HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 18PAGE EIGHTEEN. •
$th, •190
letter To The Editor
"'.VVe heartily wish that
this New, Year. brings
to all of us the a-
biding love and un-
derstanding that leads
to : peace among men.
Thank you, , our loyal
customers fo.r a
truly 'wonderful year.
Editor. , Lucknow Sentinel,
Luc know , Ontario ,
To Residents of Huron County;
May I again on behalf of the resi.,<
dents of Huronview express. their
sincere.thanks. for all the cards and
gifts received by them at this,
season, .
Also thanks to the different groups
that came to entertain them , not
only' at Christen .s tirne , ,but for the
numerbus..times throughout ,the past
year-4pur•'thanks to those who. took.
the residents for drives and helped.
in, any way to •add Variety . to their
lives . • .. •
Special thanks•to Legions:, Churcti
,groups and service clubs who
remembered the 'residents in, so
many different'ways.. •As. usual the.
Canadian Forces Base contributbd.
their social tiines,as well.
as ,presenting•.the Borne with three
wheel chairs which, were rrluch app
scrap -dealers?
May -1. also -thank -all -those
les who aLany time sent flowers, to
Ow home to add beauty and variety
to .every day living. •
The management and staff wish to
thank you for your concern -and
consideration for the welfare of the.
residents. in our care.,'
May 1969 be good;„to everyone; a
Harvey •C ;Johnston ,
Adrninistrator. •".
yes! rs •
sno'win a ain
know ! iYou:`'can't bear
to: go home to -night. •Once'
more ,your,..wife failed, to
get her :.washing dry:
trop ifltoCREST HARDWARE Today
and buy her a
This brings us in ` a round
about way to the new school
system :in. Ontario,. which ,prom-
ises to,: be interesting. The old'
local school boards, chosen in
their own'. communities,: are
being • scrapped, and • county
boards, . elected, -have .already
replaced them.
Theoretically, ; the idea is, a
,et s hear your , views • : good one. It should give equal,=
•I ''
se. of
Nothing like a good
• e 'flu- to -make you'. f
turning but.a. column off,
less prose. 1.' feel ;like a fighter
o•the'ropes' in the fourteenth
.:round with the ••crowd yelling
to th oxhe guX; ' i1Lhim�
Kill hi
So perhaps y . forgive if
we don't spark] +` brilliantly
today, and just ear up some.
items this week, then begin the
, New- -Year,-•-with-a•-freshY-slate- ;
and a sound • constitution. • I
We had a very merry Christ-
mas, thank you. But an insidi-
ous old custom is being re-
vived. No less than three k dif-
ferent groups of carollers ap-
peared at' the door,- and had . to
be suitably entertained. By : the
:time the: last ganghad left, we .
'were well into Christmas
.morning, among o er ings..,
It's a charming' old tradition,
'but I hope it doesn't spread
too. far. If , it does, next Christ-
mas Eve I think 'I'll just call'
' the cops and have the caroller
charged with.disturbing the
peace. It would 'be,'a eh p-
er. .. -•
• • For once, everything fitted:
when the 'gifts were •opened.
• See me in. my 'new: off-white •
• turtleneck sweater and Pierre
ty of educational opportunity
That would be a switch to' all children. That's the ptir-
hurch_bellcand a blazing 1 pose. In-•-the-bad-old-dos„--be--=
log fire and jolly evening with • fore '1969, the fatter centres
got the best facilities and , often
-the best teachers, while the
,.leaner ones had to -struggle.
along\with 'what :they could af-
f ford:
I . hope it works. • But . I ' have
reservations: Many a time have
I seen something made bigger,
so that it would _ be more effi-
cient ' and cheaper_to un._ :.:
Usually, . the opposite occurs::
Expenses increaser and 'efficien-
cy ' decreases, because 'of sheer
Parkinson's Law takes over:.
Empire -building ; begins. Al-
old'friends'brought in the New
Year on a 'pleasant note. Not
for me the $30 -a -couple New
Year's •Eve in a nightclub with
a lot ° of idiots in paper hats,
• throwing, streamers, blowing
their little horns and ..kissing
everyone, in sight.
Speaking of bells, Lt. Col.
John McEwing of Spokane,
Wash., retired, has . a bell in.
the belfrey which is bothering
him. Describing himself in :'a
letter as a "sentimental nut,"
he. says he has bought the bell
from the little red schoolhouse
he attended as a boy, near Port , ready hundreds:` of new admin.
`1---istrative 1ob's-
` Li�gin; Ontario. _ , .
That bellhas many memo ed for . the new system. Under'
ries for: him. He planned to •. • it, board members .will'. receive'
present -it, no strings -attached; -.—a --stipend; and--no-doubt, • exp-•=•-
to the new consolidated school penses: The old boards worked
"which has •replaced :the little • for 'nothing. Paper -work 'will
one -room: country schools, as a double, then triple, and so- on.
symbol of all. of them, those , • Hope I'm wrong. It will take •
humblei institutions w h ere . , a ` couple of years to. tell: And
many a great man got his start. by' that time,. the.. system may
The. Colonel flew east :and: be 'so rigid that changing it
lked to the architect respon will •be like getting an elephant
to stop standing on your foot.
.Ile was enthusiastic; But` . i Any comments?
he trustees stalled. They were -
going out of office at the end
of the year, •and. "couldn't
Trudeau will look lie some
body from -Ila-' '
make' up their minds” about
rc,• 1�
Kim, `with her usual exquit''
site sense of timing,. almost •
turned Boxing -Day into a box-
ing match when she announced
• she'd like, to go to Israel and
work on •a kibbutz for a year,.
after finshing high school So
a c..uple of years from now, T •
;nay be a Jewish grandfather.
avrng,-••something• -.as --old fos
ioned as ati 1875 school bell
on: the premises. •
To me, it.:sees an excellent
idea, and I hope the new board.
will be receptive to the Colo-
nel's� idea, We talk a 'lot `about •
Canadian a, and preserving our . 1.
• heritage. Why sell it • to, the .
•...'...oa••e.. e• o• oo•i...... •.•
rest ..Hardware.
LUCKNOW' - "PHONE 'S28.300'