HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 15WEDNESDAY, JANUARY eth, 1969
tlotl ti. the -existing butt.
ing, strengthening the construction.
and tearing out existing, dressing,
: roortl$, .and making new dressing
rooms, other facilities and a
Viewing; room, Estimated; cost, was
0°,11t.. $57.900,,.
The•second pro osal was strength-
ening the exist' g building and
%building an addition to the west,
end which would house new .
drossing• ms , etc: and a` view
tams frig
room. :Estimated cost of "the
strengthening and addition was.
The third proposal was a
-complete new arena with similar
facilities at an estimated cost of
In his submission ;. which was
received by..council in mid June,
Mr. Spriet said that in•his opinion
as a structural' engineer , the pre-
, sent building was not safe, He said
that even,with strengthening the,
present structure, he was doubtful
if it would meet the Nati=onal
Building code standards and as: �'
• 'such- would not receive his profess-
. ional'seal.as'being safe. . "
In, September the Luckno w
council called a meeting with
- the' rural councils involved and
after discussion• of the three prop,.
osals by Mr. Spriet decided.to call
•in another engineer to inspect the
building for,safety,'. Thiswas done
at the suggestion of the rural 'coup'
nils.; Mi Spriet's opinion was, not
doubted but in view of the 'step,
which was.to be taken, it•was-felt
;`that another engineer's-oinion
should 'be received
J.D. Runcim. n , ,an engineer with
the Ontario DDepartrrrent. of Labour,
was sent to Lucknow by the Depart.-
ment after the local council had '
made a request. Mr. Runcinian, '
inspected the building and Ont 1 a°
telegram to council desd 5ing'�the�"
building as - structurally upnsafe' and
tgg-esting that4x-be removed -in -:its-
entirety. .The telegram, a subject
Of some controversy , was sent so
that some official word Might be
available for a meeting Which was
planned a short time after Mr.;
Runciman's' visit: A later letter.
'. stated that if restoration of they'
arena was considered, the advice •
of the. 'village's .structural engineer
should ;be followed.Both these re-
ports were printed . in The Sentinel.
Fol low=ing-the-rec•ei vtng-o-f-th-ese—
two, reports -from the two engineers
Lucknow. village 'council closed" the:
arena to the 'public and It has re-
mained closed` since that 'time..
About `this 'time, the Lucknow
.,Cit` e ' i Mittee wa
r� ns . A -vena comm s.
• organized by a group 'of men who
;,did not'agreewith council's` action
in'closing the arena and.were not
satisfied with the reportsof the two.
eng ineers : A petition .was
."citculated • through ,the village
,calling for an 'unbiased"
inspection by a third party, -chosen
by the Lucknow Citizens' Arena' •
� orn r tee. 'The-pe-t-ition,r-e-ad tha
•the inspection would be made to
determine the "safety,or. unsafety"
-of-rhe-arae knuw�are'firar -T1re . petits
was signed by at least two-thirds
of the ratepayers in •the village
It was: presented to' council and
council.did, .not accept the petition
as it was worded. However, -they
did agree to part of the petition
and agreed ,that the inspection•
would be carried. out, by *the .fir.rnof
the Citizens; Committee's choosing
The Citizens' committee •
originally contacted a firm of _
structural engineers in Tote
picked 'at random, from the phone
directory, ,These••same ;engineers
suggested, that a nim.' of •inspectors
and Testers be engaged' as they'
•would have to do. this themselves.
and the company felt that the local
comMittee might' just'as well go
directly to thp.m.; •
The firm'o'f J. T. Donald .and Co,
pf TM.rhnto. a 8a4:tpxc-lied at -ran: •
dom , was engaged• to make the
inspect- onn-and. they did this, •F.,
Coombs of this.company came to.
Lucknow.., Made the inspection and
a preliminary report from the corn -
pang was read by the Lucknow
Citizens' Arena committee at nom-
om-ination: meeting , The detailed rep-
ort received later and printed in a
later edition, indicated..that the
Donald firm, in no Way were able to
comment'on.:the Structural safety.Qf'
the building and Ghat ,a: structural'
engineer. 'would have to be .engaged
for this work. Theirreport • •
indicated.that: they made, an inspec-
tion of the arena' and their' findings
were to do°with the material only .'.
in the .structure; as well.as other
discrepancies.. Their suggestions,
would restore the building to its
original condition but the safety'
factor' was not their .line of work.
