HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1969-01-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE-L0C5fM10w 0..ENTIN41.41„, LUCRNOWI DI o. 4 . A A! !A551 RE TO BUY, SELL,SWAP RENT OR HIRE FOR SALE EAVESTROUGHING and': metal /fleshing, material and ,labour, .' for free estimate call Morrison. -Bros. at Murdie's Hardware, ` Lucknow phoAme 528-2906.-• FOR SALE . --: , two .red winter coats, size 12, one laminated,both in .good .condition, , freshly dry cleaned. Mrs. Gerald Wagner,. Lucknow, phone 528-3505. WELDERS (180 and COMET WELDERS 300 amp,) cempresssions, grinders, fer tilizer 'augers. power'bin,: cleaners rods and accessories. George Mes- senger area representative,, R.R. 1, Ripley, Phone '295-2815. . Smith. Roles ; 'Ltd::," London, ',Saskatoon. Try Cornet .before . you buy. • FOR .SALE ' —. 1500 bales ' of hay. John 'Holcak, R.R..7 Lucknow, 529-7379. FOR SALE pair ladies' bowling shoes, size°°'71,x2, worn only a 'few times. :Mts. Philip ; • MacMillan, .Lucknow;. phone528-5350, • BERG STABLE 'EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd 'Johnston, R;R. 3 Holyrood, phone '395-5390:. FOR SALE .35 • pigs,, eight to nine, . weeks old,'Lloyd MacDougall, 11. 5, Lucknow, phone 395=5135. JANUARY SPECIAL Come in and see our January • specials on toys, housewares and tools. Lucknow District Co-op. FOR SALE JUMBO PLAYING CARDS .available from the. 'Lucknow, Sent inel at - $1;19. per -deck.. If poor eyesight prevents you f rom.. yen joy- ing a card game, these Cards' with large numbers • and illustrations e . _ may be 'just what you need. SINGER SPECT AL.•for - .this week,. COMING EVENTS 'NEW CASH BINGO. Legion • Hall,r Lucknow, Thurs-' day, 8:45 pan. 15 regular games, $10.00- each. 4 • Share The Wealth. games with jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this. week $85 on 57 calls;: n , HOMEMAKING CLUB' New, model 237. , portable: Zig-zag, e. The Spring;' 4-H. Gin's. Homemak . machines $128.00 ing Club, "The Third Meal',"' will . New model 239 cabinet machines commence in. February.. 'The lead - 'reverse stitch $128.00 . er's training school will be Janu,.� Service, Repairs, ' Rentals,, Free ary: 27, and 28,,• Will the girls, wish home, demonstration..' on "sewing ing to take this course please machines,, vacuum cleaners, poi phone • the' leader of their former course. before that "date. ANNUAL_ MEETING N. .POT LUCK ;SUPPER • 'The annual meeting of the Luck - now Agricultural' Societywill be held Saturday,, • January llth in the Assembly Room :.of the Lucknow Town Hall. , Pot luck- supper at 7 p.m. Everyone 'welcome. Come and bring a supper .;dish. r SHOOT PARTY' The St. Helens W.I.- are holding a Shoot . Party on January 9th at 8:30 in' the. hall. Lunch served. , Ad ishers, television, stereo . and type ,writers, Singer Company of :Can- ada Ltd.; 286 10th Street, Hanover,: Phone 3641070. • • ' -• FOR SALE 114 LUCKNOW' 1.1/2 . storey fully modern 4 bedroom home, with spacious living -room, dining -room, oil furnace, garage, good' lot, centrally located: Priced reasonable. ' WM. S. REED, Real Estate Broker and ,, Genera!- insurance Dial' 357-2174 Wingham_., JANUA'RY.•::SPEC'�I L• TENDERS WANTED TENDERS' FO. DRAINAGE•..INSPEC , R .. Tenders will be 'received b e 'undersigned -for Drainage, Ins t or for the Township 'of Kinloss.