HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 1217
AIWA& Rot*
Mt,. and Mrs. Tom Morrison on
Sunday. visited Miss Lois Falconer
a patient at Goderich Hospital:
`Celebrating Christmas with Mr,
and Mrs. :Allan -Miller of,Toronto
at their farm:.bome were Mr, ,and
•• Mrs, Ken Zinn and family; Mr.
i1 +111.1.`• 4°r.:.: „!j�,.•.,•i M.'iv `A , i.1: '7' •!!. ,...
andra and Doris of Win
Mr, and Mr oge Gaunt of
Exeter,; Mr. .and Mrs. Jim Gaunt:
and Janet of Centralia., Mr, and
Mrs, Harley Gaunt and family of
•Wingham ; lair. and Mrs, Don. Ross
Douglas.; Bobbie and David were
and Mrs, Michael Hlavach of Wing
Christmas Day guests with: Mr ;'and ,
Mrs. John Gaunt,. .
Mr and, Mrs.. Russel Ross'held
Christmas for their relatives on
Wednesday in Whitechurch Comm-
unity H'a11: ,Attending were Mr:
and Mrs. Bill C.asli ck , Donna and'
Patsy ofCulross; Mr-. 'and Mrs.
Wallace Conn: and Alma; •
Mt. and Mrs: Douglas Conley of
Wingham; Mr. and. Mrs.' Herb Hun -i
ter of London; Mi„, and Mrs. John
Willis; Toronto; Mr. and Mrs Ron,
ald Coulees •Joyce and Darlene;
Mrirray Coulees, Jean • Maynard' ,
and Mrs. 'Wilford Caslick., Diane;.
Stephen. Briari,,Ross.of Wingham;
Mr. and Mrs..' Wayne Caslick of
Sarnia; 'Mr and Mrs. Jim:Ross:;''
Kitchener; Doris Ross; Mr. and, Mrs,
Gordon' Scott [Ripley; 'Mt. .and Mrs.
Earl Caslick. There were 37Fe-
l/sent in spite -.f weather conditions •
Mrs. A ,E.., Purd on was: a
Christmas Day ..visitor with Mr:. and
Mrs . Jack Maclntyre of Wingham .
•Christmas. Day •guests with Mr..' •
and =Mrs. Dawson Craig.and family
were Mr and Mrs. Bill Peacock,
Ross and Lloyd of ,Biuevale , Mr
and Mrs : • Gordon McBurney,. Hugh. %
and Ronald and. Mr and Mrs: Alex
Robertson '.Margaret , 1vlarilyn and
Jim all of East Wawanosh and "
Mrs . Janet: Hall of Wingham
Celebrating Christmas with Mr:.
and. Mrs `Walter Elliott were Bill
,.ham;; Mr. and Mrs:. Melvin Mora
ison, Mr. And Mrs.,'Ted •McClen- d
aghan: and family , . Mr . and. Mrs. :
• Jack Purdon , Luc know , `Mr . and. ,•
Mrs. ,Russel Purdon:� and :fa°rriily ; ."
East Wawanosh Mr. 'and '.:Mrs ,, .
Floyd. Bott and family Mrs.' Frank
Miller'. Luc know , Mt; and Mrs .
•Larry Zinn. '. • ,�
Thursday,: guests ;with Mr. and Mrs
Victor Emerson were, Miss Lila
Emerson, West Wawanosh,iMr.
and Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Joe and John
Mirehouse �•of Biggar, Saskatchewan
Russ. Ritchie and Mrs': .Charles Tiffin
.of Wingham.
Miss. Linda McGee of Brantford is
.spending the holiday at. her horne.
David Beecroft of.Malton and. Jan-
et Beccroft of London are holiday-•
ing with Mr'. and Mrs Gilbert ' .