So this brings Sentinel- readers up
to last Friday.'s meeting.,, hopefully
a little more well informed,on the
A.M. 'Spie't of, London was the.
first•called on at'Friday's,,meeting'
and reiterated his.'proposals present-
ed to. •council , remodel and repair
addition and repair: and a complete.
new.arena.. The cost of'the arena'
in total was, $90 ;000 with a NET
COST/ TO, LUCKNOW .OF $33,000 •..
after participation by the three
townships and grants; We'.pr.int•this
in underlined capital letters in the.
hope that it will be remembered by
through •T•V, radio and street talk:
Mr Spriet again stated his 'opinio'n
that:the arena was' structurally un
Irop::;in nowwhile t
is oofferlasts
JAtice cued g61t.
CO. said that "I .would Challenge
any engineer to.'refutemy state-:
mens regarding the condition of,.
Abe -arena -and -that: the --arena could
be -opened at once with no fear of
'the. safety of the .structure"
Brock Cleland presented .these
remarks'to the Donaldfirm,and the
spokesman Mr. Alexander;, said
that he had no knowledge of any
Thing being said of :that nature by
J. D: 'Runciman o'f the Ontario
Department -a f .:Labour-was..p resent...:.:
and indicated'his .findings .were in
.agreement with Mr Spriet, that the:
present structure was unsafe.. .
Both. Mr. ,Spriet and.Mr. Runci-
man said that'a detailed structural
inspection ;. board by board ,''• joint
by- p`oi`nt-with' stress analysis wo.ul
be necessary•to deterrnine'if the
building could -be restored to .nat
ional building,code. standards'•and..
. •:.
that this would', be quite costly `
Two representatves:•w.ere'present
from. the 'firm of J,.•T."Dona'ld and.
Co. Spokesman was G.'E.-"Alex'an
der and F.' Coombs who made the.
inspection•; read his report: Mr:
: Brock Cleland • further 'stated that
the Citizens' Committee petition
Was based on a request` to
determinethe safety or 'non, safety
o t• e .ui. •ing •ut t at t -T.-firm
engaged at their/suggestion has in
no way ,'offered,'any findings regard-:
ing safety of the building
A letter ,from•J. T. Donald and'
Co.' , ,written.by the firmafter
ceiving a lettef from George New -
bold =of Lucknow was read to the
meeting by Reeve, Brooks and, is'
printed elsewhere in this issue .`
%A.lex'a.ndersaid, that they in no way
analyzed the structural:.d'esign o i Harold Greer 4. councillor elect said
-the buildi-Rg=a-nd that '9i-e--r-r-e-port •that the,arena building ha -r1 -be- n
indicated the deterioration only .in . there' for thirty-one years -and had.
thematerials materiin the. building as • i
. g ;stood. highest'wnds; and snow, loads.
well as otherrdiscrep ancies in the: ;:
. P ,, iand considered it perfectly` safe, to
building. He said .that if their in
.g « _, • . _ . ,,� use'.. Mr',.: 'Runcman-,'the engineer
structions were followed . it,would from the Department ,of Labour,
.restore the building,to •its original said that he had taken stress`
condition ,but that their report' in no analysis on'one panel of the build -
wa.. ea t wit . t e sa ;et actor. Y
••••••p.i•1•••*40ii••••••••• ...ter 4•••.•40•• •••4
o.: YEAR .4' A._a o
Four new members '-were, elected:
to the Council'Board andfour to
the. Board, of Education: Reeve .
W. A... Solomon; was elected by
acclamation. Councillors 'w ere
J. C McNab ,.Ernie Crawford ", 'Russ
Button and Larry :Downs; •for. the .
Board' of.Education Dr: James
Little , K,,C, Murdie:, Dr : W, V,
Johnston`and•A. E. McKim. It was,;
reported as the biggest, vote for
some.tirrre-and was estimated at a
"75 to 6.0% vote"
A' new lighting.system was being',
instilled` at the Lucknow High
School. and Public School
Wilfred Black,. son•.of Mr, -and
Mrs. Roy Black'', assumed his duties
as• organist in:. the Lucknow•".IJnited
Church, ucceedingMiss Elizabeth..
[ert Mullin
1 Royalty visited L ie:l<now-.-,:Kin-..-of -.
"The 'Hobo World recognized as
'such by:;the Federal coven -in -tent of
the',United States; 's dent New Y'ear's`
Day . `"January. 1st ,' 1929 in Lucknow
on'his way to ;Alaska •,•. King'.
La • arowitz was 23 years': o.f. age,
and. a world taveller , setting out, at
age 14':
S.S. 3 West. Wawanosh had the.
following pupils: John `Foran \Flor
ence Cranston.;:. Willie Purdon , Har-
old Fowler Jean Purdon';'Joe Foran
Ila Fowler, RobertMcAllister, El-
wood 'Fowler •,' Ernest Durnin, Helen .