° AP- plicants to state' salary ' expected and. supply - ()In transportation. Tenders, to be in hands of clerk by February lst, ,1969. •. Fraser MacKinnon, Clerk. AUCTION. SALE 'AUCTION; SALE of Choice .Holstin. Cows • and. Heifers will be " held .for the Estate -. Of the late THOMAS 'A.°'FA•RRELL JR." Lot 31, - Huron Twp., 1 mild' east of. -Highway;' 21, .on: 4tJ o. boundary betwien" Huron and Kincardine Twp. on SATURDAY, JANUARY llth. at 12;00 . p.m." Sharp 30 Holstein cows,'.Reg: and Grade Milking . and ;Springiiig; .. 9 Reg.-Hol- stein eg..f iolstein •'Heifers, 'springing; .6 Grade Notice To. Ered tors NOTICE TOCREDITORS In the Estate ROBERT EDWIN FINNIGAN' ';,• All persons having clahns. again- st the: estate of the abo a menden... ed, late of the Village.of Lucknow, in the County_ of Bruce, retired farmer, who died on. December 14th, 1968, are : required; to file proof of same with the undersign-. ed on or before the 27th day of January, 1969.;' After that date, the executors, will proceed to distribute 'the es- tate , h'aving' regard • only ' to •the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at •Wingham,, Ontario this • 3rd day. of January, 1969 Crawford; CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL " Barristers, etc., Wingham,. Ontario NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS AND 'OTHERS' ,. All persons having claims . again- st 'the ,Estate of: JANET TWAM- LEY,' late - of the • Village of: Luck= now, in the, County of Bruce, Wid Holstein Heifers, sPrin ing�• 6 Reg. ow, deceased, who died 'on or ° g Heifers,' bred '3' months; 5 Grade Heifers,' bred 3 months; .35 Hol- stein . Heifers,, Reg, and :Grade, about the 13th day of December, 1968, -at at *the' Town of. Wingham, in We--have-a--new-stock -of curling- -mission-50e-These-will_be the. County of Huron; are required Lucknow District Co-op. held' everysecond Thursdayduring.peri, about 800 lbs.; 9. Grade Year -toyErle-particulars-ofsame`with-th brooms: r p undersigned on or before the lith winter months.' . ling Heifers; 1 yr: old'' 7 Reg. ;Hol= VACUUM . CLEANERS Sales and Service for' all .makes, R. K. Peck Varna, Phone 262- 5350. , CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING.: • Every: Tuesday ; and Thursday, Pigs and 'Cattle, Tuesday Cattle only; Thursday. • in by '1 p.m: • ' BUTTON MEAT.' j'AMIKET • 1' PA FOR SALE one Dominion;., oad snow ` blower;: 3 point . hitch; one • New Idea 250 .'bushel, P.T.O: spreader one hea ► duty manure loader; ' one Gehl. P.T.O: hammer- Mill, ' Mike Penich; phone 529-7278. A_R.EALEAL 1 BIC PENS ; are :'fast capturing the Canadian \market after being . introduced in Canada a short time ago: The Sentinel has ' a good offer for any businessmanoranyone. who uses '.a number of pens. Buy 1 dozen Bic 49c. -pens at the regular price -and -get- tsvo-dozen-Bic-19c- pens FREE. A $1,0.44' value 'for-: $5.88. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. SN,O-PRINCE SNOWMOBILES Choice of many, models' from 17 to 24 h.p.: ' Manual or,Electric> start, Stop m and see these machines. ART HELM WELDING & MACHINE Lucknow •'SINGER SERVICE Repairs to all makes and models; •Sales and, Ser vice•• on . new products; Singer :Co. of Canada, phone 357-3730 after JANUARYSPECIAL , Improve, the .health and comfort of ., your livestock withventilating. fans. 10% .:discount on all ''sizes,. of fans: .Lucknow` :District ' Co=o p, Phone 528-2125Y, ' ADDING