Tues day e ning at 8 p.m. • ........,..... - ... ,. • I " ' -C,:;ir,. :it r4 a .i :all) t -T11 '.1.* irl .1...:. 4kr:,:az . 7r;r• 7414 Al '. • •••- • •44,- • 414W4,-....4“.:4444.-4.4,*10,4A.4.44.444,4444,...441.0444.4.,,44***4.40•44.4' „.„ • )