Fowler', °Helen D'urnin ; Elmer Foran
Leo• Foran , Norman Foran: Gladys
A . Hodgins',: teacher.
West • a. anosh Townshipwas
adverti i for :applications for .the
position f treasurer' for .the Tow n
y d 1 ' h h f y f ing which showed that it was badly •
'He- said ,that ;this*: was .the work of overstressed at that, point . He told
structura engineers sue, as r. .the gentlemen that the building,
might stand another: thirty years
but there. is also the.strong• possib-
`lity that 'it might collapse ten
Seconds from now., Mr.Ru:nciman
said that it Was: realized fifteen` .
Sprret and.Mr. .:Runciman who had
made .their findings.•
. "Quite• precarious" is how Mr.
S. clet described the•present arena'.
He.said that to' analyze;.
t eui ing in •etar wou d requir
an :analysis of each tr'uss,'arid' each.
joint, 'an ;expensive, procedure.; and
it is because of this that his rec-
ommendation was for a 'new•.arena.
, .•
Loosely referred to as "arena w_
builders"" , the fiini of A M..Sprlet
and• Associates made it clear.that.
engineering and ''architectural'worf
was the function of their•fir.•m This
was clarified after a question from...
the floor.
The firm. of J. T Donald and. Co,
was .questioned from the floor about
rehiarks made at. the Lucknow
nornin• tion Mee li;g; at� �"but�tig
statement to the firm, which said'
that "all that was required. tq Mak
the arena safe and operative was
200 lineal feet of lumber; two
cables and a number of 4" spikes
Another statement at nomination
meeting attributed to the Donald
years age=t-liar• the -building -was -
possible danger when the cables
were inserted over ;the ice level
.Cloth engineers-°e'pressed
to theadequacy of ttie"structure•
when it was built....
Has the arena been condernned"
D.M. fohnstone of the
of Lucknow for the third term b'
acclamation•. Successful.' candidates
e-ca:unr i1' w,e re .$ E.:gob,
R b R A W Hamilton Rob-
O ert ae , • . o
The new Councifor Lucknow for •_
1909,w as ;John Jaynt ; Reeve '(by
a cclamation.); councillors. Mur_ '
doch ,'enderson ,; Mitchell and
Lawrence .
A. call :was'presented from St,
elens'-and Eas't--Aski-field. Ch.ur-cher=•'`
in favour:of ,Mr. `S ,'H ',Moyer. •a::,.
recent; graduate. of Knox 'college'
and was accepted,...
The Toronto'Daily.Star•wasaadvver
tised at °$1 50 a year
-Russell.Johnston entered the
emp oy o tie Ban < o Hai it ton .as
junior clerk':
doubt s---1---ti /
:tion which Luc,lcno:w-•has ana'�"
In view tis., 4
considered the :.$90;000 estimated'..
Town and Counfrv'_
was a question put, to Mi. Runci
Man. Mr. Runciman said that it
had not been brutthat their
'findings had been resented
council 'to
who acted in the closing.
The word "condernned"" has been
kicked around ,for iridis hs but; has
very little bearing on the situation
• of $9G , 0'00 for the new Lucknow
carena , Mr. Spriet said that'the -
Lambeth arena has been
completed at ,cost of $150,4000
which i$ of the .same constretiori',
He said that the Lambeth arena 'is•
stightly larger , includes a found
new `ice plant. I of `h' h .
•as being fairly close and stated
variance is
that��a' IO�jv a
a good estimate. , , . •
In 'closing •Reeve Omar Brooks
said, "I will'be keeping a, close ".
eye:on,the proceedings concerning
the Lucknow arena to see if the ,
new council tan repair the structe
ure and remodel it in any way
close to the facilities which we
planned -to give ive bybuilding a
ildin new g
arena and at a costo the village
..in relation to what Lucknow•would
have paid for a new. structure , a
net of33 00(. Nobody $ Lias p" ov'.
en as yet that•we had taken the
wrong course in 1905 ' .
Christmas Meeting
• The Town and Countr •Club
held their Christmas; and Bitthday
;party on Tuesday; Deceniber.17th
I with 53 members in. attendance..
Ganfes were enjoyed until 9
. Y
o'clodk. Elmer Uhibach, :laved for
!•carol singing which was led by 1\1r
'Ernest Lewis and. Walter Dexter.
Birthdaycak'e,and.ice ctc�ani'way's:
served tables gaily dec,or-ated for
the festive season: Thole w,cre•19
birthday guests w1id tried ansae ess
' fulls'y•to blow. out the trick candles: