HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1904-12-09, Page 7ly vi,
I . 1 .11
77 "It 7r,
PAY Ner QQ QX J 0 ofi.
*;MX.XQz OF I %a a 6021 *MAT S *U QV
4419 Ill TA;F044 x4ea-4111s za* Unl Scalle, Tbou OtAuto VA" 3"4 OtTOA to litir� in Poverty and Bel- Ovill X11*4 Waiter Is Now r,4k)1XX4,- X'eu DOW'. Ae0140 POP$: VO4 Rvtrr All- OUt 437 INAblas of Twiiikyo CW- ess" an It's Wife, trip %entlemau DOWTA A-lu
�'91 QbafiiIipstted 137 the Countk
Suggs s"r
Am at Non.
Just A-stAkfus Jilixtauce.or too, ce=. Alt"d vo4 r uto to a remarkable focuptility fire m it rti. tip Z,�yy�le 16, told i,.v LJJK� 4!�Ult' i'llb L.A%Q0J. CaUat,�,
at the We meet Mile`
M,varrilty 417,000�;tbZA gotount U with which j9hill Dull attaprif Up remat� A1111 001$9- 04 111 ch Auce the sturdy London England, am rry f the Ukilihtk 1111141) 11.0hin. Who practicaa 4righIfai. and
91 liv liti4ollan po latia, Q! 44,Q rant IV
lity for, the murder of 144 OhQW4 14 CQUAotIink with tug tor- llong.tlug tip per 13 10 17 zirrIW In Now YurZ. after OW body and it sets S%t�
re der
494.ff loflifin .01a, the 4* -two of Quebec lllustrsk�ed In ok, Afghan the Emperor Abduuamau 419te, PrOPHOLO %o const fail
. 1 9 "Per - .0 (Me A Astlifti ti in the PublWoffiew %ample Inquiry 'A inside lug lkeu u0 tbu aluklulk vosso! bv a taska whereat &he ni,,w inoint,
the Rvs. Podia. This d(stritictivs engine of tug 14- Uor is the tWQ� Exigliffli. rafailtoW ."Jes, 1 tunbus klupvu 11:4 An, Jkkg 0*
kDrAQ0 APA who vipa-flare wan i4voittvd AA 1797 -in of a a. �Jw thq, rel I of. 4 0 0 at Government frko�e, �Iriil been well called "the only 113041111 in 19 2. in ULItlep; rivibipa Minis has of EuNpa. w it cbjt�a. " Abd who has �ust amployoli eas linet hillhcrt,� Lvdlru.- all, thlb I London Dail) '*4wa.
ve v
V a a Quo correspondent of the man in
"the P!4vvll%co pt auran'.. y A in B it the credit of Speaking at, a Ida . incomes ork 8 It Is showti. far celebrimed her 7Uth bir-thday. I added Viiiir bout $I.(K)U.Q0U worth Of gel. i dind its takizo It ufftsbutiLk, Lnual 41
4 13 If Wrataitieu� and �L
34 r 4'
do ed �Aqoz
asorglually oftled by _rApedo as we which,upil .4e the rule in Ger- Initauce. that up to the Present Her origin wral4vil in mystery, her fOO klt `f`bs1A- eml cargo or,. it ship valaed It $500.. ulap-triaking lope-rtulunt
Ili gUm baving he to fin tO
know iliek"=dneya ItAu , ot I IL Q�olaua quid' Illegal under tutic&% affuu is arrivou al'. ,h,. AIL- owwhr� ut, ua� uvreeds da.,
1019 QhiA aw a 9veriameAt to the China t tho'U611te many Mr. -.Wd. Wick says �Iffie no lower than 8,487 applies- position are, A boat all,
Ilubtud'Missilon. but, In accorlianco A. Meaty. ITOZO "A 00imaull 44. told me the -have been made for the state t44.,solle cojL�titutfoll tit China. borJPlU$W vk' 'I,, �Ir&victed !, WNs.. ili and I.Launcil. YoL In fortil tluu:'.� ",i)Y tar of caref6l uraughtanier. t �i v-,
Mr. 0, the us Pavel. otiw tions,
with the oustom of all J-311glish mis- ist. day Jillat willco at he" last reward 69 free grants -elf -laud for inalibiodo open to qq4ticimil, though the she wub aturifud on hu, "y I title Pens d d h 4,
year 4 w to re4up to fillgoept %what is During,the siege of Sebastopol a uh, liftd to 4lit a *9bing truitfulnesp fit the marriage -state. never to in%ustilrntioxi. this truly, Un" iJU01" 44U11V to th� outton, in n, UlLAS( also rpg"dqd as b1ood-Monoy., it was 4e7 number cd Russian men-of-war lay a �okr the u. -lialh 1W I, o0vor Attiaga. for At wed- The froWiarde were provided for by miarvellults oki w$muitu has for thirtv Aan.1kastel ullLrd ri, I,:- jv-
instalict it no%,, 4ini3d.,,Thv money %was then hawked between the British flout andAhe line Oil eat. Sad''Wain irk one of tire an act adopted by the Legislature of I 41W aii- fifw A�� I I. Wub i ul. u", I to 0.
