HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 11WEDNESDAY', J•ANU.A.RYlily, 1969
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.1.1. Hold Pot
Luck.Supper And
Candlelight .Service
The C.G..I.T. Pot Luck°'supper •
was Meld in the Sunday School
Rob`m of Pine River United. Church.
on Monday evening.,; December' 9th
Mothers and Daughters. of Bethel, •
and. Pine River C, G.I.T. enjoyed
a delicious supper'. A. •business
period' followed and minutes of the.
last meeting were:read. Plans were
discussed for the 'Candlelight serv-
eraice.. The meeting closed by singing
Christmas,Carols ..
There w.as, a good -attendance 'at.
• the C. G.I,T.; Candlelight service,
of Pine River andBethel.
The :service was': held •at Pine River
United '.Church .. ° .
Ushers were Sandra,,Kempton ,
Karen Kilpatrick; Patsy: Henderson:
'and Joan Ferguson
Collection. Va.'s taken by• Susan
Walden, Karen Elliott .Ellen Eli-
ion ',,,Patsy Henderson.: Readers, were
Judy Thorburn. Sally Elliott and
• Barbara. -Walden:
C.'G.I. . members were• the
..��rclto:ir_for,�the set�cerand, were'
.accompanied by Kathy Irwin. mm
Leaders are Shirley Hunter and
Glenna Cambell ,
St." Peters.
At the: December' meeting of.St._
Peter'"sd,Anglican Church .Women
carols were played by Mrs,. •Ann
Pritchard while' the members
gathered_ _:The meeting wastherr�.
opened. by Preside►,t
Roulston repeating. the Members
Prayer , followed' by• Lord 's Prayer
Roll Call was taken .with• memb-
ers answering Witha Bible Verse on.
Gift,' Members.repeated parts from
Living Message',;•Mrs Etta Roberts
read the Prayer: Partner's Prayer , and
also read a letter sent, fronr'Prayer
Partner's Wife. •
Themeeting was, then turned
ovek,to' Mrs.. :Mary .Ross aril 'Miss ;..
Ruth, Thompson. This was in the,
form of a: Christmas• Servicer of Wor
Ship. ' The Scripture Reading was.
taken by Mrs. Ross with Mrs, Roup-,
stop Mrs . Edith Cooper ; . Mrs •
Eileen Lavis and; Mrs. Isobel Gaunt
taking part in,tlis reading,'.
Miss Ruth • T.iompson had a read L.
ing "Keeping Christmas" by Henry
Van •Dyke .
Two Carols w'eresung by the
members• Silent Night and Joy to
:the • World,. "• Mrs. Mary Ross closed
Ithe service of Worship. Lunch' was
then served: An enjoyable :evening
was had by all. 'At this titne I
'would like to wish:bne and all.a•
fiery: Merry-Christrnas-•-and-,Happy
New Year.
Car�lfest•1s First
'oung People Visit
ding fia'rols
The'newly organized Young
People's Society went Carol singing
on Mhn.day evening with ' •
transportation provided b'y'Peter
de' Byer,'•Williarn Young,: Ron
Hewitt and Gordon Wall,
' 'hey visited Mrs .• W m . 'Or'r
Emma Richardson . Stuart Scott and.
Carruthers Nursing Home and sang
Chrstmas.caols._T,he Ch'rstmas'.'
;story from the Bible; was :read by
•Rbberr Bregman Ross Moffat Nan-
cy and Simon de Boer Plans to -
visit •Mr and: Mrs .. Wm , Brown,'
Lucknow and'' Dave'Scott at Wing-
ham and District Hospital had to•be
cancelled on account of;poor nisi
bility. Simon de Boer; president
extended greetings 'from the Soe�d
iety and at eachhome •a box of
treats was presented.'' '
The'•group concluded their even-
Ing at: the ,home ;of Mr. .and
Gordon Wall, 'where they played
games'and had lunch.
A sleigh -riding party at,Bregman's
is'pla•nned if the weather permits,
with arrangements' to be made by •
Murray Moffat and Doug' Wall. The
next meeting will be. in.charge of:•
Donald Scott" and Robert Bregman
and will beat the home of Mr. and
MMs,..Dave-Moffat :• ;:
Whitechurch • .
Whitechurch ,Messengers held
their December:, meeting December
29 in the: Sunday School room dur •
ing church service . _
Helen Gibbons•presided and the'
meeting •was. opened by. repeating
'the messenger,'motto in.unison.
L6ngside Y.P:
On Sunday evening`, January 5,'
":.young people met at'the :home of
Mr, and Mrs .Dave ,Moffat. Simon,
• de Bber presided. The, Scripture
• was :re'ad by Doug Wall, the
meditation ,was given .by Ken Scott..
{Bobby. MacGillivray, led in prayer:
The minutes of; the last ,meeting..
•A large :crowd gathered at ..South
Kinloss. Church: for' the .Candlelight
Carolfest Sunday ,evening; 'Decem•-
ber 22nd-.....Thiswas an uplifting
musical programme a a,,first fort •his.
country .church'.
There. were solo, duet and, choir •
numbers.sung,throughout the
progranrrrie'with organis
*were Tea • •y ,anrce all .: The
next' meeting will be at the home
'of. Mr ..and Mrs. Eugene •Conley on
January. 26:
The:roll call was'answered• b,y..
each, with a Scriptureore.ference_
containing:the. word "God':; Offering
was received, with prayer, by
1J Russe -11 Young.' •
Theatopic;' a recording, "God'
' Isn't Dead:'• ,by Gertrude Behanna
was :listened .to .with;interest'and
will be:Continued at.the next`
meetin meeting closed with
meeting. g
min -and, Mrz ah-Boiled-ietiQn:•+-A
I few garnes were played and lunch ,v
was'servedCarolYn MacGillivray
rh irked Mrs. Moffat,
Next Sunday.•evening at 7:30 p'. ni
the Langside' Society is invited to
the South: Kinloss Young Peoples
Society 'meeting at their Church.
The •call to Worship was given by.
'Helen Gibbons. Frank Jamieson
read: the: Scripture., Prayer was.
given by Clair Weber : Kenny
Quipp'received the.offering and
Janet •Sleightholm gave "the•offering
The Roll•Call was- answered by 12.
The minutes were: read .by ' Janet
'Mrs. Clifford `Laidlaw; told -the
'uniors their story and' Mrd.. Dave
r -Brian ibb Lol-d .the Seniors, -a s
_;Lina The Meeting,: was 'closed byrepeating:; the Messenger prayer
•Keith..and pianists Heather,arid
Bruce MacKenzie. Mc:. Telford'
Penfold, fillingin in the absence.
of a minister ,:as narrator:: .•
'Director of the'.pro:gramme was.
Mrs. Lorne Lorne Sparks::
in ° unison.
• Choir niernbers were Mrs:, Harry.
•Lavis, Mrs. Don M'a.cInt 're Misses,.;
Conntie_and eath.er aCKeraz.Le
Barbara and Linda Macintyre , Betty
Colwell., Linda Barbara and Bev- ..•
• erl.P S •arksam
Willi, Walter.and, •
. Y - t __-
Denver,Dickie • Frank MacKenzie.;
The Junior Choir'consisted' of
Nancy and Robert Burt; Mary and
Murray.Y McKinnon , Sandra and
Murry Keith., Anne• Colwell ,.
Sheila and; Joanne 'Maclntyre ,
Dorothy Clark,.Margaret , Norma
and Marilynne Maclntyre.
Following. the Service asocial.
time was•heldin'the basement of:
the church;.,
Phone 524-9521
Pu�►lic Accouwta,nt.
4 Britannia Rd. E.
Goderich, Ontario
Lucknow United Church' Sunday
School Christmas concert •took.the
form of.a film strip on th;e origin
of Christrt'as ca'rols'which'included
'si --along. bg �� ,SundayS. �uchool
children and, adults,attending the
°presentation ..
-The 'carol presentation wilt nm
ated,,by Elwin, Hall, Raynard.Ack-
Carol' Campbell., Bob Hall
resided at thepiano'•for the carol
iiutnb.ers. Sunday School,superina.
tendent,Mel Morrison showed the ,
film strip.. '
Several solo, duet and quartette
numbers were sung as well ;as other
carol music by 'classes in the Sun-
day; school'.
The presentation was preceded by
orchestra music by Elwin Hall,,
baaBob-Greex;_bacitoae;� Ria€
Pritchard; trutripet; Rick Prichard,
trurpet and' Bob Hall organ.. •
• PHONE ,528-2125
Mr .:and :Mrs . John Scott and
• Mrs' William Cox entertained rel
atives at a ami, y •_inner on Mon-•
Holiday visitors with Mr nd Mrs
Malcolm iLane and; Hugh were Mr:
and 'Mrs, ,Everett Lane , . Terty. and
Bar •ara: O es erton , o r`; • an rs
Stewart. Lane , Mr-. 'and Yrs':
Ca.m bell•Brown. and, farrril of
P, Y
•Strathroy,and' John Lane;:of; Port
El in.: . Y
•Mrs . John Barr and' Donald, Mr.
and•Mrs; Jack Barr arid family
Misses Winnifred,and Joan Percy
: Bill•a/nd' Brian Percy were. New
•• .Years- dinner•guests, with.Mr.` and
Mrs. Morley :Bushell and family•
Mr. and lf'rs' P.A... Murray and
Barbara •spent Christmas with Ardhie.
McKinnon at,Teeswater. ' •
• Mrs. •Dorothy Thorripsort of;Sault
.Ste Marie and formerly of here 'is
a patient in 'the Plummer: Hoipi'tal .
(502),, Sault Ste Marie.
Mrs. Stewart Lane and "infant
dau • hter returned hhone. from the
hospital during the week.
Ralph Elaldenby, and daughter
Connie of Guelph'v sited dtging the
week with hit parents , Mr. and' 'Mrs
William E..Haldenby.,
'Donald Baer returned to Waterloo
on Friday after.spendin'g the, 11o1r- .�
days tlith his mother',.. Mrs-. Jobil
Mr. and Mrs. E. Murray:
entertainedall members of •their
family at a Christmas Part) in the
Holyrood Hall on Decen7;ber
here,wwere: •.present
Mr p: and s Art Haldenby ret:urr.
ed home after spending the holiday
in, Toronto.'Mr:'•and Mrs•, Howard.
Whiteside and bo s accompanied
them home' where' they: spent the •
week end . •
.,Friends of Mrs , Russell Hewitt'. .:
will be glad to know that she is:
steadily improving after:surgery
which she_unde:rwent at St:'Joseph`s
Hospital...,, 'London .
Mr. and Mrs. •Bert 'Alton of Ash
fieldIelson Wehgter of \ ind'sor--
and Dduglas• Palmer of.St. Cather-
ine's were visitors :at the Maulden
home, .
We, extend, synipathy to ,the relat
ivies of the late b 1rs'. Maude Dud = •
ley who passed•away on. Monday at'.
'the •pinecrest Marr, Luc know.
• •'Lois Nicholsono who has been
spending the holidays at her home
here returned. to Georgetown:on
Saturday for the week end: Lols is
attending Sc ool at Milton, ,
Mrs . Bert 'Nicholson spent the
week end with, menibets.other•
family at org.etown . ;Allan ,
Nicholson. who 'spent the holid'ay •
with Mr, and ltilrs; Cliff . •
Langford at'Woodstock, returned
home with her, on'•Sunday evening