HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 13•
Mr• andMrs, �Idon EckenswiHer�f
KinIow(eIebrate-56th-Anniversary . _ .. _.
WeeXte fid congratulations to lvr
and. Mrs, Elden Eckenswiller who
celebrated their 56th Weddin rained' friends at a Christmas dinner.
Anni.versar . Present for the 'dinner
� �' •• Donald Barr of Waterloo, spent the
party at -their home were Mr, and.
' Mrs ,. Rq Graham , Mr; .and Mrs. -
Ang-us McArthur, Mr.. and Mrs.
•Grant Eckenswiller,MA' and, Mrs..
Weir Eckenswiiler, . °•
„ Visitors with Mr. and Mr's,
Gerald Rhody and family were Mrs
William Rhody and :daughters Jean
and Glac4•ys and her son Max Rhod
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.:
Stewart:Lane on the gift of •ababy
daughter born on Christaste' Day.
Visitors during the.week with Mr.
and: Mrs, Roy Schneller.and B.e� tt
were Mr. and Mrs:: Donald Earle
and girls of"Beachvine,, Mr %nd •
Mrs. Elgin Hogg, and farriily of
Wingharn , Walter Bacon and Jim
Misses .Winnifred and Joan Percy,
Bill and Brian Percy. and Bruce,Orr
spent.Christinas with Mi and, Mrs
Elson Arnold4and family at Bervie:,
Misses' ;Edna and -May Boyle'enter
• Sehneller of Kitchener.
Mr andMrs. M. Johnston of '
Listowel' visited with ,Mr : •and Mrs..
• George Graham
• ,'Christmas visitors' with Mr and
Mrs : • Jac.[<• Hewitt , Brenda and • •
• ,Heather were Mr_ and'Mrs. Kerry
`Hogan and, Todd' of Stratford , Mr. .
• and ,Mrs . Alex 'Hewitt of Dundas ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Graham and.
;•Russell Hewitt;,. • '
Mfg.,Audrey, Borthwick of St.
.Catherines .is visiting .With here
mother Mrs. Jaynes Hodgins,, .
M'r and' Mrs,, Gerald'Rhody and,.
family,spent 'Christmas' with Mr
and Mrs: 'Claude Dore' at, Bervie
Mr. 'and Mrs. Leonard Stanley
.and -three grandchildren 'of -Holt
/. i.c'riganrvisited overtito•haliday -
with relatives here:. •
Mr. and Mrs: George,Haldenby:
entertained their family at .a pre -
Christmas dinner last Sunday -,and
• were dinner guests ,of Mr.: and Mrs:
Clare Sparling at 'Walkerton for.'
New Years. Mr: and Mrs. Halden-•
by and the Spading :family' visited..
on:Thursday with Mr.. and Mrs.
Lovell McGuire andfamily at '
Visitors.over theholiday with '•
Mr ..and .Mrs Ezra •Stanley were '•
Mt. and .Mrs .;' R.J. Kaake Cindy.
and Larry Stanley of Walkerton
Miss'' Shirley'Saiider of Hamilton;
lvlr and•,Mrs•. Leonard' Stanley. and
girls, Sharon Stanley, Mr. and: M:s
holiday:at h'is:home here.• •
'Mi., and Mrs,' Jack .Hod ins John
. g
and.Donald entertained',relatives,
a Christmas, Dinner. • `
Mr.' and Mrs;°Lyrna Sutton held
Christmas for members of their
Miss Jean Sutton-, whois attend-
ing Western University at London,,
spent theholiday, at her home here.
Mrs, Marretta Hodgins was ather
home. here over,the holiday and •
held a family gathering after which
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth•Hodgins
,went_ by plane to'spend,Christnias.
with her family in'the/West. •
Mr, and Mrs: William Haldenby
and George Haldenby spent Christ
rnas•Day with Mr. and -Mrs. Nor-,
man Fry' and: family at Harriston. w.
Mr; and 'Mrs'. • Harold• .Haldenby'
and Geordie of Sarnia visited with..
relatives here over, the holiday.,
Miss Sandra Percy of Toronto vis-
ited w ith•her parents, M r . and Mrs I
Alex•Percy and Wayne and'.'
attended a family dinner before •
returning to: Toronto :
We are pleased to report that”
Stephen and Debbie , child>ven of
.Mr: and Mrs Scott Walsh, who ,:,
were. hospitalized 'with :pneumbnia
are , progressing • favotirab.'ly ,
Mt.' • and Mrs: James Hodgins and
girls entertained relatives:at••a•
dinner on'Christmas.
- virs--Gertrude-W41s-h-spent-a•7few -
days in Kincardine ,with -Mr. and.
Mrs, Miller Hartwic at- whose
horne a farni•ly dinner was held...