.10ul-S 11141y0d U, Winning 913,11illi e ouppresu The hatill! title about. and offered tg one Illoviety, of forts, upon wiffith our ineffective W=t, llm�yios In Germany, and Quebec some fliftoun years aim. whvu itg,letAt oligibti;, ful,oigt, wub tX-corded U.4 Orting to wl; I'llut counting auditig toducting divit,
$ban. anothop, And ov outually, Y -Ale tire was directed.. and. it was loperu- Isho -eut tQ,, Oup of. t_4o best shopis the late Count was ollowers not Inkv estatir4h, Is slual I' -w,--, 'lag setting lurt!
loll )ionic, Opposition. ww, lho wvniug ul
-University accepted It. tive that the �uterverring Russian in t,,O, townt but ., eS could not get Jilnistar of the Province. elog's- III,, hit., heoll d pli.ty, with It, had uv�-[, it,. Was, th�, "TWil PRICE OF SILENCE. itvessels should be removed. Forifthis what shfA wl 0 one had ever lation was�pronkptvd by a to curtain ot yet rang down, turrid, tI*U,' allict 0110
asked for 4,6�rtlfdfig better than plut- enlarge the sph o of French na- it 1:41111 Olk 191.411 a( t; V t, CliJbIrO purpose 31r. Henty. who was at 4ch or At, nuiva atei thv office in North Vuerien by: Rile Wes U purt th u hitaThe cause of the * oititbroalk in hm, h.- IhA. d to our courralsriat dopartatent. Oki 11ittlugs.. It nacoseary to go diqu Influ, U'uzall, which led to the murder (it 0 leading 141(ty. u0spite In, drinvorl" Invented g torpedo cttp�able of truv- I to whAt Ohr�oa�s call at% iMnglish' encouraging latte faimilieA of child- 111! Ilieville:-
1114,11i L.,a, ali grutultivs \,,I, Lic ap 111,11-1111404 tA.1 LI, tile �kly
WAot Ulu A 0 -'kool� -Jlu wus u\ur Lull dogrue.N
the n3lissionaries, it muy be Juteret�- ailing under and dollilgited to explode I shop, wirtwo JtnptArtq4, goods wv sold rent and was largely bast -43 upon thul I It (ilu
Ing to recall. %was an Qutbroalk of On contact with the onsiny'a hulla. lat pr9hibi ' tiv 'pricotil' to the arnall law passed in the eariiN ours of Now I I V to%%, to Llie picturesquely -h gt -atod u� the ukalutrioulont icall 1A TILI whi,h the Joutrupolia wits superstitious frenzy on the part of The machinu was not very sucess- I numb�r a# pe Is A4 linvo money to France, by the great Fronch hllni,,tor JI0rn into abtW't Kosuvwburt. I, was given in Lips durilru h, Ph. do,k was Ikog"Th, i,loul Luong if -s he Chinese, resulting UPOn an OPI, full but iflitfat Britain, recognised buy ttl�ew of State, Colbert. hl the willid, of Ohlria. in' 1834 sne' -a, attributed by dernic of cholei t'A'P its utility immudiately. and cribbodl L)w E',6xPLA1N S�,AIX. 'As the law now stands, the Uov- was the daugrliter. sunko, say, of o 11014, -111! was flush With T`4niq WaD0 gonorat natives, to the presence of foreign- the idea, without as mych as " a y "Where nuar-ly, ryone is whut orninent of the province ,ccopda It bixter: olhorp, of an inijmelishatf MN if, %hill wtlF� buw half , : 1,131PLIO11 '41
are. During the past fifty years your leave, Air. Houty." a hundred of land tolhilinchn imollenuan. [to sold $her III ;A,�wn An Sussex there livois a am, Ioi h.
Like Ampr�lis , and English call whosu guuoroh.�y and pubic I
t"'e h4vO boo)% beveral.sigular in- 'Air Francis Ronalds laid I 11 -all" al a j facts olco bad. but Out "I' bae a
oti� uces, where mone has been Paid In 181() .11 poor'. On a 9v.,ry other and ulather of twelve childhood tosa rath, o' flato Lhu tavtc,
down in his ga't-den at the Upper or more living childr011. arvA an al-10eno"td. Lim]. rnit't slave. Intrt 111, Ile gives lur6*, shootiatir wo woIJ ',-an tartit- ver to the British Goverruneftit, and Mall. Hammersmith tho first pra�;ti- plainer �Kalb thaill"k:,in kmeri-a or ready stated iuoro than 3.400 mur-,.d it,' , rb" .�a..tjjiu - %%ir, ara I bill tile Ol'und"It fill -
the vidlinculty has beiu what 'to , I L - -.' A woll'known Qeirman pal to." and* owns a linu 1110t V ,, . .
do cil telegraph. Ile inade his first ex- tied coup" have alretudy applied fur %with Wit ..n doc!. dul ,wo suilors wlru I Vol) Willi) of thu inurk,
wi as no one has cared to ;o1vioeslils country people ilia litYraox ELI, 11 throughbrods. He. t
th it. out �Al: 171 n uha .1 1 perimepts with a fricticlaul electri- according 'to co the legislative prim. !i�inrlk of It I a,,!v cukilled to them, nad the eneAnin at I
-tough it, cal machine througa eight miles of . , into four rov", I
But the paying of blood -money Is I% re9ZLI1 t -Lt only 250.- "a ome bateresthig experiences ard Ito "be lit -l' Own the curpoliter went below. he e L Itu ortwit and overhead wires suspended upon poles. groups. . He 0 1 one OF the bvst-kno%in roblaurdlits In Qf the. crow was llut to jett'sor . N P
UOO famille$
very ancient custom' dating bak to At each end of the wire he had .. a ttk6. Uiistocratic alied remirded by the offl6ors to whom THE DRAINIATIO ro N1 A ho�,ollt street, Loirdoil, facts u. IIWIIL
the 'One of themost these applications -aft made. In thel 41 9 ilidustilows 111up third century. well-to-ilb.' Alive. molt than $2.250 a lot her carvor was WI%Qkl, in 185G In ;e1ght ago aftqr tile he dit-O., cat -go, blirrels it, nap
Itl `-,all electroscope, and at the rrb I country dl&tricts of French Canada, h. In twent ulikkutt's tht, d,q-k its
remaralkable instances vomes to us stations wism' dials revolved you. e - UPP441V Iddle class.' in thii cure. or parish Priest, is entitled cowl-anv with. #300 other oung girls, ifiI'Ondull front the fourtleutb century, and I'Abo.o0o families, to a tithe of all the farnigr*a pro- a old on but- bl-4 feet, which Ahad In thuso Jays Ile used ttw ,tL%ko*, cluarvill. tlilt t1tut -Ahilb only sol0k ll.U,, E.-niltariously by clockwork. By which he site' as int.) tho ta. 'D I
r4brist to n wealthy knight. who,was this method whole sentences c,,uld be have liflegfrdis ininifi*, from $772 to ducts, which tithe has been fixed at Inovpr been Ahan or Inciti, bet ...... n 11230 and $11131.1, a Week of �.t 'J'4 is it lalso brave. This Save him� great , $2250 To,.,t#e lower middle class the portAlls of the inii-ertal palacv. Lills showed R, er bolow I Ilri% alinfluence among his people; but he tispatched TION he"assigns $46V'to 6675, and, last- the whence t4he' Ehrs;,eror listen Pour had ]At title Ul 11108brti. 1,YUU'S CLE.Alt THE 110ATS, :tit I1, IiIN I
lieftLitints where tipping is permitted - lIIleIIA
was �also u5ted for his crimes and FRO&L SArAON 'TO STA' ly, he reakqa� that Zthigro are mom ONE-TVIENTY SIXTH PART iss.tod a lwoc6tnutlon for -seconir-lary I' 'Chiur Oil, the clintuill (it, wl."t
the . waiters cen eurn-iocluding a dered. a, hit caiao kip froui* I%Il'tkLd-\
eons. and WIkexi it pleased him he ground belegraph line, and this In- rise above a year. The hand- stances he has had offered to klu full Ou Bolus Paid the he met, w.ks waslung u%or bull tho It ..htill 4-4 11. 14h.1
atr6oliies In corrupting young per- Ronalds also laid down an under- 'than five million fa*illes who never /of the whole. And so in some in- I wiv, An ambitious slip of sixteen,
ishe had insisted on the advttnture Coll. Iss
wo b ty !tAhe was one of the'ten %l.lrauts - from $2U to $25 a week, while fit tock.. Vhe bow was the bill- 'bkxtll of III`
94 -sixth child, whose education
All treat them %with brutal cruel vention. together with he overhead marster of a high class pu lic school tw
Isulated lnstanc�-s twhv an touch 1. 14, r it, I Nlan.y and sometimes his victimes would be one, was brought to the notice of only pts 1rum $2,250 to $1,500 At has not. Infrequently keen provided hosen. Between the triere secondary fuce. I Was At wild to
found one to death. Then, to ex- the PostmasItar General, but the G. v _ th A liquie free educa- for at his experisAgr.- ig A% k -ir ear, wl taken every thifinage, biscuits #And wtiter 14t III,, tht
-ge P.U. repliedA%at "electric telegraphy itork for his qk I keo� - =ajar In One applicai -Nvho produced th, wiffellood and actual elfl;�rcsflh At a well _ known chuphouse in tile word. 'llio sea wits like it milt puod. plate his crime, he would give las A ic g it aw a. Sh if d ed Ws
sums of money to the parents. or was wholly unnecessary." an the an Infantry r�glment gets from 1111.,- birth certificate, of thirteen child- great u v n LI I '1 9 1 city, where cuRtomers pay their W1141 The engines stullilwd the last Ad be- with binutv, bralrs� and the blith,ut through the head wa,'ter, tho ltipo! lrisoll with Ill.- lionl1wr of
friends; and -such was his influence, snub resulted in r1lonalds allowing 000 to $1,250. Pictrity pounds is a ren, could not, obtain the grant I thing, und witli her dviukoto lighling c'u'l
in son. Emperol, Enirresses, suipoitor i are "poolud, - and divi'ded on ttltl�lshi hola"V that waki. kill I and the people's dread of him, that his iscover John Buill common sailifirr. for a. clerk, even In cause only eight of the nu4iber wer p sho code on alurw.
thev dared not refuse , y to lapse. 'Nown c V with .1 it,- I I
the proffered pilfered thi,-idea, however, a little an expensive city like Hamburg, but living. In a few months he return_ a,d I-feii,-Nur nobles --all puss'd uinder I scale of position the head waiter undon Vouflt� "out. if
price of silence, for fear of terrible lat on. s"Ith the result that does young -men somehow keep life to- ed and successfully - renewed the ap�- I he, almost h-.%Tnotic influence, Oil I makes ati ine/oine of $4.000 a year. 'flul aiii ligry very oil of the 1149.1 consequences at the hands of the not need reiterating comi-illsion taught her ty to tile e frurn tho
I I Show%, (14 ha% aid till gether on I . It. plication, having In the meantime 1 Vv'"r lier orlil p0()LI.xG Sys,rinl. C&I t1lin'S built, au�j %%e r0WV(I to OW
monster. It Is generally bellevftt that Brl- EJ)UCATE TnEIR SONS. married a widow with ix living state-ruft. Her first Important The "pooling" s%stem is tilt! Lule nw 111d An III,-
tain cribbed the Idea for this reap�DX 0 children. Iterforence was In the ,voblema of 110W dWU.';kl Ille COW1111k btlL Oke twit t tal�, It ' I aVu
A MURDERER'S CONSCIENCE. machine from America, but, as a "A friend of mine, will as father ds rate national policy following tile call- iost generally adopted, and seerns,aboard %%fill tfiv crew and' wt- not from left the-Impriession-ork. my mind that among the children of rreuch Cann- ture, in I130. of Pekin by the French to be the fairem atuthod. Poll sixteen mail bagi Some lifty years ago, In one of our Luatter of fact, it was stolen was a Lutheran paqtor in Ruegen. Owing to the high eath Western counties, a young man )was the "Some waiters full havv fe %v C'a- to lilonlexideo and flatmus ANrOs. and for Ill. It% 1ILLII. hOW-1
Rev. Patrick Bell, an Irish her parents than families, the figures shown in !atid Friulish. explained it,, sooner baqk it., the boul�
found dead In a wood. and there clergyman. the public statistics fail to conveyl TI -en Tri An bcvan to enJov the If— ever. 1'elludivulk 111- suppli"d to
were clear indications of foul play This gentleman designed the plan- up a large fai,aily and gave their attv idea of the bir�h rat� in the toxicalloik of power. Coludertt or Ill r. Prager, ithe manager of the than fit,- stern whillim-d III,-
�; K Illirdeti.s. th" having taken place. 'A carofLil and eer reaping Luachine in 1826, and it 'IOUs a,grkiveratty education, When Savoy Hub -I, "un it Is only right mm, i,d we thought wv w�ro lost � puti A I enquirod further ' * explained Province of Quebec. But for the nvt, the aqed Ernvror dleLl almost - tips should be collected and 1.1 , ofter Is thus ellableill to gt%,
setaxelfing lWilry was made by the cu e rteen acres a .,' she heavy Infantile mortality in this elo-. as soon its bi% yoking wife began to that the wri-s swe"Ing the with 1grand t,.tL%l In his anamil ' Reki,,"
police, but rilothing ould be dis- : that a pastor in the country is men f1trwards divided, cun4iderntiork be- it, Jrh
day, Bell got little or nothing out t of Canada's populatiou the fJ I herfelf." Nfele reev,,ts We-- 'I glass "I'd awdv of), liVV 111006 01' thi dilcuinvall f 11 -it, it I t
covered to show how. of, by %whom, of often something of a farmer, too. Jag give,, to a man's position and
his invention, notwithstanding number of claimants for the G�verzx- of ncoum,, an:Iointed by his will for Inure. eaught �ight of a tiail. 111ull.bill, LXf I-litud he'.had met his death, so an pen and lives more or leis. on the pro- length (if service.
verdict was returned. that similar machines were being dime at his fields, and that if a ment's land prize would probably their trifa6t son. Tsi An.11#1,ing othilp� "'rho habit of ripping has grown Alouted to lily men and they let out luird uninhabited. fit thv 'ngland a lear or two C)4) M$y wero -A- co -ar (I V N.
Some yars afterwaixis a letter was Used ail over L young man gives a few leasous and he three times as many as it actual- plans. the court and r upon people," said Mr. Pruger. "atid a chour. I% In't N. 141, 2.11'.
later. ly Is. Is-timmed a few drivs after the Iryl- like a11 tither- habits, it will dill A NAIL. if Ilult
received by the Bowe Office front a finds adrzdsaion� to a 'free' dijakeer In the poorer classes Of the coui- pertal frforni 13Y the apK)Oarnnee of hard f it ever tho 11 1 II- It
man in Austroli,�, giving no chlu to Eight years ago tbetle was much table," ble need Dot cost his parents A the dius lit [All IkIllteld 4 1fllgossip over a new, explosive that tnunity the mothers -active. strong it. tat I vil Is on wqN-k not of I'lillit-
his Identity of- whereabouts, but con- much while he is reading for big . an edict, to rOPT"I"'I'111 Ji lCourtic. tile who it
ta, had been -discovered. It v. as -callutl nd Industrious, as they alenost in- ture riellbeentions of the little I I,, tl!e hand" of castunietA; If � they dolpirlo 'for th-rimililiti. tell it) fit'. [all,
ining a confession of his crinle. ., deg-ree. For the plirposes of this variably itre--are sio over-burderilUd r,- not Vet Pulmito" and was the invention of articIQ I =title some earquirles of Iap old whi(h n rnut t.i I ip waiters IN& "Old crew eind itirvvi- tons I r two nu mth'.
'stating, however. that there had Ilerberl. Sa.4vbrldgv, of Exeter. Tht by ituaternal cares aird the idity o
been no intention to kill. tht., denth another, friend whose brother is in pointee . I Itiq tricit-her and the iltililfiliLd not. antl viore I, an end of it allot Illet, Oiler officer lutJ -ight4iid Lai. We I 10 1
having beoq the result of a quarrul. War Office was Interested in this new business in a aniall town on the with which one -:hild succeeds au-; nllPreps ns rcinintq. I'llion tbeir lyr ull". uAtir were ell. Iwas tt draft on gunpowder, which would drive a thine, and who has a house and other- that ehe litth- ones are tbil ight
With the letter there The -Inni
-� nin -4 ai� st, hi's dev"I'Ved t it 111,1\ he it., OI.-IlLally
btillet over four miles. Partly deprived of the closet- watch- only hov rw.
certain bank I for a thousand 5- garden, bought of his savings. Ip-rinitirttl to III W 11 tel 91(11 blit 14 Out 80 t% storni o%tir 114 L14 tof
S (life tiny Sawbridgt, had the all wife. a child naid a servant, I ex- fuluess and attentlux. which ward. III tu\%Il 11nath. fill- the lltivoq* lt fillot OM 1-f 111tOx-
porundtt, as a sort of cunifterisation fort uit to be blown to pieces by Q10 On Intent On which is wlille the : 0,11v f,x( 11 its 'Ilgeo 1 thoti lot
Will- Oft,1111JUS PUSM IIII-t al a
peered spent $2,000 Z llwntli, (told poinItni thcIr
expl6slun of soinu uitro-glycerine. much Afortlicualing I I Ith., Ato the relatives; but.Ow money to hear that be I tolt. "I I ifig
nmine(I in the boiiW for some years. and that his budget would bo arie I faildliva arld tarv. or T -i An then (IOI-Ti1v pet-tvd tu gi\e a graLulty it) III,-' - got nbotirl with oftly An., 1111111 ftlatter Is
with which fie was working, and the )f smallef If wt
It wals the Price of blood, and no could use. But I found that lie trad they hu heir
one would use it. It was hoped of fit,. inaijufacture of "Fill- lver made more than $7,50 a yea,, those Willi call allord ty pn.% iulr a lutiel, lost. 1A)Hd011-40 take all-
initv" died isith Illai. proper huppl of nurs,-s and 9*111, "ItT."INS ()v storill hognn to top.4 the lit
atte - I Or Iwr f III. 14t 111 lot Ical
that the letter would lea -d to tile death and ha -d nov--r lived tip to his I. The Froich Canuchim ino I AlAV To S110 E t,,Iorahly c ro w d,id
Jcvhn Bull, after Sawbridge*s dants. tho hourier. Fiftv-oite nimi on it
discovury of the guilt Pei'son. ]lot wtllltcil the explosive more thun ever Come. sulh.-thing for We, iotiroge -is, niure tkk&ti
er's respb6sibilitius all([ dlftiv� waii rolldfirt,41. thl"U1411 this was never- done. . .. - . I - .I . t toprobably lievause be thought. 11�, TV1ICAL INCOIl not Infrequently ailtIvAl it) h� t 0011'. its 114 At if"It tit fill befo". At glitle. out (If 'SIBILITIES. c6uld hvt it for nothing. He had "The flact in tkat the (Jerntans, birth of twins or �tl\v 0 MOHAL ltrISPON Oth,.r ti -1. 1-.\ 111N- tOf rwolpitioti, cnil"n for, Aifa
Accident, bII,, neglect on the part Sawbridge's )tell o '&sirched from at- like the French, perform prodigies Of Large, as is th, nimitit'.r Of 411,1)11 r- fll. hi, it Inobi6A the 111 11111 11
of employers, is relipoinsible for large tic to culler, and disevvered noth- thrift. W course, the way of life c&nts for the stato tioutity of it, 111111trl. Ih:,t it Iiii if;, OI -n we towle fit 11w '*4- Ukll rEAJt-.O-LP- WOMAN SMOKES
sums of blood-murney' being paid ing. S-awbridge left no papers do- Find the expew9us of life, vary a it falls fill- f 'that 1011ch \,of it still - 1'119 irill Or 0 every year. In 1891 a worvan was scribin the invention of "Fulraite," great dloa 1. They Vary with Weep, would be fort licon it OL, pet t IiI dw oW. til -
I Ill, I, lbol I,on it) Mrs, Maxy MacDonald Still En -
Bull was unable to "com- with protessLon, with all who aru wititled I 1', 14 it,.. Art -w 1.,, k
Paid $8,500 for the loss of her hue- and .1 . aud above all. 71 in 1.11t i ' ,, I joys Her Pipe.
band who had been crushozi to nuxudeer" charificter, as they do elsewhera. filed their ClaiJUS: for 11111.V !I LOU sl;m 4dralla it..
the collapse of some , de- "I willit"'t a ideath by. THE NFW PXPLOSlVF. But it was ncessary to taku the parativi-h striall of gi tit kill I- 411111ing %%Ii 1114 id not titnitt'll in Auclut,%l III, the
who rejoice In a family o %%III A- N the
ji fective machinery, and at ;ir.41. it was low average of income Into ac- f it dovell I ].,%*t Tnoo.dif I of wa.4 tqi1n
tho e woman would At one time America grew the. before docirfing on the suju spent by or inure children tilko fit,, trutible 1"� a fii.t. m-jry and III` till -
starve rather than touch the money; worki's cutton, now it is gruivri our typical fainily. Oljviouiil�. the make the fact it, the Afflj,� Me, hod von-- 1,.wt IAlbut ahe was eventually Prevailed Ht 'aiii. Cotton spinning wits first it ettr 4pent b� t%%o P0011LO nient, bince to in al'i I