Beecroft and Christmas Dayguests
were Mr: and Mrs.. Hector
guests,:were Mr. and Mrs: Hector
ilarnilton of : Gorrie ; Mrs.. Eccles
Dow , 'Ivan Arid, Nelson
' .Guests with'Mrs George McGee
'and family and ;'visiting; Mi. McGee
.in Hospital were Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Gibson' and Susan of Brantford
Mr. and Mrs'. Ted Falconer and
Carrie of Chatham ,
Mrs.' Doris Willis , Mr. and Mrs
:•Bill Willis and tyle were C.hristrrras
guests with Mrs.:. 'Willis of Gowans -
;Wesley Tiffin.;
Miss, Margaret Moffat of Toronto
spent the week end with 'Mrs..
Moffat. •
We are' pleased, to report that Miss,,
Janet Adams who was hospitalized.
at,, Win. gbam Hospital orr the Sun
'.day before Christmas doe 'to a
car accident', ,wasreie aged. on Mona
day ;
Mrs • Robert, Ross.left. on Tuesday
to spend Christmas with Misses •
Carnpbells. of London.. Mrs. Ezra
Scholtz and Miss Joann Laidlaw
accompanied her to spend, ''
,Christmas with Mr.; and Mrs. Cain"
eron Simmons' and; family , also 9f
Mr. and • Mrs . John Murray and,
family. of Sharon •were Monday and:
Tuesday visitors with Mrs.. 'Charles.
Tiffin of Wingham ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clark. rohnston and
Janette-of:Belgray.e.wer,e Tuesday
evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs..
George Young and family of Lang
side ::•
" Mr. and Mrs, Alex .Verbeek and'
Jamie •spent :Christrnas; with .her' •
parents , Mr. and Mrs ._Porter. of •
Luc know .
Mr. 'and.=Mrs Ted Evans Linda
and Larry of Georgetown. spent the
week end with her parents Mr.
'and Mrs. .Bert Nicholson of .
Kinlough'and'were Sunday callers
on'his.parents Mr. and Mrs:. Bill
Weekend visitors •with;.Mr.':and .:".
Mrs :Garnet Farrier wer:e Mr. and.
Mrs:Fred• Davis of Windsor• and lvlr.
and: Mrs. Wayne Farrier .and Kirri-
berley of Londe"
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs
Orland Irwin of West Wawanosh,
Luc know, , R, R. 2 on '
the arrival. of a baby bay on Satur
Forster; Mr: and; ,Mrs. JJack-Forster� dayrDec'ember2rin Wi ggham arid
and fa miiy' of Lucknow. Mr:: and District •Hospital,: - a .brother for,.
Mrs Lorne Forster and family of. Stephen:, Fayesand Donald ; .
West Wawanosh; Mr. and 'Mrs...Ross Mr:° and Mrs. Clark Johnston and
Henderson and.family ,of -Ashfield, •. Janette of London were Sunday vis
Mr, and.M'rs..Ronald Perrot and itors with Mrs.. Charles Tiffin,:.,'
family'' of Goderittr• Mr: and Mrs: Wingharn.
Norman Stewart and family of Mr: and Mrs Ross Smith, Bradley,.
Lambeth. and Cathy of Toronto were Christ,
Iver:, and Mrs Jack Tierney and mas visitors with: her;,parents, Mr; ".
Karen ofd Clinton and 'son •Dennis'•of and Mrs :• Russel Chapman
the Navy from 'Victoria , B. C. Holiday, visitors with Mr. :and
spent Christmas with her parents Mrs.,.JohnJamieson :a d' fam' '
Mr'. and Mrs. Tom lvla offin. n xly..
ng , were M;.- and Mrs: Bob Whittle,
Mr. and 'Mrs: Jack Coultes Mr: and Mrs. -Stan Hartle•y,
Debbie Kevin, ;Blaine of Barrie,
�S,te � hen ;. Scott and Donna :Lee ; all.
Mr. and Mrs.. Wilbert Schwichten P
of .,Toronto:•, arid'Mr: and Mrs
berg; Lori'and Kerry of Port;Elgin
Hank, Eckert, Gordon, Debbie and .
and Russel.Ritchie•'were Christmas Timrriyof Connecticut and Miss •
Mr. and: Mrs. Russel Gaunt left :on
Friday to spend a few days'with•:
, 'Mr... and Mrs. Don Dirsteiri of 'Ajax.