MACHINES in stork are 'two lnodels; hand �crated Victoi with add and sub, cast ,iron hog feeder'. and .heated, `tr�rc`F''and other features,, $100 el SO - cattle waterers ; W esteel-Bosco • ectrrcall' operated Commodore. Steel Granaries. Lynn. Lowry Am �' But , Y • y man' a silent tear. is shed' with all features, . $135. See them berley, phone Ripley •395-5286.. While others are .asleep:. Sentinel .: .WANTED. .. both tit he i;ut�irnovv NO1Af LOWERS Ever .renmeinbered; •: by . all the -phone 528-3134• , V and Auger 'ype `" WANTED --: 25' to• 30 headtef cattle family.: . FOR SALE — used Snow blower. Front or Rear -Mounted to feed. until spring, . choice hay Ronald, Forster, Lucknow :phone; and ensilage: Duncan Fattish,. R. 528-2345., ' , ` • Bale Shr'eaders ` -Feed Carts R. 3 Lucknow, phone :395-2728. Ay. Farrowin Crates and` Pens FEMALE HELP WANTED ' SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED g:, \ . NEW YEAR -- NEW Vacuum*cleaning and 'pumping er, .ow.. tells and Stable Pens. von in 'the- c tin' .bus - Septrc tanks, oma . ,. � • .� stnr` ' REER * *' • * ess of selling. cosmetics. Good in- . Lucknow,, phone: 528-2346, •menu-' •fuctuter hof .cement 'septic' 'tanlcs ART HELM ' 'come. No experience: necessary: 1wd=w til , WELDING AND mAm-NE-SHGP-- W rin.- For information -write -or - Phone 529-7627 collect evenings: Mrs M: Mill- FOR SALE — milk pasteurizer 5 soli • ' • son, . Hawksbury Ave;,. London,: •guar . e, • sinless steel, good as HALLMAN .;SILOS ' 4510541. . ' new. Phone 529-7295. ' Slob type or poured concrete SEE VAN DALE . for The Best. In SILO> UNLOADERS . AND BUNK FEEDE1tS VERSATILE SWATHERS. AND GRAIN AUGERS JOHNSTON :TRACTOR CABS, $225 BENNETT'BLADES *-.- *. **. '* EORGE. WRAITH FARMERS UNION MEETING Ontario Farmers Union, Ashfield Local ,: 342 will hold their , monthly meeting, •Thursday, ,January 9th iu = th Lucknow Towir�Hnll 8:45 p.m. G EY `t BRUCE' FARMERS' WEEK • January. ;7th -.10th, Hanover.; Col- iseum; 7th = Crops Day, 8th Swine Day; ; 9th :--. Beef 'Day, 10th •- Dairy Da' , La t ies lay on e 8th.• • stein calves 9 ,Grade "Holstein; Heifer ..calves. Milk quota Pool; NO:,122 lbs.•• sale- able quota: This herd' has, been on DIHA for..4'years: All records. and' parHeulars-will be -given ''day --of sale. ' •TERMS . CASH • Sate Will be held under cov. er, ". GLEN •FARRELL, RAE.. 'FARRELL Executor's DONALD: B. BLUE, RDON-R1 BE Y, 'DANCE • Everyone' is . welcome at .the Dance, sponsored by • the Ashfield Farm' Union, - on Saturday, January 18th, . at .:Lucknow: Legion Hall. Dancing 9 = 1 '"to The Chaparels Admittance • 'restricted to. ,persons 21 years and over. Lunch served.:, Auctioneers day of February,' 1969, after which date 'the estate will, ,be 'distributed without •''regard'. to 'unfiled claims." :. DATED at Woodstock, Ontario this 23rd day of: December, A.D. 1968. IN MEMORIA • PHILLIPSON — in loving, memory of son and brother Harold', Ross ,Phillipson, who passed away: ;Jan nary : '2nd, 1933, ,age 2 years, 3 months. ' Asleep in God'sbeautiful• garden BRUCE COUNTY FARM ; : Away from• all, sorrow.:and pain, BUSINESS WORKSHOPS And 'When life's journey`, is ended BARN . EQUIPMENT Acores ne . frfive�' wee s ow•--we=will-- meet--you-again' semi ' =automatic - Cable Cleaners, - Ontario Department of Agricul- Always remembered•',by` mother unbeaten for : hog barns,'.; . chainture and "Food.' Including Farm . and'sister, Margaret cleaner, bunk feeders; silo • unload Machinery : Management;' Soils and - , ' SCOTT' —• . In loving merry of ers, hog equimentlayer equip- Fertilizers, and Farm Manage- Ms. Rot. Scott who passedawayanent, fans,. bulk-tanks;Hawkeye--merit. ApplyOntarioDepartmentthreeyearsago, January 5th,Iof Agriculture • and Food Walker- We mourned for.her in :silence, • ton: No eyes can see us 'weep, T.V.; ANTENNA SERVICE Iiepairs and Installation; Free Estimates, Year . Round Service, Doug 'Harker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect; . Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. • Wishing sto have exten- sionsSILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS '.Anyone , fs, pleaset n- sions, on their silos, or. roo call or write:' This can be done now. George -W. raft 4 Box -95.. Goder-ie Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-8511.. • • PLAYING. CARDS Plastic coated single decks. from'' $ , up double decks - and. euchre decks (euchre cards' only.): Drop in at The ILucknow' Sentinel. YOUR M -F AND. M -H DEALER GODERICH :.. Phone 524-6511 . or ,524-70,02 - WANTED -• an"•Emden or Tou- louse gantlet. •. Contact Charles Robinson, lbhOrie 528-5151. '• • GOOD MAN OVER 40' Take short trips: surrounding Lucknow area: Man - we want is worth up to $1,000 IN A•,MONTH lus new car as bonus. Air Mail. F. B. ' Sears,, Pres., American Lub-, ricants .Co., Box 1707,, Postal .Stat- ion "R", Toronto 17, Ontario. FOR'VOU CAESAR, -. in 'memory of; Mrs. Luella Caesar, whop„ passed away one year ago, . January 8th,' 1968. Our mother still' is .close to us, As she, will always be lnd in n[ir hearts She_wil teruain A precious memory.,` And though we miss' her deeply,; It comforts usto know :' • Her love•,lives on to bless our years, , . .• No matter ,where we go Lovingly remembered by her. family and grandchildren PEN SPECIALS - buy. a Bic, 49c pen • and _ get two 19e Bic ' pens FREE; buy a. Paper- Mate $1:95° pen and get a Tempo nylon tip marking, pen, value 59c, FREE; The .Lucknow Sentinel; Phone 528- 3134. NEWSPA GET THING DONE *F014011 4 COMMcosiaiialtliS,ADifcRTIStiti, TREJ.EAVEN. and • GRAHAM Barristers and .Solicitors • .45 Light Strut Woodstock, Ontario Solicitors for , tho `proposed Administrator ' NOTICE,, TO CREDITORS In the Estate Of IRENE ELIZABETH MacKENZIE.. ` ALL •PERSONS 'having ,,claims:' against the estate of the above mentioned,' late :of the Township of Huron in . 'the County of : Bruce, Housewife; who•died on the 20th ; day of November, 1968,.: are requir- ed to file proof of, same' with the undersigned on or before they 25th day of :January, 1968. After' that date . the ` Executors will 'proceed to distribute the estate having regard ' only to the claims, of which they, shall then , have had notice. DATED '• at.. Wingham this 23rd. ' day of December, .A.D. '1968. CRAWFORD SHEPHERD &'MILL' Wingham; • Ontari Solicitors for the Executors' SMILE OF THE WEEK Joe- "Did I get a surprise t is morning • I. put on a suit I hadn't .( • worn since last fall and ,in one. of ; the pockets I found a roll of bills 1.. had forgotten :Moe: "goy how •lucky, ca,n you get.'" oe: " Oh', I don't know ., Not..a • one of them was paid!" . WANTED FRESH DEAD AND DISABLED. HORSES AND COWS < :: FOR :TOP SERVICE. CALL Mervyn Yule COLLECT CARGILL 366.2413 Licence No;42R'P66