upon to use it. pral-tist-d in Italy, and flindly. Indi In ' prglon.d wits tot) high fur a lowas a hunilred at-lys of %%fill; latill HIJ4111t duin" hill, ONVY) tilling. tI . ...... t tit, fill- Atwd' II. , 'I It 'I .. 11 t -I ;k :I it, lolkiii-d I-t.,k1t4 fur I I ,It%
trit-d hot- hand tit -it. At The oiko of qI`arI',%II(
The writer- of this article is country
ac- wbojit cL man inust lit, a would be qualuted with th- case of another the eighttlenth , Valitury John Built inaJor-general before he receives $3.- RATITER AN ENCUMBRACI:
ividuw, whose husband was killed by took %he cot -Lori - inKi,i.% ' ti-Z� in Ilia own I (too a year. I think the �lernkan thun othv;'Vise. ft-,li III his at:n being caugilt in some on- hirds. Ln,,t. he wwd up soLnL- frinjily miluald consist of the par,-tit� ....... ithing ll.c ULoll- One fath.-I. If it M14,. IUIIIJ\ A fit.- -�In In o -d 1"' Iuizd three childrea, it dairaht,-r of I'l ni his budy, death ensuing before bit upulised seventy per cent, of the and two boyh still ut schuol. mt appli(ati-ii olivii 1, fliP InW- 'If g ...... %%Oh ,% PI
world*s trittiv in manufactured cot- niut not S2 500 it was to I'lOduct, li (1-1 1- ),.-r m tilt, tenuid Ile got to the nearust hospital, Ott r .-Illphal I- ltllv fol. Il(-Nt IW.- w.I.- in ilt, ton, AS Latin, if he fleate (If nlavrittf�i- lhed I'll I n t-golor silltill th,. ,I ...... k. the owners rampouirding the go Neur: Out (;f Lhis th Not lrAfr,4Ju,-Ilti.', ),,I, the at t-hok negloct fly paying down Q John, Bull stole tile idea for 4ce 4q'pruderit, will put'lly $15( ,-,.ILr, iIIV JhtAt til -H e III Itil-ra oll fill' tillit. Of 1111 been mail,- for it IIgoodl.% surn of hard cash. a life vi.f w", lov%allco Of lafill on th, %Jf, It,
the lace-makitig industry cniplu)s insurallec." -. T I
bItLLIONS FROM WAR. nearly So long ago Is.\ li%inf, 1,-r,
Only a few mouths ago $250 was as 1764 clithlron, i\A) I Ill
fr a Nottingham labruror, n6w for iiiNtiItonfint �r for tile NuLtingbarn laborer in If tal., I Ilrom-11 fit, It ),,.I I. ,,.1 1, id (town to the Parents Of AL as accalitod 1)), u, htranger So rapitt IS Ih.. I— no . 'N 1 01.1 1%. it,; "III
I -DOWNFAL Or ENGLAN.J." lilt wil If. - �n m itIIslood t 1) 1... 1].. - 1 .,1 , r, -- V I aIto I ost It I s I I to I it a I A; rnt resw )rkinU it) a, Ito I1t 1.111 I .... .... it, fit,- Ulh, tItfill,
tmhii,ionetit, t.hrougii a PXI)lallIl-d thilt hU %%,A.1 IJOIJIVII 111111 A t . n, Lays Albion -.:I Dust in Ill. hiI-its rin It'll Iw t I.I.- I 111, 111 -cut-on the part of tht- waster, kind-twurtot IN Urk- thoir Imgh,h little, 1 11 His Ow -n Way. tr,%won !if At AtI- III I. -1.�l hml fill. beert u%oidod b.N iijun toul, bint hoin,- to his I I ! , Ul.
. Lot 111 ia ., I vn-1 thi- -it, I,, I lt� 1)" b," If- 't" let- I w. % extra thought and cairtion. li,111 t ... U U1141 "hit' IOr !k lfl ll�
lk,oh it- -r. an P%vr popular thtswe %%I'll a almost If Ipoll.0, It..r 1.1, 14
Wat It as - a I %% a.�, ltrd IN' J.'I of lfit, It -it I.). (Juti ,( )atin--ntal eastern (if this . I , I Iif,
AAl; e "I IV It.,,! (.1 still tho i.on,lon Vi--nria wili they 41 i - in I wl 111 1 ittheir onanidH for ac -1
fill-] not Fvery fo-w trionths Of tho poplilimon if Reverril tie." Of lln,l 1,,r 'it
to Ow loililber thlit hail I'v,-nithing !0- it and, it,ttvi, care -Iii. book iti nG"I'llially
, e id,iil� III iorin with the [if this %%ay millions ila, lililly the tvxtury Hrld ry large and Ili I I'"11.
in western fit Manitoba. .f wld,h inal- h .. ..... been paid h� one to PtJIL,iLIon (if fill- it(- iuVelil.ud iJ:nglan,l and th.-humili- ifO`th(.r There have befin ki 1w 1 1 a Inutle .It allph'ing it slo(kilig fruille,otion of pi-ople. arrd in th( Thin enornious birth rat,, nill,t I fit,, fit., .f fl,ri where indiviflual stntosinen have flut I to the 111al"Ifartute Of U biwilar to. Int.,t is r it, I., flll� ,.I I,V I'll
'Unly hrunk froin (6-milliding Lielit. \on Nlush,,:O�nski. im A%jwrfati be attritmicil ill th., %in, tI-but hij\e als() f,-It'a The I.I. ho wilt; I titannor ilf lolnv' that marliq fill, 'I ifV1.11 Iit, Ali...... lariny, aftioer wlius,- visions, of British imi Farl: ROYALTIES* TIP';.