;Thursday' guests with Mr.; and Mrs,
Tom Jamieson wereMr and Mrs ',''
Ross .Jamieson and faniily , Wing
am ;6,Mr-and-Mrs Brian -Game on-
and Brett of Wingham Mr, and
° Ivirs. •Ronald, Jamieson and family
of•East Wawanosh Mr•,wand;.Mrs:
Earl Jamieson and family of,West
Wawanosh'; Mr; and Mrs; John
Jamieson ;and family , >East. . Wawan
osh and .Mrs• Dorothy Proctor and
Donald of Morris Township.:.
Guests with Mr: .and : Mrs. Jim
Currie of Win gsham Were 'Mr and
' Mts. A11an Leader , Judy and ,. • ec
guests with Mr and 1vlrs.r: Albert '
Bonnie'Jamieson of Orangeville .
WWare sorry to: report that: George Coulees:'• •
McGee is *.patient; in Win cram �. 'We ate sorry to. report that Bill:
Mrs . Dustan; Beecroft and Miss ` Brown .of•` uc
g L know is a *tient in,
'Hospital.. The community wish P
hire a speedy recovery.
—.7-77-7—Christmas guests with Mr., an•
Myrtle, Beecroft.:and' Hugh ,Sinna•- • Wingham
'•on�,;alLof Win harp , wereChristMrs.'' ' i stayinrithtrer
mas,DaY guests with Mr adMrs,n
. ... and
Ernest Win ham. a_
s. Lave en a Taylor g ,,
and. family. John. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs : Ra mond "Man's.
YY , . ms
Walter Kundert of Waterloo
• Ea►11.Groskbrthtand-faixaily-o#moron: and ,family of Kitchener° were boli=
ris mas guests with`Mr;.:and daynest's with Mr. and Mis
to. were Christrztas Eve guests with g
• Mr -s -..--:Wm Brown Luci now were • : Clarence Adams an and
their parents Mr.- and Mrs :: Elwood d family n
Mr: and,•Mrs. Clark.Johnston and
Janette of Believe Mr and ,Mrs
.\ Mr: and Mit. Bob Adams and
g ` ' Holida in.. with 't i•. • family. •
� with. their . arents'•are : • • � .,•'
George Young and Heather of Mr and. Mrs . Ed Walker arrived'
Miss Edna 'Wall of London. And .Bill:; `:._
Langside ;and Mrs:: Charles,T•iffin ' Wall of r.onto : ! ° home on Monday after Visiting' . :
To Y g.
*Wingham: �,• - . •Mr.. and Mrs, Elwood Groskort witfiMr:--and-Mrs -George-,Walker---
;,.Christmas guests with Mrs. Bessie• ' ' •Christmas withher ' ..t and'famil. of Ottawa
spent. ,• Mother .
Mullis and Wilford•Clipperton`were,Mrs..Emma:Ba ` ofWillowdale..` 'Mrs. Thos Inglis accompanied'.
John-Cli rton - Robert. Mullis • Mi 1 In is sent• Christ --' - Mr• And rs; ack Inglis and`#arn-
and Mrs, Neil Faw Susie and. Ste- it to Florida for he Christmas'
• .mas leer daughter', . rs, Y
phen all of Th'amesford , Miss.