Mr: and Mrs : A : `•Eizenga• and,
family'of. London visited with rel
atives 'here;: •-
Mr, and Mrs. Dan McInnes
:and:family ,spent Christmas with
Mr.••and Mrs Dixon and Miss
Mabel Dixon at Durham.
Mrs:'' William Cox,, Mr, and. Mrs.
Jahn Scott spent.•Ch'ristnias .with the
Scott relatives'at thehorne of Mr.
and Mrs'.' •Bill Scott and Barbara .,
concession 4:, Huron.
Misses Eileen and Beverley Gill--
mari of'Detroit Spent.the. holiday
with Mrs . ivlarretta Hodgins'.
. D1t: and Mn Howard
.Mr: and Mrs..Howard ,
Savage of]a'rnestown visited on G
Sunday with Bob Richardson and
Mr. pad Mrs. Gordon Wall and
Mr. and Mrs-. • Wes,„. Young enter:-
nter=rained their family on Sunday.:
"December 22-' . -
Mr. and Mrs. Bob' Bregman enter-
tained ,their relatives on Sunday,.
December 22.. •, •'
Michael Johnston of Stratford;-,
who:conthicted Church service; at'
'Langside . ,was a'inner guest.,with.
Mr. and, Mrs ,Elmer Scott and boys
The 'Martin family from East •
Wawanosh and Mr. anti Mrs , .Bob •
Struthers, Lucknow ° were entertai-
ned. on Sunda) Dece , be 22 'by
Mr, and Mrs. Jirri Young '.a d lam-
I'1r.. and Mrs.' Norman LeClair ,'
and. Donna• of Toronto spent Sunday
with her parents: Mr.-- and Mrs
Stewart MacGillivray and family
and at the same home Donald
MacGillivray .of Montreal spent a
family. spent Christ
Mr; and nes. Fre
few days,
Mr and.:Mrs Eugene Conley and
family. spent Christmas Day with
Mr;` and Mrs . :Fred Rartholoinew..
and family at Strathroy • ,
• Mr. -and Mrs. Gordon Wall and. •
fanaily spent Boxing pay with IW
and Mrs ° Ira Wall and •family at
The,communiiy was saddened to.
hear'of the'car accident nearMild=
may on Christrpas Day involving'
Mr.,and Mrs: Thomas Farrell and:
family of Kincardine. Sympathy
is extended,: to• Mrs, Farrell (nee
Bessie Moffat,. dau hter..of Mr; :and°
Mrs.. icahani Moffat Culross.Tow
nship) 'in, the losS,of her.ius•band
and son . ,;1!Irs' Farrell :and sop .
• .,Warren, -.are patients in Walkerton'-
I'lospital and infant, son Greg in.
Victoria Hospital, .London: For
•thein we wish a, speedy reeovery.'
Oh.Christmas :Day Mr. and 'Mrs.
• Clifford...Young and:family enter •
•tained. Donald of Toronto., Ken of
London ,',Mr . .and Mrs. Jim Young •
arid.faniily; Mr; and Mrs.. -Wes
Young. Mr:: and'Mrs.`,G.eorge'Youn
and. Heather of Kinloss: Township
and Mrs.. Clarke. Johnston' and
and With relatives:at'Ingersoll and. Emma' Richardson. and Graham
onto, Mr, and Mrs , Eric Evans•
and: family; Hyde !Park and Mr, and
Mrs. Ken Donaldson and family of
Dort Credit
Lynda Mr 1.011in of Tor nr ips
spending. the holidays with her par
i:ents . Mr; and Mrs, Dick McQuill n:
land Ronnie. - ,
Lucy 'and Allan Miller of'Toronto
and 'Langside were ,hosts . -
to thirty-two people on .Christmas
;'Day at their Langside farm; Those`
"who :attended'were Mr.` and. 1\•1rs:
Jack Purdon, `Mr, •and:'Mrs::Ted Mc
' Clenegban:: Cheryl", Calvin and
Percy', I1liss Sharon'Courtney..�irs.
Frank Miller, Mr..and.hlri., Mel
vin Morrison. Brenda and Marvin ,
allOf Luc'kno.w;, 'Mr. 'and Mrs: Ken -
Zin h and' Randy, Mr., and Mrs,
Larry Zinn , •Mr. and Mrs, Mike
Hlavach . all -.of ,Win;h.an7; Mr, and
Mrs. Russell.Purd'oh,13:ryan, Milton
• Thelma•and Lynda of Whitechurch; '
Mr. and Mrs.:Ken Purdon.., hike
and"Johnny of•Thorndale; Mr.' and ...