raceiNo tilt' fta vollitt, 24 it I major)ALY, of 1110 hwh --niltl,A "King- tivarriages a'.. t ,I- T-1111', (III t Utl'-1 t...... I"ll 1; Downrall, of The Anglo-, I
and it hi,, hind*R - - - I!, ": I J King F,Iwa 1 14 V.il v
1 I It, fill IN, ,arl� ItIAIIt 1. 11 With Hi felt hit tile Owl). Iho it % o, t (I, ul the lace I Of the ipl, it 0 x1ft
War of th- w,m1h of i7l the %at' llolicy of I'll akt til" IiOli n d tof I the but ll.'I IIw" f., I (.I
Crim, -tin Vat, tht it,. ui refus- the Poor hrjtn� Afgh.irk hiinds. I'% Frisrl'Ind i unit siv.,incr it I 1,, ii... I,, no r i-t 1,4. ed to 611011 a 11,111-411 'Wbit'h 'h(' Il" I Johll 111111 1, tit, S 4hUnIT-IMI ovetture to a Finilean war WIthe I.Al)v 111.1ititON .f IOf )-n -I, ilI T V, t I - I.. I ld I t A *t I,,, It(.Llrt t 1. i,rh pla, n I on ".111.1v 19, 19 - file lain- 1, 1+
P% Ipro Aprep.A!,ition 11,1,1 for tile perty It, 11,14 Afl-v Like lLuilwav 'girls 1 1 and 15 y,-urm W avo It .f -giroved bv th, At- 111ore -NTING HYDROl"11.0111A
work to he it I,ad nlread� e\lrr,t , uv,�r tation hap bt4 111 (1, 11 t 1, I'll I -,V To
fti,, 41te hall And III- lot orily 4tea;a -it, thl,t o,cur in ftil�- wornanhood than I ,I -
been' 010101, UtI4I I"' hall R'111011Y arnoujit, but sta, India .-nd l'uru.e (" I it tistlim enn girls f 19 (It* 21, Pa"t'.%li 4 Va. 111tiol. Has
go7l,. .,) far as 0�v monp). Fei, ( tl,i,. tu The d0y f i?i itJ Pi I :-;.I
'Wit, :wninst (:riftt Pritaln, with tlf,-'ninrriagsl is I., f1�,,l but 10 blitd. It(
The ,let IP%%Iqtl wilid- Lp In kill null'a-vabteill 111ths of nI -rich Cnnodin,j It ... At 1. an I h d r,- fl. I,, UPp, Of I.'! Fr, lit, t%- ed Da%ld III a similiti, difll,ulty Scutlaiv� oui,ciii ut Alma 6s firiat 1,4 taken. Tlae in 9 ate Patriot oh 11 uperatLd Upon 10111, so he loindud III,,, I du ov� nt all &kprvku f Bull. 1,,d to victory fly Gen. now. popularly to le, provell ',.f t1to 4,osk it I mi 1,,,rt #in,[ ;I t 1,
desigti. and left of the I for �w tho rvaring Or Inrgv famili-9 of T' ?I I
. is c.i&%ntI3 catelilng them Iv fiir tho a f'" Iitwork 1tr-.,NIlog in forbidden watt-ts. ark -i I'milre lien 14 a hand. "Lol"rldc)"Cramer l. n ir It,' 1 A1,,, -11 vil It hi r
to his still re Nearly 85(),uo(i tins takli,g puss.-osion of their nets "I'd Ali nisn"inated at Cairo, and hp kh0 on Ii it 14 IIj
as bl;,�d-money- by the I*llit,.,l statpq tli%(?. a,; well " th. quitan, jointi PIECE OF BARBARISM
other fishing tue.le. As the tI,, are worth front $33 'to iAch, for I Lnurd,.,r forr-s gninst rnplant. and otile, pnrts ,t Owkworki liull Makes a N:Qi�' ROUd tililig -tl c] I itd Pron o Rutiv,nn III, I11 1- 1 1.,n I -v C in�l Ind- I olit of 1119 looting. Of c 1 4. 11"t 13 -Year -Old Boy GJVAn Three
and tI.4. Whole of tllll,� M1110 III 1�' he doesn't thi, n(-tq hitn,- yst tiv ttt'es Malta. nnd 'A,Tmiral No State uso can he ninde a( ilf, , Months toy Leqe Ma iestp. fitIli
idle toi. Poornler InfActs a cruil).ing dofeaf off I r., 1etfl... -,:I wl the it lin,4 bm-n wlersll sells thein %%jth the ther thtnt - Ca he Unus"ol attentfUl, 1, 1,,:ni: w,
all i-tenlit at he Sale
everol charities, but he%'(- tf Adiniml Sir .1(-hn Fisher. 104 11 -(110 itntlelIQ it. aad*tlie irniver- Confiscated Propert\." held eVerV M-nntiroo. Ibll lillssinnk are inerrily In Berlin, Qvrn!un�. to it ''I
lefullt rnercAhlhg on lrbdiK. Lord Iloberls :9 It, Isit," I;litll recent1v have stel. �ear end. A littlo ;t town of I.fqqn, III PO n
refusi Irr accept -ndowimir4its' The t-oachers that are caugl,t red- g`nt to KrinfInlitir. atil arriv" 1. f", oceriiNg frum such h4vidod evury year nre un nivneroum time to be illie-i If . % the virtrious boy of it,
bas,d Inti"101-t pitni -Lominti that Scotland Ybrd could not star(, P')qsinn4. whq. it th, so 'p I I Tue. beTt has b"I"n Nca, rn itthe right number off-hantl When a rtnavh fhe fir'ti,li foreeto three months' hu. At, I A) It,' :111-i,f Icap- Nali-mll- th., APAsoction of the cri me. GrVA6 a 14 n,,t if ),if P,RINLJ*.-SS YOLANDA Rf:%'IF-NVS pancher trito earrlel, a gurt 19 11'a " I_, . '' 1 11 1. 1 1 1 - )I I
itured, the State, takes posse British em,i-p Ili rnere chil-l's olay Young"tt chil,l who ht.4 for 1t
sslon of
anda het Itting thh or. 41 The ,rtle PrillcE-4 t the firearm, and stores it teruporar- n$tpr thsii evpntq. ThP t-n1I;hlnv blow cOmill - V )I IWO 1.19 1.-1 vw f ''I'
111ni Italv's elditIt hllO. Is a `017 ' Ily In Its Last \ear Iii datilt rwft�r the battle of TIrighton three yonri ngo th-ri, ),;it 01-nntl to a de- ',ver 2.00) guns 9S pilfered �Verp virliere th- Rrit'llh ariniv 19 derfMAt,.(' twelvet who got all, IllI"N,, 1,, 1,
grp- I,oih ieseTtiblinolier,.old at the 0overntripnAt auct ion ri"I ti;1,, victorlovit; Pinnrit linter Lon- "e"n"t for iisiry his,t :,q Will 114 1.,. t), f lin- if A
moll o- Ilid K n1lio very cleNer l'ilind rooniq - nnil th-v fetched 86,5400 don I nder Nfarshill Jnrriont fly e RhOut tile Kirle of it (:i/nl,�n f I' rec,,. Tfi t 11,T dri N I he troi Pq Bil�vles are conl'I by ohn' --r�1mnrint%JA , Inv of dpo In%— tho fr%t it is solpnink tr,-Iii 1 -1 !if IP
at ao?. I'N. the hilliz 'to t'he number of neventy to Mill FT�n,hm,,n Y`o "t foot on Engli0i habit (it conuorf;n, N;tilb r, w Ile
in r.:,seuce of tl'� (Zj,xn and 111clih,in-lied yoaily They belcnig to soll iq Colnel Nfrimharid. on the ITIreif AnI f.v, I",
two I ni Iouq of fl,ie\os inoqtiv. flp,-t elf 1"Inrland 1-1 ?to Moe," fle'�) .. 1 . 1� , . I, -
A to it ;nk tl,,,t tho:awl nhi r-llwht cofornitting an thift Aitit-lan pro-ihot and t1w pre4ont f, Wn
I -n nr..inv.-1 to r "invo will, tho nikl (if rise wachine", fi,tited nn,f mi-hpd, prouil k1blon I,,, fit lils numir., I I, I..... .