Geon a StanleY Mr, Stanley and • „, ••
-Jolday _"`
Marie Irwin, London , Miss Jenna'famrlyof Lucknow
, • . ; A 'This extends to the • •
Mull s. of Saskatoon Y
'• Mr . and ,Mrs. Eric Evans, Dialne relatives. and friends of the late
'Guests for Chrristmas•with Mr. � ,
,• ;Rand 'r; Melvin and Allan •of _London' Oliver Mc.Brian thai ym ath win
' and Mrs Ken Currie and family . ,were T sda and Wednesday visit' hit epassing
were Mr, and Mrs; Russel Gaunt, Y Y, suddenp si g on.Friday, Dec
ors with her'parents, Mr. and! Mrs. bei 27,
and Donald , Miss Leah:Currie and . ' �
Mr: and Mrs,; Jim Currie of. Wing- Bob rria R
Donaldson ,• Teeswater, Miss Hugh Simpson and Douglas Simp
hardson and Graham • son of Culross attended the funeral '
barn, Mr: and Mrs. Dave, • '.Moffat, Langside and his parents,. „on Saturday last at Kinc, rdine of
. Sanderson,: St. Catherines. Mr, and Mrs. 'Bill Evans. , the late Thomas Farrell and his.2
Guests on6Thursday with.Mr: and •
..'; Christrrias guests with Misses._... ;,yeatr-�a-ld.,:san-•Red-ne: ':
NMrs� Ira Wall and,•famil were Mr, Annie and Mary Laidlaw were ;
and Mrs. George Jimmie Charlie Falconer,John. and 'Mary•of;
Mr.,and ,Mrs;. Cameron Simmons
• andJanice of Pinkerton, Mr. -and J of London brought Mrs Ezra S 'holt
, Glamis and Yin Falconer.•
Mrs. Gordon Wa1P Marian, David ,spendirig_Christmas.with Mrs andland Miss Joan Laidlaw,' who had
Douglas , Janice" and•»Brian of L an . ° , . Is Brit Christmas'with thane ta't heir'
s•ide. Cecil Falconer were Mr. and Mt~s� ; a Stu
Angus Falconer, Kevin and.A11ah • ;h me on a r.d y: v
g • � Mr:, and of.Stree`tsville and Mr, and,Mrs. Mrs, Robert Rost -who spent Christ
Christmas nests' with
Mrs. Ronald Forster and' family of Relison Falconer, Susan, Brian arid, -
'mays With .Misses. Campbells 'of
cknow were Mr., and Mrs. Geor a London returned home o.n Sattlyda
Lug Paul of Sarnia and .Mr., and tides'° '
7469 Modek'
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1965 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, full power.
1965 FORD, 4 door., standard
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1964 FURY, 2' -door hardtop- _.
••1964 MERCURY MARAUDER, 2 door hardtop
v •
'Joeand . John. Mirehouse ,left on
Monday to return' to their home at
Biggar:,. Saskatchewan•after'a: mon
th''s' visit; with Mr. and Mrs; Fred.
'Celebrating Christmas with -Mr.
•and Mrs. George Walker were her
sister, Miss Lila Humphrey of St.
'Helens Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred `.
Wa ke"i d -'f
• Ben
Christmas guests with Mr., and
MMrs •.Ivan Laidlaw: and; family :and.
Herb 'aidla` were Mr
L , w .and Mrs
ack Kerr:, .Brian Kerr and friend ofd
Bluevale',' Mr.. 'and' Mrs: Fred
Moore and family and Mr. and. Mrs
Jack Kerr Srr. of Wingham
Mr.', and Mrs, Jim McIntyre and
family of. Rid etown spent: a few
.days. with Mr . and Mrs . Ben
McClena ban• and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl McClenaghan.
Rintoul and family •
Mr: ' and KO. Leroy Rintoul"and :
.Carol of Peterborough gh .visited , from ..
;Tuesd toYTh'ursda with her: .
par IVlr-arid Mrs: Stanley,
p. err . ey' ' .
Black and family of Belgrave and
his parents , Mr. 'and Mrs.. Gordon
Rintoul and. family.
Nlc: and Mrs, Archie Purdon;
Kathy, Lori and Karen spent Grist
mas Day .
, with her mother.; Mrs, ' -
Webster Jacklin of Listowel: •
Mr. •and Mrs.: Dave Oberholtzer
of 'Barrie are spending a few days'
with her parents,•Mr•. and,Mrs: •
Bill Rintoul
Mr. ,and' Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw , Janet
and Herb ta;dlaw 'were •'Thursday
guests With.her. brother, Marlow
Thursday guests with Mr. • and Mr.s..
J'im Curran of West Wawanosh were.
Mr .and Mrs.'.Gordon Rintoul•and
Gayle,',. Mrs: ;Robert Pu'rdon, .Bel
grave- wMr,. and Mrs: Lloyd Bott ,.
Mr.and'Mrs. Archie Purdon and
ound counsel and a fair price -nn a' mOntunent
correctly designed from quality 'material, rely on
, pit O'Hagan,ro .
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