Mrs. Floyd •Bott. ;of Bellwood, ' '
Alter 'all had enjoyed a :buffet
g :supper , Santa •(Floyd• Bott) and his•
four elves' .Brenda 1\lorrison.':„'
Cheryl'McClenaghan.,: Tfreln a and,
Lynda Purden distributed gifts 'and
treats to
• • The, group •had four, skidoos and
visit with his uncle Herbert Pesarsor vette of rave
Ja Bel grave.
at Westminster, Hospital, London 5P, g y endin .. Chr.istm'as,Da � with Mis
Brampton. Moffat were Mrgaret•Moffat: Tor'- Also 'enjoyed.'some skiing., •
••Dan Tollefson Bradley and Dani •' Visitors with. Ir, and- rs
of Port: Credit.. Bradley.Tollefson •McInnes. and family: Were' ..Mr.. and
stayed for a Visit•with his grand- Mrs C. -A; Morrison, Mr:•and.Mrs
parents William -McInnes and family of -Y.
' Miss-W-innifred-Percy_h.eid a -fa
• ily dinner on Boxing Day .•
-. •reeswater ,.Mr•:and_ Mrs , John
• Thornton and family of .Corrie.
Mr •
.and 'Mrs : •A'lla'n Mc Farlan Miss Joan Percy, who is attending,:
and Donny held; a family: dinnel Stratford Teacher's Co•llege•, spent V..
the holiday at her' hoe here
for` the McFarlari relatives': m
Chris-v-i-si-tors-with Mrs—J-ohn Mrs:' Arthur' Philhips and daughter
Barr and :Donald were Mr, and ' Mrs•, Peggy:and friend of Fonthi:ll , 'sent
b. ins, 'Mr, and'Mrs', 'Russ- a.few,days with Mr,. and Mrs,
Perry, Hodg l
ell Barr,' Darrell .and .0 Cynthia of.. , Fra`nl< :Maulden. and :.Keith:
y'Mrs. Jacl< Barr, Jeannette and
Scarborough, Mr.•'and Mrs. Mor- - • •,
',ley 'Bushell and family Of Wingham Susan attended a relative shower.
'Chr.istmas.visitors with Mr, and at lvlr.s,john H'amilton"s•.horneat
inton for Miss 'i.erea:-Ray of
Friends here- are,pleasedito know
that Mrs,. Russell Hewitt, who and -
erwent surgery. at St.- Joseph's Hos
pital ,• London some, time ago , •is
Miss Teresa Ray,and Ross,Haniil
ton of: Winnipeg 'visited with Mr.7.,
Mr.. and Mrs. Bill -Burt,' who were,and Mrs: Jack 6'arr and family.,
patients in the Kincardine and Dist •• .Miss Elma Mae MacDonald of :
rict Hospital 'were able to return • Kitchener and Joseph .Guest of. '
to -their hone, ` Teeswater spent •a few days with •
Mr ,arid 'Mrs,. Arthur Haldenby • Mr. and Mrs,,- Torn •Ma.€DonaPd ,
spent the holiday in Toronto with' We aresorry to report that Mrs,,,v,
: their farniI r . To ono -Id's riibt-her. ;,,M
Holid"ay visitors with Mr"'. and Joseph Guest.Is-a patient il,the
Mrs, Bert Nicholson, Allan and'' -'• Wingban7 and :District Hospital,: ,
Lois were Mr. andMrs, Ted Evans, Mr, and MrS.6C1,1ris Shelton visit »
Linda and Larry: Mr:: and Mrs, ed with her Mother , Mrs.' Stewart
Jerry Collison of Georgetown, Mr at Victoria Hospitaly, London who
and Mrs;. Cliff Langford, larnie..'' had rhe misfortune to falx and frac:
and.Paul'of Woodst6c14 '•turn her arm _They also plan io- ':
Mrs Weir .Eckenswiller ,' Reta and
Steven, were Bonnie and:,Elden'of`
' London.;•..Mr_
.:_-.an&MrS �den'Ec!<
enswiller, Mr. and Mrs.,. Allan.'
McFarlan and Donny. •
Mr. and Mrs':. Jack Barr , '
Jeapnette , Susan and Murray spent
Christrnas with:Mt;. and Mrs. Bruce
•n at Lucknow
'Springtime puts the ;squeeze on everything.'
Your time, your rrioney.and Your. patience.' You
.remerriber what it's like! Th'e'waiting.Iineups,
the slower deliveries, the. delays, Everything
„eating up your time'at, a time When you should
,have—bee—n.4-he field.
.This year, take some.. ofthe squeeie out ..of
Sprin a Plan your crop,pro -'r.am and order your.
•,produ,ction heeds now. Be: assured of getting •
• ° • :• what you want,' Where you ;want it,.whenyou
want. it: •AndWe'il becharging you the prevaiI ,; `•
ing prices at/the time. of. delivery' so you.
can't' ase:
There 'really "isn't a 'single • reason why you.,.
shouldn't place your order now'' instead of at
thepeak,of the season. You.save_in'the long ru.n.
ILJII=11='complete crop production'' programs'
.Phone 528-2125`