Whol, � , 1'' 1;
tier :1. n I. nie majorlty fill, f -,t of I cr -on-lue,orti, whn in Of OPIT'i" tbrt 0-�rnn%- hi,, n,., ., I - ! I .
tool., tIf dnim, !of 'the hicyrics bilong to filmivard thr trenIv Of 1.,,nion dictutp their ol)aer,pi trict nwilrslit� 'And, drnit " . r, 4, 1 I1h triI h.,veq, for ch icken tealprs frequent- tort -19 of leace." ging th I%niti,r'q nitt In, IIt- V. 111mal buine".1 'I kin, hor t or it fnrtT-r ;01111 Boll rnn�,,,q nt'' I st A mrwl nith I . h, IIhen,,4 nii-mil profif of gompthing hke SI. -I hae ni-n the (law when it t eryl Pt to I on4t, le O 111. 1WRI ... t f
of Ali! I l::Ilin , , Io. 106.00() TT� wtit, about' 9.(KW).noo Ifr It' 1 ht rtli Inry"
Tbt, to'nrr-q Of ni*nl)l,- fated, nerel; hinko n imir (-f 01-Noq to l,ovi,r I,Js sI.rV Inv thr trior11t, In oil 4. I,:" Lil'alp land awl tit -nth. and the fom " "Arul %%hen was thnt. pray')" M()9f ;-wl tbp III,' Wiwi n.1% IT IAl111A I A� TY1 A I III ng neres crop "At Ihe tirine lit, walk brithirtg P I I ly Iland I "I'linctor. At %wry.' nro %-(it, Cn%e tie itirltation itIt I nhv. IN ill fill 10' fit V li-lit ItAirt rIf Oilq irrmind 11119 *,in,thintl Iliet %no anid %vos go 1 olioIrpthpr nwl MIlil'.1 t, f, I1,% hint In vnrloutivirk,i; for now atort ennetawntm t111tiv III'), I. -I. ntrAw -,r nt, 1-weilit on r%, A lot of It nt f vou al%ei me rorrl,l-hirvir that'IA pst,, i,i
forv, 1, tIv 114mvi4l to nolorious hn-I Jor it. ft' bN litivrioretl rind 'hill orhf h,r ITId rinill John Will, when h lient -ir " .. - . I
In of In fit the, noinhor of whO sit.-
ttle It, horn in pritlon. took poqqpRM
hr,J r land nrid kindly farien(lilf I for Nfrp W-lorlY-"U'lluit tA thi differ-lbeinr crinlinuriliv tit, 1101 or Ir. I A itif qoli4l w,ji im, them, not forgetting to put thl. pro- PlAr" I.Awgwn mported rind tr"c- Triaroirloq as ....... n,. porlmr?" wederly-1,we-11. my denr. Vito, Ism
pitv oho Tsip of Mallq, rhiv Itileind. fil in his nwn pockotm. I riqir, ,,, 8,0011 fow. III the hisrhIcAlA of ohn Roll has ovor %(010 ou req (if ork wOre nin bon"I n -hip j%Il Ait
r,lh,D grantp in the- I Tylli (In frult Orchards, and thesp hr I leaqen that tied JUM tinilml for Porno fort-ign tit74
ind Ila bnlldingia are rill fl'&nl to Wnnnts. 11119 shootrInd moorq Imitirf. nnd I remnirt"I nt. hoill. - Nf-o I'lle lOni; Ft the %T4wf4%rIy-"YfQ: nnd then� Will4oriv OpinthatlenlIv)- it, Tvnq I n,n I R 4#Fn Nam 111111941- bring In $100.000 a 1 A'Telog RICO white naf) ou VROA04 Ike exported an� 54h, (much 1130% ed i- "Thr, or4xl, ommandemiled" itiont of It hem self at 11
tw. %ou 0,
imAriblo. 'Piarrion't Weekly, I Wokdd b* trunspoKed." thfing I* j%nt,ctpsitKI .,A oin wirrt( r riAhincoq